You do if you're transferring GBA to DS games first. It's partially necessary regardless. This is what I mean by not that easy.
For the most part, the only time I'd say that's really needed for is the Hoenn starters as those are available very late in HGSS, and thus it's not easy to restart for each. The other Pokémon from that generation are obtainable in the other Gen 4, 5 and 6 games, and none of them require nearly as much work to obtain thankfully.
Nonetheless, I will admit that if that's an option that you must use, that does make the process more tedious to do.
Hopefully. We have yet to see Pokemon Z(or whatever the 3rd game(s) is/are), which should contain any leftovers.
Hopefully, I do understand that not everyone wants to pay for bank, so the more that are available to fill up the dex for them in those other games, the better.
Exactly. It drives me insane. And telling them that usually doesn't help.

What's worse is when they want to remove it for other people. :| Anyway, just needed to rant on that. It is a notable point in general related to the conversation, but yeah. Probably can leave this one at the door.
That's fair enough, and I'm sorry to hear about that as I understand how annoying that can be to deal with.