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Official + Smash 4 [VIC] General Thread - Next events: MILTIM 11 JUN, CWMELEE+PM 18 JUN, CW S4ROA 25 JUN


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
no way, maybe if ps never transformed...
if i'm banning yoshi's as marth we're all ****ed up anyway lol
should modified dsr still apply for bo5 sets with no bans? i could get fd twice which is a bit sick


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
That's the rule I normally use, and if you lose your own counterpick you deserve to cop FD. And actually I think Fox/Marth FD is nowhere near as bad as people think.


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Thunders baby. The weak upsmash hurts a LOT more. You can combo a lot of stuff into usmash kill in NTSC about 80-90 per cent, but with the kill not coming til +100 it's only ever stray usmash kills. BIG problem.


Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2010
Melee: 21 entrants
1. S.D
2. Dekar
3. Atticus
4. Splice
5. Toshi
5. Redact
7. Pelican
7. Joey
9. Tux
9. Timic
9. Mox
9. Slow
13. Bus
13. Nicks
13. Forte
13. Tommy
17. Matt
17. Aggro
17. Krisp
17. Shuvl
17. CM
[collapse=Melee singles bracket]
Uhh... Is this accurate? I ask because I played Max, not Pelican. I never actually checked the bracket - I played people when they told me I was playing them >.>

Darkwing SykeDuk

Smash Dankist
Mar 5, 2006
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
marth v fox fd = 75-25 marths favour

his u-throw - u-tilt - u-air can combo to over 100% and an edge guard which is pretty much game over for fox... and its just as easy as fox u throw - u-air only u cant DI out of it lol

if u jump when fox is jumping at u and he gets a nair - shine, you can tech it and roll away when u hit the ground too fast for fox to follow up with anything. marth also has many more near guaranteed combos compared to fox.

I've easily played the matchup more than 1000 times and lost around 50..


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
How many times have you played a good fox though? I'd say zero (real talk Aus foxes are relatively bad even Kas).

I think it's Marth's favour but not 75-25, maybe 65-35.

Fox can SDI the utilt behind and get a tech, but it's pretty easy to chase. It's really about whether Fox can play the low % game well enough not to get grabbed. Nair > shine > whatever is irrelevant, it shouldn't be fox's primary goal. Grabs/juggles are easy for Fox, who shouldn't drop u throw combos (bair preferred to uair, combos easier with u tilt, nair and regrabs). If Fox spaces right it can def be done, but Marth's punish game is just exaggerated by the stage, it doesn't change the fundamentals of the MU.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
regardless the possibility of marth getting fd twice, or peach.puff getting dreamland twice, pikachu fd twice.. taking a falcon to fod twice whatever is not good imo, and modified dsr is silly anyway, even evo didn't have modified dsr (tho it had wobbling and bo3 winners... lol)
but since sd is the one actually running melee, whatevs
food for thought


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
I have never, in my life, constructed a ruleset.

For Bo5 no bans I'd be happy for no runbacks on ANY stage you have won on to be enforced.
We should probably lock down a firm ruleset for our monthlies rather than winging it mid finals. Sorry for double post ****** alert..


Smash Cadet
Sep 3, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Hey Guys,

Sorry I’m late to the party, I just wanted to say it was really awesome to see such a strong showing from Smash over the weekend.

I do want to apologize for the lack of communication over the last couple of months, I’m aware that there have been some miscommunications recently in regards to meetups, PAX weekend, Redact's meet clashing with SLHQ tournament etc.
Once again, I do apologize for this and I will be doing my best to communicate event dates more effectively with you guys so we can work around various tournaments and meet dates.

As most of you know by now, this year we’ll be including both Melee and Brawl at Shadowloo Showdown 2K13 on OCT 12th-13th.
I’ll be working closely with the TO’s to try and make SS2K13 the biggest Smash Event in Australia! We can’t say much just yet, but hopefully we’ll have some big announcements for you guys soon!

We’ll be doing our best in lead up to the event to organize a good number of tournaments and casual meet ups to give everyone a chance to get some practice in and get the hype rolling.

Tournament Events:
Last weekend we started our second season of our regular Fighting Game Tournament, Shadowloo Battle Royale. This will be a precursor in lead up to SS2K13 and I would very much like to have Smash be included in our regular line up as you guys are a part of Shadowloo Showdown this year as well:

Currently, here are our planned event dates:

Saturday, August 10th - SBR Season 2, Round 2
Saturday, August 24th - SBR Season 2, Round 3

Saturday, September 7th - SBR Season 2, Round 4
Saturday, September 21st - SBR Season 2, Round 5
Saturday, September 28th - SBR Season 2, Final Round - Play Offs

October 12th - 13th - Shadowloo Showdown 2K13

So pretty much every 2 weeks over the next 2 months in lead up the SS. Normally we allocate ranking points after each event based on placing and this will determine who makes it into the playoffs for each respective game.
Let me know if this is something that you guys would be interested in being a part of, whether you guys want less or more events, if there is a schedule or ranking system that you guys would like to use instead, do let me know and I’m sure we can work with it.
We’ll be getting some cool prize packs from our sponsors over the course of the season and traditionally we give these away to our season winners for each game.

I know some of the prizes might not be directly Smash related (unless you happen to play 2D/3D fighters or do PC gaming), so I was thinking of giving away the following for you guys:

2 x Shadowloo Showdown 2k13 Entry (1 for Melee and 1 for Brawl)
2 x Pre-order of Pokemon X/Y (For those who haven’t noticed this comes out on the same day as SS =P)

So do let me know if you guys are cool with being integrated with our current season structure and if you are, we can more less pencil in the above dates in the first post for everyone to see so they'll know when the next tournament date is.
Alternatively, if you would like to do something a little bit different I'm sure we can work out something to give the above prizes to the winners of Melee and Brawl this season.

Casual Events:
Outside of Tournaments, we’ll also have casual event days where people can just come in to practice. We try to squeeze these in between tournaments weeks, conventions and other groups using our venue so unfortunately it isn’t always consistent.
But again, as I mentioned earlier I’ll be doing my best to communicate these dates to the community so everyone is aware of when we’ll be having an event and when we won’t.

Currently, here are our planned casual dates:

Saturday, August 3rd
Friday, August 16th

Friday, September 13th

Generally these will fall between our tournament weeks, minus a few due to other events happening. On the Friday’s we open from 4.00PM in the afternoon till early Saturday morning. This weekend is an exception as we don’t have any other events planned so we decided to shift the casual day to Saturday instead.

One thing that we have yet to have you guys be a part of is our main stream during tournament days. I would like to get the ball rolling on the one and hopefully over the next 2 months we can iron out any kinks and possibly come up with some cool ways to stream Smash at SS along the way.

I see you guys usually capture your tournament matches and even put commentary on top which is really sweet, so let’s take this to the next level and have you guys on our main stream as well. =)

I think I’ll leave it there for now. We’ve got some big plans for Smash at Shadowloo Showdown this year and hopefully I’ll be able to reveal some more details to you guys soon.

If you have any questions or concerns, whether it be about the regular events or SS, feel free to leave a message here and I’ll do my best to respond as quickly as I can (I’m going to start leaving the Smashboard forums tab open on my browser so I promise I’ll get back to you.) or if you want you can contact me directly on Facebook.

If you guys are free to come down this Saturday for our casual’s day, I’ll be more than happy to talk with you then.




Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2006
People will rightly have concerns about oversaturation and whether we can really sustain that many events, but there's been a lot of new faces recently, and I'm starting to feel the competitive motivation coming back myself. Maybe more fuel to the fire riding off the EVO hype could energize the scene into a true renaissance? I hear things are sparking up in Sydney too...


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
at the august 10th event, will you stream the international for dota? thats the important question

also does shadowloo have a supply/any at all of those avermedia game viewer things that make it easy to stream?


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
I would personally welcome Smash being involved in each season round, but as Atticus said not everyone has the drive to play week in week out, thus leading to sub-par numbers overall. HOWEVER, if smash wishes to be part of the broader FGC in Australia, which should definitely be our goal, we should absolutely rally behind the SL structure and get involved in the season proper.

At the very least we should aim to attend August 24 and the playoffs on September 28 MINIMUM. But I would implore the community to attend every event between now and SS.

As for ranking points, our traditionally significant interstate attendance for major events (in this case SS) means seeding points would only be applicable in terms of ranking Victorians, but playing for prizes would be a cool alternative.

If we can integrate into the main stream I would be elated. Definitely would like to work on scheduling/timing to make this happen regularly.


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
mark sept 28th as a proper tourney for smash imo, topic title and all so we can make sure people show up?

post it round on facebook and all?


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
4 stock, 8:00 minute timer
* Items OFF
* Ties after the time limit are determined by stocks, then by percentage.
* Master Hand is banned.
* Wobbling is legal.
* Stalling with Jigglypuff's Rising Pound or Peach's Wall Bomber is banned.
* Glitches such as Ice Climbers's Freeze Glitch and Mewtwo's Soul Stunner are banned.
* Dave's Stupid Rule: You cannot counterpick any stage you have won on in a set unless agreed upon by the opponent.
*Sets will be best of 3 except for: winner's semi, winner's final, loser's semi, loser's final and grand final, which will be best of 5.

Stage Strike from Neutrals for the first match of the set in "1221" fashion:
1. First player strikes one stage.
2. Second player strikes the next two stages.
3. First player strikes one stage.


Neutral (Singles)
Final Destination
Yoshi's Story
Dream Land
Fountain of Dreams

Counterpick (Singles)
Pokemon Stadium

Neutral (Doubles)
Final Destination
Yoshi's Story
Dream Land
Pokemon Stadium

Counterpick (Doubles)
Kongo Jungle 64

After each match:
1. Winner announces stage ban (except in best-of-5 sets)
2. Loser chooses counterpick stage
3. Winner chooses their character
4. Loser chooses their character

This is the ruleset I am submitting to Chris - please advise of any objections.

As for pools and scheduling - at this stage my plan is to run melee/brawl pools in a round robin format on day one followed by doubles for both games as a side event. Possibly $5 entry per team. Depending on what time slot we draw for the main stream we should be able to complete the bracket down to top 8 on day 2. IF we draw an early time slot we may need to play brackets down to top 8 day one and switch pools until after finals are completed on day 2.

Yer Zac he did the same with me ICs vs Fox. Crybaby M2K XD

Anyway point is Marth wins it but by slightly less than generally accepted IMO.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
i object to kongo jungle, i hope that was just put in as a test LOL
also i hate wobbling legal as do many other top melb players but i guess it doesn't matter... yet


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
It's an age old argument but please explain why wobbling should not be legal? First off, noone in Australia plays a decent IC, nor can they wobble. Secondly it's a situational tool, much like rest, that can easily be avoided with a decent game plan. Realistically, IC should not be able to grab you with nana in range for a wobble to occur. I really object to it being banned under any circumstance, all it's doing is unfairly taking away a weapon of an already sub par character. To me it's like banning rest or chain grabs but if a majority want to ban it (not that it's likely to even be a factor) we can take it out. Eg: If Pika or Fox grabs Fox on FD it's stock, why not ban CG?

DK64 as a counterpick was more to open a dialogue about counterpick stages in doubles. I actually think there should be one CP level, otherwise there is literally no variety in stage selection for a bo5. However, there aren't many candidates.. Many tournaments still include dk64 as a CP for doubles. What do people think?


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2013
The place we call Earth
Hey Guys,

Sorry I’m late to the party, I just wanted to say it was really awesome to see such a strong showing from Smash over the weekend.

I do want to apologize for the lack of communication over the last couple of months, I’m aware that there have been some miscommunications recently in regards to meetups, PAX weekend, Redact's meet clashing with SLHQ tournament etc.
Once again, I do apologize for this and I will be doing my best to communicate event dates more effectively with you guys so we can work around various tournaments and meet dates.

As most of you know by now, this year we’ll be including both Melee and Brawl at Shadowloo Showdown 2K13 on OCT 12th-13th.
I’ll be working closely with the TO’s to try and make SS2K13 the biggest Smash Event in Australia! We can’t say much just yet, but hopefully we’ll have some big announcements for you guys soon!

We’ll be doing our best in lead up to the event to organize a good number of tournaments and casual meet ups to give everyone a chance to get some practice in and get the hype rolling.

Tournament Events:
Last weekend we started our second season of our regular Fighting Game Tournament, Shadowloo Battle Royale. This will be a precursor in lead up to SS2K13 and I would very much like to have Smash be included in our regular line up as you guys are a part of Shadowloo Showdown this year as well:

Currently, here are our planned event dates:

Saturday, August 10th - SBR Season 2, Round 2
Saturday, August 24th - SBR Season 2, Round 3

Saturday, September 7th - SBR Season 2, Round 4
Saturday, September 21st - SBR Season 2, Round 5
Saturday, September 28th - SBR Season 2, Final Round - Play Offs

October 12th - 13th - Shadowloo Showdown 2K13

So pretty much every 2 weeks over the next 2 months in lead up the SS. Normally we allocate ranking points after each event based on placing and this will determine who makes it into the playoffs for each respective game.
Let me know if this is something that you guys would be interested in being a part of, whether you guys want less or more events, if there is a schedule or ranking system that you guys would like to use instead, do let me know and I’m sure we can work with it.
We’ll be getting some cool prize packs from our sponsors over the course of the season and traditionally we give these away to our season winners for each game.

I know some of the prizes might not be directly Smash related (unless you happen to play 2D/3D fighters or do PC gaming), so I was thinking of giving away the following for you guys:

2 x Shadowloo Showdown 2k13 Entry (1 for Melee and 1 for Brawl)
2 x Pre-order of Pokemon X/Y (For those who haven’t noticed this comes out on the same day as SS =P)

So do let me know if you guys are cool with being integrated with our current season structure and if you are, we can more less pencil in the above dates in the first post for everyone to see so they'll know when the next tournament date is.
Alternatively, if you would like to do something a little bit different I'm sure we can work out something to give the above prizes to the winners of Melee and Brawl this season.

Casual Events:
Outside of Tournaments, we’ll also have casual event days where people can just come in to practice. We try to squeeze these in between tournaments weeks, conventions and other groups using our venue so unfortunately it isn’t always consistent.
But again, as I mentioned earlier I’ll be doing my best to communicate these dates to the community so everyone is aware of when we’ll be having an event and when we won’t.

Currently, here are our planned casual dates:

Saturday, August 3rdFriday, August 16th
Friday, September 13th

Generally these will fall between our tournament weeks, minus a few due to other events happening. On the Friday’s we open from 4.00PM in the afternoon till early Saturday morning. This weekend is an exception as we don’t have any other events planned so we decided to shift the casual day to Saturday instead.

One thing that we have yet to have you guys be a part of is our main stream during tournament days. I would like to get the ball rolling on the one and hopefully over the next 2 months we can iron out any kinks and possibly come up with some cool ways to stream Smash at SS along the way.

I see you guys usually capture your tournament matches and even put commentary on top which is really sweet, so let’s take this to the next level and have you guys on our main stream as well. =)

I think I’ll leave it there for now. We’ve got some big plans for Smash at Shadowloo Showdown this year and hopefully I’ll be able to reveal some more details to you guys soon.

If you have any questions or concerns, whether it be about the regular events or SS, feel free to leave a message here and I’ll do my best to respond as quickly as I can (I’m going to start leaving the Smashboard forums tab open on my browser so I promise I’ll get back to you.) or if you want you can contact me directly on Facebook.

If you guys are free to come down this Saturday for our casual’s day, I’ll be more than happy to talk with you then.



Hey Chris, for SBR I was just wondering if you can join at any round or did have to be playing from round 2. Thanks


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
This Saturday is a casual day at SLHQ. The next tourney they host is the following Saturday 10 August. We will definitely have a presence at round 3 and sep 28. The rest is up to whether people want to be part of the series.


Smash Cadet
Sep 3, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Just to clarify the upcoming event dates at SLHQ:

Saturday, August 3rd - Casuals
Saturday, August 10th - SBR Season 2, Round 2

Friday, August 16th - Casuals
Saturday, August 24th - SBR Season 2, Round 3

Saturday, September 7th - SBR Season 2, Round 4

Friday, September 13th - Casuals
Saturday, September 21st - SBR Season 2, Round 5

Saturday, September 28th - SBR Season 2, Final Round - Play Offs

October 12th - 13th - Shadowloo Showdown 2K13


@Atticus, S.D:
As mentioned I'm more than happy for you guys to have a separate schedule depending what you believe is best for the community. If you guys would prefer to have the events a little bit more spread out but have the player base more concentrated at each event, I'm happy to work with it.

The dates mentioned are just the ones that we will already be running Fighting Game related events and I figured it would be a good chance to integrate the communities together especially since we will all be under the same roof for Shadowloo Showdown.

Shadowloo Battle Royal Tournaments and Casuals:
In regards to the seasonal tournaments, if you guys are happy with running 2 more events in lead up to SS, so on the:

24th of August (SBR Round 3)
28th of September (SBR - Final)

I'll keep this in mind when we make our events page on Facebook.

Let me know what you guys think, I mean if there are people who are keen to come out on a more regular basis, seeing as we already have the Wii's and CRT's in place and it won't be used, I'm more than happy to assist in running Smash Tournaments during the other SBR Rounds. Even, if we don't run a Smash Tournament, since the equipment is already there you guys are more than welcome to use to for friendlies, practice etc.

The same applies for our Casual days, we don't usually do anything serious (we save that for the tournaments), so people are free to just come in and play. Again, if there are concerns of saturation and overloading the community with too many events, then we can just scale things back.

Ranking Points:In regards to seeding points for Shadowloo Showdown, we won't be having any kind of system in place during SBR but the prizes will still be up for grabs. So if you guys want to count the results from the last event, or start counting from the next one onwards, I would still like to give away the 2 Tournament Passes to Shadowloo Showdown, 2 copies of Pokemon X and Y and some other goodies we'll be getting from our sponsors.

@Redact:We can definitely setup a side stream for DOTA2 on August 10th, I can arrange to have a PC placed next to the Smash setups, no problems =)

About the AverMedia Portable Capture device, we do have some left at HQ. Were you looking to pick one up yourself or just to use during the regular Smash Events?


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
the avermedia live gamer portable devices can be used to upscale wiis/gamecubes to 1080p with minimal delay from what ive heard, very playable therefore we could actually use the LCD monitors with these rather than crts without lag.

I'd like to test this when i get the chance to see if its actually true.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
the avermedia live gamer portable devices can be used to upscale wiis/gamecubes to 1080p with minimal delay from what ive heard, very playable therefore we could actually use the LCD monitors with these rather than crts without lag.

I'd like to test this when i get the chance to see if its actually true.
I do this with my blackmagic card, And everyone on it thought it felt fine, apart from gords, he can feel the subframes.
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