you know, i will laugh so hard if Erdrick was leak bait. I mean all people are going on are leakers saying stuff, and the word Brave in code. You guys really think Nintendo would put the name the character is known for in the code when they know about dataminers? Sakurai learned from the past.
My theory is the first letter is the code for the character. Jack->Joker. Brave-> Banjo. Plus the code stats for how Brave fights fits banjo more. Floaty is what it was described.
So Yeah, Banjo Has a ton more evidence then Erdrick. Merchandising, Code for rare Spirits in the game, and one 100% more credible person. So I am expecting Banjo for sure, but I bet we will see a surpise other character. Shantae? Reimu? Doom Slayer? Slime? Heck Freaking Geno? Anything can happen. Just don't expect Erdrick.
Remember everyone was saying Armor form pokemon were absoultely happening? This weeks direct shot down that for sure and absolute leak.