Should have put this in the match-up thread but oh well.
How do you guys feel about the Ic's vs. Samus match-up? The match-up thread says 50-50 but the match-up thread seems to be a little too opinionated for my taste, so I'd rather just ask myself. I ask because I two stocked a pretty good climbers (Ori bro) this weekend in friendlies at SiiS with her but was only able to play one game against him, so I'm not too sure of how well she does against Ic's that know the match-up. While playing, I noticed that being in the air half of the time, bombs, platforms, and a still existent huge surprise factor all really helped me win the match. And after talking with both him and lain, I found out that she is actually pretty hard to cg for the climbers and that the match-up isn't that bad for her if she knows it. So with all of that in mind, for the Samus mains who often play good ic's, how do you feel about the match-up, and is she a viable cp against ic's?