Really nice tournament, meet new people and overall was a great day. Disappointed at the PM numbers but I'm sure this will be a one off as we always get 30 - 40 roughly every monthly.
Shout outs
Conan: This was a fun set, you have a nice Marth. Sorry about the down taunt kill to finish the set off.
Naga: This was a interesting set as both of us were playing pretty bad all round. Hope next time we're both up for a better fight.
@Tyler_ : Even though it was a 3 - 0, it felt more of a 2 - 0. Game 1 was lol as I was still out of it but game 2 and 3 were very intense. Game 3 could have gone either way if I didn't die at 0% from a weird side b SD. Next time I'll get you and prove smash 4 helps me.

Congrats on getting 1st.
: Really fun long set we had. All 4 games were really close and could have gone either way. That Bair into wave land fTilt at the end of game 2 was brutal. Hope to vs you again soon.
Rez: Your Roy was pretty amazing especially since this was your first tourney. You got through a lot of decent players to get 4th. So massive congrats on that. Hope to see you again and very nice meeting you.
@mask1n : I think it's 5 - 0 in your favor when it comes done to our sets. This set was defiantly our best yet and I'm slowly getting there to beating your G&W. Love your G&W by the way, glad your back playing PM again and our rivalry continues. Congrats on getting 2nd.
: You have no idea how much you made me smile when you said that it felt like we were playing smash 4 during our Melee set. That is how my Ganondorf plays in melee, so it was a huge compliment for me to hear that. Overall, amazing set and would love to vs you again in melee or PM. Congrats in PM, you did amazing, keep up the Wario. Always good chatting to you.
Hyes: Always great fun vsing your falcon in melee. Great chat about listening to music while playing, music can really help a player to get pumped up. Heavy Metal Ganondorf is always blood drunk!
Samuel L Blaxxon: You have an impressive young link, Go low tiers! Fun set and great chat to you.
Rappy: Really nice to meet you, your a awesome guy and a very talented smash player. Keep up your smash and hopefully we meet again sometime or I see you on the big stage at sometime. You showed us what Germany is made of and Congrats on 7th, told you you would make top 8.
Shout outs to everyone I talked to, hope to see all of you guys again at the next tourney.