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Should Metaknight be Banned? ***Take 3***

Should Metaknight be banned?

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Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Shut up. If you have nothing to say, then don't say anything at all. What may sound to you like the perfect answer to everything, is just an opinion-based truth that covers only PART of what's been (and is being) discussed.

Plus, we don't care about what you make out Inui to be. What the hell does that have to do with the topic?
Don't respond to spam.
Let Dekar and Inui flame, but don't join it.



Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
He's not too likable, online or in person. :D Inui is actually mad cool

$50 it is. Can we do this too? I'd love to destroy you and take an easy 50$

"17th due to suicides and a terrible choice against Hylian. Lain got 33rd or 25th, he's 2nd in Midwest. I'm pretty sure Gnes, Fliphop, Roy_R, Santi, Le_Thien, and other top players did extremely bad compared to what's expected of them. Stuff like that happens, and top players move on and **** other events, which I did in NJ."

You knew you would lose because he's a better player than you, plain and simple.
That entire statement proves that Rewdy's **** is so far down your throat it isn't even funny

Another question I'd like to address to everyone: if you were dead certain that you'd crush someone in a game of Smash, would you really turn down a $10 MM?
**** yea, There are plenty of people in that I really just don't want to be around

Anyway, I've already posted concerning the ban and the fact that MK (when played properly) makes MANY characters unviable.
Not in the slightest

Name the best mains for each character, and I'll name several MK mains who they couldn't possibly beat in tourney. In fact, I'll do it before you do:

M2K, Dojo, Tyrant.
I've beaten Dojo 3-1 and I only lose to one MK consistently XD **** way to show only ONE PLAYER I can't beat

Wow I managed to find someone I hate without out ever meeting them IRL

Good job Dekar. You get a gold star



Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
BTW, this why has no one yet refuted this nonsense-argument about MK making "many characters unviable"? Please name the many characters which MK alone renders unviable that would not remain unviable even if he were to be banned.

Edit: **** you, Atomsk! **** you and your mighty post which predates this one by seconds!


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Inui cares otherwise he wouldn't respond to him and encourage him to take it further.
I meant "we" as in everyone besides Inui.

Plus, obviously Inui will answer, he's being insulted and degraded from what he actually is, he has an image to keep up, and he was addressed by someone in a public topic, so a good way to end this is to reply him in public and shut him up in his own game.

I dunno, I find this to be quite normal human behavior... But when people just can't learn to shut up and move on (right dekar?), it just ticks me off.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Yuna, there are no characters that MK alone renders unviable.

He hurts the viability of Marth, Peach, and ROB, but doesn't render them unviable.

Other characters that suck are hopeless with or without MK in the game.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Yuna, there are no characters that MK alone renders unviable.

He hurts the viability of Marth, Peach, and ROB, but doesn't render them unviable.

Other characters that suck are hopeless with or without MK in the game.
Hush! Don't give the ignorant fools logical and factual answers to the questions they themselves should have to answer! Let them discover on their own how idiotic they are!

Every single time someone has said "MK makes X unviable", where X is usually anything from 5 to "tons" (or, in cases of severe idiocy, "everyone"), I ask the nincompoops "O RLY? Which characters do MK render unviable by himself, characters which would remain unviable even if he were to be banned?" (or any variations of the same question). Unsurprisingly, the answer is almost always silence because they'll realize they were just making **** up.

Either they shut up and remain quiet, proving themselves to be ignorant idiots who makes **** up and in possession of a laughably superficial grasp of Brawl and not having the decency to fess up to it or they have to fess up to making **** up and being in possession of a laughably superficial grasp of Brawl by admitting to being wrong.

It's basically my version of a debate "It's a trap".

Yes, I am that huge of a b****

By the way, what is Eyada's ban criteria?

ILY2 Yuna X3
Lots of gay?.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
When did I ever say John knows nothing about FE? Not once.

@Atomsk- Great, sounds like I'm going to win $100 in two MMs.

@Yuna- I already listed MK's match-ups, which are a joke. If MK is doing it right, then he's winning, that's all there is to it, plain and simple. This has been demonstrated by M2K. EVeryone and their mother can say "other character's metagames are young and underdeveloped!!!" all they want, but when they're going to be truthful about the subject, they know that isn't the truth. M2K isn't the end of all competitive gaming, he's just a good player who picked up an extremely easy character, with an extremely easy learning curve, who just so happens to have been developed for the sole purpose of being better than all other characters.

As for Diddy being even with MK, Avarice, everyone minus a select few on the Diddy boards makes the assumption that the MK main won't know how to play with bananas, or that Diddy is the only one suited for good use of bananas (both very poor assumptions which Hanson absolutely destroyed).

Diddy v MK is NOT even, by any stretch of the imagination.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
As for Diddy being even with MK, Avarice, everyone minus a select few on the Diddy boards makes the assumption that the MK main won't know how to play with bananas, or that Diddy is the only one suited for good use of bananas (both very poor assumptions which Hanson absolutely destroyed).

Diddy v MK is NOT even, by any stretch of the imagination.
lol you over exaggerated that soooo much


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
@Yuna- I already listed MK's match-ups, which are a joke. If MK is doing it right, then he's winning, that's all there is to it, plain and simple. This has been demonstrated by M2K. EVeryone and their mother can say "other character's metagames are young and underdeveloped!!!" all they want, but when they're going to be truthful about the subject, they know that isn't the truth. M2K isn't the end of all competitive gaming, he's just a good player who picked up an extremely easy character, with an extremely easy learning curve, who just so happens to have been developed for the sole purpose of being better than all other characters.
This does not answer, in any way, the question I raised specifically for you to answer, based on something you yourself said!

You: MK makes tons of characters unviable!
Me: O RLY? Which characters does MK alone turn unviable?
You: MK has some mighty good match-ups!

This =/= That
Your inane spouting of factoids meant to sway the hearts of lesser intelligents =/= Logics or fact
Obama >>> Bush (both of them put together)

King Yo Lu De

Smash Rookie
May 2, 2009
Metaknight can be tuff by unfair play, but I don't think he should be BANNED !! Even though all he does is swing his sword in 20 different positions at ONCE ! :dizzy:


Smash Ace
Dec 2, 2008
Jefferson, USA
Hush! Don't give the ignorant fools logical and factual answers to the questions they themselves should have to answer! Let them discover on their own how idiotic they are!

Every single time someone has said "MK makes X unviable", where X is usually anything from 5 to "tons" (or, in cases of severe idiocy, "everyone"), I ask the nincompoops "O RLY? Which characters do MK render unviable by himself, characters which would remain unviable even if he were to be banned?" (or any variations of the same question). Unsurprisingly, the answer is almost always silence because they'll realize they were just making **** up.

Either they shut up and remain quiet, proving themselves to be ignorant idiots who makes **** up and in possession of a laughably superficial grasp of Brawl and not having the decency to fess up to it or they have to fess up to making **** up and being in possession of a laughably superficial grasp of Brawl by admitting to being wrong.

It's basically my version of a debate "It's a trap".

Yes, I am that huge of a b****

By the way, what is Eyada's ban criteria?

Lots of gay?.

This is the newest rendition of it. Amazing Ampharos is going to post a response some time in the future, but I'm sure Eyada wouldn't mind some extra constructive criticism. The criteria starts where the blue text starts.

As to your flame comments, you DO realize that the only things you are encouraging by those types of posts are negative emotional responses, right? If you want people to listen to you, don't insult them before they have a chance to think about it. While its true that there will always be people who wish to remain willfully ignorant, you kill most of your chances of reaching people who might actually listen.

Just saying...


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
@Dekar, everyone on the Diddy boards minus a select few believe that the MK knows how to use the bananas to a good, realistic extent, but not to some unsaid potential. You can't say, "MK can expirement with bananas, new things might be discovered, and then the matchup is much worse."

It's just a logical statement; Diddy plays with bananas every single game. MK only plays with bananas versus the Diddy matchup and on their own random time. Diddy uses bananas more, meaning that he should know much more of his possible followups and such with bananas.

At top levels of play, Diddy will logically have more banana knowledge. And even assuming that the MK has equal banana knowledge, the mere fact that Diddy can spawn bananas whenever he chooses means that he has the advantage. MK mains in that thread said that it wasn't that they didn't know how to use bananas, but Diddy kept them under his control so well.

No one really won that argument between Hanson and P1/AZ...

Also, a character having good matchups against other characters does not make them unviable. This would also mean that Snake, Falco, D3, heck basically EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER other than Captain Falcon makes another character unviable, and that logic is just silly.

Making a character unviable means that the character just can't be used competitively. The closest thing to this is D3s matchups against Donkey Kong, Mario, Luigi, Samus, and Bowser. D3 makes Donkey Kong unviable because he has an easy infinite on him, and a ridiculous match-up against DK. Anyone can simply CP D3 when they're losing to a DK, and congratulations, 99 times out of 100 they win a game of the set.

Does MK do this? Does MK have any completely **** matchups that are specific to him and him only? The answer is no.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Yes Yuna, Obama is much better suited for the job of president than Bush. I don't know why you're telling ME this, as John is the one who thinks Obama's administration is full of fail, not me =] Then again this could just be a tidbit you decided to add into the end of your comment while using ascii to display some symbolic logic.

I'd much rather not browse the entirety of this thread to bring up something that was utterly dismissed instead of answered. Feel free to do so if it's so important to you though.

@Atomsk- Is NJ going to **** me? That's good to hear. I'll have friends around to help enforce you two to pay up when the time comes :)

@Avarice- Go play Hanson, the Diddy main gone MK. Spawning the bananas doesn't mean you're going to UTILIZE them better than the opponent. When a terrible Diddy spawns bananas against a good Diddy player who's playing Mario, is he going to control the bananas better than the one playing Mario?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden

This is the newest rendition of it. Amazing Ampharos is going to post a response some time in the future, but I'm sure Eyada wouldn't mind some extra constructive criticism. The criteria starts where the blue text starts.
That's Eyada's magical ban criteria? I refuted that 20 or 30 pages back, using his own logic against him no less. I'll see if I can dig it up.

As to your flame comments, you DO realize that the only things you are encouraging by those types of posts are negative emotional responses, right? If you want people to listen to you, don't insult them before they have a chance to think about it. While its true that there will always be people who wish to remain willfully ignorant, you kill most of your chances of reaching people who might actually listen.

Just saying...
Someone: MK renders X amount of characters unviable!
Me: Please name them.

This is a flame? It's a perfectly legitimate question. If they answer it incorrectly by listing a jillion characters they think are rendered unviable by MK, I'll just refute them and they will have learned something. If they sit down and think about it or do research on the subject, they will realize that they were wrong.

From here, there are two paths.
Path of the willfully stupid/ignorant/whatever: Refuse to acknowledge one was wrong to begin with and move on as if nothing happened.
Path of the logical/intelligent/whatever: Realize one was wrong and needs more education on the subject before debating it further and make a tactical (if temporary) retreat.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Yes Yuna, Obama is much better suited for the job of president than Bush. I don't know why you're telling ME this, as John is the one who thinks Obama's administration is full of fail, not me =] Then again this could just be a tidbit you decided to add into the end of your comment while using ascii to display some symbolic logic.
It was simoultaneously a symbolic "formula" for logic while also being a jab at Inui's political stance. Pscht, a gay Republican (only a Republican can love Bush).

I'd much rather not browse the entirety of this thread to bring up something that was utterly dismissed instead of answered. Feel free to do so if it's so important to you though.
And yet again you refuse to answer the question.

You made a claim, I called you out on it and now you refuse to defend your own claim with logics, facts and arguments. At least have the decency to admit defeat.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
It was simoultaneously a symbolic "formula" for logic while also being a jab at Inui's political stance. Pscht, a gay Republican (only a Republican can love Bush).
I'm a republican... and I don't like Bush... and I'm not gay.... ;.;


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2007
Raleigh, NC
+1 for the internets...
now how to make this a real post
In all honesty can't we all just get along?
Should MK be banned?
Is it fair that ice cream melts on a hot day?
Why am I so hungry with nothing to eat?
This and more questions the internet can't rightfully answer.
It's been nice ready the back and forth but I would like to see more actually discussion so I can lurk moar.

PS. Don't hurt me I'm just a kid at heart ^_^


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
@Avarice- Go play Hanson, the Diddy main gone MK. Spawning the bananas doesn't mean you're going to UTILIZE them better than the opponent. When a terrible Diddy spawns bananas against a good Diddy player who's playing Mario, is he going to control the bananas better than the one playing Mario?
But spawning bananas means that you control when and how many bananas will be on the stage, which is an advantage. No, it doesn't mean that you're going to utilize them better than the opponent, but as a general rule, the vast majority of Diddy mains have spent much more time with bananas than the vast majority of MK mains. Hanson is an exception.

But when the Diddy who's spawning bananas knows how to utilize them just as well (although most of the time better) than his opponent MK, then obviously he has the advantage. Really, your opponent shouldn't gain control of your bananas unless you mess up, and you shouldn't spawn bananas when you can't get them. Again, most MKs have trouble just getting the bananas in the first place, not that they don't have skill using them. But this is also true for all other matchups.

Also, you didn't respond to what I said about viability. What makes MK render other characters unviable? It's not good matchups against them, it's not really anything unless you have some other reason.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
@Avarice- Go play Hanson, the Diddy main gone MK. Spawning the bananas doesn't mean you're going to UTILIZE them better than the opponent. When a terrible Diddy spawns bananas against a good Diddy player who's playing Mario, is he going to control the bananas better than the one playing Mario?
Lol, this is dumb. You're comparing a bad player to a good player and then you're saying that the good player will control the bananas. Obviously, but that's not the deciding factor in a matchup. How about we talk about a good Diddy main who plays against a good Diddy that mains Mario, NOW who do you think will control the bananas more?

MK just simply doesn't have the tools to utilize them as well as diddy. He can use them somewhat well, but nowhere near diddy, no character can do that.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
@Atomsk- I'm not going to a tournament in Cali only to get jumped by a bunch of permavirgins because they lost at a game. Inui's already demonstrated that he's a very angry individual over the internet and in person when I asked him about how he did at WHOBO (he *****ed and moaned, like he did in this thread ;D) while everyone was there watching GF's between Dojo and M2K.

@Yuna- is there a plethora of D3s at every tournament one goes to, waiting to chaingrab every one of their good match-ups to death? No.

Is the D3 standing infinite even tourney legal any more among respectable communities? No.

Can a good player beat the ICs infinites? Yes.

Sure, a very good Jigglypuff can invalidate the more gimpable characters (Ganon, CF, Mario, to name a few) but that's what the whole counter-picking system is about.

MK, on the other hand, has ALMOST even match-ups, at best.

I'll bbl for now, tata gents and forever-chastes.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
**** you! I shall go to America (again) just to grope you!
I'd appreciate it if you did this again sometime soon. You're pretty. <3

Nobody is going to be able to prove MK alone renders any other character unviable...because it would involve proving something that isn't true.

@Atomsk- Great, sounds like I'm going to win $100 in two MMs.
It's stupid enough for you to think your Diddy Kong is going to touch me, someone that has taken out ADHD, NinjaLink, AlphaZealot, and Gnes... But you're going to defeat Atomsk, the best Dedede in the world, that consistently beats both NinjaLink and ADHD?

You truly are an ignorant fool, blinded by what little accomplishments you may have in tournaments.

@Atomsk- I'm not going to a tournament in Cali only to get jumped by a bunch of permavirgins because they lost at a game.
If you're so confident you can beat us both...

Care to challenge us in doubles as well? Surely you can win if you can beat both of us individually. You can choose any doubles partner you want, except for Mew2King.

Surely you can beat the best doubles team in the world if you can take us both 1 vs 1. You got this.

Btw, I'm not a virgin...lol.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Pretty much the only thing different in utilization of bananas is the dash attacks.
lol no, glidetoss reach (which is huge, dribbling, naner locking, true combos, etc.), how fast a character can throw, how well a character can punish another when they trip, Diddy's banana pluck itself as an attack (not just using it to pull bananas ) out, etc.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
@Atomsk- I'm not going to a tournament in Cali only to get jumped by a bunch of permavirgins because they lost at a game. Inui's already demonstrated that he's a very angry individual over the internet and in person when I asked him about how he did at WHOBO (he *****ed and moaned, like he did in this thread ;D) while everyone was there watching GF's between Dojo and M2K.
Lolz at thinking i'm on the same level as Inui XD


It's stupid enough for you to think your Diddy Kong is going to touch me, someone that has taken out ADHD, NinjaLink, AlphaZealot, and Gnes... But you're going to defeat Atomsk, the best Dedede in the world, that consistently beats both NinjaLink and ADHD?
Everyone is all over mai **** today
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