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Shantae, the Half Genie Protector of Scuttle Town! (A Switch To A New WayForward)

Do you think shantae can make it?

  • Yes, as a fighter

  • Yes, as a assist trophy

  • No, not as a assist trophy

  • No, not at all

Results are only viewable after voting.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Can you really know your reaction beforehand?
All I can think right now is a smile popping up and then the excitement bubbling up later. But I somehow think I'd feel pretty differently live.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2018
Hmm... I thought we already did this discussion? Well, regardless, there are two different reactions that people would have.
This will be for the people that really didn't expect Shantae or even those who did expect Shantae, but were more on the "defeatist" side of things:
Whereas for me, this would be my most approximate, yet accurate reaction to her inclusion:
I loved chugga's let's plays back in the day. His playthrough of Xenoblade Chronicles was the sole reason I could say I knew about shulk before his announcement in smash 4.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
Can you really know your reaction beforehand?
All I can think right now is a smile popping up and then the excitement bubbling up later. But I somehow think I'd feel pretty differently live.
Like I said, it's just an approximation, using a man who can change from speaking erratically, but normal to being such a screeching mess it could make a pterodactyl blush in embarrassment for how soft its screeches are.
I know I will be laughing mad because I had those same bouts back when Ridley was revealed as a fighter and when Shovel Knight was revealed as an assist trophy.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2018
A sad, sad place... may I have hugs? <3
Like I said, it's just an approximation, using a man who can change from speaking erratically, but normal to being such a screeching mess it could make a pterodactyl blush in embarrassment for how soft its screeches are.
I know I will be laughing mad because I had those same bouts back when Ridley was revealed as a fighter and when Shovel Knight was revealed as an assist trophy.
I did the exact same thing when Cloud was announced. When I heard the music start to play and then the Smash logo appear, I completely lost it. I laughed uncontrollably for about an hour, and then cried tears of joy for the next.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2018
Gotham City
Switch FC
I don't think NDAs are that fragile.

EDIT: besides, they could twist allegations against them "breaking an NDA" as them interpreting "smashing" as lingo for "awesome".
Yeah. Bad Batman. NDAs aren't fragile enough for a single tweet to destroy. We've been through this around 80 pages ago, there's no need to do that stupid song and dance again.
Come on! They knew what i meant by "SMASHING"


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
Come on! They knew what i meant by "SMASHING"
Even if they did, it would have to be proven. And like I said, this is something they could easily sidestep out of with nary a second glance.

The breaking of an NDA would have to be proven as coming from their initiative or intent, but it was from your tweet that doesn't even reference "Smash Bros." 100%.

EDIT: There's a difference between "Shantae for Smash" and "Smashing".
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Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Liking and re-tweeting things is completely meaningless unless they come right out and say she's not in the game. Every indication implies that they're under an NDA. They've been far less direct than the Shovel Knight team in answering Smash questions, they haven't spoken candidly about Shantae in Smash for far longer than Shovel Knight's creators, and so the evidence implies they've been under an NDA for a very long time now.

Quit poking the WayForward team. They have to wait for her to be announced as well (in whatever form that is). The negativity is getting old.
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Booper Blooper

Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2018
I swear again, the minute everything goes to "smashing" this, "smashing" that, you start thinking "oh, but de nda is broken which means shantae not in smash if dey like comments that has the words "smash" or the hashtages in them!!!" No... just no.
Judging by how they presented it in the Ultimate thread, I'm pretty sure Bats considers this a positive, not a negative, towards her inclusion, and believes this confirms her.

That being said, I like most of you think this means nothing and am with Jazzy Jinx on the "quit poking WayForward" bit.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I'm a bit confused by people's reactions. WF can take care of themselves, they've done so. I don't see reason to take it negatively. I wonder what compelled them to like it.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
What's funny is that Jammies mode is far more damning than liking and re-tweeting stuff on Twitter.

And yet we shuffle it out as evidence proudly while freaking out about the latter.

Booper Blooper

Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2018
I'm a bit confused by people's reactions. WF can take care of themselves, they've done so. I don't see reason to take it negatively. I wonder what compelled them to like it.
For me at least, it's less that I'm worried about someone tripping them up or anything like that, as you mentioned they can take care of themselves, and more I don't like the idea of adding to the torment they already get daily with the Smash questions.

It's like a small child continuously asking a question you know you can't give them the answer to while poking you in the face.
You just get frustrated and the child comes off as annoying, and I know we are much better than that.

Sorry if that sounded negative in any way, it wasn't my intention.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I'm a bit confused by people's reactions. WF can take care of themselves, they've done so. I don't see reason to take it negatively. I wonder what compelled them to like it.
Maybe they just humored it.

Although saying that anyone is a "lock" on the Ultimate thread is the best way to tempt fate. I've never assumed anyone to be a lock since Smash 4, and that burned me.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
I'm a bit confused by people's reactions. WF can take care of themselves, they've done so. I don't see reason to take it negatively. I wonder what compelled them to like it.
I think it's just the fanart and the positive reception to it in general. However, I'm personally enraged because stupid people try to use it as evidence that they broke their NDA just by liking/retweeting it. It's so friggin' stupid, it's like you're deliberately trying to stab a bear while it's with a couple cubs and trying to use the corpses as evidence that they tried to kill you first.
Then again, I'm a grump in a grump world. I wouldn't know a good joke if it nipped me in the behind.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
For me at least, it's less that I'm worried about someone tripping them up or anything like that, as you mentioned they can take care of themselves and more I don't like the idea of adding to the torment they already get daily with the Smash questions.

It's like a small child continuously asking a question you know you can't give them the answer to while poking you in the face.
You just get frustrated and the child comes off as annoying, and I know we are much better than that.

Sorry if that sounded negative in any way, it wasn't my intention.
There's so many people asking about smash, I don't think it'll make a difference. I'm just surprised they actually liked a random comment that mentioned smash indirectly!


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
WayForward acknowledges that "smash" is a word in the dictionary.

Shantae fans freak out.
Actually, that would make for a good trigger meme. Just a bunch of people with Shantae apparel looking at a thing that has the word "Smash" in it, then doing the zoomin with the trigger effect in place.
Just be sure to include me in that meme, if you can. c:

In all seriousness, though, I have no doubt that Batman wanted WF to interpret "smashing" as literally meaning anything relating to "Super Smash Brothers", while WF is interpreting "smashing" as another way of saying "fantastic" or something.
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Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I don't condone poking WF or anything, but I'm feeling good about batman's accomplishment here.

gotta go, but have good talks in whatever case.

Booper Blooper

Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2018

Shantae, don't take Waddle Dee's stuff, you can get in just fine without them
Awww, poor Waddle Dee.

Though, now that you mention it, if Bandana Waddle Dee does get into Smash, throwing bandanas and spears onto characters is definitly going to be a meme during the next speculation season (be it DLC or whatever's next.)
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Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Personally, I've been feeling more optimistic lately. I still wouldn't put Shantae's playable chances over 50% just yet, but skimming over the ATs already confirmed for Ultimate, she really would be massively squandered potential. And given that Sakurai has to research her in order to include her in the game (even as just a regular trophy) means he's going to find out quickly that she fits his design philosophy to a tee. It helps that Shantae's series has great music as well. I feel that's an underrated point too.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2018
Switch FC
It's getting annoying to see people constantly pester them with this.

Like, pretend you were in their situation. You knew exactly the one thing that thousands of people wanted to know the answer to, and they knew you had to know. Can you imagine the amount of mental toughness you'd have to have to resist and the amount of temptation they must be feeling?

Chill out and leave them alone for crying out loud. We only have to wait for at max a little over 2 months until we know the secret they're hiding anyway. It's better if you don't add any more pressure onto them than they already have.


Smash Lord
May 25, 2015
Puerto Rico
Liger or Liger0X
Switch FC
SW 7220 7680 7239
Be careful guys. Someone on twitter is "offering" a way to ship Amazon stuff to your house with their "service". If that happens then report and block them completely. They are terrorist in hiding.

Anyway on topic: WayForward knows that they can't TALK to people about Smash and Shantae but liking a tweet that doesn't have Shantae and Smash in the same sentence does not mean they broke the NDA.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Scuttle Town, Sequin Land, Possibly Turkey
Personally, I've been feeling more optimistic lately. I still wouldn't put Shantae's playable chances over 50% just yet, but skimming over the ATs already confirmed for Ultimate, she really would be massively squandered potential. And given that Sakurai has to research her in order to include her in the game (even as just a regular trophy) means he's going to find out quickly that she fits his design philosophy to a tee. It helps that Shantae's series has great music as well. I feel that's an underrated point too.
Music is one of the most underappreciated, yet most powerful forms of evidence that we have. But yeah, I think a lot of Shantae has been pointing towards her inclusion with almost absolute certainty. And with everything that's been going on and with all the evidence that people like you have compiled, most of the chips are being pointed towards either an Assist Trophy or a Playable Fighter, though for me, I am slightly leaning towards the latter.

It's getting annoying to see people constantly pester them with this.

Like, pretend you were in their situation. You knew exactly the one thing that thousands of people wanted to know the answer to, and they knew you had to know. Can you imagine the amount of mental toughness you'd have to have to resist and the amount of temptation they must be feeling?

Chill out and leave them alone for crying out loud. We only have to wait for at max a little over 2 months until we know the secret they're hiding anyway. It's better if you don't add any more pressure onto them than they already have.
Speak it like you mean it, man!
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