Fine ZIO lol:
Maria: Thank you so much for hosting!!! This tourney was really fun! =)
Yay: Sorry about your Falco bro. =(
It was great to see you again man. Always too fun to hang out with haha.
Fyre/Tara/person who was obviously cuter than Stockfield(get *****): Thank you soooo much for housing us Saturday night! =) That Pit was mad good/patient. You combine that with some funky vs Marth strats(which I'll hook you up with, don't worry) and you'll be getting off even harder. Also good shiz vs Raggy.
Stockfield: =)
Raggy: GGs in teams and singles man. Always too fun to see you/talk to you man haha.
Fiz: We needed to play/talk more. =(
Shady: Remember what's not allowed to happen anymore....remember.
Also, I saw you checkin me out. =p Don't worry, we'll keep what happened our little secret. =D
Uncle: Lovin that beard man haha. See you around bro.
KSK: Lookin mad cute as always man. Sorry I missed the orgy, you guys are too fast. =(
Duo: Bro, WFs was tough. I honestly didn't know I had learned to fight Fox since that Billfest you beat me at, but hey I'll take what I can get lol. You put up a really good fight, and Lucario was a big surprise for me. Keep on rapin.
Mits: Good friendlies bro. Chillin/playin you is always a pleasure. Also LOL @ my MK. XD
DJ: Man we need to friendly more, you're getting that gayness better and better. =)
Karn: You sure create a lot of fun stories I get to hear later, the way you play. =p
Good stuff. I'm seeing some improvement.
Josh: Our talk/friendlies on the lol-lag TV were pretty silly/fun haha. Keep workin the bird. =)
Chris: My Kirby is pretty gay lol. Sorry I didn't friendly you more.
Spoon: Sorry we didn't friendly! My bad man.
Slasher: I'm likin the improvement man. I'll try to get those vids up asap.
THO: You are soooo funny hahaha. I love the friendlies and just talkin to you/your beard. =)
The General: Thanks for the housing offer Friday night man. It was awesome to see you here again before you head back to NY, and I'm really glad you had a great time here. =) Keep beasting with Peach dude.
PS: Paper towel run/story sharing was **** haha.
Cam: MAAAAAAD CUTE in that suit+monkey bag combo. The friendlies were fun too(in those few small instances when you don't sandbag <3). It was fun hyping you in Brawl and just talkin to you bro. =)
Smith: Good shiz for making car rides awesome lol.
Jim: Always always always a good time driving you around and chillin with you. Everyone is getting gayer, so you gotta up that Ganon game. I know you'll do it. =)
Stongers: Thanks for ****** in teams with me(sorry I started sucking for a while), and mad legit coming back on Duo like that. Rep us well at MLG! =)
Twitch: Atta baby gettin Yay like that! Stay calm you doofus lol.
Itty Bitty: My head!
Cat whose name I forgot: My foot!
Maria's parents: Legit coming out to see the tournament. I hope it was interesting enough. =)
Adrian: Got cheated by Norfair. =( Should have beaten me easy.
Lemme know if I forgot you so I can add you in(tired johns).
Everyone: Thanks for coming!
Gamefrog people: Thanks for letting us come!
Laggy TVs: LOL