It was a smash rookie that got me riled up because he acused my piece of evidence and it had nothing to do with dylly he’s a great person and friend and I don’t want it to get any worse and this thing can make coincidences Into evidence.
Also I’m so sorry dylly
Are you seriously just going to ignore me and attack my character? That's pretty low bud.
If it was JUST jammies mode or If it was JUST way forwards silence. Or JUST shovel knight appearing imdie crossover fighting games but not shantae, or if was JUST Shantae getting trademarked the same year as K. Rool then it wouldnt mean anything.
All these things Individually could easily be chalked up to coincidence. But all these things stringed together cannot easily be dismissed as mere coincidence.
Out of all of these the only ones that have any merit are WF silence and potentially the Indie fighter thing. Jammies mode is reaching as the phrase ultimate is pretty common when making something that is the best, or am I to assume that Thanos will be in Smash since Marvel referred to Infinity Wars as the "ultimate" crossover? Mimic's final words could just be a hint to a new Shantae in general and might not have anything to do with Smash. The "Warning" screen is a reference to Blaster Master Zero boss fights, a simple google search would have revealed that to everyone in here. I bet you can find a ton of other Trademarks that were submitted the same year as K. Rool or Shantae, am I to assume that each of those trademarks mean they are in Smash? And what about characters like Bayonetta or Simon, I can't find any trade marks around the same time for their inclusion in either Smash 4 for Bayo's case and Ultimate in Simon's case. As for the Indie fighters, just because there are Indie fighters doesn't mean Shantae has to be in them, it is entirely possible that WF was never approached for their inclusion and that is why they she isn't in either of them.
Now that isn't to say that Shantae isn't in or can't be in. I feel WF's silence is pretty evident that she is in this game or that WF has some part in it in some capacity. The question is what level of inclusion? If anyone can provide me links to actual statements from Game devs saying they reached out to WF to include Shantae in their games I will give more credence to the Indie fighters thing but as it stands the only real pillar we have to stand on is WF's silence, everything else could just be coincidental. People can find connections in anything if they want something hard enough, think of all of the people who have found Jesus in any number of things from clouds to toast.