That is it Youko. I'm am finally in a better mood, so I will try to say everything I can that I think about the "Show Me Your News!!" Podcast.
First let's start what everyone seems to hate me over... Episode 20. I re listened to it yesterday, and when I really got down to the meat and bones of it, it wasn't that bad. Yes, I still think that you guys did laugh too much, but I can't say I wouldn't do that if I was on the RoundTable. I'm sure I'd have a lot of fun, so I don't want to say much more so I don't sound like a hypocrite later on. But please, try to be a little more serious from now on. I know you said this Episode will be more serious already, so I'm looking forward to it.
I also don't hate Gimpyfish, nor am I trying to suck up to him. I just haven't been in the best mood lately and probably didn't think much of what I was typing. Gimpyfish was awesome, I did enjoy hearing what he had to say about Brawl with voice rather than having to read it on AIM or something. You did a great job dude, I really enjoyed it. But my opinion is don't have him appear every too often. While he's awesome, it loses it's "uniqueness" after a while. May I suggest Mic_128? Maybe even Scav if he finds the time.
I do agree that you do need to do a Rundown again though Youko. If you don't have fun with it, don't do it every week. Even if you just did a biweekly or Monthly Rundown on every major update we got, I would enjoy it. It's just really nice to hear everything in top quality compared to what we are getting now. But again, don't get me wrong. I love the RoundTable, but I really do want to see the Rundown make a return in some form.
"To Paunch is his DestinKEEEEE...." Perfect Easter Egg. I really would enjoy it if we could get more things like that. I miss the old Easter Eggs as well. I really do want to hear a Youko Barbershop Quartet again. Those things are freakin' Godlike. If I can make a suggestion, do a Mario Bros. one. Or we could get a Youko Unplugged. I wouldn't mind a Star Fox one. Hell, let SamuraiPanda join you for a duet.
Youko, I really do enjoy everything you put into this Podcast. I understand why you changed stuff too, like I used to do the Info Thread. It really does get tiring and boring doing the same stuff over again. I'm just really happy that you are sticking to it.
I also want to apologize to everyone else in this thread. I haven't been in the best mood, and I may of made some of you guys mad. I'm really not aiming for that, so please don't hold anything against me. I really want to get along with a lot of you guys again, as I really feel like I'm turning into the "DylanTNGA" you can say. Only a few people like him because of his views. I love Dylan, I really do. But please, I don't want to be viewed upon as that. Please accept this apology.
Youko, I hope I can be in the "Show Me Your News!!" Podcast soon, I really had a lot of fun in the earlier days of the Podcast. Here's hoping for some favor.
~ Sariku.Uchiha