People leak to get others excited.
Official news will also do that. Much more than any text for sure.
Why do the job for them?
Leakers(not insiders) actually leak stuff they think is real. They aren't lying whatsoever. It's the insiders that often are, but not the actual leaker who gives us the information. Verge never lies. He can still believe wrong information.
No way the Admin is actually lying. It doesn't mean he was told the truth. Those are two different things.
Leakers who intentionally lie come in two categories; they aren't actually leakers and just trolls, or they're people who put in a few small things to gain attention along with telling the truth. The latter still believe they have real information regardless. Verge, for instance, believed a lot of things that weren't true. He only said stuff because he honestly believed in it and doesn't lie to people. He definitely backpedals and makes excuses, but that has nothing to do with his honesty, which couldn't be more topnotch.
Except it's become somewhat difficult to differentiate between the two.
Who is telling the truth and who doesn't? What was an honest mistake and what was an outright act of deception?
"Leakers" (anyone who call themselves that anyways) are a dime a dozon.
So it's kinda difficult to seperate the good from the bad ones.
And even then, I'm against leaking in general.
People have gotten way too impatient these days.
They gotta learn to wait patiently for the stuff to come, when the time is right.
My issue with verge and all the "Leakers" is they position themselves (intentionally or not) to shift blame when they are wrong.
But I also take issue with this community believing "leaks" because it's what they want rather then what evidence says.
You guys remember the vitriol and drama that Box theory caused? That turned out to be correct.
Good point.
And on the other side of the spectrum, we had the Grinch Leak.
It told people exactly what they wanted to hear and whoever did this, put a lot of effort into it, to make it look as legitimate as possible.
But alas, it was all a lie...
The only thing we can say about "leakers" is to take what they say with a truckload of salt.
I can agree with that.