Yeah, I was fairly certain that Fillin was Rottytops all along. It's like Mr. X in
6 all over again.
Still though, it goes to show just how much Rotty progressed in focus since the first game even compared to Shantae's other friends; going from an NPC running a mini-game/a glorified keystone for an important location, to having a secondary role, to being part of the main cast, to becoming playable, and now to having a major (albeit accidental) role in the plot. She's come a long way.
Speaking of the plot...Well, you folks were sort of right about the mayor being up to something sneaky, but I never expected
that. Hats off, Risky, that had to be her most boggling plan yet. Those who want her to reform are going to be disappointed though.
I guess the only time Scuttle Town ever gets left alone is when Risky leaves, most of the Barons don't appear to have done anything this time (that we know of). On the flip side, Squid Baron got a side grade and is just an obstacle, it's probably too early to have him become the final boss of anything.
It is funny how this game still keeps its E10+ rating despite the Empress
turning 50 FEET TALL.
In regards to the ending, I really have no clue what direction the series is going at this point. We're clearly in it for the long haul.
At the end of the day, this game is more or less a standalone one. Or at least it would be, if it wasn't for that book and the half-genie that owned it.