So, let's back up for a second.
asked for an example of a competitively viable use for a full elephant transformation. I answered that 2-framing and ledge trapping would be good examples, but that it is fine if there is no competitive application for the elephant transformation.
then followed up by asking why Shantae should have to change forms to use the elephant moves. I first stressed that the real reason has nothing to do competitive balance, but then answered that restricting a nimble zoner's access to big deadly hitboxes might nevertheless be a valid balance-based consideration.
So in light of that conversational background, before giving a direct answer to your question,
@RidleyKraid187 , I want to stress again that my desire for Shantae to have a fully-fledged transformation mechanic is not driven by balance considerations. Basically you are right - if our goal was to keep the elephant moves without giving Shantae full transformations, then yes, certainly we could accomplish that without breaking game balance, so long as we tweak the damage and frame data appropriately. But that would be the opposite of my goal in designing Shantae's moveset. My goal would be to include - not exclude - transformations, and then balance around that. Why? Simply because I think full transformations would be more fun and more fitting for Shantae.
That said....... I do think the compromises you would have to make to elephant bash and elephant stomp would be kind of a bummer. Charging someone down or slamming on top of them as a big elephant
should feel like you are hitting them with a truck. I also still am firmly of the opinion that making Shantae transform into an elephant during the move's windup and then transform back during the move's cooldown would feel awkward and clunky. That would be much too busy for the startup and cooldown animations of a fighting game move in my opinion. Yes, it's somewhat subjective, and it's hard to know for sure without being able to test it. It's possible, though I think unlikely, that it could work more smoothly than I am imagining. But again, I'd rather have the full transformations anyway.
EDIT: Just to be extra extra extra clear, I am NOT trying to argue here that single move transformations (e.g. transforming into an elephant just for smash attacks) could not work (even if I am skeptical of the concept). I am simply pointing out that A) there could in theory be competitive merit to some of Shantae's transformations, and B) Shantae's transformations do not need a competitive balance-based justification anyway - they could still make for a great moveset concept even if they wouldn't have a role in a competitive setting.
I missed your last post, but
@RidleyKraid187 made a similar point, just in a less aggressively-worded way, so most of what I say here applies to your post as well. As for whether harpy form would be degenerate, that is getting a little carried away. There is so much variation in how transformations could be implemented and balanced, there is no basis for such an argument. Harpy form could be broken, useless, or anything in between depending on the particulars of how they implement it. As for the "constant" access thing, this is just a semantic difference, and not worth getting hung up on.