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Smash Brawl Icon Discovery


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I know that G&W's chances are still very high. However, at the same time, I just can't picture him and Wario coexisting. The whole point of G&W was that he was so bizarre and different from anyone else. With both him and Wario sharing so many attributes, each one makes the other exponentially less intereting by comparison. They'd cancel each other out. If Wario had never existed, then I'd have written G&W off as a sure addition too, but with the situation being as it is, I'm compelled to treat any other possibility with a lot more seriousness. Given that the ordering system in this list was meant for internal use only, and does not depend on our perception of it, then it follows that any character who may have been playable in a pre-release version of Melee could, legally, fit into the 13th slot without breaking the pattern.

I mean, even knowing all this, I'd still say that Game and Watch's chances are probably about 70%, if not greater. But he and Wario clash on so many points that I feel that I should be open to other possibilities...and since I do believe that this list was deliberately categorized, then a pre-release beta character is the only other possibility. The odds may not be great, but I feel that this possibility is certainly non-negligible, and I can't bring myself to ignore it.
Him and Wario...that's your basis of no Game & Watch...I've heard this for a while now and I think it's the most ignorant of theories. Wario is about sick and twisted humor...Game and Watch is bizzare randomness humor. Game & Watch is like a homage to the ancient ancestors of handheld games while Wario is just some Evil Mario Clone thing...

I don't see how they have any similarities


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2007
Like I said from before, a pre-release character is the only one outside of Game and Watch who could somehow make it in. But I know what you mean by saying Wario and G&W shouldn't coexist. However, I do have a few reasons for why he should stay. First, why remove characters when there are a number of people hwo actually use that charatcer. I know for G&W the number of people who use him might be so high, but admittedly, there are people who use him. A good buddy of mine uses him. Secoind is nostalgia. Having him is ike an homage to classic Nintendo, and his orignality should not be dobted. Lastly, sure he and Wario do move similarly, with the whole frame-by-frame thing, but Wario uses a motorcycle, farts, bites, and creates atomic explosions out of his rear end. G&W uses a variety of totally random moves from his collection of games. They play very differently, and should both be in. Should Luigi be cut becuase hes just like Mario? Maybe Falco could get axed because we have Fox? Marth or Roy? IT's just easier to leave him in for those reasons.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
We've only seen a couple clips of Wario...we don't know if he moves like that all the time yet


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
Watch this...

and this...

then tell me how Wario will be anything like Game & Watch... maybe in weird levels, but I have a feeling Sakurai wont cut a character because he's weird.

Wario farts and drives a motorcycle. Game and Watch swings turtles and pours oil. And think! How much time and thought was spent making such an awesome tribute to the Game & Watch series! Not to mention how easy it'd be to bring him over, I mean, they really wouldn't have to improve his graphics at all! And it's not like his animations take half the time other characters do! Game&Watch is 13. He will be in Brawl. There's absolutely no reason not to port him over.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2007
New England
I'm not saying that Game and Watch and Wario are exactly alike or share a single moveset or anything. But for me, the single most distinctive thing about Mr. Game and Watch was the way he moved. Not even just his attacks specifically, but everything. The way he just jerked around, with only a couple of frames of actual animation. I actually always had trouble fighting against him because I could never properly predict his movements of follow him with my eyes...

Now go look at Wario's section in the second trailer (starting at 40 seconds). Look at the way he runs, and how it looks when he thrusts his hands in the air. He does that same kind of abrupt, jerky motion. It's a little less obvious than it was for the two-dimensional G&W, of course, but watching it, I feel like when they were designing Wario, they were thinking, "Let's take the essence of Mr. Game and Watch, and apply it to a 3-D character."

Like I said, it's not impossible for them to both be in the game...I mean, it's not even that unlikely...but since the beginning, I've had a feeling that Wario was intended to be the new Mr. Game and Watch. I mean, what else could possibly have possessed them to design him like that?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I'm not saying that Game and Watch and Wario are exactly alike or share a single moveset or anything. But for me, the single most distinctive thing about Mr. Game and Watch was the way he moved. Not even just his attacks specifically, but everything. The way he just jerked around, with only a couple of frames of actual animation. I actually always had trouble fighting against him because I could never properly predict his movements of follow him with my eyes...

Now go look at Wario's section in the second trailer (starting at 40 seconds). Look at the way he runs, and how it looks when he thrusts his hands in the air. He does that same kind of abrupt, jerky motion. It's a little less obvious than it was for the two-dimensional G&W, of course, but watching it, I feel like when they were designing Wario, they were thinking, "Let's take the essence of Mr. Game and Watch, and apply it to a 3-D character."

Like I said, it's not impossible for them to both be in the game...I mean, it's not even that unlikely...but since the beginning, I've had a feeling that Wario was intended to be the new Mr. Game and Watch. I mean, what else could possibly have possessed them to design him like that?
I doubt their logic in making him run funny was to make him the new "Game and Watch"


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2007
New England
I doubt their logic in making him run funny was to make him the new "Game and Watch"
I can't imagine why they would have given him such a kooky and dramatic kind of animation unless they wanted it to be distinctive. And it's not so distinctive when multiple people are doing it.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 14, 2007
Toronto, ON
I doubt their logic in making him run funny was to make him the new "Game and Watch"
Quote for ultimate truth.

Give me a break. You guys REALLY think because Wario moves kind of quirky that G&W is automatically gone? I suppose there should only be two characters in Brawl. One that moves normally, and one that moves with a reduced framerate...?

EDIT: reply to above post: Wario moves like that 'cause he's exaggerated and weird. Game and Watch moves like that because the games he comes from, he only had two or three frames of animation. They're still very distinctive for different reasons.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2007
New England
Wario being quirky does NOT mean that Mr. Game and Watch is "automatically gone". It IS, however, an argument towards removing him. There are also other many other arguments against removing him. Arguments which will probably win in the end, I freely admit. But you never know for sure, so I like to explore all the rational possibilities.

Why would we have taken this list prediction so far, if not in hopes of gleaning information from it? To pick one possibility out of several and treat it as 100% certainty does a disservice to all the work and detailed speculation which has gone into building this thread. You could have said "I really like Mr. Game and Watch, I think he will definitely be in Brawl" without ever looking at the icon list of you wanted. But that's not really in the spirit of true speculation, is it?


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2006
Somerville/Lowell, Massachusetts USA
Think before you speak. Game and Watch has one of the most poorly designed and balanced movesets in melee. He would need complete re-work to warrant return. I don't hate the character of G&W, only his awful moveset and a lack of scope for a wealth of deep, balanced moves. You're right to say he's unique but no one will shed a tear if he's left behind in Melee.

You could argue that Zelda has made it back despite being badly designed and balanced in Melee. And the evidence so far would suggest her moveset has remained largely unchanged. The difference with her is, she has a lot of scope for change and not only that pretty much has to be in Brawl because of how present she has been in The Legend of Zelda franchise.

Sakurai couldn't scrap IC's because they were a fantastic idea and one of the most dynamic and unusual characters from Melee. They brought a lot to the game, much unlike G&W was never really any good to anyone :p

I'm bored of typing now, but basically, I'd say other than the Snake symbol, there is only one new one to go. What's it going to be? Your guess is as good as mine (unless you say G&W in which case your guess is rubbish).
Lol was this a joke? You made me laugh anyways thanks.
kick *** moves like sausages, bucket, and side b! I'll admit his moves look cool, but as far as effect goes he's about as good as a kick in the nuts.
You fail to mention his good moves every1 has b moves that suck like marth. marth is still really good even though his bmoves suk.

Actually g&w suks. Money match? ill use g&w.
I've seen people do awesome stuff with a unicycle, a flaming hoop and knives.

For some things, there is just no getting better.
yea but only if u think that way. :p
Ok. I'm going to post the most logical solution to all of this. If you don't agree with me" this was not logical because it was way longer it needed 2 b.


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
You fail to mention his good moves every1 has b moves that suck like marth. marth is still really good even though his bmoves suk.
clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Marths B moves all have proper uses. I won't go any further into this because you're a noob, I now personally have the right to laugh in your face when G&W is not in Brawl. If he is, you can do the same. The fact that you are a noob and I'm not won't change by it i'm afraid :(

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Marths B moves all have proper uses. I won't go any further into this because you're a noob, I now personally have the right to laugh in your face when G&W is not in Brawl. If he is, you can do the same. The fact that you are a noob and I'm not won't change by it i'm afraid :(
Come up for a reason why G&W shouldn't be in Brawl!


Smash Hero
May 18, 2006
Brighton, UK
Come up for a reason why G&W shouldn't be in Brawl!
He's a cool character, I don't mind him coming back with a totally different moveset. But as he is, his design is terrible. If he's changed it's all gravy, if he's the same he deserves to die.

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I think the point theyre trying to put forth is that Sakurai obviously doesn't want to get rid of any original characters, even if they're obscure. So suck it.

Xaron Fisk

Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2004
if metal gear is not 17, does that mean there may be more nintendo franchises after 18


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
I can't imagine why they would have given him such a kooky and dramatic kind of animation unless they wanted it to be distinctive. And it's not so distinctive when multiple people are doing it.
Except one uses objects and weapons
The other one doesn't, except for his side B

Your logic: PHAILZ!

He's a cool character, I don't mind him coming back with a totally different moveset. But as he is, his design is terrible. If he's changed it's all gravy, if he's the same he deserves to die.
Do you think Kirby deserves to die then? >_>

Xaron Fisk

Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2004
Xaron Fisk: if you want to look at the discussion some people (me included) were having about that then its page 33-34 i think. youll see.
thanks : ) i found this post there:

Possible icons -

Number 17 (Between Made and Parutena)
Nazo no Murasamejou (Murasame's Mysterious Castle) - Takamaru
Ogon no Taiyo (Golden Sun) - Issac, Felix
Ouendan (Elite Beat Agents) - Elite Beat Agent
Panchi-Auto!! (Punch-Out!!) - Little Mac
Panel de Pon (Tetris Attack\Puzzle League) - Lip

Number 19+ (After Parutena)
Pikumin (Pikmin) - Captain Olimar
Ray\Kasutamu Robo (Ray\Custom Robo) - Ray
Shin Oni Ga Shima (New Island of Demons) - Hikari
Starfy\Densetsu No Starfy (Starfy\Legend of Starfy) - Starfy
Sukapon\Joy Mech Fight (Sukapon\Joy Mech Fight) - Sukapon

let's just hope 17 is a first party, otherwise our hopes for guys like olimar, megaman, sukapon are likely broken to pieces


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Didn't Sakurai himself say that every character will be revealed before the game is released?

And the whole "Series name matching the numbers of the .gifs" is totally broken. Character names are mixed with titles, which are mixed with incorrect Japanese names, which are mixed with English alphabetical order. There's no way it can be correct.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
I actually remembered it wrong. I was trying to remember this post in SamuraiPanda's Translation Thread.

SamuraiPanda said:
#251-260: Sakurai will make Snake (and all other guest, i.e. 3rd party, characters) into an unlockable character. Sakurai will also eventually reveal all the secret characters
For some reason I thought it had to do something with unlockable characters before the game's release date. But I guess I made random memories that I wished were true. xD
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