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Smash Brawl Icon Discovery


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2007
New England
The list is not alphabetical at all. This has been disproved long ago. The only sort of order that we know about is that the icons are groups according to first franchise appearance.

Don't expect MG to be 17...it wouldn't make sense. There will be plenty of franchises after 18. How many times do I have to say this?
It was never really disproven. Even when you factor in choosing between both character and series names, the odds of being able to form an alphabetical list like this just by coincidence are very low. However, using the alphabetical order to predict specific newcomers isn't too reliable anyway, since you DO have to consider both the character and series name.

Why wouldn't it make sense for Metal Gear to be number 17? I mean, it's not a sure thing, as Snake could just as easily be one of the ones to go by character name or third parties could have their own section, but I don't see any evidence that he can't be number 17.

And I'm pretty much everyone agrees there will be more after 18. Well, a few crazy people from earlier in the thread kept saying that there wouldn't be, but nonetheless.


Smash Lord
Jun 11, 2005
So now Mr. Game & Watch is pretty much confirmed, I guess. He's the only one that can possibly fit at 13.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2007
Just as GaryCXJk pointed out, 12 is probably "Aiku", keeping that 12-14 range in alphabetical order by character (Aiku -> Gemu ando Uotchi-san -> Popo).
It doesn't matter whether it's Aiku or not, cause either way, Game & Watch is next aplhabetically. It does support his theory that it switches between character and game name, but that doesn't really say anything about the characters later on. Snake could be 17, but he doesn't have to be. They could choose to go with his character name, or not. I think we can say with a lot of confidence (with or without GaryCXJK's theory) that Game & Watch is probably 13, Snake could be 17 or something past 18, and there will almost definitely be more characters after 18.

Also, for number 15, the animal crossing symbol, if you follow GaryCXJK's theory, it's a character name like he said. First of all, we don't know there is an animal crossing character yet, so it could end up using the series name (Dōbutsu no Mori) which would fit. If it were a character name, it'd have to be something before M. The likely candidates for Brawl from Animal Crossing are Tom Nook and K.K. Slider (at least I think they're the only ones who stand a chance). Tom Nook (Tanuki) and K.K. Slider (Totakeke), the two most likely characters IMO, do not fit there, leaving me to believe that the character and game alternation pattern does not exist. It could just be a coincedence that many of the game and character names can be switched around but still fit.

EDIT: If Snake points out not to be 17, the theory would still stand, by the way.
If Snake is 17, then you're theory about the alternation is incorrect, but the main theory can still be correct. If snake is 17, the only thing that can fit there is the series name, Metal Gear (Metaru Gia). That would mean that number 17 is a game, not a character, and your theory wouldn't work. Unfortunately, since Snake and Game & Watch are probably unlockable, we won't really find out anything about this till the game is out (or if some other series that we didn't expect takes spots 13 or 17 - that doesn't seem likely though).

Drik Khaail

Smash Ace
Jul 25, 2006
with ice climbers confirmed, according to the theory, is game and watch somewhat confirmed???


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Also, for number 15, the animal crossing symbol, if you follow GaryCXJK's theory, it's a character name like he said. First of all, we don't know there is an animal crossing character yet, so it could end up using the series name (Dōbutsu no Mori) which would fit. If it were a character name, it'd have to be something before M. The likely candidates for Brawl from Animal Crossing are Tom Nook and K.K. Slider (at least I think they're the only ones who stand a chance). Tom Nook (Tanuki) and K.K. Slider (Totakeke), the two most likely characters IMO, do not fit there, leaving me to believe that the character and game alternation pattern does not exist. It could just be a coincedence that many of the game and character names can be switched around but still fit.
Aha, but that brings me back to my original Animal Crossing characters suggestion, which would actually be more Animal Crossing than anyone would think:



Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2007
Aha, but that brings me back to my original Animal Crossing characters suggestion, which would actually be more Animal Crossing than anyone would think:

I guess we're just gunna have to see:
1) if there's an animal crossing character
2) who fits in 13 (it's almost definitely Game & Watch at this point)
3) who fits in 17 (could be snake, although he could fit somewhere else - your theory only remains true if he is indeed somewhere else)


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
wasn't blanca the cat with no face?

Hmmm, what if his face is customizable? :O

Now Blanca COULD have a ***** on her face, but if people were given the possibility to disable custom faces during (online) versus matches, it wouldn't be a problem.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
I think the alphabetizing theory is bizzare conpiracy-theory bullcrap.
Game&watch is NOT confirmed.
Ice Climbers returned because they were starters. Starters don't get axed (except Ness, who will be replaced by Lucas, because they're nearly the same).


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2007
I think the alphabetizing theory is bizzare conpiracy-theory bullcrap.
Game&watch is NOT confirmed.
Ice Climbers returned because they were starters. Starters don't get axed (except Ness, who will be replaced by Lucas, because they're nearly the same).
No one is claiming that this theory is 100% true. It just seems like an unlikely coincidence that the symbols would be organized in such a way. I don't think anyone is saying that Game & Watch is confirmed, we're just saying that his chances just got a lot greater. Even when you don't consider this theory, his chances are still greater than they were before. It now seems that Sakurai will only be removing clones and not unique characters like Game & Watch (I'm not saying that's true either, but it does help support G&W's chances).

Chaos Paladin

Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2007
hmm idk if anyone has realized this or done this before but i found snakes symbol and i edited it and reduced it as it would look displayed on the dojo. Its not perfect cuz i sort of screwed up at the end >.>.

In one of the movies they show all the charecters with there symbols. The symbols are just faded in the background and barely noticable. If this has been posted already im sorry for reposting it >.<


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2007
I agree G&W's chances have gone up, but only by about 10%.
Whatever. We won't know until Brawl is released in Japan.
Well, we might actually find out a little sooner than that. If I recall correctly, Sakurai made an announcement about all of the secret characters right before melee came out so he could be the one to reveal them.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
I think the alphabetizing theory is bizzare conpiracy-theory bullcrap.
Game&watch is NOT confirmed.
Ice Climbers returned because they were starters. Starters don't get axed (except Ness, who will be replaced by Lucas, because they're nearly the same).
your going to be very disappointed... all of the original will stay.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
I noticed something interesting on the Smash Dojo that nobody else noticed.
When I was right clickling on some images.
I came upon this
This is the link to the image for Pit's icon

Now, see the 18 at the end of the number? well look at these.
http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/images/icon/world_b_10.gif -Mario series symbol
http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/images/icon/world_b_09.gif -Zelda Series Symbol
http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/images/icon/world_b_01.gif - Smash Bros Symbol

all the numbers at the end mean what number symbol they are.
This means there is currently a total of 18 different series that may appear in Brawl right now.

So far I detected the order

1.Smash Bros.
2.DK series
3.Fox series
4.Kirby Series
5.F-Zero series
6.Metroid Series
7.Earthbound/Mother series
8.Pokemon Series
9. Zelda Series
10. Mario series
11.Yoshi series
12.Fire Emblem icon
15.Animal Crossing icon
16.Wario symbol
17.??? (Possibly Snakes?)
18.Pit's Symbol

Also many members have thought the list is going in Alphabetical Order by Japanese names.

It's currently uncomfirmed if these 2 series will appear again

Aisu Kuraima (Ice Climbers) (Also can be known as Popo)
Gemu ando Uotchi (Game&Watch)
Could you give us the links for the unknown symbols?

I think I could shed some light on it...

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Mach Rider (I don't know the Japanese spelling, but I figure it still starts with M) is a frequent culprit as well.
Naw, even though Mach Rider is blatantly a character with an "M" starting in his name you have to remember in that area of the list, it's referring to franchises that debuted in Melee, so it wouldn't be any new ones. So Mr. Game & Watch is most likely, as he was the third new franchise to be revealed in Melee along with Fire Emblem and Ice Climbers.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
If it's alphabetical... Couldn't it possibly be Golden Sun and not Game and Watch? Just sayin... if GS character/stage was in.
Again, the section is referring to franchises that appeared in Melee. 1-11 is franchises that first appeared in Super Smash Bros., 12-14 is obviously franchises that premiered in Melee (Fire Emblem, ???, Ice Climbers; the only third franchise that premiered in Melee was Mr. Game & Watch), and the rest are most likely going to be franchises that will appear in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2006
Somerville/Lowell, Massachusetts USA
some people r dum. g&w is in its in order geez he has to b in.
besides the only people who dont want him r the idiots who didnt want iceclimbers or wavedashing.

basically let me sum up wat u "haters" think. U dont like g&w becuz u simply dont like his character for no reason at all other than ur negative mindset. you also dont want wavedash because u dont want to take enough initiative to want 2 learn it.

for the nonhaters u probably dont want 2 get ur hopes up which is understandable but its almost a given so just let loose.

besides g&w is a unique character theres no reason not 2 put him in esspecially since his moveset is pretty much alrdy there 4 the taking. he wasnt a clone either he has perfect chances.

the real question is how will they improve his graphics :laugh:


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2007
That's a pretty cool observation. It makes me wonder what other franchises will be represented in the game.

And BTW, the Ice Climbers franchise is in the game again, which fills up spot #14.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
some people r dum. g&w is in its in order geez he has to b in.
besides the only people who dont want him r the idiots who didnt want iceclimbers or wavedashing.

basically let me sum up wat u "haters" think. U dont like g&w becuz u simply dont like his character for no reason at all other than ur negative mindset. you also dont want wavedash because u dont want to take enough initiative to want 2 learn it.

for the nonhaters u probably dont want 2 get ur hopes up which is understandable but its almost a given so just let loose.

besides g&w is a unique character theres no reason not 2 put him in esspecially since his moveset is pretty much alrdy there 4 the taking. he wasnt a clone either he has perfect chances.

the real question is how will they improve his graphics :laugh:
Think before you speak. Game and Watch has one of the most poorly designed and balanced movesets in melee. He would need complete re-work to warrant return. I don't hate the character of G&W, only his awful moveset and a lack of scope for a wealth of deep, balanced moves. You're right to say he's unique but no one will shed a tear if he's left behind in Melee.

You could argue that Zelda has made it back despite being badly designed and balanced in Melee. And the evidence so far would suggest her moveset has remained largely unchanged. The difference with her is, she has a lot of scope for change and not only that pretty much has to be in Brawl because of how present she has been in The Legend of Zelda franchise.

Sakurai couldn't scrap IC's because they were a fantastic idea and one of the most dynamic and unusual characters from Melee. They brought a lot to the game, much unlike G&W was never really any good to anyone :p

I'm bored of typing now, but basically, I'd say other than the Snake symbol, there is only one new one to go. What's it going to be? Your guess is as good as mine (unless you say G&W in which case your guess is rubbish).


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
****, Mr. Game & Watch best be symbol number 13! :/ :\

He was, like, the most awesome character in SSBM with hella kickass moves.
kick *** moves like sausages, bucket, and side b! I'll admit his moves look cool, but as far as effect goes he's about as good as a kick in the nuts.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
I've seen people do awesome stuff with a unicycle, a flaming hoop and knives.

For some things, there is just no getting better.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2007
Real Thought

Ok. I'm going to post the most logical solution to all of this. If you don't agree with me, go ahead and say, because I don't care if you want to diss me, and I always enjoy a good verbal argument.

First, the empty 13th spot can only be taken up by a franchise that has somehow appeared in Smash. Images 1-11 represent all the franchises that have appeared from Super Smash Bros. 64, the first of all of the titles. From there on, you'll notice that 12 is Fire Emblem, 13 is ????, and 14 is the Ice Climbers. Now, at 15, franchises that have appeared from Brawl are in. So, franchises that were added in Melee have to be the spots filling 12-14. With only 3 franchises added in Melee, including Fire Emblem and Ice Climbers, which leaves only one, Game and Watch. Now, all of you guys like to say that, uh, maybe 13 is filled with another franchise, and names like Golden Sun and Metal Gear are thrown out. True Metal Gear is in, but Metal Gear is not 13. Ii all has to do with the positioning of the Brawl icons. If you noticed, people said that Tom Nook or Wario would be characters. They eventually did become characters or part of Brawl in a way, but they represent their own franchise. People like to say that Mach Rider, or Ray, or another trophy-character person is 13. They are wrong. Why? Because Wario, was a trophy in Melee, but do you see him in 13? No. Therefore, any trophy character that was not playable in Melee could not possibly be spot 13. However, there is a slight glitch. Balloon Fighter was once a playable character way back in melee’s earliest stages of development. However, he was scrapped, due to the few amounts of moves he has. He, therefore, is the only one outside of Game and Watch who could be 13. So c’mon, who do you think it could be, Game and Watch, or Balloon Fighter? My money is on G&W. Pertaining to the empty 17 spot, it has to be Metal Gear, because that was one of the four franchises newly represented in smash in the first trailer. Outside of 18, it’s anyone’s guess. I might be wrong with Snake, but I have a good idea.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2007
New England
I know that G&W's chances are still very high. However, at the same time, I just can't picture him and Wario coexisting. The whole point of G&W was that he was so bizarre and different from anyone else. With both him and Wario sharing so many attributes, each one makes the other exponentially less intereting by comparison. They'd cancel each other out. If Wario had never existed, then I'd have written G&W off as a sure addition too, but with the situation being as it is, I'm compelled to treat any other possibility with a lot more seriousness. Given that the ordering system in this list was meant for internal use only, and does not depend on our perception of it, then it follows that any character who may have been playable in a pre-release version of Melee could, legally, fit into the 13th slot without breaking the pattern.

I mean, even knowing all this, I'd still say that Game and Watch's chances are probably about 70%, if not greater. But he and Wario clash on so many points that I feel that I should be open to other possibilities...and since I do believe that this list was deliberately categorized, then a pre-release beta character is the only other possibility. The odds may not be great, but I feel that this possibility is certainly non-negligible, and I can't bring myself to ignore it.


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2007
The Bay Area
Interesting...this statement of yours actually seems logical. It's well thought out. If this is true, then this would be a huge discovery in deciphering SSBB. Nonetheless, it's still a big discovery. 5 starred!

*starts G&W chant*
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