stingerzzz- it is only here in my shoutouts that i am able to express my undying admiration for you and ur beauty. god****it i <3 you.
u are the mountains and the clouds
PP- <33
Twitch- told you yay sucks.
Yay- wow you suck at everything. be prepared to be anally excavated by my luigi next tourney. ****in melee f@g.
Maria- good **** running the tourney. tell ur sister im sorry that she has to deal with a balding n1gger-in-law.
DJ- ...did we do shrooms last night?
Shady- lol ur such a n1gger. way to get ***** at this.
Karn- im going to shank you at some point for timing stingers out....
in meleewtf. u wont know when it's coming
THO- the beard is even more back in business than i expected. i almost fainted when i understood it fully.
Duo- tell me about more brawl **** next tourney... i dont own the game so tourneys are the only place i can learn this ****...haha
Smith- shut the hell up.
Trevor- god ur the man. and you should of beat pp.
Fyre- i approve of you and your not-MK with circully blue arrows between stocks. shoulda beat Rag fo real, next time furshur
Chris- u are a man, my friend. mom rides or not. our friendlies are very fun, i want more moremoremoremroemroe.............. *ahem* .. play me.
Spoon- lol wow i've never seen a more technically on point fox that wasn't like... pro level or some ****. hella nice consistency with those buttons man. keep improving those smarts, and you'll be quite a force in no time.
Slasher- dude where were you at this? we were supposed to friendly more and hit some chron.
Josh- ur falco is such a white guy, white guy. lol nah but i got a glimpse of some **** in ur friendlies, keep it up.
KSK- ur pretty fine.
melee stingerz- yes. **** yes. i approve.
NC melee f@gs- yall really suck at this game. watching ur sets are painful.. you guys make more mistakes in one match than there are fatherless black children in harlem.
NC Brawl community- yall REALLY suck at this game.... maybe it'll take less time than i thought to **** yall up lmfao. *****es