Upcoming Events!
Ok so here is the plan for next week. On Friday the 22nd Me and Calz were planning on coming down to London for the monthly on the 23rd. Then coming back on Sunday the 24th, back to Scunthorpe for a Week long smashfest.
As we come back to Scunthorpe, smashers can come back with us and we can travel back to Scunthorpe together for the week long smashfest. Atm its £9 to get back plus itl prolly be even cheaper to get back to London, this is via Megabus.com.
So tell me what you think about it, it seems like a perfect time for it cuz its like end of July, the holidays begin here for most people.
ALSO WE NEED TO HOUSE AT SOMEONE'S PLACE FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT, SO PLZ POST. K.Mac you can come with us as well, il book for you so dw about that.