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Smash Brawl UK Social Thread


I'm sharpening my knife, kupo.
Aug 9, 2006
Brawl is different in a lot of ways, primarily to do with the punish game (shield pressuring/juggling/edgeguarding etc. is vastly different) but also in the neutral position due to how different Brawl's movement is. I can compete with a decent amount of brawlers, but when I play the top players the differences between both games (and the difference between our skill levels at the game) become very apparent.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
Brawl is different in a lot of ways, primarily to do with the punish game (shield pressuring/juggling/edgeguarding etc. is vastly different) but also in the neutral position due to how different Brawl's movement is. I can compete with a decent amount of brawlers, but when I play the top players the differences between both games (and the difference between our skill levels at the game) become very apparent.
exactly. The reason I don't play brawl (because I like playing brawl) is because I can't seem to get anywhere in any brawl event


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
exactly. The reason I don't play brawl (because I like playing brawl) is because I can't seem to get anywhere in any brawl event
well, you only get better by playing
although spending money on placing nowhere is disheartening at all times. i know this firsthand XD

speaking of crossing over, im using sheik in melee again. ftilt too good
shame i still cant shorthop with her, even if i concentrate solely on that XD i cant help but feel the buttons on my pad stick a little


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
well i dunno, it could jsut be me, but it feels a lot stiffer when compared to hugos controller, i was using that for a month or so because the wire is extra long on it

Alpha Dash

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2009
London / Croydon
hmmmm. So you say you're a brawl prodigy and iz really good cos I bare only play melee Dash? Ok

I'm a person who plays melee and hardly any brawl at all (some of the other brawlers on here will say that I am not very good) and I rekon I can beat ya at it. £1mm?
I'll definitely brawl MM you, £2 lets do it

not to be funny dujuan but the top 3 brawlers would still **** the crap out of you and make you feel like a complete noob, regardless of how well you do vs mid level brawlers (I'm talking from experience here).
I know this, same as melee, top 3 ****, everyone is minor in comparison.

i asure you none of us are like that LOL
ask GP and brado ;)

I **** at brawl OOC cant handle me, beat prof and AD yee

fair enough i lost the set, when i first played you and won you were like :urg: how did i lose to a melee player

@AlphaDash not to sure if I can make thursday croydon tourney. Results Day is today... (Gcse)
A bit of a pisstake tbh, cause I haven't been to croydon for a while now sigh

man up, no need to celebrate, just get your results and go.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
I'll definitely brawl MM you, £2 lets do it

I know this, same as melee, top 3 ****, everyone is minor in comparison.

ask GP and brado ;)

fair enough i lost the set, when i first played you and won you were like :urg: how did i lose to a melee player

man up, no need to celebrate, just get your results and go.

it's quite amusing how you think you're so amazing at brawl when you have no results to back it up. By the way, you're not the only melee player that can play brawl well. Fuzzyness for example could probably beat you easily ;)


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2009
The B Button
Next time I can ever be bothered to go to a Brawl tourney, he should play me. If he can't even beat me (and I haven't played it properly in ****ing forever) then it's probably not even worth reading his posts any more.

btw I am not trying to instigate beef. I'm just saying.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
ask GP and brado ;)
Check back a page, youre pretty god when compared to the length of time you claim to have been playing. but with how hard you were hyping yourself (prof too, must be a melee player thing) i was expecting you to take a game or two off me, once again. same to prof (even though i didnt ply him in tournament or MM, we still played angerlies)

it's quite amusing how you think you're so amazing at brawl when you have no results to back it up. By the way, you're not the only melee player that can play brawl well. Fuzzyness for example could probably beat you easily ;)
actually. AD vs. fuzzy in brawl would be pretty close. They both main rob. fuzzy uses D3 also, but its terrible in comparison to his r.o.b (d3 should never be losing to ike on FD, let alone 2-stocked) and ive played both of them in serious matches at the last time either of them have played proper tournament matches.
they play so similar and at the same skill level. it would be a match worth watching at the very least

Alpha Dash

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2009
London / Croydon
does that mean im a melee player?
no but you should be! you dont even play smash any more

Check back a page, youre pretty god when compared to the length of time you claim to have been playing. but with how hard you were hyping yourself (prof too, must be a melee player thing) i was expecting you to take a game or two off me, once again. same to prof (even though i didnt ply him in tournament or MM, we still played angerlies)

actually. AD vs. fuzzy in brawl would be pretty close. They both main rob. fuzzy uses D3 also, but its terrible in comparison to his r.o.b (d3 should never be losing to ike on FD, let alone 2-stocked) and ive played both of them in serious matches at the last time either of them have played proper tournament matches.
they play so similar and at the same skill level. it would be a match worth watching at the very least
i was trolling a little

brad exceeded pools at the last london monthly and SmashGT iirc :S
I was kidding, i just see you guys more as brawlers than melee players.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
in our money match?
nice johns. but it was obvious, no-one in their right mind would ever get hit by ikes downtilt, its hitbox is tiny and is his 3rd worst move behind up throw and dowm smash

Alpha Dash

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2009
London / Croydon
what? physics i dont know... tbh, i get hit by stuff a lot because i have to character knowledge or any idea about frames, once i get used to all that then i'll be able to give you a better match, I've never played against an ike before you.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
what? physics i dont know... tbh, i get hit by stuff a lot because i have to character knowledge or any idea about frames, once i get used to all that then i'll be able to give you a better match, I've never played against an ike before you.
well, here is an in-depth rundown of how ike is played at high level:

but yeah, my area of expertise is in frame data, hitboxes and stuff like that, because it sure as **** aint in skill XD

I've hit Calz with Ike's dtilt before ... several times. :troll:
it doesnt count if he is intoxicated in any form


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2011
kent uk
hey didnt know where to introduce myself! im a brawl player from kent, im not pro or anything but i think i can hold my own abit! play for fun!

i main mr game and watch and lucas (for funsies) also play some ddd and marth.. actually i play alot of different charachter cos i find im too good to play mains with my friends so i figured id find some people on the smashboard! i never really got into online gaming on wii cos it is so **** and always laggy, but if theres people playing in uk hopefully it wouldnt be so bad! if theres any ever smash gatherings near kent id love to come assuming im not working

p.s when i say im "good" at brawl i mean in noob terms :) im sure ill get my *** handed by 90% of the forum haha


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
So Red Bull doesn't count? :|
intonxicated means uner the infleuence of chemicals, so yes it counts

hey didnt know where to introduce myself! im a brawl player from kent, im not pro or anything but i think i can hold my own abit! play for fun!

i main mr game and watch and lucas (for funsies) also play some ddd and marth.. actually i play alot of different charachter cos i find im too good to play mains with my friends so i figured id find some people on the smashboard! i never really got into online gaming on wii cos it is so **** and always laggy, but if theres people playing in uk hopefully it wouldnt be so bad! if theres any ever smash gatherings near kent id love to come assuming im not working

p.s when i say im "good" at brawl i mean in noob terms :) im sure ill get my *** handed by 90% of the forum haha
cool stuff. well if you can always make it to one of the tournaments in london (i think there is one soon) id be happy to play a few with you before tournament. also, i think we have a few players in kent. but they dont come on the forum.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2011
kent uk
yeah that would be cool im looking for people to play online also, but im not sure how great the connection is ive only ever played random or americans and i rarely have a "playable" experience with that.. smash is such an awesome game its such a same its under represented online.. what with wii's capabilities online being pretty apauling.

and yeah south london is pretty accessible by train, north london might be abit of a stretch but still doable if i got plenty of time/ train fairs to kill!


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
well, the ones in north london are bigger. but if alpha-dash over there gets his big event in south london working then thats an easy one to get to for you
i think that from kent, you have to travel to kings cross and then get a tube from there.
i also plan on doing my second event this winter, it is-however-in norfolk, but a fair few melee players know how to get here now. so you can always travel with them
ill give you some games some point soon. i cant play tomorrow, but ill play you monday evening if that works. my connection is okay. so it would hopefulyl be at least playable


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2011
kent uk
sounds good, and yeah it depends on my circumstances at the time, i dont drive and a work as a pianist so my work schedule can be quite erratic. any yeah charing cross is pretty easy to get to from where i am and victoria, its more finding exactly where to go while in london haha, also since im new here i dont want to impose myself, its better to get chatting to people first that way they wont be all like! haha pixlfayc! what a noob :) id like to think of myself as an ego booster :)


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
sounds good, and yeah it depends on my circumstances at the time, i dont drive and a work as a pianist so my work schedule can be quite erratic. any yeah charing cross is pretty easy to get to from where i am and victoria, its more finding exactly where to go while in london haha, also since im new here i dont want to impose myself, its better to get chatting to people first that way they wont be all like! haha pixlfayc! what a noob :) id like to think of myself as an ego booster :)
well, the tube station of choice is llford. the one next to redbridge, its easy enough to get to from victoria or charing cross. i could always meet you there ^^
also, the general rule is dont be an *** and youre cool with everyone XD


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2011
kent uk
yeah to be fair almost everyone ive spoken to on the forum has been cool

and ahh illford is about 1hr from charing but i just saw they have a fast train to stratford which would make the journey only 1hr 9 mins too ilford which is epically fast! shame the fast tickets are 22quid, still its better than a 2hr jouney up to charing then ilford
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