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Shantae, the Half Genie Protector of Scuttle Town! (A Switch To A New WayForward)

Do you think shantae can make it?

  • Yes, as a fighter

  • Yes, as a assist trophy

  • No, not as a assist trophy

  • No, not at all

Results are only viewable after voting.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I kinda would've liked emoticon reactions to posts for those ones. Simple responses. There isn't even one like I'm thinking tho. i'll just go with this one:


(I get it tho, it feels long, i get it.. )
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Mango The Magician

Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2018
Shantae still has more evidence in her favor than most other characters do, including the more popular choices like Skull Kid or Issac.

Half of the reason why characters like Skull Kid, Isabelle, and Shadow are still appearing in fake leaks is because of the bandwagon effect and because their assist trophies haven't been shown yet.
To be fair that's the best evidence a character can have. I'll agree that Shantae and Issac are about on par when it comes to evidence, but there's somethings up with Shadow, Isabelle, and Skull Kid. Which is fine by me because I like all those characters...

Well I like Shadow and Isabelle, I'm beyond sick of Majora's Mask and would rather a different Zelda rep. Ultimately anyways Shantae is kinda in a weird spot, she's could easily make it in, but we just have to wait and see if she does.

Deleted member

To be fair that's the best evidence a character can have. I'll agree that Shantae and Issac are about on par when it comes to evidence, but there's somethings up with Shadow, Isabelle, and Skull Kid. Which is fine by me because I like all those characters...

Well I like Shadow and Isabelle, I'm beyond sick of Majora's Mask and would rather a different Zelda rep. Ultimately anyways Shantae is kinda in a weird spot, she's could easily make it in, but we just have to wait and see if she does.

I believe impa would be a good choice as shiek’s echo for a Zelda rep

Captain Hazama

Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2014
13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi
I rather have anything but the emo hog. Never liked Shadow ever since he came in the Sonic series. But I won't condemn anyone who wants him, just not my cup of tea. Skull Kid I honestly believe does deserve to be in. He was very popular that Sakurai had to tell in his direct, that he was a AT.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2018
I personally would never use the lack of an AT as evidence until after we've had our final smash direct. There are still a handful of other trophies from previous games that have not been shown yet, either, and they're bound to have at least one more AT reel before release. It's just too flimsy for me to get my hopes up for, especially considering characters like Skull Kid and Isabelle had zero discussion or ballot votes mainly because they were assist trophies. The same thing happened to Waluigi and Ashley. It's just not strong enough of an argument. Heck, the moon being an AT is more convincing as evidence than his lack of an AT.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2018
Switch FC
SW 3649 6707 8868
I rather have anything but the emo hog. Never liked Shadow ever since he came in the Sonic series. But I won't condemn anyone who wants him, just not my cup of tea. Skull Kid I honestly believe does deserve to be in. He was very popular that Sakurai had to tell in his direct, that he was a AT.
I agree with everything you've said. I honestly couldn't care less about Shadow, and don't see what could possibly make him an interesting addition to the Smash roster. Seems like edgy sonic, to me. Better to keep it as a skin I think.

Skull Kid on the other hand would be fantastic for a multitude of reasons, and I'd be nearly as excited to see him as I would be for our girl


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I rather have anything but the emo hog. Never liked Shadow ever since he came in the Sonic series. But I won't condemn anyone who wants him, just not my cup of tea. Skull Kid I honestly believe does deserve to be in. He was very popular that Sakurai had to tell in his direct, that he was a AT.
Back then it wasn't yet too common of a thing to announce new assist trophies, if I remember right. He had to say it because the picture was of a character, and pretty much the size of a fighter, so he just wanted to make it clear. He wasn't really wanted in the past that much, it's a new thing. I don't like that people blew some things out of proportion when stuff like leaks started people thinking weirdly.
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I rather have anything but the emo hog. Never liked Shadow ever since he came in the Sonic series. But I won't condemn anyone who wants him, just not my cup of tea. Skull Kid I honestly believe does deserve to be in. He was very popular that Sakurai had to tell in his direct, that he was a AT.
I don't like Shadow either, I think Metal Sonic would be a better Echo Fighter for Sonic then him.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2013
Hey, you can count me as a supporter!

Shantae's moves would translate so well in Smash, and having a character who constantly transforms into various forms to attack would be fun and unique.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Inkling also has different weapons as Smash Attacks.
Plus they quickly switch back and forth between human and squid forms in some of their attacks.
So I don't see rapid formshifting for single attacks being an issue.
It isn't for Inkling and it shouldn't be for Shantae either.

Another solution, like I suggested. Is make transformations seperate playable entities, but with much smaller movesets.
Like only two or three attacks, serving the role they excel in.
Either option works fine for me.
Those are weapons, not transformations activated by belly-dancing. So no, it's not the same and just a really bad comparison. She either doesn't have them or she ends up getting taking up more space than necessary. Your other suggestion is still an issue because it will make the transformations pointless. Why be an elephant who can do mainly charge attacks and barely jump, when Shantae is way more versatille in her base form?


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
The only character who has any hard evidence is Geno as Sakurai did state that he wanted him previous Smashes.

As we've leaned from Ashley, not having your assist trophy show up doesn't guarantee that that character will become a fighter. These characters are simply popular choices in fake leaks and of course the bandwagon effect.

Shantae easily has the most circumstantial and theoretical evidence out of any of the previously mentioned characters.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2018
Switch FC
SW 3649 6707 8868
The only Zelda rep I want to appear is Vaati. He's just such a cool Zelda villain!
Vaati would also be all sorts of hype. It'll never happen, but if it did I'd cheese.

+1 for our spoopy eyeball boi in disguise


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Well then practically no one has any evidence by that standard. The only one you could argue has any real evidence is Geno, since Sakurai stated he wanted to put him in smash before. Otherwise, we're just left to speculate their chances based on the ballot and circumstantial evidence. That being said, I think Shantae has some of the most convincing out there.
Yeah man, otherwise we're left assuming they just pull characters out of thin air. It's at least better time spent than constantly talking about the same topics ad nauseam.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
I rather have anything but the emo hog. Never liked Shadow ever since he came in the Sonic series. But I won't condemn anyone who wants him, just not my cup of tea. Skull Kid I honestly believe does deserve to be in. He was very popular that Sakurai had to tell in his direct, that he was a AT.
I agree with everything you've said. I honestly couldn't care less about Shadow, and don't see what could possibly make him an interesting addition to the Smash roster. Seems like edgy sonic, to me. Better to keep it as a skin I think.

Skull Kid on the other hand would be fantastic for a multitude of reasons, and I'd be nearly as excited to see him as I would be for our girl
I don't like Shadow either, I think Metal Sonic would be a better Echo Fighter for Sonic then him.
And here I thought I was the only one in this world, who doesn't like Shadow.
Though my primary dislike for him, comes from the fact that he is literally a black-colored Super Sonic.
It may be because I am an artist, but I just don't like "Dark Clones" in general.
Creating a new character by palette-swapping an already existing one, is as uncreative as you can get.

It sucks when Shadow does it, but also when others do it.
Dark Link, Dark Pit, Akuma, Evil Ryu, Shadow Mario, Cosmic Mario/Luigi, Nightmare Zero...

And yes, Nega Shantae as well.
As much as I love Shantae, I don't like her Dark Clone.
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Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
Humm, I don't really know about what else to say. Except for apologies for my negativity since I can tend to go from "cool" to "what did you say about me" for some of the dumbest reasons. Otherwise, I think I'm just browsing on here too much and going insane over the lack of substantial news that can absolutely make or break her. I hope no other groups have to deal with someone else like me, because that's just gonna bring more negativity there, like I am doing. Good gravy...

To add on to the Dark Clones, I think Akuma is more unique than Ryu and Evil Ryu, considering how he's essential for the lore of the Satsui no Hado to progress, eventually getting to its opposite, the Mu no Ken. And really, a Dark Clone character is sort of like a spiritual realization of one's inner turmoil and hatred and, really, as long as they have a good presence in the story and they can effectively move the plot by themselves, I say they have some meaningful existence.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Humm, I don't really know about what else to say. Except for apologies for my negativity since I can tend to go from "cool" to "what did you say about me" for some of the dumbest reasons. Otherwise, I think I'm just browsing on here too much and going insane over the lack of substantial news that can absolutely make or break her. I hope no other groups have to deal with someone else like me, because that's just gonna bring more negativity there, like I am doing. Good gravy...
Don't worry about it, everyone has their moments, but I don't really see you as being that negative, I was facepalming(for lack of better emo) at your joke (or metaphore or w/e).
We're just here talking, passing time, and sometimes exasperated at how long it can take for some things. .. :O
(and I like to focus on the good parts of our journey here, cuz there are lots)
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Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Humm, I don't really know about what else to say. Except for apologies for my negativity since I can tend to go from "cool" to "what did you say about me" for some of the dumbest reasons. Otherwise, I think I'm just browsing on here too much and going insane over the lack of substantial news that can absolutely make or break her. I hope no other groups have to deal with someone else like me, because that's just gonna bring more negativity there, like I am doing. Good gravy...
Well you're not alone. I've been having doubts for Shantae lately and with the combination of the Nintendo Direct delay and this crappy weather around here, things are being a bit gloomy. I think we're all a bit crazy now and probably want to complain about the delay are secretly suppressing that urge.

I'm sure Nintendo has a good reason for whatever they're planning but I can't help but leak a bit of that frustration out.
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Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2018
Those are weapons, not transformations activated by belly-dancing. So no, it's not the same and just a really bad comparison. She either doesn't have them or she ends up getting taking up more space than necessary. Your other suggestion is still an issue because it will make the transformations pointless. Why be an elephant who can do mainly charge attacks and barely jump, when Shantae is way more versatille in her base form?
And yet you ignored the part where I said, that Inklings rapidly change forms to Squid and back to human for certain attacks.
Like one of their Throws.

Same could work for Shantae if she had transformations as Smash Attacks or something.
Quickly shift into the animal to attack with and then turn back at the end of the attack.
I don't see a problem there.

And talking about the Transformations as seperate mini-characters style.
Why would a smaller moveset make a character pointless?
The attacks they have would serve the role they excel in.
And let's not forget about passive abilities. Anyone remember Shulk and how his Monado Arts raise certain stats and lower others?
Similar thing could apply to transformations as well.

And if Shantae could transform as quickly as Shulk can activate his Monado Arts, I don't see much of a problem here.

As for the lack of long bellydancing, as in Shantae games: So what?!
In a fast paced game like this, adjustments need to be made.
Cutting down many of the cooldowns from the official Shantae games is hardly a problem.
Doesn't mean her bellydancing can't be used elsewhere, like in Taunts or Victory Poses.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I know this is the Shantae thread, but seeing the "bandwagon / new popularity" excuse for characters, I just had to post this:

So, obviously I'm talkin' about Skull Kid: I've read Skull Kid has been wanted since Brawl, maybe Melee. I feel like people underrate him; he's the main villain in an iconic game, even if influenced by the mask. His early deconfirmation in Smash 4 just sorta killed everyone's hopes that he'd ever be a likely addition to the Smash roster, but leaks and speculation just brought those hopes back. And "bandwagon"...sounds like people like him, at least.

I mean, while his other 2 main-series roles were as a side-character (or a boss in Twilight Princess), he's still very iconic, so I'd assume he'd get votes outside of just the main Smash community. You can say it's just the mask that's iconic, but Skull Kid is associated with the mask, so...

I'm sure other characters are in similar situations; Isabelle is basically AC's mascot (poor Tom Nook) and is popular, Shadow is very popular and is Sonic's rival, etc.

anyway, good luck on getting Shantae in Smash.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Well you're not alone. I've been having doubts for Shantae lately and with the combination of the Nintendo Direct delay and this crappy weather around here, things are being a bit gloomy. I think we're all a bit crazy now and probably want to complain about the delay are secretly suppressing that urge.

I'm sure Nintendo has a good reason for whatever they're planning but I can't help but leak a bit of that frustration out.
I'm surprised it didn't come out sooner. But it makes sense, kind of like how things can have a shock before you can let it through. That and politeness.
I think the delay sucks. I'm just not willing to writhe in my own agony, because that doesn't feel good either.

Heck, I don't see anything wrong with complaining at least a little bit. Should be free to express. Doesn't mean it's good reason to be down tho.
This isn't like a waiting room too, we can go about our lives and sooner or later we'll get some news..

Deleted member

So for everyone on the whole thread with all of the stuff we said....what are your chances shantae would be a fighter?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Well then practically no one has any evidence by that standard. The only one you could argue has any real evidence is Geno, since Sakurai stated he wanted to put him in smash before. Otherwise, we're just left to speculate their chances based on the ballot and circumstantial evidence. That being said, I think Shantae has some of the most convincing out there.
I mean, I'd call most of the points provided as circumstantial evidence. Never said that they don't hold any merit, but I just like to keep my expectations low unless something really, REALLY, concrete pops up.

In no particular order:

Indie Crossovers - Shantae not being in games like RoA or Blade Strangers could be as simple as WF not being approached by those particular devs. Shovel Knight's immense popularity is what probably gets him to be requested so frequently as a guest. Shantae's certainly popular, but as much as a dedicated cult following as she's got, SK's probably just more recognizable (despite not being around as long) simply because his game was such a big hit from the get go. Not to mention the continual updates and aforementioned crossovers have kept him in the limelight.

Tweeting Jammie Selfies - These are the only ones that I think can be taken as proper hints especially so with the dialogue in Jammies. My only hangup here is that while it might hint at her being in. It could still very well be just as an AT like SK. Some would argue that hyping her up only to be an AT or more minor role wouldn't make sense but I think that the amount of enthusiasm WF has for Smash would say otherwise. Even if it's not as a character, I'm sure they'd just be stoked to have their character in Smash period.

Chairs - ...

Again, being a downer wasn't my intention, I just don't see her as a lock just yet.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I know this is the Shantae thread, but seeing the "bandwagon / new popularity" excuse for characters, I just had to post this:

So, obviously I'm talkin' about Skull Kid: I've read Skull Kid has been wanted since Brawl, maybe Melee. I feel like people underrate him; he's the main villain in an iconic game, even if influenced by the mask. His early deconfirmation in Smash 4 just sorta killed everyone's hopes that he'd ever be a likely addition to the Smash roster, but leaks and speculation just brought those hopes back. And "bandwagon"...sounds like people like him, at least.

I mean, while his other 2 main-series roles were as a side-character (or a boss in Twilight Princess), he's still very iconic, so I'd assume he'd get votes outside of just the main Smash community. You can say it's just the mask that's iconic, but Skull Kid is associated with the mask, so...

I'm sure other characters are in similar situations; Isabelle is basically AC's mascot (poor Tom Nook) and is popular, Shadow is very popular and is Sonic's rival, etc.

anyway, good luck on getting Shantae in Smash.
That's not completely true. Back then it was seen differently. There was no big support thread for him for smash 4 that I could find, it was just a couple pages.

I don't really care to argue about this stuff, but people need to wake the **** up and check deeper instead of making outlandish connections, like the chairs and all the other stuff.

I've said enough. back to shantae..
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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Your other suggestion is still an issue because it will make the transformations pointless. Why be an elephant who can do mainly charge attacks and barely jump, when Shantae is way more versatille in her base form?
Same reason as to why in her own games, to give Shantae access to tools that she can’t normally do on her own, in the context of this game the transformations could turn Shantae into Smash’s equivalent of a Swiss Army knife. for example the elephant, while slow could help her tank a few hits and knock enemies far away and specialize in dealing finishing blows.

Also with how quick the Pokémon Trainer can switch between Pokémon, I don’t think it’d be an issue for her switching back and forth from different forms
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Smash Master
May 17, 2002
And yet you ignored the part where I said, that Inklings rapidly change forms to Squid and back to human for certain attacks.
Like one of their Throws.

Same could work for Shantae if she had transformations as Smash Attacks or something.
Quickly shift into the animal to attack with and then turn back at the end of the attack.
I don't see a problem there.

And talking about the Transformations as seperate mini-characters style.
Why would a smaller moveset make a character pointless?
The attacks they have would serve the role they excel in.
And let's not forget about passive abilities. Anyone remember Shulk and how his Monado Arts raise certain stats and lower others?
Similar thing could apply to transformations as well.

And if Shantae could transform as quickly as Shulk can activate his Monado Arts, I don't see much of a problem here.

As for the lack of long bellydancing, as in Shantae games: So what?!
In a fast paced game like this, adjustments need to be made.
Cutting down many of the cooldowns from the official Shantae games is hardly a problem.
Doesn't mean her bellydancing can't be used elsewhere, like in Taunts or Victory Poses.
I'm aware of the Inkling's transformations but the rapid transformations are literally what they do in Splatoon so of course that's gonna work.

As for the mini-characters, they are pointless because they all major weaknesses in the original games that would poses a bigger problem in Smash Bros especially if they had limited movesets. Why have the monkey when it lacks range and is lighter than Shantae or have the elephant who has basically no recovery? Shulk's monado arts don't transform the character so it's no problem.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
So for everyone on the whole thread with all of the stuff we said....what are your chances shantae would be a fighter?
I do feel comfortable enough that she will appear in Smash Bros Ultimate in some capacity.
As for the divides? Well, I would say 50% playable, 49% assist, and 1% "lesser" representation, which could include trophies, stages, music, those types of things without Shantae.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Same reason as to why in her own games, to give Shantae access to tools that she can’t normally do on her own, for example the elephant, while slow could help her tank a few hits and knock enemies far away and specialize in dealing finishing blows.

Also with how quick the Pokémon Trainer can switch between Pokémon, I don’t think it’d be an issue for her switching back and forth from different forms
The Pokemon Trainer works because not only is Pokemon wildly popular, Squirtle and Charizard have been a highly demanded characters for years, so why not make them part of the Pokemon Trainer's team like in the games. I'm sure nobody likes Shantae mainly because of a sole transformation.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2013
And here I thought I was the only one in this world, who doesn't like Shadow.
Though my primary dislike for him, comes from the fact that he is literally a black-colored Super Sonic.
It may be because I am an artist, but I just don't like "Dark Clones" in general.
Creating a new character by palette-swapping an already existing one, is as uncreative as you can get.

It sucks when Shadow does it, but also when others do it.
Dark Link, Dark Pit, Akuma, Evil Ryu, Shadow Mario, Cosmic Mario/Luigi, Nightmare Zero...

And yes, Nega Shantae as well.
As much as I love Shantae, I don't like her Dark Clone.
I'd prefer Eggman as another Sonic rep.

Deleted member

I'd prefer Eggman as another Sonic rep.
Everyone knows the next sonic rep should be BIG THE CAT.

But the speed the pokemon trainer can change pokemon does bode well for Shantae. As my personal head canon was Shantae wasn't a "Realizable" character due to transformations being mostly impossible on the 3ds.
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