haha hes ok, but he just rages easily since he likes to be the best at everything but i just happen to be the best out of our group at smash, he doesnt like that and its because my chars are cheap i play game and watch,ike,marth,lucas,zss and pit, the only chars i dont really like are the space animals and mario gamers, game and watch is cheap tbh against noobs who dont tech ,
but the second he was like well **** u and went gnw against me and started trying to get down throws-down smash and i tech out of it everytime hes like wtf! marth is magic! im like no.. everone can get out of it you just have to tech it correctly, hes like narrrrr, he just easily rages.. and anyone who saw me play at the tournament knows im a pretty average player, im good at comboing but i dont have enough tourny experience to be consistent but that being said im not a bad loser i had fun in all my matches..