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Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
Brawl arrows didn't curve as much but they're like twice as fast compared to his unchanged arrows now and had little lag at all. You could just about outcamp Link just spamming them.

In the year or so I played Brawl, I'd say I picked up the little details pretty quick. Brawl Pit was campy, highly technical, had almost no range, was a (relatively speaking) fast faller, and every other move didn't function properly. And yet, planking, gliding and the WoI, and his arrows combined made him a powerful force to be reckoned with. Brawl Pit is a heck of a lot stronger then pre-patch SSB4 Diddy.

Brawl Pit's arrows control really weirdly... Like, they'd usually be a notch behind looking at a GC controller. This made smaller adjustments quite easy. Aim the control stick diagonally forward and they'd only slightly move, enough to shield poke about halfway across FD. They lasted forever and could pass the soft blastzone up top without disappearing. (There's a hard blastzone like in the other directions if you go a ways.) There's multiple techniques that came out of it, like arrow raining. Shoot a few straight up, and on your last one curve it straight down, then the others will fall in the exact same place. Mostly it's for edgeguarding or showboating in a FFA. Then there's the more famous arrow looping... More on that in a second.

The Wings of Pegasus Icarus were often panned for being too easy to gimp. The reality is that they last so darned long and move so fast that only a few characters could ever hope to hit him out of it. Number one mistake people make when using 'em: Aiming for the closest ledge. Few, again, could reach the other side of the stage and get far enough below the ledge to hit him before he snapped to the ledge. And that's only half of Pit's recovery. The other was gliding. Gliding was incredibly fast, didn't make you helpless, and could lead to Pit's most powerful KO move: His Glair. And that's just his recovery!

Outside of recovery, WoI had tons of utility. Pit could platform cancel with it to traverse the stage quickly, he could do it in place to shove opponents out of his way, and even had a Wavedash-y move called a wing dash. Oh yeah, and there's a glitch called wing refreshing which let him use WoI, do whatever the heck he wants offstage, and use another WoI to return to the stage. Just skim Pit's feet across the ground during the first WoI. You can even chain them together indefinitely to outcamp slowish characters on stages like Yoshi's Island forever. It had a ton of uses... But it was obviously OP.

The problem with having all this tech? Nobody ever mastered all of it and was actually decent at the game. Amateurs would spend more time controlling arrows then controlling Pit... The best players would only ever master one of the two moves. Nobody ever stuck around long enough because MK was all you ever needed.

As fun as they were, they absolutely needed to go... Either move on something like Melee Kirby would make 'em jump halfway up the tier list. Honestly, the rest of Pit was that bad since he was "supposed" to combo like Brawl Mario and half his moves just didn't work. Fsmash could be DI'd basically any direction to escape, which is to say you'll only kill people not holding their controller. Nair lacked a finishing hitbox of any kind. Fspecial was too easy to SDI. Fair was a ridiculously small poke. Ftilt had tons of startup, no range, had high base KB but awful KBG, and did average damage at best. None of his throw were any good at all outside of some early Fthrow chains. And he really only had three KO moves: Dsmash, Glair, and Bair.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I just think Brawl Pit is irritating and obnoxious.





No offense to people that like him, more power to ya, just that he did nothing for me and I'm glad he has a personality now.


The Clown
May 19, 2013
Mesa, Arizona
So yesterday I checked my ranking on SmashLadder and I'm Tier Silver I atm. I checked the rankings for the best Pit players on the site too, and I found myself ranked at #5, a slightly higher number than with the characters I actually main and second: :4megaman::4greninja:. Wow, I did not expect to be even in top 15 and I'm surprised I moved this high up. This makes me wonder: Am I really good with the character? Did I get lucky and get Pitted against bad people? Or are there just really few people that use the character at all?

With that and other stuff and mind, trying to decide between my 3rd character now, between him and :4pacman: and its been real tough. I also finally got to play with the Pit amiibo I imported, and training him is a pretty slow process. He's prone to SDing and he's not performing any combos yet. The figurine looks slick though, among my new favorites ;)
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
There's room for improvement, but anyway all I was saying was that the mechanical deficiencies in his moveset won't allow him to be top tier. Didn't say they hurt him.
Sakurai won't lay a finger on his adopted/stolen child, so unless people stop using him, no buffs.
I just think Brawl Pit is irritating and obnoxious.




No offense to people that like him, more power to ya, just that he did nothing for me and I'm glad he has a personality now.
Don't being back that nightmare here. This is Smash 4/Uprising Pit, not demonic smoker like Pit. Though imagine Anthony Del Rio using H's normal voice on Pit, making him grown, but leaves Dark Pit the same.
They like ze edge.
Their obsession with the edge I the reason most they all suck(except Nairo and sometimes Shofu).

Tito Maas

Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2015
1v1, no items, Omega Palutena's Temple
I don't think there's any real excuse for s*** mechanics but I agree that some parts of Brawl Pit needed to go. The gliding is one, but I don't agree with the arrows. It would have been cool to see them at least return as a custom but it's probably the 3DS's capabilities that prevented more than one arrow being on the screen at once. I hate getting pinned down by Link projectiles when Pit should have some of the best projectiles in the game. It's just like his aerials--they should be some of the best in the game, I mean for God's sake, he's a character with wings. But they lack priority and get beat by almost everything. The end lag on the arrows is annoying and prevents them from being used the way I think we were fashioned to using them in Brawl.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I don't think there's any real excuse for s*** mechanics but I agree that some parts of Brawl Pit needed to go. The gliding is one, but I don't agree with the arrows. It would have been cool to see them at least return as a custom but it's probably the 3DS's capabilities that prevented more than one arrow being on the screen at once. I hate getting pinned down by Link projectiles when Pit should have some of the best projectiles in the game. It's just like his aerials--they should be some of the best in the game, I mean for God's sake, he's a character with wings. But they lack priority and get beat by almost everything. The end lag on the arrows is annoying and prevents them from being used the way I think we were fashioned to using them in Brawl.
Everyone would call Sakurai extremely bias for buffing Pit. People already think he's bias as it is now.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Tournament results this weekend:

1st out of 20 teams with :4metaknight:/:4pit:. Specifically I used all Pit in Grand Finals as the opponents we beat in Winner's Finals busted out double:4ryu: and my opponent had never played against competent ones before. That MU scares me as MK but I'm really confident with it as Pit because we out range him, his projectiles are slow enough for Orbitars to be useful and his Focus Attack gets completely shut down by the fact that a lot of Pit's moves are multi hit and that always breaks through the Focus. Usually I play support/stock tank but in that set I was the one leading the charge. It was a great experience, especially winning it. My partner and I didn't drop an entire game all tournament.

In singles, I got 7th out of 59. Mostly MK but some Pit as well. Lost to 3rd place in Winner's and 1st place (my doubles partner) in Loser's. Rough bracket. Good experience overall though. Definitely enjoying throwing myself in there with Pit. Money matching people left and right with him too. Gotta hop on that grind! My control over arrows is actually really good for some reason. I get some really disrespectful gimps and strangely angled/curved shots on people. I always mix up my trajectory and it throws people off. I need to work on my fundamentals with the character though. All in due time!
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Tito Maas

Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2015
1v1, no items, Omega Palutena's Temple
Do y'all think the endlag on arrows is there to prevent you from moving Pit around while controlling the arrows?

If true, that would make it a bit redundant on Dark Pit, but easier to forgive. Still think I'd rather have the Brawl arrows, though.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
The year is 20XX.

Every top-tier character has been nerfed into oblivion.

Pit is the only character to remain untouched.

Pit now dominates the Smash 4 meta.



Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Yeah, f*** all that. The people who say that just Sheik and Luigi and only started saying that when Diddy got nerfed.
Actually the Kid Icarus bias happened the moment he was announced(how I have no idea, and grew worse when Palutena was confirmed). Those Sheik and Luigi players get on my nerves. People only started using them because they were winning tournaments, same as Diddy and Sonic.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
The year is 20XX.

Every top-tier character has been nerfed into oblivion.

Pit is the only character to remain untouched.

Pit now dominates the Smash 4 meta.

I need this in my life.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
Brawl- Mid Teir
Project M-Top Teir/Best Character once
Sm4sh- Low High/High Mid/Somewhere between
We're getting closer
In all honesty though, outside of someone discovering some monster tech or combo that only Pit can pull off, the only way I can foresee him being top tier in Sm4sh if he gets super lucky with Patch 1.09/10.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I'm gonna say Pit is high-mid, maaaaybe just scraping his way into the bottom of high-tier.

I wouldn't go so far as to say he's totally viable solo, though with a secondary to help him out, he's definitely more than capable of working in tourneys.

Tito Maas

Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2015
1v1, no items, Omega Palutena's Temple
This is a bit tricky, but have you tried comboing it out of a sweetspotted dair? It's nice kill combo.

Alternatively, there's the old dthrow -> sliding usmash routine.
It's tricky only in the sense that your reaction has to be on point for the DAir combo. Mine usually isn't but it's an awesome set up when the opportunity arises!
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I don't really see how he's low high or even high mid.

I mean jeez, he's one of the least used characters in the game just for starters.
Oh, I wasn't referring to use in tournaments or anything of that sort. Just raw competitive viability.

Apocryphal story:

A friend of mine and I were playing recently, Pit versus Luigi, and this friend was having difficulty beating me. I kept walling him out with arrows, spacing him with aerials, conditioning him into reacting in a certain way and then duly punishing him for it. I asked if he could do with some advice on fighting Pit, and he confessed that he had no idea how to tackle the character.

To which I responded:

"Pit has no weaknesses."

This is what you need to remember. Pit, as a competitive fighter, has no weaknesses; there's nothing the opponent can really exploit in the same way that, say, Little Mac has his (lack of) recovery or Captain Falcon has no range. The drawback here is that Pit has no strengths, either, insofar as he is incapable of muscling his way through to victory. This means that, when you get right down to brass tacks, Pit draws his efficacy from something distinct:


Pit is all about the fundamentals. If you know what you're doing with Pit, you're halfway to victory right there. He can switch his style on the fly, he has a toolkit that can cater to every occasion, he can't be exploited and he will test your raw skill to its very core. You have to play Pit cleverly, you have to adapt and thrive; you have to know how to beat your opponent, rather than just throwing out bread 'n' butter combos and hoping something good happens.

That's the reason why Pit's matchup table is so even across the board, relative to most other characters in the game: he has nothing to be exploited with or with which to exploit others, so a fight against Pit comes down to who's the better player, who knows their stuff better and can adapt and react better. It would be remiss of me to say that Pit is Sheik or even Diddy, a character that overwhelms others with overpowering combos and universal responses and followups - Pit is something else entirely, he is a character that rewards you for doing something different and making the best possible use of everything you have at your disposal. Pit makes you work for your victory, though the beauty of Pit is just how egalitarian he is: any character can be beaten this way. There is no opponent too overwhelming or matchup too difficult for Pit to overcome.

It isn't easy. Pit can struggle against a few characters, especially opponents that can muscle Pit out of the way and hit back with better, stronger moves - which is why it's good to pack a secondary just in case. When the going gets tough, it's okay to drop out and let your friend take over and cover a matchup where you're just struggling to get the kill or figure out the best course of action to get the victory.

Pit isn't top-tier. He doesn't have the wherewithal to comfortably take on the top characters, nor the consistency of ability to do so every time he fights. What he is, is solid. A true to form, honest character.

Pit isn't the best.

But he is damn good.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
Oh, I wasn't referring to use in tournaments or anything of that sort. Just raw competitive viability.

Apocryphal story:

A friend of mine and I were playing recently, Pit versus Luigi, and this friend was having difficulty beating me. I kept walling him out with arrows, spacing him with aerials, conditioning him into reacting in a certain way and then duly punishing him for it. I asked if he could do with some advice on fighting Pit, and he confessed that he had no idea how to tackle the character.

To which I responded:

"Pit has no weaknesses."

This is what you need to remember. Pit, as a competitive fighter, has no weaknesses; there's nothing the opponent can really exploit in the same way that, say, Little Mac has his (lack of) recovery or Captain Falcon has no range. The drawback here is that Pit has no strengths, either, insofar as he is incapable of muscling his way through to victory. This means that, when you get right down to brass tacks, Pit draws his efficacy from something distinct:


Pit is all about the fundamentals. If you know what you're doing with Pit, you're halfway to victory right there. He can switch his style on the fly, he has a toolkit that can cater to every occasion, he can't be exploited and he will test your raw skill to its very core. You have to play Pit cleverly, you have to adapt and thrive; you have to know how to beat your opponent, rather than just throwing out bread 'n' butter combos and hoping something good happens.

That's the reason why Pit's matchup table is so even across the board, relative to most other characters in the game: he has nothing to be exploited with or with which to exploit others, so a fight against Pit comes down to who's the better player, who knows their stuff better and can adapt and react better. It would be remiss of me to say that Pit is Sheik or even Diddy, a character that overwhelms others with overpowering combos and universal responses and followups - Pit is something else entirely, he is a character that rewards you for doing something different and making the best possible use of everything you have at your disposal. Pit makes you work for your victory, though the beauty of Pit is just how egalitarian he is: any character can be beaten this way. There is no opponent too overwhelming or matchup too difficult for Pit to overcome.

It isn't easy. Pit can struggle against a few characters, especially opponents that can muscle Pit out of the way and hit back with better, stronger moves - which is why it's good to pack a secondary just in case. When the going gets tough, it's okay to drop out and let your friend take over and cover a matchup where you're just struggling to get the kill or figure out the best course of action to get the victory.

Pit isn't top-tier. He doesn't have the wherewithal to comfortably take on the top characters, nor the consistency of ability to do so every time he fights. What he is, is solid. A true to form, honest character.

Pit isn't the best.

But he is damn good.
That was beautiful.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
In all honesty though, outside of someone discovering some monster tech or combo that only Pit can pull off, the only way I can foresee him being top tier in Sm4sh if he gets super lucky with Patch 1.09/10.
Who knows, Sakurai will get so annoyed with people calling him bias, he goes all "f**k it, make all his moves kill at 0% and super armor on EVERYTHING" mode on us. I'd love that


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I don't really see how he's low high or even high mid.

I mean jeez, he's one of the least used characters in the game just for starters.
Pit is nowhere near one of the least used characters. In America maybe, but everywhere else, not at all.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I hardly ever run into other Pits (or Dark Pit, for that matter) on 3DS online, and only slightly more frequently on Wii U. Maybe people are turned off by his "jack of all trades master of none" deal?
On the 3DS, I saw a Pit everyday with no Dark Pit in sight. Then Smash Wii U came out, and America starting abusing Pittoo with Electroshock. Now there's dumbass youtube comments saying stuff like "ow the edge" and Pit's a "whiny b***h"(which I just found right now to). Some people just like to thi k Electroshock spamming is the way to go, and don't even want to try to be good with either Pits. Fortunately, the hot spring crew is as stable as... a hot spring.

Dr. Snakes

Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2014
Oh, I wasn't referring to use in tournaments or anything of that sort. Just raw competitive viability.

Apocryphal story:

A friend of mine and I were playing recently, Pit versus Luigi, and this friend was having difficulty beating me. I kept walling him out with arrows, spacing him with aerials, conditioning him into reacting in a certain way and then duly punishing him for it. I asked if he could do with some advice on fighting Pit, and he confessed that he had no idea how to tackle the character.

To which I responded:

"Pit has no weaknesses."

This is what you need to remember. Pit, as a competitive fighter, has no weaknesses; there's nothing the opponent can really exploit in the same way that, say, Little Mac has his (lack of) recovery or Captain Falcon has no range. The drawback here is that Pit has no strengths, either, insofar as he is incapable of muscling his way through to victory. This means that, when you get right down to brass tacks, Pit draws his efficacy from something distinct:


Pit is all about the fundamentals. If you know what you're doing with Pit, you're halfway to victory right there. He can switch his style on the fly, he has a toolkit that can cater to every occasion, he can't be exploited and he will test your raw skill to its very core. You have to play Pit cleverly, you have to adapt and thrive; you have to know how to beat your opponent, rather than just throwing out bread 'n' butter combos and hoping something good happens.

That's the reason why Pit's matchup table is so even across the board, relative to most other characters in the game: he has nothing to be exploited with or with which to exploit others, so a fight against Pit comes down to who's the better player, who knows their stuff better and can adapt and react better. It would be remiss of me to say that Pit is Sheik or even Diddy, a character that overwhelms others with overpowering combos and universal responses and followups - Pit is something else entirely, he is a character that rewards you for doing something different and making the best possible use of everything you have at your disposal. Pit makes you work for your victory, though the beauty of Pit is just how egalitarian he is: any character can be beaten this way. There is no opponent too overwhelming or matchup too difficult for Pit to overcome.

It isn't easy. Pit can struggle against a few characters, especially opponents that can muscle Pit out of the way and hit back with better, stronger moves - which is why it's good to pack a secondary just in case. When the going gets tough, it's okay to drop out and let your friend take over and cover a matchup where you're just struggling to get the kill or figure out the best course of action to get the victory.

Pit isn't top-tier. He doesn't have the wherewithal to comfortably take on the top characters, nor the consistency of ability to do so every time he fights. What he is, is solid. A true to form, honest character.

Pit isn't the best.

But he is damn good.
That's an interesting way to look at it. I like it.

When I lose to people playing as Pit, I don't feel like I lost because of a horrible MU, I feel like I lost because the player picked better options than I did. I have trouble at some times, but there's never a situation where I say, "I can't beat this at all." It's always, "Okay, HOW do I beat this?" Finding the answer is sometimes a struggle, but I know that I just need to come up with a creative enough answer for the situation.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
Honestly, I hardly ever do anything consistent as Pit. Sure, there's combos like dthrow -> upsmash and sweetspot dair -> usmash kill, but that's honestly it. Sometimes I start off with arrow spam, other times I like to just rush in, and sometimes I turn to a hit-and-run strategy (usually at high damage or against heavy hitters like Bowser or D3).

Tito Maas

Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2015
1v1, no items, Omega Palutena's Temple
According to the Smash rules poll they had a while back, Pit and Dark Pit, even combined, have some of the smallest percentages of usage (the poll asked for both you main and secondary).

Never see Pits in tournaments, never see a whole lot of different notable Pit users, this and the Dark Pit section are two of the most inactive sections on the site, etc.

Matter of fact, I'm surprised Pit Amiibos sell so well.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Why would we be talking about Japan or some other country?
Because there are tournaments and players all around the world, and considering every race compete in huge tourneys like EVO, they deserve to be counted.

Tito Maas

Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2015
1v1, no items, Omega Palutena's Temple
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Pit is quite popular in my local scene.

Pretty sure I'm the best here though.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I don't really think I'm the best Pit in our scene. I'm not that arrogant. I do have the best results with the character, though that's 'cos I put the work in and play him frequently in competitive events~
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
Is it me, or does Pit just feel more aggressive this game? I know his offensive game was buffed, but I feel like it's also because of the better voice acting (I mostly think Brawl is so bad it's good. Brawl!Pit's voice is so bad it's horrible) and that he doesn't smile outside of one victory pose.

Tito Maas

Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2015
1v1, no items, Omega Palutena's Temple
Is it me, or does Pit just feel more aggressive this game? I know his offensive game was buffed, but I feel like it's also because of the better voice acting (I mostly think Brawl is so bad it's good. Brawl!Pit's voice is so bad it's horrible) and that he doesn't smile outside of one victory pose.
Pit in this game actually doesn't remind me much of his KIU iteration at all. Even in his Palutena Guidance conversations, I was delighted to see he's not that annoying in KIU. But in battle he's more aggressive than in the game, seemingly, lol.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
According to this spreadsheet that tracked a single stream of the Smash 4 Pool on Day 1 on EVO, Pit and Dark Pit were only used a combined.... two times:


Surprisingly, Donkey Kong was undefeated during that stream!
Last time I checked, there were 3 Pit's on it, unless they counted the first only(didn't like his Pit at all). I spotted the other 2, but didn't know any of their named at all. Well that and the fact the other 2 were on Day 2.
Is it me, or does Pit just feel more aggressive this game? I know his offensive game was buffed, but I feel like it's also because of the better voice acting (I mostly think Brawl is so bad it's good. Brawl!Pit's voice is so bad it's horrible) and that he doesn't smile outside of one victory pose.
Anthony Del Rio is Pit. There needs to be a sequel where Anthony uses his normal voice on Pit(showing he got older and hit puberty), and a squeakier kind of voice on Dark Pit(since he's the opposite of Pit, I always pictured him as a gay angel/gayngel? who goes reverse when it comes to puberty, also having no "manhood" on him).
Pit in this game actually doesn't remind me much of his KIU iteration at all. Even in his Palutena Guidance conversations, I was delighted to see he's not that annoying in KIU. But in battle he's more aggressive than in the game, seemingly, lol.
Sakurai needs to combine both Pits to make him ruthless.
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