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Smash Rookie
Jun 27, 2015
Why do great people die young, he still wanted to continue making people happy.


There's a red door and I want it painted pink
Aug 30, 2014
Behind you
Just to list off all the cool stuff Iwata did.


-Began his career with the intent of going into technology and video games (even against his father's wishes) as opposed to business.

-Had actual experience producing and programming games before becoming Nintendo's CEO.

-Made Earthbound just straight up work.

-Made Pokemon's battle system function on the N64 in Pokemon Stadium with no documents to help him whatsoever.

-Compressed the code of Pokemon Gold and Silver so that GameFreak could add the Kanto region.

-Debugged Super Smash Bros. Melee by himself so it could release on time for the launch of the GameCube.

-As others have pointed out, was part of the reason Uprising became a thing.

-Programmed that fish that eats you in Balloon fight.

-Apparently insisted this intro be used in Kirby's Adventure so kids would know how to draw Kirby (I'll think about him every time I see it now)

-Seemed genuinely passionate about the work his employees did (See just about any Iwata Asks interview)

-Seemed genuinely passionate about video games himself (See all the games he has work on, his antics in the Nintendo Directs, and this quote from him... "When I first started making Kirby, there was a kindergarten right next door. I'll never forget how moved I was the first time I saw doodles there of Kirby. That may have been the first time I realized that the world would recognize what we had made. Because of that feeling, Kirby is special to me.").

-Willingly took a 50% cut out of his salary when the Wii U wasn't doing well so he could drop the Wii U's price without having to fire anybody.


-Did what he set out to do by more or less making games that were fun for everybody.

I think it's safe to say he will be missed.


Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
...Kinda hard to just return to the regular jabber, yaknow?

Well, I 100%ed SSBU. Just need to do KIU, Kirby Air Ride, and Meteos (need to get a copy first but eh) and I'll have 100%ed every game Sakurai has had a leading role in.

More relevantly, I've redownloaded Roy and co. for testing. In the air we just have Roy beat. Our Fair outranges his completely. His Nair has better range, but due to Pit's unique animations he lifts his feet out of the way when using Fair. Blazer's upwards range is smaller then you think, and is easily beaten with a Dair offstage. Offstage, it has no threat. It's KO power comes from carrying opponents up to the blastzone, and it's not incredibly damaging if you only get hit by the tail-end of it. Go for Dairs every single opportunity you get. Blazer is also easy to DI on reaction, along with Usmash. On the ground, we largely outrange him. Biggest thing is that his Dtilt matches ours as far as range goes, but ours is slightly faster. His Smashes all take roughly a second to finish. Fsmash has more startup then ours as a benchmark. Dash attack is garbage, if for whatever reason he uses one punish with Fsmash promptly. Ftilt doesn't seem to combo at all, and any combos that could kill either don't work by the time we're at a proper % or are easily DI'd to survive long past the point where it still combos.

I'm still looking into the matchup, but my current impression is that Pit wins almost solely because of how pathetic Roy is offstage, much like Little Mac.


Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
Normal talk feels weird.

Also, is it me, or does Pit's grab range feel like it's longer than what it realistically should be?
Standing grab is kinda on the short side and matches the animation, but it's pretty fast from what I remember. Dash grab isn't exactly like Captain Douglas J. "Telegrab" Falcon's, but it's got pretty good distance. Roll cancelled grab doesn't gain any distance but makes the cool swoosh-dodge noise. *Heropon emote* Their pivot grab extends about an extra hand's length past their arm, but they also slide around a bunch. A dashing shield grab makes good use of the sliding and it's much safer to just throw out.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
So I've been on the hunt for a good secondary and started playing around with :4pit: and am actually doing pretty well with him in the relatively short period of time I've been trying to learn him. I think the fact that Pit/Dark Pit's moveset is so well rounded and draws upon how strong your fundamentals as a player is why I can do so well with him. Also having a lot of fun with him so there's that. I just have a couple of general questions I'm curious about:

1. How does he fare against :4yoshi: and :4zss:?

2. How is his customs game?

3. I hear :4dedede: is a bad MU? Curious as to why. I don't need a secondary for that MU, I just find it bizarre to think about lol.

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Smash Cadet
Oct 26, 2014
New York City
So I've been on the hunt for a good secondary and started playing around with :4pit: and am actually doing pretty well with him in the relatively short period of time I've been trying to learn him. I think the fact that Pit/Dark Pit's moveset is so well rounded and draws upon how strong your fundamentals as a player is why I can do so well with him. Also having a lot of fun with him so there's that. I just have a couple of general questions I'm curious about:

1. How does he fare against :4yoshi: and :4zss:?

2. How is his customs game?

3. I hear :4dedede: is a bad MU? Curious as to why. I don't need a secondary for that MU, I just find it bizarre to think about lol.

Always nice to see others picking up Pit!

To answer your questions...

1. I'm not entirely sure how he would fare against good Yoshis/ZSS since I have very little experience fighting competent ones but from what I can tell, I think Yoshi's DJ armor makes offstage gimping a little more difficult. His aerial speed and quick, safe moves make him difficult to punish. Abuse Pit's disjoint(especially Fair) and space properly with Ftilt/Dtilt. For ZSS I think there's a topic on the matchup which would probably have better info than I could give.

2. For UpB, maybe striking flight could be useful but it doesn't seem to make much difference. Also it's more predictable to intercept. SideB I think the general consensus is the default is best. DownB each have distinct uses. Amplifying for characters that have projectiles worth reflecting(like Samus' Charged Shot) and can be predicted(the startup is still bad). Impact has some cool uses too, although I'm not too experienced with them. The default is also cool with the windbox. Helpful to provide safe landings and gimping certain recoveries. NeutralB I think Guiding Bow can be good but it has some more endlag on it. I'm not a fan of Piercing Bow. For Dark Pit Guiding Bow is almost always used.

3. It has to do with DDD's weight(Pit struggles to kill sometimes), good recovery(difficult for Pit to get an offstage gimp), and DDD will most likely end up with a ton of rage and get easy kills on Pit. Also, DDD's disjoint out range most of Pit's attacks. In my experience it's not super bad, but it's difficult if you can't secure the KO. Also I can't recall if Pit's arrows can deflect Gordos, because if not then Dark Pit has a slight advantage there. Every time I face DDD I get a lot out of hitting the Gordos back with DP's arrows.
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코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
People use the up-b customs? :/

I mean usually people don't even TRY to gimp Pit 'cause his recovery's stupid good and he can go deep with the edge-gaurding

But that's your preference

Guiding Bow is practically always used by :4darkpit: 'cause his arrows are trash

Electrocut is good if you want it to be like a counter

Impact for gimping peps with bad recoveries

Amplifying if you want to double the reflected projectiles and it has 0 hp and you have less end-lag if the obitars actually break rather than putting them away so that's useful. But there's no wind-box so no gimping I guess :(


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
Always nice to see others picking up Pit!

To answer your questions...

1. I'm not entirely sure how he would fare against good Yoshis/ZSS since I have very little experience fighting competent ones but from what I can tell, I think Yoshi's DJ armor makes offstage gimping a little more difficult. His aerial speed and quick, safe moves make him difficult to punish. Abuse Pit's disjoint(especially Fair) and space properly with Ftilt/Dtilt. For ZSS I think there's a topic on the matchup which would probably have better info than I could give.

2. For UpB, maybe striking flight could be useful but it doesn't seem to make much difference. Also it's more predictable to intercept. SideB I think the general consensus is the default is best. DownB each have distinct uses. Amplifying for characters that have projectiles worth reflecting(like Samus' Charged Shot) and can be predicted(the startup is still bad). Impact has some cool uses too, although I'm not too experienced with them. The default is also cool with the windbox. Helpful to provide safe landings and gimping certain recoveries. NeutralB I think Guiding Bow can be good but it has some more endlag on it. I'm not a fan of Piercing Bow. For Dark Pit Guiding Bow is almost always used.

3. It has to do with DDD's weight(Pit struggles to kill sometimes), good recovery(difficult for Pit to get an offstage gimp), and DDD will most likely end up with a ton of rage and get easy kills on Pit. Also, DDD's disjoint out range most of Pit's attacks. In my experience it's not super bad, but it's difficult if you can't secure the KO. Also I can't recall if Pit's arrows can deflect Gordos, because if not then Dark Pit has a slight advantage there. Every time I face DDD I get a lot out of hitting the Gordos back with DP's arrows.
To answer #3, I've found that, yes, Pit's arrows can deflect the Gordos, even at minimum charge. (According to SmashWiki, they can be deflected by any attack that does 2% or more) Bonus points if DDD gets hit with the Gordo AND the arrow (it looks hilarious)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
Something something title explains itself.

I played Kid Icarus when I was younger (sadly the NES is now long dead), even if I sucked at it. I only managed to beat it on Wii U Virtual Console a few days ago. I also played Of Myths and Monsters (gift from my uncle), and recently purchased it off the 3DS eShop. So yeah, Pit was a part of my childhood. He was also the first character I used in Brawl, before I started just using the random button.

When Smash 4 came out, I actually started out maining Lucina (I had cleared Fire Emblem Awakening on Lunatic+ just days before I got Sm4sh, my voice is still recovering). However, I found that she wasn't that great against zoning type characters, didn't recover as well as I'd like, and more often than not, when I tried to go for that dair spike, I'd just miss and SD. I picked up Pit, figuring that with the arrows and GOs, he'd be better against zoners, and between his three midair jumps and up special, would be a better edgeguarder. He started as a secondary to Lucina.

However, playing online, I realized that Pit clicked with me more than Lucina, and steadily, I ended up maining him instead. He just felt more solid than she did. When I was able to procure a copy of Smash 4 Wii U, Pit became my most-used fighter (and he's steadily taking over that place from Lucina on 3DS). Also, I feel that I'm better with the all-around type characters in this game for whatever reason.

tldr: Pit started off as a secondary before becoming my main.

EDIT: It turns out Pit has recently surpassed Lucina as my most-used fighter on 3DS.

also partially because i find the sounds he makes when he gets knocked around hilarious
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Kid Icarus: Uprising is my all-time favourite game. It's a near-perfect game as far as I'm concerned, and a great example of why I love vidya.

Pit himself exemplifies everything I find endearing in a hero: brave, compassionate, earnest, yet still utterly human. He's a very fun deconstruction / parody of the hot-blooded anime hero, yet he ultimately grows to be a valiant warrior in his own right, and that development is fascinating and hysterical in equal measure. Watching Pit grow and evolve over the course of the story is a joy in itself.

That and he just feels fun to play. I knew he would be my main the moment I laid eyes on him in this game, even moreso when Palutena was confirmed.

My two favourite Nintendo characters and the heroes of my favourite game, together and playable for the first time in Smash: what more could I ask for~?
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ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Thank you guys for your insight.

How do you practice accuracy with Arrows btw? If there are any proven training methods for doing so, I would be very interested in knowing. Thank you.

EDIT: Also Pit's Up-B is pretty good but any smart opponent will still just try to gimp you anyway because there;s basically no risk and all the reward to gain out of trying to gimp a recovery that doesn't have a hitbox on it by default. My Mario training partner will always try to Cape me out of it. The Falcon I play with will always try to spike me out of it. Granted, it almost never happens (unless I'm dumb) but still.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
I started practicing arrows in training mode against jumping and running computers. The arrows can pass through soft platforms (such as the small three on Battlefield), so try practicing on those kinds of stages. Also, because they're so flexible, I like to use them for fake-outs; angle them up before they hit (helpful for reflectors and absorbers).

If you're having a hard time at first, turn the speed down a bit before going back up to normal.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2015
I mained Pit, but I've never actually played a Kid Icarus game. I'm certainly interested in the series, I just have trouble trying to get my hands on Uprising. Pit started off as my Secondary too. I first mained Sonic just because I'm a fan, but I moved onto Pit after I got annoyed with how many times I SD'd by straight up running off the ledge or misjudging my stomp and flying off the stage, and the fact that you had to play quite tactically to win due to his low damage output, and if you accidentally panic and button mash ( I do this a lot), you're basically guaranteed to loose. Well, from my experience, anyway. I started playing as Pit as my friend is really into the series and eventually I got more comfortable playing as him than Sonic.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I started practicing arrows in training mode against jumping and running computers. The arrows can pass through soft platforms (such as the small three on Battlefield), so try practicing on those kinds of stages. Also, because they're so flexible, I like to use them for fake-outs; angle them up before they hit (helpful for reflectors and absorbers).

If you're having a hard time at first, turn the speed down a bit before going back up to normal.
That's only through the underside of the platform, right? The top is a tangible platform, the underside can be bypassed - just like how it works for the fighters.

Have you practiced fullhop arrow? It's a very useful tech for throwing out arrows in neutral.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
That's only through the underside of the platform, right? The top is a tangible platform, the underside can be bypassed - just like how it works for the fighters.

Have you practiced fullhop arrow? It's a very useful tech for throwing out arrows in neutral.
Yeah, it only goes through the bottom. Still nice to have though.

You can also mess with your opponent's head by flipping back and forth and up- this also holds the charge, so the opponent can't just shield right after hearing the chimes.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Yeah, it only goes through the bottom. Still nice to have though.

You can also mess with your opponent's head by flipping back and forth and up- this also holds the charge, so the opponent can't just shield right after hearing the chimes.
Yep, that's a good technique to know~

You've picked up on Pit's repertoire of tricks quickly, haven't you~? ;3


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
Yep, that's a good technique to know~

You've picked up on Pit's repertoire of tricks quickly, haven't you~? ;3
Another little anti-reflector trick is to curve it up before impact. That way, even if it is reflected, it'll go harmlessly into the air instead of back at you.

I actually got Sm4sh 3DS as an early Christmas gift from my aunt, but I didn't get the Wii U version until about a month ago (partially because I had to save up to buy a Wii U to begin with). I was able to translate what I found out on 3DS to Wii U though, and what I knew of him from Brawl that wasn't changed.

i'm going to have muscle memory issues if i buy another copy of brawl again arent i


Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
Actually, I wasn't interested in Pit at all when he was first revealed. I only knew him from his trophy in Melee and the KI games in Warioware. MK was a thousand times cooler. :bluejump: Well that, and my bro was going to main him.

After KIU was revealed, my interest in Pit skyrocketed. I've actually known who Sakurai was and the games he's worked on since when he left HAL, so I'm a longtime fan. Right after that I got into competitive Smash. So then I learned just how broken MK was and I didn't want to play him anymore... Which left me without a main for a while.

Luigi, Samus, Kirby, Bowser, and Pikachu were out because I didn't like their playstyles because they were mostly low tier which left me with ROB, Peach and TL as my potential mains. Didn't really consider Pit because his voice was... Well, yaknow. Didn't really try him until much later.

When I did, though, he clicked pretty quick. He has everything I value in a character, being multiple jumps, a powerful offstage game, a potent anti-camp projectile, and balanced attributes overall.

The problem was that I didn't like his personality back in Brawl... Just a completely and utterly generic hero with no flavor at all. Actually, I was afraid that KIU was going to be as dull and boring as Brawl Pit was. Uprising completely turned that around by chapter 2, heh.

Now he's my favorite video game character ever, with a moveset that perfectly suits me. Balance wise, he's in a perfect spot where he's not overpowered or underpowered. Matchup wise he doesn't have anything past a -1. I can't think of a reason to not play the character.


Smash Cadet
Jul 12, 2015
Hey everyone, Pit is in the top 3 main characters for me...still pretty new here, but hey it's always about having fun :)


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Anyone hoping Nairo wins EVO as Pit?Players would start playing him more, and he cold move up from low high/high mid teir to mI'd high teir.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Anyone hoping Nairo wins EVO as Pit?Players would start playing him more, and he cold move up from low high/high mid teir to mI'd high teir.
I don't think that would prompt more people to play Pit, nor would it jettison him up the tier list. One win doesn't equate to the kind of consistent results it would take for Pit to climb higher in the public's estimation. If he managed to take tourneys everywhere due to a hypothetical win from Nairo, then yeah, he'd be considered for high tier. Right now, he's in a decent spot for what he can do.

I would love to see Nairo win EVO, though, just because I think he's a great player and has the capacity to do it.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
Hey Pit players! We from the Ryu boards are making a doubles thread. The purpose of the thread is to find the best partner for Ryu. I'm going to invite as many people I can at once and get discussions going on all at once. We invite you to our dojo and hope you could help us discuss Pit and Ryu in doubles. Thank you in advance!


Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
So I've been on the hunt for a good secondary and started playing around with :4pit: and am actually doing pretty well with him in the relatively short period of time I've been trying to learn him. I think the fact that Pit/Dark Pit's moveset is so well rounded and draws upon how strong your fundamentals as a player is why I can do so well with him. Also having a lot of fun with him so there's that. I just have a couple of general questions I'm curious about:

1. How does he fare against :4yoshi: and :4zss:?

2. How is his customs game?

3. I hear :4dedede: is a bad MU? Curious as to why. I don't need a secondary for that MU, I just find it bizarre to think about lol.

Yoshi should be mostly even, can't really say who's at an advantage. ZSS I'd say is his worst top tier matchup, being a full -1.

His customs basically keep him in the same place overall, helping to deal with the extra jank but not really enough to significantly improve his matchups.

DDD is absurdly heavy and is really powerful offstage. Pit's recovery is dependent on the opponent not being able to go deep enough to hit him out of it, but Gordos negate that entirely. Pit also lacks a consistent way to hit Gordos back while offstage since they need to take a full 1% all at once instead of multiple hits.

People use the up-b customs? :/

I mean usually people don't even TRY to gimp Pit 'cause his recovery's stupid good and he can go deep with the edge-gaurding

But that's your preference

Guiding Bow is practically always used by :4darkpit: 'cause his arrows are trash

Electrocut is good if you want it to be like a counter

Impact for gimping peps with bad recoveries

Amplifying if you want to double the reflected projectiles and it has 0 hp and you have less end-lag if the obitars actually break rather than putting them away so that's useful. But there's no wind-box so no gimping I guess :(
Striking actually would be useful VS. DDD 'cause Gordos.

Thank you guys for your insight.

How do you practice accuracy with Arrows btw? If there are any proven training methods for doing so, I would be very interested in knowing. Thank you.

EDIT: Also Pit's Up-B is pretty good but any smart opponent will still just try to gimp you anyway because there;s basically no risk and all the reward to gain out of trying to gimp a recovery that doesn't have a hitbox on it by default. My Mario training partner will always try to Cape me out of it. The Falcon I play with will always try to spike me out of it. Granted, it almost never happens (unless I'm dumb) but still.
Drop down if they try to gimp you. You can literally go all the way to the bottom blastzone before using Pit's Uspecial and make it back.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I don't think that would prompt more people to play Pit, nor would it jettison him up the tier list. One win doesn't equate to the kind of consistent results it would take for Pit to climb higher in the public's estimation. If he managed to take tourneys everywhere due to a hypothetical win from Nairo, then yeah, he'd be considered for high tier. Right now, he's in a decent spot for what he can do.

I would love to see Nairo win EVO, though, just because I think he's a great player and has the capacity to do it.
A man can dream. Also, I still find it wierd how Pit can be put between 2 different tier spots.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2008
Pit is the only reason I every play Smash Bros. And I'm pretty good with him too after +6 years playing him straight in Brawl and now Sm4sh. It goes without saying that I'm a big Kid Icarus/Hikari Shinwa-fan as well.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Yes, yes, do us all proud and show the world that sometimes the jack of all trades, master of none, is sometimes better than a master of one.
Same goes for Nairo now that he made it to Vegas, and Pink Fresh aswell. Not sure if this is irony, but I live in Vegas yet I can't attend EVO. Oh well


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
I'm curious, for one of his victory poses (the one where he spins his bow and poses like in his Brawl art), is it "What's up now?!" or "Want some now?!" I've seen it interpreted both ways.
It really seems like "What's up now" but idk



Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I'm curious, for one of his victory poses (the one where he spins his bow and poses like in his Brawl art), is it "What's up now?!" or "Want some now?!" I've seen it interpreted both ways.
I've always heard it as, "What's up now?!"

Y'know, 'cos he just shifted the paradigm up in this joint.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I'm curious, for one of his victory poses (the one where he spins his bow and poses like in his Brawl art), is it "What's up now?!" or "Want some now?!" I've seen it interpreted both ways.
He says "what's up now?!". If you go to sounds and go through Pit's voice clips, you'll hear him clearly.
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