Ohhh, I didn't think what I said would turn into a sort of debate
That doesn't excuse or justify behavior, that is completely unwarranted.
I wouldn't call it conscious behaviour, more like human nature. I do think that we can all improve, but it does take to be understanding of how people can be. It's not something that can change overnight, and for some it might not even get that much better over their entire life. Definitely don't mind promoting healthy ways of being though.
Not over a freaking game.
You must be taking video games way too seriously, if things like these actually cause heartbreak..
Yup. I won't deny that, lol. You know what's funny, During the more heated speculation times, I was going through a lot, and the smash stuff was a kind of outlet for me. I can understand why I got disappointed, with how much i invested in just.. like you say, a game, but somehow others were invested even more than me, so it tells me that.. well, lots of people aren't smart about what they invest their feelings into. But if they didn't have much going in their lives, maybe it explains it. It's obviously not as strong as a heartbreak, that was just an extreme example, but look at how people react when things happen, lots of people obviously invest a lot into it, more than would be healthy. (Maybe some needed to, for whatever reason of what's going on in their lives)
I can. And I'm sure there are plenty of other people, who would be fine as well.
Why can't you?
Oh I'm fine at this point, I put my feelings into other things than just what's coming to smash. Plenty of people are fine, but plenty aren't

It's expected, because of how humans are. That's mostly what I'm trying to say. It's not good to compare others to how you are. Everyone's different.
Then there's something wrong with them, sorry to say.
I get being emotionally invested in a game and what's happening in it.
But there is a point, where it just goes too far.
If you get hurt over this, just as much as with things like IRL break ups or even loss...
That's just not healthy.
Again, you're taking games way more seriously than you should.
It's just a game in the end. Nothing that is an actual Life or Death situation.
Sure. There's something wrong with all of us. It's being imperfect that's part of being human. We get to work on ourselves too, not everyone does though. It takes acceptance to work on something. If we go hey there's something wrong with you, it doesn't quite help people find happiness in general, if that makes sense.
That doesn't make any sense.
Again, why would you let yourself get hurt so much, over a petty thing like this?!
Because the majority of people are emotional, they don't really choose how they invest their feelings, just like when you really like something, you don't choose that it'll hurt if you lose it, it just does. It's hard to choose how you feel about things. Doesn't mean someone can't work on their happiness outside of any one thing though, especially if it's just a game.
My stance on it, is simply this.
Smash is unpredictable, literally any video game character has a chance.
And characters like Terry Bogard or Byleth only cement the unpredictability of Smash.
So all speculation becomes utterly pointless.
Again, the fact is simply this: 5 unknown characters, that could be any video game character.
Including Shantae.
I'm hopeful for her, but I'm also not going to lose sleep over it, if she doesn't make it in in the end.
Again, it's just a freaking game. Not a matter of literal survival.
I'm just tired of this needlessly negative talk bringing the mood down for no reason.
I like the stance ;p And while I do think some characters have more chance than others, sakurai or nintendo could go ahead and pick more that nobody expects. There are still things going in Shantae's favor, and I think that's neat
And sure, I don't like negative talk too. There's a reason I didn't visit the forum much at all at some points. I think speculation should be fun, though not that I always mind when people try to show points for why some character has more or less chance, but if it was taken more lightly, there'd be less upset in the community XD