I'm gonna jot this down for everyone.
Shantae getting in would in just her alone BTFO:
1.Indies can't be playable
2.Shantae isn't good enough of an indie compared to Shovel Knight/Sans/Quote/Reimu who deserve the spot more.
3.Spirits can't get in.
4.Shantae only has support due to WayForward's shilling/begging for votes.
One thing that has always bothered me about the whole Indies in Smash debate is apparently all you need to be "Deserving" of a slot as an indie character is to have a single viral success of a game of at least noteworthy sales..
Quote, still only has the one game,
Shovel Knight, has 1 game (yes they sell the "treasure trove" campaigns individually, you could argue either way) and his 2nd game was only recently announced
Sans is in one game,
Cuphead, when you sign an exclusivity deal with Microsoft, you kinda stop being Indie.
The exceptions are Reimu and Steve, but both of these have ascended past indie status and are kinda special cases (MC in particular), but their indie origins should be noted.
The reason I support Shantae so fervently is because She and Wayforward fought and worked hard for her popularity, Harder then any other Indie pick. She didn't have the luxury of the modern gaming sphere where indie title succeed as they do. Wayforward worked on games for other people just to scrounge up enough money to make the games they wanted to make.
Shantae herself as a character had to fight to even exist as a female character, her game being rejected by publishers because she was a female. WF worked hard to get Shantae where she is today,
Getting Shantae in smash can show indie companies that though hard work and perseverance you can be successful, putting SK/quote/Sans in can show indies you need to have a viral hit to be successful IMO
(I wanna note that I don't think any of competing indie pick's games are bad, or don't deserve the praise they got, just that generally one game does not an "icon" make)