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SMASH ATTACK, Bremen - Germany Results & Shoutouts


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2007
Constantinopla, Spain

UÇKº: Very nice tourney. Thank you for everything. Only one complaint: we Spanish saw that we were seeded so bad. Daisuki and Peyudosmith were 4th of their pools and Ksta and me (M) were seeded 5º of ours. We are not tops, but, d a m n, we are better than 5th, i bet. Peyudo was 4th of his pool and the rest were 3r (i had same number of sets as Smasher89, who was 2nd),

Chrisboi: nice matches on pools. I saw you 13th in the results, so i guess that finally you were 4th of our pool and De_Glory 5th. Or that's a mistake.

Remen: ***** again. You are so ****in' good. See you in Epita.

Smasher89: very nice matches, man. You touched the ****ing roof of Mute City when i Usmashed you. So close, but you finally were 17th and have beaten me twice, so i guess you are obviously better than me. Possibly the most exciting tourney matches i played. Nice to meet you.
Ah, and i think that your Shiek is better against Peach than your Marth.

Amsah: Well i think you may not remember me (second set on brackets), but i think that set was nice. No doubts about you were going to **** me, but were nice anyway.

AE: Nice to meet you, man. Really nice freeplays. I told you a lot of times that i really like your Shiek style. Bad thing you aren't coming to Epita.

Yuna: Thank you. Once again you teached me some tips. And i liked a lot our dittos. Using your time on teaching me about Peach was really nice of you. And your welcome (about the spaghetti)

Aldwyn: your matches with Amsah on tourney were the best ones for me. Nice Falco.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2006
.tea: Das tourney muss gesuckt haben für dich so ganz ohne vietnamesen-und-co-team. Sry nochmal, dass ich in unseren pool matches so gecampt hab =/ Warum keine Samus?
_Void_ sry donno you
°UÇK: Hab kein einziges match gegen dich gespielt und so. Auch wenn wir am Anfang ein wenig Bedenken hatten, ob es sich ausgezahlt hat zu kommen, hast du deinen job im endeffekt ganz gut gemacht und danke fürs housing natürlich
Adam: waaay tooo goood, I'm glad i beat your Marth once by spamming fsmash xD
AE.: Aufm tourney haben wir uns ja dann net so oft gesehn, aber wir hatten eig eh einiges an freeplay mitenander. Macht immer Spaß mit dir also ich hoffe du kommst demnächst nach Wien
AJP_Anton: sry donno you
Aldwyn: your Falco reminds me alot of Zhu who is my Falco idol, so good ****. Pasi/BrokenBone still is too good against Falco ;P
Amsah: I dont understand dutch metagame, it's too good. In our first pool match you so completely ***** me, it wasn't even funny anymore ^^'
Aniolas: You kicked me into Losers, good ****, next time i get you =P
Armada: sry donno you...lol good ****
AvengerAngel: sry donno you
Basti: sry donno you
Baxon: DAAAAMN, i completely forgot to play against you =( I'll probably come to Paris with Pascal this summer so lets Falco ditto all dai then.
Bjay: sry donno you
Blackmoose: sry donno you
C: sry donno you
Cpt. Jadde: I beat you in pools =D When I played against you i thought that you're more into Brawl now tho =(
Cash Mooney: We didn't play at all =(
Chrisboi: sry donno you
Cron: sry donno you
Crypto: sry donno you
daGOTTh: sry donno you
Daisuki: sry donno you (well i know you from utube but didnt play you)
DancingQueen90: Verdammt bist du technical
Däumling: Waahh, ICs sind schwuul ;P
Dax: sry donno you
de_gLory^: Hast du echt geglaubt, du hast das mm gewonnen, weil du so imba bist?^^
Nächstes mal halt deinen Konsum ein bisschen im Zaum und dann spielen wir iwann am Tag und nicht 10 min bevor ich aufbrechen muss =P
Deep: sry donno you
Dev: sry donno you
Dings: sry donno you
Dönâ: wir haben kurz am anfang friendlies gezockt glaub ich?
Dr. Dead: gaar nix miteinander zu tun gehabt =/
Drrrwisch: da wär noch mehr rin gewesen aber was solls, team revenge of the nazis is too good
Efen: sry donno you
ETHO: sry donno you
fa5t: nix miteinander zu tun gehabt =/
Faab: thanks for helping me against Poilon's ICs ;P I'm .....umm "the trainingspartner of BrokenBone" haha
FarKila: sry donno you
Fiyuri: sry donno you
Flame: sry donno you
Flava Sava: boah hab dich voll unterschätzt, aber da bin ich selber schuld, nächstes mal wirds spannender
FleX: danke dass du uns und Benny zusammengebracht hast xD
FlikkFlakk: sry donno you
Flyfunner: sry donno you
Fuzzyness: When i watched the vids from that British tourney you messed up Marth-spacie-chaingrabs and suddenly your suuuper-technical wtf. Ganon-FFAs all night haha
Garalor: sry donno you
GK_: sry donno you
GOAT: sry donno you
Greute: sry donno you
Hero ot Time: sry donno you
Hugi: sry donno you
Ice: AAAhh, ich hab voll vergessen gegen dich zu spielen, SCHEEEIISSEEEEEE
Izaw: yoor melee link improved since SR =P
Jayarr: sry donno you
jon_***: hatten im LB die Ehre, dein Fox geht ja ab, war ur überrascht.
K.C.: noch hats nicht gereicht um ausden pools zukommen, aber keep it up, Falco is coool
Kirby Squad: sry donno you
kJaB: waah wir haben nur kurz friendlies gehabt wo ich gaar net eingepsielt war und da hast du mich ur gerapet. Am Ende hätt ich gern noch ein paar matches gegen dich gehabt, aber da wars dann schon zu spät =/
Kman: sry donno you
Kriz: sry donno you
Ksta: sry donno you
Kunai: sry donno you
Laatikko: sry donno you
Lawrencelot: sry donno you
Linkje: you beat pam? way too good =O
LPK: sry donno you
Luma: Wir hatten ein paar friendlies wo wir beide alles versaut haben >.< Danke fürs controller-dings-serdive, auch wenn ich dann drauf vergessen hab xD und grats natürlich für die superleistung
M: I gave you falco practice, next time you give me peach practice xD i realised i suck vs Peach
Makkura: nix miteinander zu tun gehabt =7
Marc: Your set vs baxon was fun to watch and next time our mm wil be a real match ;P
Marcus_90: sry donno you
marLey*: sry donno you
Mäse: sry donno you
Me133(7): haha das ihr dann echt noch aufgetaucht seid war cool^^
Milkman: so vom smashen nix miteinander zu tun gehabt, aber hab dich immer wieder iwo gehört haha, kommst mir sympathisch vor, nächstes mal machen wir bissl freeplay =D
Mizar: sry donno you
Morph_blue: Wie ihr uns halt aus team raushaut und du einen Fanclub dir zusammengewinnst xD
Neutroni: Your Marth is awsome
Nihil: sry donno you
NINA: sry donno you
NorwegianLink: I won our mm, but **** the 1€ =P
NRG: gar nix meiteinander zu tun gehabt =/
Paiki: sry donno you
Pamaro: sry, hab dich net mal gscheit zurückgegrüßt =(. Immerhin hatten wir ein paar teamfriendlies
Pasi: =D
Peyudosmith: sry donno you
Phantasma: siehe Dan ^^
pheX: sry donno you
PO: sry donno you
Poilon: your so good with every character =O I'll probably come to paris in summer with Pascal =D
Porc: sry donno you
Prosmasher Tim: hab ur vergessen, dass wir ein MM hatten >.< Nächstes mal =P
Q: sry donno you
Raiden: sry donno you
Random-Ness: We had some friendlis at UCKs
Ravenlord: Haben wir überhaupt einaml gegen einander gespielt? Egal, du kommst ja im Mai
reaper: Unsere friendlies haben voll Bock gemacht =D Hast du das edgecancel'd knee to edgehog recordet? Das war da wo du plötzlich Nasenbluten bekommen hast =P
Rebaz: sry donno you
Remen: we didn't play this time, but too good
RJ: das glecihe wie bei alex PS: deutschlAAAAND
Ryu (aus Italien): sry donno you
Ryu (aus Hannover): v
Ryuker: sry donno you
Sagl: ok in pools =)
Salepate: see Baxon =P
Samochan: Your Peach is alright
Sanchan: "Sanchan and Samochan" xD
Sero: sry donno you
Shiara: sry donno you
Smasher89: sry donno you
SolaR: sry donno you
StarWolf: sry donno you
SuMa: good ****, aber an einigen Sachen musst du noch arbeiten, keep it up
Tero: Wir haben nur ein paar super-serious frienlies iwann in der Nacht immer xD Lustig wars auf jeden fall
Timo: Falco dittos gegen dich machen ur Bock, da kriegich dann techskill-mäßig plötzlich alles hin xD Arbeite an deinem spacing und deinem edgeguard ;D
Tonberry: good ****
UchihaJP: Too bad we didn't do our MM, but at least we talk on msn now and then. next time we have to play alot more than just some team matches at the very beginning ^^
Vegeta: nix miteinander zu tun gehabt =/
Vilness: sry donno you
Wingz35: sry donno you
Witchking_of_Angmar: not bad, ARbeite an deinem spacing und sei etwas geduldiger,
Wuschel: gar nix miteinander zu tin gehabt =/
xFlare: sry donno you
Yikarur: sry donno you
Yume: ein bisschen freeplay um 5 in der früh hatten wir ^^, war lustig
Yuna: NO I WONT MM YOU haha
ZeroFrames: gar nix miteinander zu tun gehabt =/
Zero-G: gar nix miteinander zu tun gehabt =/
ZetTroxX: Ich hab erst gegen dich begonnen meinen Falco wieder aufzuwärmen also danke, sonst wär ich nie 2ter im pool geworden=D Du spielst einen effektiven Falco (i like) und das du meine in place tech so mit fsmash gepunished hast, hat mich immer wieder überrascht. Noch ist dein Falco zu einseitig, aber ich denke, wenn du dran bleibst wird der noch ziemlich gut
Zgetto: you and Faab destroyed us in teams ... it was fun haha


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Rotterdam/Terneuzen, Holland, Europe
Aldwyn said:
LAWRENCELOT: AvengerAngel sucks, but you should already know that =P. Your Sheik doesn’t though, it seems like your SSB64 skills have transferred into Melee pretty well =P. The team matches at 2 AM at Nina’s were just the most awesome part of the whole tourney xD.
Actually I played melee competitively before I started with SSB64, and for AA it's the other way around and he just started with melee I think. I was so tired in those team matches lol, I could barely wavedash and then ICE kept resting with jiggs and I kept saving him with jabs... but it was all a lot of fun.

I forgot some people in the other thread, so I'll continue my shoutouts here:

AskeLink: I enjoyed our friendlies. I wanna know who's the best of us because I don't know, MM next time?
captainsmashie: nice friendlies, falcon vs sheik is hard so keep working on that
Samochan: sorry bout your controller. I really like your Peach, I don't play Peach but that combo on Ice in the poul matches was freaking awesome, almost as nice as Armada's combo on Amsah.
Ice: stop resting so much in teams! I enjoyed playing with you, I'll probably see you in the Netherlands some time.
AE: good poul matches
ajp_anton: good poul matches. Can't believe I lost from your Luigi, I play that char as well so I could have exploited it's weaknesses more.
Fyuri: I enjoyed playing ssb64 with you and the other german guy and me133(7), you should play online some time
Rebaz: drink some more falcon punch!


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2006
ajp_anton: good poul matches. Can't believe I lost from your Luigi, I play that char as well so I could have exploited it's weaknesses more.
Never underestimate my Luigi =)
Actually I should've played him a lot more... only used him on two matches during the whole tournament, even though my Falco sucked that day.

Next time I'll remember to add a time limit on the recorded .avi files... having more than 2^31 audio samples in one file causes lots of problems...!


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2006
Sagl from Austria, but i think I'll change my nick again...

It's so hard to explain a foreigner how to pronounce it, haha


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Ah, I found my lost controller like two days after the tourney. I don't think I would've done much better with it instead of the one I did use but at least I would've done less jabs instead of grabs (the Z-button kept getting stuck) and shieldgrabs instead of shieldhopped nairs (I dunno, the Y-button might've been brokenish).

But I did OK for someone who hadn't been to a tournament in a year, I guess.

Yuna: Thank you. Once again you teached me some tips. And i liked a lot our dittos. Using your time on teaching me about Peach was really nice of you. And your welcome (about the spaghetti)
Of course I'm gonna teach you about Peach if you ask me. We all have to help each other along. Yeah, thanks for the pasta. It was good. I'm so totally coming to Spain for a tournament sometime just to **** Dahean. Someone break him and his girlfriend up before that to make it easier.

Yuna: NO I WONT MM YOU haha
Silence, I'll kill you!

Freeplay was nice, and ur market actions with ur swedisch flag calling "MONEYMATCH ME" haha. Did u sell ur pies? didnt see it. Btw. Thanks for the cake, it was really nice smile Uck told me it was for free, sorry if it wasnt =(
Only the manga. And Naruto: GNT 4. Anyway, that was the Finnish flag :p. But I did manage to get, like, 10 people to MM me using that tactic. I MM:ed every single Spaniard at the tournament except for the girl, who I don't think was a Smasher. I didn't make that cake, but UCK said it was free, so I had some myself :D. Refer to my shoutout to Captain Smashie01 regarding the pies >_>'.

As for the others, I'm really bad at shoutouts. Good job to everyone who did well. Thanks for the matches to anyone who played me (except Neutroni. Neutroni is lame. **** Marth). I hope to see you again to the people I had fun with. I'm really bad with names, which is why I'm not mentioning names. Also, if I mention names, the people whose names I don't mention (because I'm bad with names) will probably get ticked off.

Next time, there will be pie!


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
It was Timo

10 chars
You sure? Cause there was another falco player there who went to help adam when my team owned him.

Where is Timo from? I haven't prolly ever teamed with a falco player that hasn't hit me with everything until him, and the results of not hitting me continuously were fairly astounding lol. =D I'd like have a possible teammate from him if he's amendable.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2005
I faced one wario in this tournament, don't remember who used him though.
That was me, and next time I'll beat your IC's ;P
still a bit pissed about the result between us, because I already found a way to at least survive your chaingrabs >_>


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Hyllykallio, Finland
**** I missed this one. Sounded like an awesome tourney :D

But I'm quite sure that most of guys don't even recognize me, (some might remember me from RoS4, but only few guys :p) but I hope I'll see ou guys at the next big European tourney :) wherever it takes it's place :)

But I expected that Neutroni might do well, and that happened :D. Way to go Finland.

To be the best, you gonna beat the bËst :D


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2008
Paris, France
Tournament was awesome. We had such a funny and scary trip to get there and come back.

UCK, you pushed yourself to the limit for this one, thank you very much !
The only thing dissapointing was the late hour the bracket started and the matches in best of 3... but hey, i suppose it's great since you do this for the first time and (mostly) on your own.

Norwegians ! good to see you again.
Kriz, **** happens :(, Tonberry goood job !

Armada, you're way too good. Congratz again, your Peach is sexier than ever.

Nice to meet the Austrians, I hope I'll play you next time.

AE. : ****, we didn't play this time. But we had fun during your money match against Salepâte =)

Aldwyn : You made me want to play Falco again/even more.

Cash Mooney : I enjoyed our freeplay matches. Come back this summer to TSL4 with M2K and Scar =p

Efen : Did we play ? Anyway it was nice seeing you again.

FlikkFlakk : Crazier than ever. You're too much fun dude ! But leave my beard alone.

kJaB : Thanks for all the advices ! You're definitly one of the people I like playing against the most !

Ksta : You improved from SMACK to ESA3, so keep it up this way.

Linkje : Good job beating Pamaro.

Makkura : So cool that you main Ganon now ! Keep it up.

Samochan : I was worried having to face you in Bracket, but in the end it was close matches, and I liked your Peach.

Tero & Yume : Don't worry guys you're still good in teams lol :) Maybe you sandbaged or something. Playing teams with you is always nice !

UchilaJP : Cool guy ! I like your Sheik (no grab gimp, crouch down smash etc. :p)

Zgetto : Only one freeplay match, but it was great to finally play you.

I hope I didn't forget anyone I played/talked with.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
That was me, and next time I'll beat your IC's ;P
still a bit pissed about the result between us, because I already found a way to at least survive your chaingrabs >_>
yea, saw you using forward B like once after I NTspiked you, I guess I´ll have to backthrow to dthrow to 120-130 then a fully charged usmash might get it harder to survive :)

Too bad I didn't got oppoturnity for airrelease to nair/down b as snake though, that´s too good on wario^^

btw it seems alot of people have missed that there´s a videothread in the tournamentvideos section here on smashboards...



Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2007
yay, shoutouts for this (people who also attended ESA3 may have my shoutouts in the other thread):

- aldwyn: it was awesome playing you in pools and freeplays, you sure are one of the friendliest guys in the smash community... it was nice of you playing me so much, I really hope to see you again next year or w/e ^^

- uchihaJP: good kanker matches in pools, I was looking forward to play you again since ESA2.. such a shame I converted into Zelda in the last stock of 3º round, next time I'll beat you for sure :D :D

- salepate: ooh, I loved our set haha. I'm sure you did too as I surprised you in marth ditto but w/e, I couldn't beat your fox in the end ^^

- UÇKº: so good as the TO, smack was such a success and I'm happy I was there.. the only complaint I could possibly make was the bad seeding we 4 spanish got, since we actually proved to be better than what it pointed out.

- Faab: nice Falco dude, you obviously won easily on me in the first round of brackets.

- AE: cool! our bracket matches were really close and you deserved to win after all.. I enjoyed the freeplays you played with me and M on saturday night right before you were leaving ^^

- Pasi: NICE FOX. and nice freeplays we played too, you were the one who surprised me the most and you sure improved A LOT in a short time :O :O

- Neutroni: haha your marth was too good man! you possibly were the one who I played the most in freeplays, you helped me a lot in marth dittos :D :D

- Samochan: nice to see you again, such a shame you were not attending ESA3 too. nice freeplays ^^

- Yuna: we really played a lot this time, our MM was close (I know you liked my counterpick on green greens and my jiggs' rests on you in brinstar ^^) instead of baking any pie you ended eating some of our spaghetti hahah

- Marc: our MM was sososo close, man, I enjoyed it. I thought I was going to take you down after winning the first round.. but I sucked in the final round on yoshi's story D: D:

- Dev: nice freeplays :p :p and nice team you had there along with Blackmoose.. I saw you winning one match against Remen & Cash Mooney, good stuff

- Tonberry & Kriz: nice team guys, we were so close in our team bracket matches (1-2), but it seems like our rainbow ride counterpick didn't work XDD

- Efen & Flikflakk: NICE! Me and M faced nearly every norweggian in teams, we were like.. wtf, a norweggian team again?
You were one of the best teams there however, I also enjoyed our freeplays on sunday morning.

- Randomness: yay man, I enjoyed talking with you while we were freeplaying ^^

- Dax: same for you dude, nice freeplays.. I like italian smashers, you are similar to us spanish in some way :D :D

- AJPanton: COOL Luigi!! you gave me a lot of trouble with him! I hate playing such uncommon characters, I suck against them haha
I hope to see you again some time :p :p

- Chrisboi and KMan: yaaa! UK players are so good! I enjoyed our freeplays a lot.. and I saw you managed to place really well in singles Chris, nice :O :O

- Timo: good ****! you have some nice tech skill man

I shall be forgetting some people, so I will edit later if I do *___*


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2005
yea, saw you using forward B like once after I NTspiked you,
I mashed forward B or jump after every spike, forgot that its actually bad to do that. Anyway, thats not the way that I meant ;)

I guess I´ll have to backthrow to dthrow to 120-130 then a fully charged usmash might get it harder to survive :)
just a bit

Aldwyn McCloud

Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2005
My home (in Italy :D)
- aldwyn: it was awesome playing you in pools and freeplays, you sure are one of the friendliest guys in the smash community... it was nice of you playing me so much, I really hope to see you again next year or w/e ^^
You'll play me at TSL4 or at the next tournament ^^ Thanks for the "friendliest guy" award. It actually really means a lot to me ^^Also, if there are any tournaments in Barcelona, please let me know. I just found out there is a direct line from my city to Barcelona, so I could easily come any time ^^


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2007
Freiburg germany
°UÇK: gj, hättest dir aber von anfang an hilfe holen sollen, und nicht erst am turnier merken das du es nicht schaffst

AE.: too much drugs...

Bjay: close matches, next time i'll get you xD

DancingQueen90: hör nich auf alter :/ du darfst einfach nicht immer so predictable sein/immer das selbe machen

Deep: yay ben xD ham glaub nicht viel gespielt, oder? aber kartenspielen war nice :p adminpowa!

Drrrwisch:random xD

FleX: nice gespielt, aber nice dich wieder zu sehn

FlikkFlakk: darn ^^ you beat me :D nice and techskilled fox! keep it up

Fuzzyness: we played in pools, your a nice guy

Hero of Time: war cool dich kennenzulernen, bis nett drauf :D wir sehen uns in köln, dann wird noch mehr gezockt :)

Kunai: ich komme mit brawl+spam nicht zurecht, deshalb verabscheue ich brawl. das nächste mal werd ich dich rapen xD cya in köln?

Me133(7): LEET MAN DAN! ich mach dashier ma stellvertretend für iSmAEsh xD god**** du bist awesome :D
freu mich auf unser nächstes treffen, haste vor auf weitere turniere zu gehn?

Milkman: hahaha *evil lache* wir werden sehn wer das nächste ma gewinnt ^^

Morph_blue: woah, er hat mir schokolade geschenkt xD dankeseeehr :D ansonsten hatten wir glaub nich viel zu tun, unser fan-club match ham wir nich gemacht ;_;

NRG: ;_; diesmal hab ich dich n paar ma gefragt :D ****

pheX: link-phobie xD wann kommste wieder?

Ravenlord: ich versteh dich manchmal echt nich Oo

reaper: voll der ficker xD aber du hast uns enttäscuht, obwohl wir sogar für dich waren... das nächste ma bin ich für armada :p

Ryu (aus Hannover): ham leider nich gespielt/geredet/sonstiges -.-

Samochan: you're too awesome ^^ looking forward to the next time i see you

Sanchan: wow, wir hatten sogar freeplay, oder? ohne es uns "vorgenommen" zu haben :p ungewöhnlich ^^
hatte das gefühl du ahst dich noch n stück verbessert, dunoo... keep it up :)

Timo: ham wir gespielt? ja oder? dont remember :D bis zum nächsten mal, du bist auch awesome :D

Tonberry: D-r-r-r-wish! your announcements are awesome, you should always announce everything at every tourney

Vegeta: GEARARF!!!! epicness in person!

Witchking_of_Angmar: mach dir ein "ich bin nicht 12" shirt ^^ das brauchste nämlich auchnoch wenn du über 15 bist :D spaß, du bsit cool drauf, und hättest alle einafch rapen sollen die dich dum anmachen xD

Wuschel: sry, du hast so ewig rumgemacht, ich bin dann i.was andres machen gegangen... das vid hab ich noch garnciht geschaut :p

Yikarur: nice dich kenenn zu lernen, yoshi is lame xD

Yume: Yomi

Yuna: Next time i'll get you... i wanna MM you again!

ZeroFrames: tach andy... echt dickes sry das ich dich nich ekannt hab, aber aufm letzten turnier hattest du IMMER dein kopftuch+mütze an...
ham wir gespielt? cf vs yoshi auf jedenfall, oder? war awesome mit dir

Zero-G: du bist mir auch voll sympathisch ^^ gespielt ham wir aber nich glaub ich

ZetTroxX: nich viel von dir mitgekriegt bis auf essen holen gehen u.ä. ^^ nächses ma mehr abhängen

Zgetto:i#ll get you oneday.... (see epita thread)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2007
You'll play me at TSL4 or at the next tournament ^^ Thanks for the "friendliest guy" award. It actually really means a lot to me ^^Also, if there are any tournaments in Barcelona, please let me know. I just found out there is a direct line from my city to Barcelona, so I could easily come any time ^^

I will sure tell you something about the 3º national spanish tournament that we are planning on for this summer or so ;) ;)

edit: btw I'll put my msn address for everyone who may be interested: guille2mg@hotmail.com

:D :D


Smash Ace
May 1, 2005

This shout out post should pretty much cover everything!

Better late than never, right? =p
Oh btw, if you think I have smileyoverkill in my shout outs, I just want to say:
I love smileys! =D

Here comes a wall of text. If I forgot someone; tell me, and I'll write a shoutout
right away! I hope you take time to read them, cuz I've used like 4 hours to write it
all down!

I first wanna say that I met a lot of awesome guys here, and I'd really love to stay
in touch, so here's my instant messaging names and e-mails. Feel free to add me:
MSN: gribb_14@hotmail.com
AIM: SSBMTonberry (don't use it that much, but I'm logging on time to time)
E-mail: ssbmtonberry@gmail.com

Germans & Austrians:

UCK: Great tournament! You gave a lot to make this tourney good, and you did
pretty well, considering this was your first tourney and all. I also wanna thank you
for housing the other Norwegians and me. We really appreciated that! Also, your father
was awesome! You're great guy as well, and I really hope I'll see you again soon!
I heard you didn't find your bag, and that's pretty sad. Losing stuff that
costs a ****load of money is not cool. I still hope you'll find it, somehow.
Even though the tourney was great, I have some things I want to mention to improve
a possible second tourney, and that is:

- Never break your own rules. I think you know what I'm talking about here, so I'm not
going to go further into this. But remember that; as the lead organizer you should
always behave as a good example, and therefore never break your own rules. If you're
not following your own rules, others won't either.

- Always follow the schedule! I noticed that some tourneys started later than scheduled,
and that went out fine this time, but often this might cause big problems. To prevent
things like this, start preparations 1-2 hours before the tournament. You will find it
less stressful, and the tourney will run smoother. If you can't do the preparations
yourself, of some reason, make sure that another trustworthy guy/organizer does it for
you =)

- Always mark the TVs. It makes things a lot easier when announcing matches, and makes
pools go a lot smoother, as you can just dedicate some TVs to each pool, and
in that way every pool has the same ammount of TVs, and you don't experience pools that
are far behind the schedule cuz they never found a TV. Easy example: write the TV-numbers
on the pool paper. Like "TVs: 2, 3 and 5".

Again; a pretty good tournament, and I hope you'll do it again some time. Yes, it's stressful,
but it's worth it! =)

Däumling: You're german, right? I know you're not Swedish, so I just suppose you're
a german, judging your nick =P You got really good ICs! I had a hard time, and I didn't
really think there were other good ICs in Europe but Smasher89 and BÄST, but I certainly
was wrong! It's hard to say for me, cuz I didn't see you play against someone with less
ICs experience than me, but I think you are as good as Smasher89, at least =)
Hope to play you again, some time =)

Drrrwisch: Nice nick! I had a hard time pronouncing it =p
I wanna know though: do you use the German or the English pronounce of the letter 'r'?

Ice Nice Marth!

Fa5t: A speed runner, eh? That pretty much explains your nick! Funny pool matches!
Hope to see some speed runner vids from you some time. PM me, send me a mail, or whatever
with URLs to your vids, if you have some. I find speed running entertaining =)

Luma: WTF!? You did really well in Singles! You have improved a lot since last time
I saw you play! Too bad you were lame and left before finishing your tournament matches! =(
Sup with that, anyway? You better have a good reason for what you did, mister! >(
Btw; we did not have our Capri Sonne MM, which is too bad! I must admit, though: I bought a
lot of Capri Sonne while I were in Germany :p 6 Boxes, and even though I gave away some
of them, plus someone had fun stealing some of my dear Capri Sonne, I didn't have anything left
after the tournament. Hope to see you again soon!

Makkura: Metal up your ***! Really cool seeing you again! I also noticed that you've
got a pretty nice Ganon! Considering you ***** Cash Mooney so much that he tried to get away
from it all by saying that he forfeited the matches(no offence, Cash), you must be a beast!
You should be less brutal to other people, bro! Btw, Ganon is a very interesting character,
with a lot of potential. Even against projectile characters like Falco! I hope you continue
elvolving your metagame with Ganon, like Qlex is doing, rather starting to main the characters
everyone else is playing. I respect you and Qlex for being Ganon-players! Our tournament
matches was awesome too! I really enjoyed them, though Ganon VS Falco is a very though matchup
for you...
I wished we talked more, but I simply forgot to go back to you, somehow. Next time! :)

Pasi: Sweet friendlies. Lame that you left before the tourney was done, though.
You were really good, and have a lot of potential!

Tero: Cool seeing you again! We did have some really funny friendlies as well!
Didn't talk that much this time, but I'll see you soon on another European tourney =)

Yomi-no-Kuni: Hey, man! good to see you again! Didn't talk that much this time, though,
but I must say that having live streaming was awesome! I even borrowed your computer to chat
on your streaming channel, hope that's okay =P If it wasn't: please don't kill me! =(
Hope to see you on a tourney soon!

Witchking of Angmar: When I first heard you speak, I thought you were American. Then
I heard you speak german, and I was like "WTF? how can a German guy speak so clean American?"
Then it became pretty much obvious to me when you told me you've been in America for four years.
I've never seen you before, but cool to hear that you're a Melee player and stuff. Fun
speaking with you as well. Didn't play any friendlies though, but that can wait 'till later.
Hopefully I'll see you at another tourney soon.

The Dutchies!

Adam: You're just getting better and better. I still consider you as a mini-Amsah.
Haven't played you in a long time, but I hope to do that pretty soon. Maybe some time on another
European tourney. I don't expect you to retire in the near future. Retireing is ********,
you know :p

Amsah: In most sports, even in smash, most people that are getting really good(or regional
champions, if you like) often gets consumed by their own ego, and don't accept a loss. They
just throw away all sportsmanship, and thinks the "me, myself and I"-way. They think they are more
"awesome" than anyone else, and therefore do whatever they can to defend their title by words.
It's a common issue that success often blows peoples minds.
Fortunately that's never been a case in Europe, and I'm proud of being a part of the European
community. All the top professionals in Europe, as I know, are good sportsmen. Like you, Armada,
Ek(at his time of smash), Calle W and so forth. As you say yourself: sooner or later a champion
must fall, but a good thing about that is that you get a new rival, and a new goal!
And I think Armada is a really tough rival. I wish you good luck in your future tourneys, and
I hope that will be a lot of tourneys from today. I heard that you are planning to attend Genesis
as well. If so, show them what Europe has to offer ;)
Old games like Starcraft is still alive, so I don't see why awesome games like Melee should die.

Faab: Kankerhoofd! I dunno if I spelled it right, but man you dutch guys got a lot of
funny words, haha! Cool to see you again, and gratz winning teams! Evil of you to steal my Capri
Sonne though =( Didn't play that much, but it was entertaining to both speak with you, and
to watch you tease som random guys, lol. Is that how you do warmups for the tourney, or what? :p

Lawrencelot: I think you forgot me in your shoutouts. Either that, or I am not worth
a shoutout =( Anyways, here's mine: Cool MM! Can't really say more, cuz we didn't speak, nor
did we play more than the MMs, but we had good games nonetheless.

Marc: Good to see you again! Too bad we didn't play this time either. Also I wanna add that
I think you can do a lot better than you did on this tournament. Everybody has a bad tourney some
time. I dunno if this is due to rustyness, a bad day, or even too much Brawl compared to Melee,
but I know you can do better. Hope to see you in another tournament soon.

Reven(Remen): Never played you until now, and I must say you got a quite amazing Fox! Didn't
expect anything less though. Good matches, but the last one was really cruel. You arseraped
me that match with a 3-stock, without getting a single shine-kill. Impressive! I should've
picked Rainbow Ride! =(
Hope to play you again some time! :)
PS. The reason why I call you "Reven" is because Reven means "The Fox" in Norwegian.
That's pretty funny =)

Ryuker: Awesome to see you again! Didn't talk that much this time, though :p
However, we'll do that on the next tourney. Maybe we can do
some awesome friendlies as well ;)
PS. Nice teams-friendlies! Funny as hell :O

THE AWESOME DUTCH BRAWL PLAYER: I don't know why, but I can't really remember your nick.
Forgive me ._. Anyways; it was really cool to hang out with you, and talk. You're a really nice
guy, and I hope your matches turned out well. I suck in Big Brain Academy, but the game seems
cool enough. Maybe I'll buy a DS some time.
I'd love to stay in touch with you. If you see this shoutout, please add me on MSN, or even
send me an e-mail. Hope to see you soon ^^

Zgetto: Last time I saw you play was at RoX4, and then you were pretty good. But that is
nothing compared to how you play now! Wow, I'm impressed. Hope to play against you in the future.
Gratz for winning teams btw!

The Finnish dewds!


Samochan: Nice to see you again, and gratz for getting first in your pool!
We had some nice conversations, and a few friendlies. Also we had a very enjoyable MM!

Neutroni: We finally got to play some matches :) Your Marth is really good, as expected.
Hope to see you soon!

Vilness: You're awesome! Too bad I haven't met you before. It was nice talking with you,
and our MM was cool as well. You got a really good Luigi too D=
Btw, if you got some MP3s with songs from your band, I'd love to have some of them. My favourite
bands are all finnish. I don't know why, but Finland is awesome when it comes to music composing,
and since you are finnish, you probably have a mastermind when it comes to music :O

The Frenchies!

Baxon: Awesome to see you again! Too bad we didn't play any matches though, except
for the crews matches. I also wished we talked more, but the time passed by so fast.
I still think you could've beaten Chrisboi though, but I know you got big problems against Marth
players. I guess I'll see you in Lyon, and hopefully we'll play lots of friendlies and stuff then.
I can even give you some Marth-training :)

Porc: Nice to see you again! You've got quite a good Samus, and it had improved a lot
since last time from what I saw. Too bad we didn't play, but we'll do that later, I guess =)
And I just have to say it, even though this is not for SMACK: OMFG@beating Remen at ESA3!
You're crazy man!
Beard is manly, btw. Never cut it :O

Salepate: We didn't plaaaay! =( Didn't see any matches of you this time either,
but I don't doubt a second that you ***** people with the "grasscutter!"
Really nice to see that you could come to this tourney after all! As with all the other Frenchies,
it's always awesome to speak with you! I miss Lyon though, but I guess I'll see you guys at your
4th tourney!

Poilon: Cool seeing you again, and nice played as well! Did your matches against Luma get
recorded? I really can't believe he beat you. That guy must have become a monster! I enjoyed our
friendlies, and I'm glad I didn't meet you in the bracket. I still have nightmares from Lyon =p
Your playing style simply counters mine. Cool to talk to you again, and I must say that it's nice to
drive for 12 hours by car to Germany. Hopefully I'll see you again in Lyon!

The Norwegians!

Askelink: Må jo gi deg en shoutout også, men veit ikke helt hva jeg skal skrive.
Heftig reise var det i alle fall. Til tross for at du ble eid av søpla på toget, virket
det som du hadde en kul tur. Dessuten ble det tatt heftige bilder av deg. Så et skikkelig
heftig et som var linka på et av topicene på smashboards!

Blackmoose: Nok en utenlandsk turnering på negeræljen. Er jo alltid kult å reise med deg,
og isen i Tyskland var heftig også :O Moro at du kom inn på "Sex Up Your Life", mens Philip nesten
ble kastet ut fordi tyskere suger i matte :p Gratz med å vinne en match mot Remen og Cash.
Sånn man skal spille!

Efen: Heftige teamsmatcher, og bra spilt i Singles. Forhåpentligvis lærte du svenskene
hvorfor man ikke kan ha kvart i seksern på klokka også.
Jeg skjønte ikke helt det morsomme med å gjenta ting jeg sa med CP-stemme hele tiden, men jeg
ville ikke satse på å bli imitator, om jeg var deg :p
Det at du dissa latteren min likte jeg da. :)

Flikkflakk: Bra spilt i både Singles og Teams. Teams-matchene var heftige som faen,
og dere spilte bra, som vanlig.
Hadde du ikke gjort så mange tabber(les SDer) som du gjorde, tror jeg du kunne tatt Dave da.
Det er vel egentlig det største problemet du har i turneringer.
Når du får fiksa på det, kan nok til og med gjøre det enda bedre, selv om å plassere 9.plass
på en Europeisk turneringer er utrolig bra! Er også alltid moro å rise med deg, og du har
som regel en heftig kommentar på lur. Hatten er også noe som egentlig fortjener en shoutout
for seg selv.

Kriz: Heftig spilt i teams, men hadde Fox/Puff-teamet vårt vært i form, kunne vi
kanskje gjort det enda bedre! Synes vi burde ha tatt Yuna og Charles da. Vi var så nære!
Uansett var det gøy å spille med deg. Selv om du ikke var i Puff-humør, gjorde Sheiken
din en sykt god jobb! For Singles, så er ikke det noe å tenke på. Vi vet alle du kan bedre.
Alle har en dårlig turnering en eller annen gang, og du hadde åpenbart din nå. Men jeg må
innrømme at nivået på Europa har steget sykt mye med tiden. Mange spillere jeg ikke hadde hørt
om en gang som var sykt gode!

The Swedoz!

AJP Anton: Nice med recording-utstyr, selv om PC-en til UCK kanskje var litt treig. Jeg
så i alle fall filmene i ettertid, og de var jo fortsatt veldig smoothe og hadde fortsatt
bedre kvalitet enn noen amerikansk video jeg har sett. Jeg vil gjerne vite hva slags TV-kort du
brukte. Kanskje jeg kjøper meg et slikt et en gang.
Ellers var det kult å spille friendlies med deg, og du er pro med misfire :O
Ser deg på neste turnering!

I write this in English, for other people to read as well:
If someone told me that a Peach player would become an European champion two years ago,
I'd say that they were crazy. But you have elvolved Peach's metagame to a whole new level! There
is indeed a reason why they now call you "The Beast From Sweden". You are comboing with Peach as
if she was a Falco, and has reached a skill level that makes you a really hard opponent.
You're simply just a smash prodigy. You're the best Brawl, Melee, and most likely the best SSB64
player in Europe. In addition to this you are a great guy and have just as good sportsmanship.
I hope you'll keep your title as Europe's best player for a long time, and good luck in the USA.
If you get a hard time with Peach, you got an überbuffed Fox in NTSC you can use ;)
He's an amazing backup character, and you can already play him really well in PAL. Too good his
u-smash kills approx. 15% earlier in NTSC.

Aniolas: Gratz med broren som kan smash. Dere vant ikke denne gangen, men deres fikk
deres revansj på ESA3, i alle fall. Dere spiller et veldig bra team, og jeg tror dere vil gjøre
det veldig bra i USA også, bare pass på å ikke bruke u-air som saving move i NTSC, for den kan
nesten sammenlignes med Fox sin u-air i PAL :p Var kult å se deg igjen, og vi sees vel snart igjen.

C: TV-fiksarN^. Fikk du fiksa "laggen" på den TV-en forresten? :p
Enten er du gal, eller så har du umenneskelig oppfatningsevne på frames. Du er den eneste jeg
vet om som synes box-TVer lagger. Uansett, det var kult å se deg igjen. Alltid gøy å ha med
C-en på turneringer, selv om det ofte tar litt tid å spille matcher med deg, fordi du er
veldig lagg-sensitiv :p Vi ses vel igjen snart! Håper du har fått fiksa mange lagg-TVs til da.
Håper Efen's lille tutorial viste deg hvorfor klokka ikke kan være kvart i seks ;)

Dev: Pro å reise med deg! Heftig is(glass) i Tyskland også! Hørte du og Amanda vant en
match mot Remen og Cash. Det er meget bra! Som vanlig var det nice å prate og henge med deg.
Ser deg vel sikkert i Norge igjen, om ikke så lenge :p
Inntil da: snakkes!

Marcus_90: Samusen din har blitt bedre og bedre med tiden. Var kult å spille og snakke
med deg. GJ i bracketen også! Regner med å få se deg på flere turneringer. Og som flere nevnte,
så så du helt annerledes ut uten caps. Kjente deg ikke helt igjen med det første :p

Q: Se Random-ness.

Random-ness: Du og Q likner noe jævelig. Jeg tok feil av dere en gang. Er dere i slekt? :p
Husker ikke om jeg spilte mot både deg og Q, men om jeg gjorde det, så var det nice matcher
i alle fall!

Smasher89: Nice å reise med deg. Du får lære meg Advance Wars, så kanskje jeg joiner
neste gang :p Lenge siden vi ikke var i samme pool, men det skjedde faktisk denne gangen. Jeg
fikk en annen god ICs-spiller i poolen min da, og da hjalp det meg ganske mye at jeg har litt
erfaring fra matchene våre :p Vi spilte ikke så mye denne gangen, men vi kjører på mer senere.

Yuna: Nice MM! Du var faktisk den eneste som vant MM din av de jeg spilte mot.
Forhåpentlig gav jeg deg god motstand. Matchene var jevne nok :O
Ellers hadde vi gode matcher i teams, men det ble kanskje litt mye flaming av Charles, haha :p

The Rest Of The Guys!

Aldwyn: Cool friendlies and stuff. I never expected to win against you, but the matches
wasn't even close. Hopefully I'll give you better challenge next time! :)
Nice to talk to you and stuff as well. Hopefully I'll see you soon.

Cash Mooney: First of all I want you to give you my condolences for your sister. I have
no idea what happened, but I'm not going to ask either, it must be a tragic story...
I wish you and your family the best. Those two matches we played were cool, just too bad we
didn't play more.

Chrisboi: Falco might be a gay character, but at least he doesn't wear a tiara ;)
I think we had some good matches in the bracket though.

Dax: Nice matches in the pools, and we also had some funny friendlies! Hope to see you

Peyudosmith: Really cool teams matches. Btw, did you know that Rainbow Ride is my
favourite stage? :p

The rest: Whine to me if I forgot you, and you'll get a shoutie ;)


Smash Lord
Oct 21, 2005
Berlin - Germany

.tea Boah ne ey Till was machst du auch für ne kacke man xD du musst echt einfach nur mehr gegen gute leute spielen, aber irgendwie is da unten bei dir einfach nix los ^^
°UÇK joa nächste ma hilfe anfordern bevor du fast nen turnier in den sand setzt
AE. gechillt wie immer, nur gezockt haben wir glaub ich net ^^ sry nochma wegen dem teddy, sobald ich wieda bissl mehr kohle hab bekommste den
daGOTTh joa irgenwie mehr als hi und tschüss war nich drinne, ihr kamt aber auch verdammt spät an ^^
DancingQueen90 ey ne junge wie hast du bloß nen führerschein bekommen, das geht ma garnich kla xD ansonsten warste irgendwie voll komisch drauf und fast immer weg
Däumling scheints dich um einiges verbessert zu haben, machst aber hier und da noch zuviele kleine fehler, aber ich denke ma wenn du so weitermachst biste bald locker top10
de_gLory^ junge kiff echt ma weniger, srsly
Dr. Dead turnier ohne dich geht einfach net, auch wenn dieses ma echt wenig los war ^^ nächste ma wieda ordentlich scheiße baun dann stimmt auch wieda alles ^^
fa5t boah junge kannst du nich ma aufhören deine stories zu erzählen die sowieso niemand glaubt? wozu das ganze?
Flava Sava du bist einfach nur krank junge, kp was bei dir irgendwie ma daneben gegangen is aber es war gut so, mach weiter du ficker xD
FleX haha der quoten krüppel =D und ich mein immernoch du hast dich für den falschen controller entschieden
Flyfunner joa ähnlich halt wie bei dagotth, hoffe das man nächste ma bissl mehr zeit hat und sogar auch bissl was zockt
Ice haha du ficker, hör auf zu failen und nur ggn mich gut zu spielen XD du hättest eigentlich locker top5 werden müssen
Jon_*** hab gehört du bist ziemlich abgegangen in smash ^^ hattest nen paar echt geile lines geschrieben, hoffentlich können wir beim nächsten ma wirklich nen battle machen
K.C. jo danke nochma für den tabak, irgendwie waren kippen ziemlich wenig am start ^^ gechillter typ, vllt zocken wir ja beim nächsten ma ^^
Makkura joa das üblich so, Lufia ftw, ganon ftw, teamen mit milk ftw, gegen yume und andy spielen ftl? junge was war da los, die könnt ihr doch packen ^^
marLey* irgendwie bissl unauffälliger als der rest, bis er dann plötzlich neben einem steht und man sich nur fragt: wtf wo kam der denn her xD
Me133(7) argh sry nochma für nicht-zocken mr. leetman =D wird nachgeholt
Milkman halbficker, nächste ma besser sonst gibts was
NRG haha geile schuhe, versteck die bloß nächste ma wenn milk da is xD scheint sich ja schon gelohnt zu haben das du viel zockst, wenn du jetzt noch echte gegner hättest würdest du richtig gut werden
Pamaro tjoa was soll man sagen, der eine failed in teams und der andere in singles, leida hats dieses ma dich in singles getroffen, aber naja np das nächste turnier stehste eh wieda im finale btw kranker ficker lass mir auch ma paar kills ey xD
Pasi joa bist schon besser geworden, aber glaub mir, jeder überschätzt sich selbst + unterschätzt mich, ich glaube das is irgendwie so nen naturgesetz oda so kA xD
ProsmasherTim jo tim, ohne gerechtigkeit is einfach nix los ^^ haben irgendwie auch nich soviel gemacht aber naja kommt halt einfach ma nach berlin, wir waren alle schonma bei euch in der gegend =D
reaper ey du kannst ja sogar aussehen wie nen mensch, hätte ich net gedacht
Sagl der mann mit dem unmöglichen namen xD joa mit dem controller war das nen bissl fail, aber naja passt schon ^^
SuMa hast dich ja doch nochma vorm MM gedrückt =P scheinst wohl ordentlich besser geworden zu sein
Tero ich weiss wo eurer maskottchen war btw, aber naja nu is auch zu spät ^^ warum habt ihr überhaupt so nen scheißteil xD
Wuschel joa irgendwann wirst du es vllt auch merken das es nix bringt ggn mich nen MM zu machen ^^
ZeroFrames der ficker-yoshi ^^ haben unser MM garnich gemacht, aber ehrlich gesagt ich glaub ich hätte verloren xD
Zero-G war cool dich ma wieda zu sehen, wir sollten echt ma zocken ^^
Cron krankes pikachu hätte ich net gedacht ^^ nette poolmatches
kJaB joa jens, das war wohl nix ^^


Adam **** still unbeatable for me, but i kinda felt that you had to play more serious against me in freeplay ^^
Faab sry about your recipe, but how should i know that you guys were sleeping upstairs xDD next time just get up earlier you lazy **** =P
Marc nice teammatches, sry for the char-thing, but i think you were the only one who really played 100% after the rules, most of the guys didnt even understood stagestriking ^^
Zgetto good that you still made it, too bad though that you didnt won, still cant believe that **** armada made in the GF
Kirby Squad nice teammatches aswell, but your doc felt kinda rusty
Amsah correct me if i am wrong, but you didnt had you usual smash-shirt on, did you? if you didnt, we got a reason why you lost xD


Marcus_90 nice matches in our pool, but **** marcus your poor controller, stop beating the **** out of it while you are playing xD
Dev too bad we didnt played this time, esp some teams would have been fun like at esa2 ^^
AJP_Anton thx for recording and everything, and really gj uploading them so fast
Aniolas well we barely talked neither did we play, that kinda sucked, but still nice seeing you again
C mr. rapeman himself xD i hope i could help you with your controller ^^ but next time plz ask me if you wanna use my things, i reallly dont like that


Tonberry yeah sry i had to go, but otherwise i wouldnt have made it home which would have sucked a litlle aswell ^^ well we'll just play next time and i'll bring you some capri sonne again =D
FlikkFlakk really nice fox, our teamset was quite close ^^ btw nice hat =D
Efen nice sheik, again teams was fun =D we did meet in the brackets aswell right?


Poilon wow still cant believe i somehow beat you in the brackets xD but well i told you after our set, you will make it to the top5 =D
Porc nice matches, you were the big guy with the beard right? **** my memory used to be better xDD
Salepate nice matches in teams aswell, you guys gave us quite a hard time
Baxon was nice to see you again, always fun to hang out with you


M. we only had like 5-6 matches but they were still pretty nice, you really improved
Aldwyn next time i'll place even better then you spaghetti =P
Vilness nice luigi, you nearly had me on YS with those 2 missfires xD
Cash Mooney you suck

Aldwyn McCloud

Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2005
My home (in Italy :D)
Aldwyn next time i'll place even better then you spaghetti =P
If you just DARE to do so I'll knock you out and then have Yuna have fun with your body.

Amsah correct me if i am wrong, but you didnt had you usual smash-shirt on, did you? if you didnt, we got a reason why you lost xD
I foresaw this happening the day before the tournament. That's why I took the "official SSBM wh0re" title for myself (someone will remember).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2007
well Amsah wore his shirt at esa3 and lost too D: D:

@Tonberry: nice! rainbow ride is my favourite too, though I don't play very often in it. yoshi's story might be my favourite from the ones in random


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2007
Freiburg germany
lol tonberry i just now read your shoutout, somehow i overlooked it before...
well, its fine that you used my computer, cause the livestream would've been boring as **** w/out someone commenting on whats been happening :D

there should be alot more tournaments with livestream, if there is internet available, it really isnt much work, and if we had a "spare" capture card, we could've streamed real matches... oh well ^^


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
lol, gief moar shouties, lazy bawstards! D=
xD, true at my part, lets try.

Thanks UCK for the tourney, it was awesome and you did pretty good( and lots of it) job organizing it, I appreciate that a lot! And thanks K.C for housing us Finns before the tourney you're great guy.

Tonberry: Yeah it was very nice to play against you. Your Falco was too good and too much for me to handle, ****** machine I would say:laugh:. Next time I wanna play some more, you were so good, see ya.

Pasi(BrokenBone): What a player! Had many good matches with you, and your Fox was awesome. I think you developed during the tourney; at UCK:s place I still had a chance, but at the tourney you ***** me pretty hard. It sucks that you had to leave before the tourney was finished, and even more because it wasn't your fault entirely; The melee singles was supposed to be played completely at saturday. Hope to see you again in some tourney!

Faab: My MountainGorilla with love to everyone!

Yuna: I got lucky at Brinstar, but your fault, you picked that stage xD.

Dev: Great player, it was fun to play with you. What is your main? I just remember you beating me with almost every character:).

Armada: Your insanely good, and Im very happy that you won the tourney. And you won the ESA3 too, so congratulations for that one too! It was very cool to play with you, I got ***** hard and lot to think about. Lets play more next time.

RavenLord: wow, you beat me pretty good, very skilled player and you can play good with many characters. See ya next time!

Adam: Thanks for the matches, I think I won once, but you beat me out in the other ones. Very nice marth!

Amsah: You 4-stocked me! It was awesome thanks:laugh:. Too bad I didn't get to play you as much as I would have wanted but maype next time.

Remen: Godly Fox you got there, I really didn't have a chance at all. Hope to see and play you in the future!

Askelink: Didn't play you this time, but I watched you beat my countryman Laatikko in a money match that you won(*****). Your Falco is too good.

Peydosmith: Very good Marth you had, you won most of our matches if I remember right.

Makkura: Falco vs your Ganon xD. 440 Lasers xD. But seriously, you deserved the win, you were better and managed to deal your motions in such a tight place. Hope to play against you again in some tourney =).

AE: Good player, lets play again in some tourney!

Dave: Your doc was amazing. I even have pretty much experience vs doc(have played quite much against vilness doc), but still, you were clearly better than me and deserved the wictory in our bracket matches.

AJP: Kivat tiimi matsit meillä vastaan sä ja armada, olitte vaan "hiukan" ylivoimaisia xD.

Porc: **** that our crucial tourney match was close. One hit and it could have been otherwise. Your very good.

FlikkFlakk: Thanks for the advices and nice to chat with you. You're very good and I think I got a littel lucky in the pool-matches. Lets play more next time!

More maybe later. It was great tourney, and after it I thought I did play against very many players. But now I think I missed also many, so next time I try to play against them.

- Neutroni
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