Doesn't change the fact that it was on the NES before PlayStation.
Metal Gear however came out on Konami's own MSX-system first.
It was then later ported to NES (it was a terrible port).
From then on, Metal Gear turned away from Nintendo. Only getting two more Nintendo-games.
One being Twin Snakes, a remake of the first MGS-game (which however is mostly hated by fans).
And "Metal Gear: Ghost Babel" a forgettable GBC-game.
So yeah, Snake has some history, but very little.
And it doesn't change the fact, that Nintendo consoles were never the primary focus of his franchise.
And yeah, every FF game (not counting spin-offs like FF4: the After Years) has separate characters and worlds, which is why they had to compromise and pick the character that the most people knew to be the iconic franchise representative. Or would you expect them to include 15+ FF characters in Smash? I'd personally prefer a moogle or, say, Cecil or Terra to represent FF, but the logic makes sense for what it is.
Don't put words into my mouth. I never asked for 15+ FF-Characters.
Because Cloud is immensely popular, that's why. Sure Terra is really popular as well but not on the level of Cloud, pretty much anyone who has played video games knows of Cloud while the same can't really be said for any other FF character. No character can really encapsulate all FF games because they're pretty diverse and just about always feature a new cast, the only ones that you can really pick are Chocobo and Moogles but why pick them when you can pick Cloud? Plus I'm also pretty sure there was a big push for Cloud after or around Brawl, or at least I remember it being meme'd a lot.
I, however, would argue that Terra Branford would make more sense as a character, if we were to really force that "Nintendo history" argument.
FF6 is almost as popular as FF7, last I've seen.
And if a character must have Nintendo history to be in Smash, then Terra would make more sense, than Cloud.
FF6 may not be as popular as FF7, but it's a very close second...
I mean come on. Final Fantasy fans are still arguing to this day, if FF7 or FF6 is better.