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Seven Reasons You Are Single and Why it Has Everything to Do with Being a "Nice Guy"


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Link to original post: [drupal=5003]Seven Reasons You[/drupal]

*Hey guys, I know it's been awhile but I wanted to share my latest essay here. I've been writing about one essay a month since August but with three jobs and grad school, I really don't have that much time to spend online anymore thus why I've been gone since about September. I hope you all enjoy my latest musing.*

I went to bed royally annoyed last night. Before I turned everything off for the night I had been going around on Facebook and Memebase and noticed the usual amount of “nice guy” complaints that seem to over flood the internet like a backed up toilet the week before Valentine’s Day. “I’m still single because I’m a nice guy.” “Girls don’t want to date nice guys, they want bad boys.” “It’s my genes that make me practically piss myself sporadically when my crush walks by.” I went to bed but when I woke up the feelings of annoyance were still there, as if I woke up to find the Sandman about to teabag me. As I saw the singing birds and the chattering squirrels on my way to school I wished I had laser eye beams to make them explode into flaming piles of meat. I was annoyed because I was reminded of a younger me, a more naïve me. I was reminded of the person who occasionally comes back into my life, tracks dog poo on the carpet of my self-awareness, and then leaves, leaving a visible trail of butthurt in his wake as he stumbles out with teary eyes and at least half my beer. The day continued on and as I bitterly chugged my bitter coffee and wrote bitter tickets for my bitter ticket writing job I knew that as an occasionally relapsing “nice guy”, I had to say something.

I was planning on writing another essay before Valentine’s pertaining to feelings that I’ve been having about society at large since about November but, screw philosophical musings for now, this needs to be addressed. Every year I see the same types of posts and hear the same complaints from “nice guys” in real life and on the web before Valentine’s Day. “Nice guy” has basically become a crutch for anyone whose social skills are lacking. I see it in guys younger than me and guys older than me. I’m even starting to see it in girls too and as someone who pretty much wrote the book on being a “nice guy”, I can relate to how they feel but I refuse to patronize the “nice guy” epidemic. If my younger self was sitting next to me right now I’d put this essay on a wooden clipboard and break it over his head because these are things I wish I had the sense to realize back then. As the saying goes, I’m here to kick *** and vote republican, but I’m an independent so one of these actions doesn’t make a lick of sense. Neither of them do? Well then I’ll just flail my arms at the keyboard and try to create a constructive rant that will rival Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” or at least Bill Cosby’s “Fatherhood.”

First I’d like to address the premise of what a “nice guy” is. A “nice guy” is you, if you’re single because, logically, only nice guys are single right? You could throw bowling balls at baby giraffes in your spare time (see what I did there?) and you’d still be a “nice guy” as long as you’re single. Single equals nice. Now let’s look at the other side of the spectrum. These are the guys that you spend hours into the night swearing into your pillow over. These guys are insufferable douchebags. If you were on fire they wouldn’t even pee on you to put you out but they would probably do that to your charred corpse just to spite your ghost, and then proceed to piss on it. These are the guys that are in relationships. They don’t have a name because the sheer amount of evil they generate probably disintegrated it or something equally rational. They have girlfriends and you hate them for it. Regardless of their actual character and the things they actually do, they are always “abusive”, can’t be sympathetic to save a dying kitten’s life, and utterly incapable of any sort of emotion aside from the old standbys: hungry, tired, horny, sarcastic, and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGEEEE (not to be confused with rage). Thank God you’re not one of them, right? At least you have some social grace but perhaps the truth of the matter is that maybe you don’t have nearly as much as you think you do.

Going through my own experiences over the years where my dignity has gone through the grinder in the pursuit of love I have determined that there are basically seven things that keep people single. Perhaps I’m about to reveal more about my past than most of you would probably care to know but one of the biggest things that I’ve learned is that being able to laugh at your own mistakes genuinely helps with not drinking the Kool-Aid of “Nice Guyism.” I’d like to think of this as an open letter to a younger me and some of my guys (and girls) that I’ve run into online and offline that can’t seem to get out of this mentality that “I’m single because I’m a nice guy/good girl.” So, without anything better to do, it’s time to put on the rubber gloves and go deep.

1. They’re assertive, you’re passive. Despite popular belief, not every guy who is in a relationship is overly aggressive and not every girl that is in a relationship with said guy is overly naïve/gullible. This is one of the main pillars of “Nice Guyism.” The guy is usually imagined as an ex con who just so happens to own a chopper, leather jacket, and his own dental office. He’s probably an alcoholic who injects heroin into his eyes just because pain and suffering, even his own, are enormous turn ons for him. The girl is basically a living punching bag who magically becomes so stupid that she confuses colors with numbers when she’s around her boyfriend. He’s a tool, she’s a fool but it’s not her fault because she doesn’t know better.

If you even have the smallest shred of feminist idealology in your head, you probably wanted to knee a hole through your monitor after reading that last paragraph. It’s extremely sexist but at least the “nice guy” has pity on the girl for being such a lump. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully aware that there are extremely abusive relationships out there and that some women do develop Stockholm/Beaten Wife syndrome but most “nice guys” interpret any relationship a girl they like has with any other guy except them as abusive. “He doesn’t understand her like I do.” Behold, the mantra of the “nice guy!” Maybe he does and maybe he doesn’t but that still doesn’t take away one, simple little thing…

He got the balls to say something before you did. While you were rehearsing a Shakespearean sonnet to say to her under a full moon in May as the night wind gentling shakes the leaves on the trees and caressed her hair that’s ever, ever so soft, he actually asked her out on a date. *Boink* He didn’t grab her like Donkey Kong and then proceed to take her to the Olive Garden, he just asked. A lot of “nice guys” don’t even get this far and they spend months and even years not being able to get the courage to even talk to a girl. That “jerk” she’s now dating is confident and assertive. You’re left dating Rosy Palm because you’re passive and insecure. You had your chance but you were too scared of maybe two minutes of awkward silence to say anything. Oppurtunity knocked while you just stood there staring at the door because “chicks are scary, man!” Being assertive doesn’t mean being pushy or rude, it simply means that you have the courage to say what you want to say and enough resolve to pick yourself up again if things don’t go according to plan.

2. You think you’re entitled to things because of your better qualities and ignore how you actually use them. Facepalm as hard as you can if you’ve ever thought this yourself or if you’ve heard someone say it. If your eyes end up flying out of your head from the sheer force of it, this only further proves my point. “I’m tall, smart, and handsome but I’m single because I’m a ‘nice guy.’” I used to tell myself this all the time in my later high school years. I’d practically look at myself in the mirror in the morning and say “I will fail epically today because I’m not a total A*hole” and then proceeded to put on my trench coat and vampire fangs. The irony of this is now as poignant as getting kicked in the balls by Optimus Prime but back then it was completely lost on me. I was tall but I usually used this to loom over people. I was handsome but I generally scowled or looked lethargic. I was smart but I rarely ever said anything and put minimal effort in the intellectual efforts that I actually pursued. I was romantic but I remained paralyzed by the fear of failure to call girls back when I got their numbers. I had all the tools there but I didn’t use them.

What’s worse than a “nice guy” who doesn’t use his better qualities? A “nice guy” who uses them in all the wrong ways. Have you ever been around someone who was incredibly smart but hardly anyone liked them at all? Of course, we all have, but that’s because egotism and intellectualism have a nasty habit of going hand in hand. “I’m smart therefore I’m entitled to talk down to you.” Heck, Einstein ran with this idea when he was alive. He openly cheated on his wife and practically bragged to her about all the amazing cocktail parties and orgies she wasn’t invited to. You know that famous picture with him sticking his tongue out? If you pan out he’s actually sitting on a throne of gold pointing at his junk with both hands while three drunk hookers are passed out at his feet. “Screw fidelity, I revolutionized physics and astronomy,” he’d say using a half dead panda cub as a hat while burning the American flag. History is full of people like this. Thomas Edison was full of himself and so was Sir Isaac Newton. LBJ and JFK pretty much ordered women to have sex with them simply because they were president. If you look at nearly anyone noteworthy from history you’ll find at least one glaring flaw about them that will nearly make you want to hate them inside and out.

People can obviously abuse their intelligence to no end but people can also do it with other qualities. If you spend most of your time calling people ******* because you tower over them, you probably deserve to have your legs cut off at the knee cap. If you avoid “ugly” people because you think they taint the perfection that is your radiant face, congrats, you’re spectacularly shallow and probably deserve to be alone. You may have the qualities that would make you the “perfect boyfriend” but if you trounce around with some sort of God complex over them then chances are that you are a lot more socially inept that you’d care to admit.

3. You interpret “alone right now” as “forever alone.” The Forever Alone Guy is pretty infamous across the internet. For those of you who don’t know who he is, he’s a man with a horribly misshapen face that forever bemoans the fact that he has no friends and/or is single. He’ll usually be depicted in comics doing things that fans of his do themselves and won’t openly admit to like staying home to watch TV marathons instead of going out and rejoicing in the fact that people even know his name despite the fact that he barely ever talks and has no social life. He is your typical “nice guy” in every sense of the word. It’s pathetic but that’s what makes it so funny. He’s basically Charlie Brown as a teenager/adult and the world laughs as virtually everything he touches turns to suck. His “catch phrase” is “forever alone…” as he quietly cries his eyes out over minor blunders.

Forever Alone Guy is basically the patron saint of “nice guys” everywhere. Much like a ghost, he has the ability to possess “nice guys” and make them “forever alone guys” too. Watch “When Harry Met Sally” by yourself? Congrats, you’re now the Forever Alone Guy. Get turned down for a date? Forever alone. Buy a box of valentine chocolates for your mom? Once again, you’re forever alone. It’s meant to be a hyperbole but a lot of “nice guys” seem to interpret this as how reality really works. If you mess up or do anything that’s even slightly socially awkward, you’re forever alone.

What a lot of “nice guys” don’t seem to realize is just how freakin’ long forever is. The average American lifespan is quickly approaching the late seventies with advances in medical technology. I’ve personally been single for eight years and that’s only a 1/10th of my life if I live to be 80. If my life were an hour, that would be about six minutes which is probably about the amount of time it takes to boil a pan of water. Whoop-de-frickin’-doo. I can make spaghetti in about 15 minutes if I’m pressed for time. Think of it like if life were a lunch break. Are you going to tell me that I’m entitled to think I’m going to be “forever hungry” because I didn’t get to eat for the first quarter of my lunch break and actually had to have some degree of patience to not just give up entirely? Heck, if you’re that impatient I guess that’s what hookers are for but I think most people will be just fine in the end even if they even go as long as a decade without dating someone.

4. You interpret missed opportunities as the only opportunities. This may sound a lot like number 3 but it’s not. Number 3 dealt with people not grasping that life is longer than anything else you’ll ever do (even waiting to renew your driver’s license at the DMV or your least favorite sibling’s wedding) while this one deals with never getting over past mistakes. Once again, this was me and is still me to some degree, you see. If I were to add up all the time that I’ve spent being single, I’d say that four of the eight years were spent wondering “what if” and overanalyzing mistakes that I made. If my thoughts from those times could be turned into sheets of paper, I would have two volumes of encyclopedias with first being titled “Piss” and the other being “Moan.” Looking back on it, that’s all it really was, pissing and moaning. It’s like the sun was in my eyes so I decided that the best solution was to lie on my back and stare at it until it developed self-awareness and decided to dim itself out of common courtesy. Don’t get me wrong, reflection is a one of the best ways to learn about the world but it’s useless without insight. It’s like if you were staring at a zit in the mirror and just stood there gawking at it as it mocked you with its pus-sy bulgy-ness. (“Ah-bleh-bleh-bleh” is the sound I imagine zits would make if they could talk.)

So congratulations, you messed up royally. The girl you were interested is not interested in you, creeped out by you, or possibly dead because of your actions. You now have to deal with an awkward moment, an awkward class together, or an awkward funeral. What do you do now? You can go crawl in a hole and die. You could drown yourself in self-pity. You can starve yourself from social interaction until the awkwardness goes away. They say that death is the final solution but I think there’s a better alternative. What you need to become is a love zombie. Blow a zombie’s leg off, it’ll still keep crawling towards you. Blow a zombie’s jaw off and the stupid pugnut will still want to eat your brains. That’s the sort of resolve that you need.

What should be noted is that zombies aren’t necessarily stalkers. If they see a target, they’ll only stay with it if there isn’t anything else because otherwise it’s counterproductive. You’re going after a person and then you stumble upon another person with an injured leg. Who’s the better target? If this sounds like a predator and prey situation, you’d be right. Love and dating are largely like this. You go out with a certain person in mind and try to “catch them.” Put in this context it sounds deliciously creepy but that’s simply the basic mechanics of it. Hunting is about seizing opportunities and not having tunnel vision when a better offer comes along. It’s about knowing when to give up and knowing that tomorrow is another day. You can wait your whole life waiting for “Ms/Mr. Perfect” instead of actually looking at the people around you who are available. You can lurch all you want but you’re never going to catch that chick on the motorcycle with a double barrel shotgun, moltalv cocktails, and double D bust. That cute brunette with the gaping neck wound who you used to share an American Politics class with before you became a zombie on the other hand…

5. You turn minor flaws about yourself into crippling weaknesses. I think one of the most tedious things to sit through is someone who’s complaining about how ugly or fat they think they are. Maybe they are fat, maybe they are ugly, or maybe they are slammed with the double whammy, double stuffed Oreo of being both fat and ugly but it’s really tiresome to listen to people tear their self-esteems apart over these things. Suddenly every pratfall they’ve ever experienced ends up becoming about one or two characteristics. “I’m single because I’m fat.” “I’m unmotivated because I’m ugly.” “I’m socially awkward because I’m fat.” “I’m irresponsible because I’m ugly.” So, in the entire world there’s no such thing as a fat/ugly person who’s in a relationship, motivated, responsible, and/or can carry on a conversation without complaining about their weight or how they look? I have relatives who look like you put corn chowder in a paper bag and slapped it against a wall a couple of times who have been married for decades and you’re trying to tell me that it’s impossible for you to find love?

One of the complaints that really gets to me though is when people complain about being shy. It’s the main emotion of “nice guys” and if they’re not complaining about their appearance or “how nice they are”, they’re complaining about this. Don’t get me wrong, social anxiety is a very real thing but there are ways around it. If you remain cripplingly shy it’s probably because you’ve decided to act like that there is nothing you can do about it. “I’m shy because of my genes.” This is true to some degree. In my opinion, shyness is an evolutionary trait that keeps you from doing really, really stupid stuff and protects you to some degree. If you’re shy, you’re probably going to think twice about picking a fight with another guy who is interested in the same girl you are who could probably mushroom stamp railroad spikes through concrete walls. If you’re shy, you’re probably going to avoid the girls that would straddle your face like an equally squishy squid if you gave them a quarter. Based on my own experiences in high school, I was probably spared hospital trips and a KFC bucket full of STDs because I was shy and thus was able to act rationally even when the potential social payout for acting like a brainless moron was huge. Despite being able to effectively dodge more obvious bullets, there’s a point where “nice guys” have to realize there’s a point that can be crossed where being shy stops protecting you and starts hindering you.

There are worse things than being fat, ugly, or shy with three of those things being indecisive, self-defeating, and detached to form the worst thing that a person can possibly be: salty/bitter/butthurt. When you radiate negativity it starts affecting the people around you and they start to resent you for it. There are real problems in the world and your love handles aren’t nearly as huge compared to them. They are problems but they can be overcome. My nose is crooked and it has a mole that strongly resembles a brown M&M but this doesn’t make me stay home on Friday nights. I have the figure of an anorexic teenage girl but this doesn’t stop me from meeting new people. I’m not suggesting to always be so positive that you piss golden rays of sunshine but to save negativity and strong self-criticism for real problems which leads me to reason number 6…

6. You psychoanalyze the smallest details about people but never turn the lens on your glaring flaws. This was me a thousand times over. I still psychoanalyze quite a bit (I am studying to become a counselor, after all) but despite my habit of trying to read people like books, I never bothered to check out my own autobiography. It would sit on my bed while I would write dissertation sized critiques about girls I was potentially interested in. It went untouched when I was racist in middle school and it went untouched when I was cuttingly sarcastic in my early college years. It really wasn’t until early 2009 that I started to thumb through the pages and started to see the stone walls that I kept slamming my head into over and over again like some derpy eyed woodpecker. I blamed my social failings on the wrong things and the wrong people and when I started to read the book instead of just skimming it I was forced to kneel in front of an assembly lie and be force fed an uncomfortable amount of humble pie.

At this point I want to point out some things that some “nice guys/girls” I know have done that turn people away from them that they seem to be totally oblivious about. “Nice guy #1,” nobody wants to hear about your porn collection… ever. I don’t care if you think tentacle **** and bukkake are hilarious; nobody wants to hear about it. “Nice guy #2,” you don’t come to a party to sit alone on the couch and surf the internet on your laptop. I once played through the entirety of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in the middle of a party and, looking back, it was one of the most pathetic moments of my life. “Nice girl #1,” getting drunk to the point of alcohol poisoning just so that you have the courage to be social is not a smart route to go and it’s especially not smart when you do this at virtually every party you go to. “Nice guy # 3,” commenting on your crush’s Facebook pictures that are several years old is as creepy as all get out. Those “longing looks of love” that you give girls from across the lunch table give them the impression that you want to bend them over that table. “Nice Girl #2”, why do you sew when people are trying to talk to you? Yes, that scarf that’s as long as my intestines is impressive but immersing yourself in your hobby will not help with your shyness. “Guy typing this essay,” show some emotion for God’s sake. As much as you want to be, you are not the Goddamn Batman or Doctor Strange.

Sometimes I feel that the problems that we overlook the most are the ones that we are secretly the most embarrassed to admit to. “Yes, I smell like cheese.” “Yes, I’m an enormous creeper whose actions mirror Jack Torrance from the Shining.” “Yes, I have a habit of touching people’s faces and not being able to keep my hands to myself.” “Yes, I’m extremely dogmatic and I believe everybody is stupid but me.” “Yes, I have a tendency to run away when I feel claustrophobic.” “Yes, virtually everything that tumbles out of my mouth is so sarcastic that I have even made people cry from it.” “Yes, being a smoker has cost me more than my health.” “Yes, I write My Little Pony clop fiction and illustrate them with eye bleach worthy pictures too.” “Yes, I’m extremely needy and feel neglected when people don’t give their full undivided attention to me.” Aren’t you glad you let that all out? Now that all those things are out on the table, what are you going to do about them?

7. You have grossly unrealistic expectations for love. Think of the word “love” for a moment and what comes to mind? Did you think of something so sugary sweet that William Brimley would scowl at you for it? Did you think of something momentously disastrous like spending years watching your crush date other guys and trying to conceal awkward boners until your late 40’s? If you’re a “nice guy” you probably see love as either euphoric or dystopian and both scenarios come with immeasurable amounts of delusion. I’ve already covered the negative side so I think I’ll now largely address the other side of the spectrum. What is love? Love is subjective and it is something that virtually everyone takes a stab at defining around this time of year. Some people have general ideas on what they believe love is but “nice guys” basically have the whole thing mapped out like it was a scientific theory.

There are two things that “nice guys” tend to map out long before they even become interested in a person: what they want the person to be like and how they think the relationship should play out. Let me pretend to be the typical “nice guy” fan fiction writer for a moment. Our story begins with your typical “nice guy” at the zoo. A beautiful maiden with a mesomorph body frame, long blonde hair, green eyes shining behind glasses, a laugh that makes flowers bloom, and cat ears stands in front of the alligator pit as a spring breeze blows her hair and reveals an Autobot insignia on the back of her neck. Suddenly her class ring slips off her dainty fingers and falls into the pit. She looks on in despair but with the “nice guy’s” super powers of empathy and being available, he dives in. As he proceeds to punch each and every alligator in the throat, he successfully retrieves the ring. The maiden is smitten and the two introduce themselves. After five minutes of surprisingly non awkward conversation, she reveals that she has also memorized “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog” from beginning to finish and that, she too, is also an enormous fan of Dr. Who and reveals the sonic screwdriver that she keeps in her Totoro backpack. She also reveals that she is also lactose intolerant and also writes Hentalia fan fiction in her spare time. It’s a match made in Heaven and the two embrace lovingly as people stop to applaud and Whitney Houston makes a guest appearance to belt out “I Will Always Love You” as fireworks explode overhead in broad daylight. (Lik dis if u cry evrtim.) Yes, I just wrote a better love story than Twilight in about 10 minutes but no, that doesn’t mean that it was a good one (although a movie is already in the works called “Alligator Pit of My Heart”).

One of the best kept secrets about love that’s perfectly out in the open is that there is no such thing as a “soul mate” or a “perfect relationship.” There will always be ups and downs. Some days it is like heaven and other days it is like spilling hot coffee on white pants and being given a towel made of LEGOs to dry yourself off. There will be cuddling but there will also be arguments. There will be days when her face is as shining as crystal and other days when she has morning breath and crows’ feet. Love is what you make it and if you have made it into a fairy tale then you’ll never have it. What a lot of “nice guys” don’t seem to get is that the “perfect love” will not just come and nudge you while you’re on the couch and drive you to White Castles for a midnight Slider run, you have to go out and try to find it and, when you actually do find love, you have to work at it to make it work and keep it going. Planning ahead and having standards is well and good but if your idea of love is more like a bad piece of fan fiction, then it shows that you really don’t have all that much real life experience. Stand up straight, stick your chest out, walk out that door and go write your own love story.

I hope you enjoyed this crash course through the wonderful world of self-criticism. How do you feel about yourself right now? I feel awesome letting out one of the biggest rants I’ve written in about four years but chances are you probably feel like a whiny pile of crap whom euthanasia is too good for but, if you took all that I said to heart, these feelings will pass and you’ll be better for it. Trust me, I had to go through the same thing and I still have some problems with number 4 and number 6. Being a “nice guy” is a lot like being a recovering alcoholic and if you don’t monitor your thoughts and actions you’ll soon find yourself falling off the wagon and landing in a pile of tissues wet with varying bodily fluids. One of the hardest parts of being on the road to recovery is admitting that, although you might be a nice guy, you’re only a “nice guy” because of thoughts and behaviors that you find yourself going back to again and again.

Maybe one of the best things that I ever did for myself happened about three years ago when I stood up and said “no more Mr. Nice Guy.” Doing this allowed me to become more self-aware and, you know, actually TRY to find a girl. I openly admit that even since then I have goofed a lot and, yes, I am still single. I have turned down girls after learning more about them but at least I’ve gone out there instead of spending the weekends in my apartment singing a “nice guy” version of “Maybe” from “Annie” to myself as I watch reruns on Adult Swim until 4 or 5 in the morning. As the old saying goes, “Nice guys finish last” because “nice guys” are typically doormats who have taken to the niche so well that they even step on themselves. If you thought this whole thing was wholly exhaustive and want an abridged version, here it is: Be confident but not cocky. Be assertive but not aggressive. Be honest with yourself and keep your expectations realistic. A little self-criticism never hurt anyone but a lot can. Love is a journey, not a destination. If Hitler could find love, so can you. There are worse things than being alone and you have your whole life ahead of you. Pay attention to both your strengths and weaknesses but don’t lose yourself in either. Roll up your sleeves and pull up your pants, exclaim “Carpe Diem” and take a chance. Peace, I’m out… Happy Valentine’s Day.

Fatmanonice, February 9th, 2012

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.”- Dr. Seuss

“What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self-actualization.”- Abraham Maslow

“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.”- Bill Cosby


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
Good gosh, man!
I'm sorry if this offends you, but remember, we're both single ,'cause we're on this forum. You shouldn't take it personally, just sit back and relax like I do on Valentine's Day and shoot some hoops and enjoy time with friends.
...Now I feel lonely.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
When I start getting close to a girl I start doubting whether I actually like her or not

How can you tell if you actually like someone?

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
If you doubt you like her, chances are... you don't.


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
One reason I am single:

I don't care enough to find a girlfriend.



Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
When I start getting close to a girl I start doubting whether I actually like her or not

How can you tell if you actually like someone?
This could be a number of things. You might not actually feel a connection with her after you've learned more about her or you may be scared about moving past the "just a friend" point. In the first scenario, you shouldn't feel bad if this happens because this has happened to me a lot over the years. I'll be interested in a girl then I'll learn something about her that makes me slam on the breaks a bit. "She's cute but she's also really needy and clingy." "We like all the same stuff but she has a habit of talking down to me." "I enjoy spending time with her but she's a potted plant." Roadblocks happen and sometimes you may find that certain flaws aren't as bad as you think they are with time but if you feel that you keep running into the same ones over and over again and they're bringing up strong doubts, it's probably time to over on.

The other scenario simply comes from fear of failure. You might be afraid of losing her. You might be afraid of bungling the relationship. You might be afraid of the changes that might happen when you do become a couple. You might be afraid that you won't meet her expectations or that she'll compare you to her exs (if she has any). Everybody has fears but sometimes all you have to do is take the leap. If things don't work out then that's that. Obviously, this is a lot easier said than done especially if she means a lot to you but you truly feel the way that you do, you should be willing to take those risks. Love can be like Russian Roulette and just as intimidating but you'll have to overcome that if you want a relationship with someone.


Smash Master
Apr 19, 2010
This is an EXCELLENT blog.

I still have this shattered part in myself that makes me this 'nice guy' when in actuality I'm just being a *****. I lost a GF over it for being way too bland and boring because I was way too nice. After 3 years, I'm still in doubt myself if I should even go out and start looking. Most of the time it's not even worth looking for anyone unless I really like someone. When I do actually talk with someone, I often think, 'She's too good for me, why am I considering this?' So yeah I'm at a stand still between 'well it's not really worth trying' and 'hmm maybe I should ask woman out' lol so yeah I dunno.


Smash Hero
Nov 14, 2010
In the rain.
I couldn't finish cause..well TL;DR.
But gosh you have the greatest analogies ever. And that bowling pun was top notch.


Smash Lord
May 3, 2008
Woodhaven, MI
Just read the whole thing, you hit it right where it hurts, and you did it very well.

Props to you man.

I'm sick of all the "nice guy" posts on facebook everywhere, especially since most "nice guys" are manipulative in the fact that they try to use their self wallowing and pity to get a girl, and try to get with them by using excuses such as "you always date jerks, why can't you date a nice guy like me?"



Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
'Nice guys' don't get girls because they don't have self-confidence. There are nice guys with self confidence that get girls.

The reason why bad boys get girls is because girls still exhibit the evolutionary trait of favouring males that have characteristics of alpha males in the wild.

Alpha males in the wild are physically impressive, aggressive, and tend to neglect females, or show interest in multiple females. The standard bad boy has at least some of these traits.

The ironic thing is that in the wild these traits are favoured because they are likely to produce the best offspring, yet in our society many women eventually mature and prefer to 'settle down' and reproduce with 'nice guys'.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I am not one to make an absolute stance on whether or not I shall be single, taken, or attempting to be either at any point in the future, I mean, it is naive to even conjecture about that; however, I do love the single life and the freedoms it offers. Not having to go out of your own way/not having to put forth special effort towards a single person is a beautiful thing, and let's a person learn more about themselves and create a life that is their own and that builds their personality and interests. Finding and building things with relationships never really makes them yours, if it fails, it becomes this thing you took part in for a different reason that is no longer there. Or perhaps a better way to put it, people who spend their lives dedicating it to relationships find that little of their being was built with only themselves in mind, or let alone were built purely by you. You get this artificial being that falls under the delusion that being in a relationship is a necessity and they are only "half" living without a person, or nothing at all; this befalling those who are dedicating their lives trying to make relationships into something bigger. That's the problem that people don't really seem to notice when they see the word relationship, it is this intangible thing that only exists relative to you and this other persons. It makes little to no sense to think of these as material to your value. It is even dangerous to think as such.

No one is asking for such a topic, but here is an extract from something I have written in the past:

"Love should not be something to fear in of itself indeed, nor is it the expression as well I fear, but I am afraid that what source I take my love isn't truly free, and to knowingly bring pain upon everyone involved; to reach my cup under a source of love under the Fountain of Youth, and not its waters overflowing onto the world of earthly inclinations and diluted with the corrupted waters of untruth. For we all drink the same with love, love is not built differently within ourselves, we all drink the same love from the same fountain, but it is when it is composite of other derivatives that falseness may therein lie. Do we not see others, whether they know it or not, to love out of fear of being alone, or to love loving, or to love from distinctions, or to love a distinction of no distinctions. This is the paradoxical dilemma that I put upon myself, almost like an act for love against itself. This is most meaningful to me than almost any discussion for it was I once upon a love that I would gladly blindfold myself and drink the waters that come to me, or I come to, and as anyone reading this as I'm sure you are, would surely be familiar to this consequence, that pain and conflict arise, and relationships fall. It is my respect for love that I would be remiss to think it is love's lacking that would cause these, no, for I feel it is something contaminating our waters, and yet without our knowing! What kind of assassin could slip under our senses and poison our sources of love, for love can have no source if it is the source. Who could do such a feat other than ourselves, in our ignorance of what we collect? Could we not see someone getting down on all fours in submission, drinking the water from a puddle, and to rise thinking oneself an immortal through the Fountain, and to live their entire lives content with this conception for nothing may contend with it except for its ultimate failure, for what is the difference between a mortal and an immortal beyond that one ends and the other is in continuance? But you say imperfection partakes of perfection if it trusts in the beauty of its whole, faults and all. When worded like this against me, it can make one question whether chasing the Fountain is to truly walk away from it, if love can only be this thing that we believe and hope for it to succeed, and when it doesn't we merely accept that the Fountain is beyond our grasp, like a mythic in the Book of Thoth, a book we could not fathom to translate, that's answers would end the deceptive congeniality of reality and fantasy (for what does love seem to be when we must transcend the material for it to fly?) and show us the way to catch the Teumessian fox, to refill Pandora's Box, to see through the Smoking Mirror, to unleash the sword of Dyrnwyn, and alas to make our efforts work like a Gungnir Spear and always hit their mark, to make these fragments of fiction into nonfiction? You may be speaking a wisdom I miss, as if I gaze upon a distant prize not realizing I hold the rod that dangles it out of my reach. My will is indeed as you say, fear wins through glare alone, attacking a priori without awaiting proof: I fear the road that one might take if to reach the end one must drink from each liquid one stumbles upon in good faith, knowing only victory if thirst never comes again. For what is a soul-mate, when impassioned people speak of such a thing, other than the one that lasts, the one that is penultimate to no other? Must I truly accept empiricism is what love becomes realized in, to accept it merely as an emotion, grouped with relativity among the others of hate, sadness, and the others, or is it something that predates essence, leans on nothing ex post facto, and stands above fear and envy and the like. This is the story of the pains of the river bank cutting across my path before me, for it's deepness I do not know, and any guide speaks only the waters can show me; such is the nature of my battle against myself, where I must concede victory and loss.

It may be your belief that goes along the axiom, "Cogito ergo sum" or rather "I think therefore I am," or if not it would better be applied to Protagoras's doctrine, "Man is the measure of all things," and thus all things are true insofar it is for that subjective individual. I do not think of love as necessarily limited to being a poor love because it likely isn't from Aphrodite herself, for if I think back now that I never knew love, I'd be wrong to say I didn't absolutely act out on the belief before, in fact those I am with always find me to be the most loving of any lover their eyes have seen, as if I have made it an art form. One might say it was like I was possessed by Eros, or that I become a masochistic Cupid with bow and arrow directed upon myself. It is as you say, that I could have kept those relationships alive with such churning fire, don't you think? But alas a strange happening came about, for just like a fire, it found itself without feeding, for it eventually can only feed itself fire to be fire, and pines for flammable content to continue its immaterial, ever-dancing, nature that is known for its warmth and its burns. Love on a sense below companionship, as in for a love of all things around you, is far more akin with nature, and as a result much more instinctual, it asks for nothing, nothing like the fire spoken of before, but more like a law of the universe, comparative to gravity, a force that binds us together and asks for consent, not suspending in areas of habitat. But again, why must this fire die out? Surely I don't expect much from the resources, the twigs and branches around me to sustain something so glorious! So honorable! Perhaps we are forgetting a key feature of fire, yes? Fire is always upon something. We must not think of with synecdoche, an obscure word to speak of judging the contents through the container, and must doubt the love not of its own accord, but the fireplace it was begotten, the love burning like a fresh and exciting new flame as we all know, the passion of a new thrill, that will die off of its own accord, despite the fire never becoming something else, never shifting to water, earth, or wind. How absurd! Yet how terrifying? A force of evil even kneels before Lucifer, a force none the different within but bears the light that promises the good which is superior to all, even the force of the humble good. This fire-love being like a dsytopia, another archaic word to refer to the perfection it speaks of but is only upon the logs of vanity. So as you can see, love thought true of its own accord will fall short still at times. But am I a skeptic, one that even Socrates would pray for to save me from my trap that I linger in, ignorant of my own placing it there? Or perhaps I think too much of it, and like the Stoics who are much less of thinkers and more of "knowers", or doers. This is probably true, in fact I grant it, for you speak of such prose and confidence, words from an older and wiser individual, and a female at that, for who could argue that a man's gut dwarfs a woman's intuition in anything but physical size? I also must know my place, for all of this doubt I shed, like a hydra, whose heads only grow when one mind failed, must feel quite negative upon you, and this I apologize for. I do not believe you have loved poorly or for the wrong reasons, and that may be something only those in my level of temperance experience.

Ah the folly of words... I tend to do without them, for such evil it brings about, which rings true to my fears, the fears of ambiguity and misinterpretations of what you yourself feel, how strange it is for one to be the most blind of a thing when he is right in the middle, whereas anywhere else he'd be better off to see what he has stepped in. What I mean is this, and this is a common expression I use a lot to those I speak to: our words are very much like an unfinished equation, lacking a sum, and thus a whole, for all we can know but then say, if we are to know two, we can only say 1+1 at the very best, and hope the listeners do the proper math; we have are own idiolects and diction, semantics for words causing our own definitions, inclinations that no other may know outside our choice of words, for our words are much like our eyes: just as our brain gathers the impressions of eleven million things per second unconsciously, only a little over a dozen comes through consciously, almost as if we have a free will only insofar as our determined part of our being allows it, like the shape of our canvas that we will expand, shift, and jut out, forcing our brushes to work with the impressions. These impressions cause our opinions, for we must gather distinctions of the canvas we must deal with, knowing the likes and unlike, and it is from these that we establish worth from these opinions, for once distinctions are made, things innately shift in importance to our challenged brush. And of course, we then expect things from the individual worlds we establish in our minds, the world that we have painted within, our subjective reality, brought forth from pure interpretation upon objective reality. In ways we'll expect what we hope for, what we have faith in, and what we presume. It is from this emotion must come, I think, for what else could step in at this part of our process? And cannot expectations be fulfilled? Not met? Exceeded? Alas we feel angry at outcomes, disappointed from dashed hopes, confused at wrong presumptions, and distraught with failed faiths? It is in this way I find emotion understandable, though your ideas of their paranormal nature I'd most certainly like to hear, for my mind tries to pull down the heavens to our earthly existence, to drag the Gods into mortal grounds and watch if they fade from my fingertips before I meet them face to face. Though reason being in a failed relationship speaks of a truth indeed, for I feel that any ending of a fire (which must be permanent, for once a fire is out, you cannot add twigs to the pile and have it light aflame again) must be what is right; the most meaningful and powerful of flowers will bloom and not go old or be insatiable with thirst, and the ones that die off did so from weakness in their buds, and thus should not be mourned or taken with remorse. For is it strange for paper to tear? For glass to shatter? And so to, with all accounts of fragility, if it breaks, that is its fate, almost as if a destiny, for I see no other reason for bearing such a weakness, for what defines it is its ending. In this way I should think going from one source of water, to another flower, to light a new flame, should seem less harmful, if I find only the ones to win matter, but I only mean to myself; those who I have departed from have always thought poorly of me, for even those who say that love at a young age should be outgoing, trying things out, and without regrets, they won't succeed in staying entirely true to their words afterwards, for they may wish they hadn't wasted such time, and that the rejection wasn't offensive to them. I must entirely agree with love being unconditional, if it is to be true. To grant love with conditions is to expect something from your love, to sometimes suspend that love if that individual is in a bad mood or doing a certain activity you aren't good at. One could say I am a hypocrite, for I think so highly of love I almost spit in its face when I talk so poorly of the idea of applying definitions to love, and thus expecting others to try and follow suit or else it'd end. I do indeed expect one thing: my beloved must have my respect, and even if younger than myself, if must look up to her in regards; that may be wrong, to not want someone I merely approve of, as if to try and apply equal footing for both of us, but I do not think that is proper equality. The love I spoke of to Baber is so far my answer my problems, the love of the path, though the answer appears to be merely the question, which is an odd thing indeed, but I only think a lover will truly blossom, to be lit till the end, to at least bare the most likeness to the Fountain of Youth, one must recognize the problem, and through toiling through it with another who knows this as well, can make the faults not excuses nor justifications, but a goal, a target, a common enemy, a duty. It is this way I feel a question may provide an answer, but in a sense, I may only be fooling myself and trying to find an easy way out. Also I don't mean for this path-sharing love to draw purpose from the evils, but only as a necessary consequence from our weakness, for it would pain me to say that love depends on pain and evil, and I could not fathom that if a universe existed where only good lived no one could love. The meaning would come from the pursuit in life and existence, and not necessarily from the hardships, for then it would not be love and merely a battle in wish one naturally wants to win.

I am not Christian, but there is one quote in the Bible that I like, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," from Matthew. And also like Hinduism, to remove oneself from the equation when considering it. To me this speaks of loving yourself means to love others, which resonates harmoniously with the conventional maxim, "You can't love someone else if you don't love yourself," for they are both one and the same thing, and the beauty of it is, your ego cannot spread farther from the self, for the self is not soluble and does not dissolve into anyone else, so when undertaking such a view it is incredibly difficult to be prideful in such a circumstance, unless one were to love distinctions relative to their own, and thus others become other-Is or other-self as Kierkegaard puts it in his book "Works of Love" which I am in the middle of. But to add something to answer that with: when loving beyond a "neighbor", in a relationship, one must view the pairing as not two individuals together, for example as 1+1, but as simply 1, and not even 2 (I believe thinking as two individuals on separate paths are one of the leading catalysts to gaps between two lovers; we say a pairing is one, not two in of itself, it merely has two parts). When viewing a relationship, one should, at the cost of sounding quaint perhaps, view the two of you as one combined person, and if the individual made does not love themselves, and their bodies internally lack proper proportion, it is a troubling relationship, and in this way, "You can't love someone else if you don't love yourself," once again proves to be one of the finest pieces of truth we can possess. In terms of finding oneself beautiful, this is a must, and is only a sin if it makes you act upon that notion, the only thing self-love of your appearance should do is prevent you from being in a state of non-action from your conception of yourself.

Also, insofar as someone is jealous of others with their beloved, they do not truly love their beloved, their beloved is themselves. This is proven by the fact that you wish for your own will and not her own, and that also you are untrusting of her, and that ultimately, if she were to cheat or leave you with someone else, she had done some from her own will, and if you loved her, you would have her do as she pleases, and you must take it in stride and let her do as she pleases and take single status with no contempt. The causer is always greater than the cause, and thus the greatest things come into being, and it is as it should be then. In addition, there is nothing greater than the good, that which is true, logical, reasoning, and in nature, so therefore if being with you is not in accordance with that, being proved by being overtaken by someone else, then it is meant to be and you actually gain from the experience. Remember, nothing is ever truly yours except your will, and if one could "steal" something that was yours, then it was never truly yours. Change separates things, it does good to remember that if all things are constantly changing and never the same, then it is always the same: changing. Understanding the force of change, and not looking for a brief moment or era in the flitting pictures to call love, may be the key to immortal love that we speak of here so highly."

It is important to note that much later upon writing that tl;dr, I have taken the view that love does not exist, for I do not think human values and existence mix, causing us humans to pick up children's toys, the ones where there are shaped holes and you are given shapes to put them through and we keep repeatedly trying to stuff squares into circles, trying to make a square circle, and then trying a triangle, and then a hexagon, etc. thinking at least one of them must fit. Therefore, I simply await to see if I can stumble upon a relationship wherein I can keep the beauty of being single and yet have that partnership, and have it still work well and naturally. If such a serendipitous occurrence were to never happen, it'd likely be good enough for me; however, inside of me I can still feel the boats at sea never having forgotten the ventures for the Fountain of Youth, waiting patiently in the calm waves of contentment.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
I applaud you, sir :'D
You tackled one of the many problems that the special snowflake syndrome encompasses
Also, nice use of Maslow.

But seriously, great read xD




Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I like Fatman, and he's right :3

Pretty much, if you're decently attractive, and have a good amount of confidence, and are willing to MAKE AN EFFORT, you can get a date, and even find a keeper.

Psh, I'm no bad boy, but I definitely don't stay single for long, when I'm ACTIVELY TRYING. So it's not just about the personas. It's more about the confidence, and basic attributes behind them that really get the date. Psh, I play the "Cute kid" card all the time. Show up with my pretty boy hair, overly big coat, and skinnies, and work it. Definitely no bad boy in my innocent/young image I try to potray.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
FMOI man I remember when you were naught but a humble online tournament host


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Analogies are so win in this lol.

I'm still single, never had a girlfriend yet. I don't really feel all of this applies in my case, because I've been in situations where both a girl liked me, and I liked another girl, but I acted on it, she didn't want a relationship though. We're still good friends thankfully.

I feel my problem right now is that going out and searching isn't exactly number one on my priority list right now xD. If I had more time for starters that would help. College + work + clubs + smash makes my head spin.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
Shortie, you're adorable xD

And so correct

Don't feel sorry for yourself. That's the first step to gettin over the pity party that is the nice guy syndrome
Play up your strong points in the most non obnoxious way possible

And no, most girls won't care about the whole gaming thing at first. I see this a lot as a game design major. Lots of desperation and nice guys. Put down the controller and get off 4chan or reddit for 5 minutes and get hobbies other than gaming (don't get rid of gaming. Gaming is fun and awesome. It just shouldn't run your life)
Find a sport, watch movies, get musical interests that won't scare women/make them look at you funny (nothing says 'HEY DATE ME' more like your obsession with Miku, random people I see at school -facedesk-)
And who knows, if you hit it off with a girl, introduce her to gaming in the nicest way possible by not intimidating her. I've seen it happen. Friends have gotten their ladies to play gaemz. Its pretty cool.
And in turn, indulge in her hobbies :o I did that with my boyfriend, and now I play YuGiOh. In turn, he has to deal with me during baseball season. ALL THE BASEBALL HYPE. Yay new hobbies!

Moral of the story: expand your horizons, don't change who you are hobby wise
Change who you are self pity and confidence wise. Pathetic isn't attractive....it's just pathetic



Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Good gosh, man!
I'm sorry if this offends you, but remember, we're both single ,'cause we're on this forum. You shouldn't take it personally, just sit back and relax like I do on Valentine's Day and shoot some hoops and enjoy time with friends.
...Now I feel lonely.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that because I like Smash Bros I'm single? If that's the case there are plenty of girls that like Smash Bros. My college has an anime club and DnD club and there are plenty of girls there that like the same nerdy things that I like. I don't know if you're doing this or not but blaming being single on your hobbies and interests (unless they largely involve porn or torturing small animals) is pretty old hat because, trust me, there are girls out there that are just as big of nerds as we are. In my essay, "Alligator Pit of Heart" was actually a reference to all the nerdy things that a lot of girls around me are actually into that I've been able to connect with them over.

FMOI man I remember when you were naught but a humble online tournament host
Heh, I don't even have time for video games anymore. If I'm lucky I can sneak a few hours in on the weekends but, for example, I've worked 21 days in a row and my schedule is stuffed to the brim. I really do miss playing Brawl though. It's good to see that you're still an active member here.

Im a complete **** and have a girlfriend. Clearly this only further proves the OP point
You can be a **** and have a girlfriend. Like I said in my post, even Hitler had a girlfriend (Godwin's Law can be applied to dating, who knew?). If you ask me, as long as there is self confidence in your actions and you're not mostly being a **** to cover up your insecurities then, yes, being a **** isn't too much of a hindrance.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
Lol smashers get ladies
I mean, look at the God Kais. They go clubbing after tournaments an get all teh ladies



Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
This blog has a lot of really good advice, and I think people should follow this advice more. I know personally, there's not much that would be more of a turnoff than if someone told me they didn't like who I was with, cause that's pretty much just saying "Hey, I don't care about who you like or how you feel, you need to care about me instead and give up what you have to make me happy instead." Luckily I've never met someone who's been like that at least. And I think the other major point that this blog mentioned was having realistic expectations. I've seen so many people who have so much trouble getting/keeping a relationship because they either turn down everyone, thinking they'll find Ms./Mr. Perfect, or they think that they have to settle on the first person they find and that there will never be another option if they turn that first person down.



Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2010
Butternut, Wisconsin
Good gosh, man!
I'm sorry if this offends you, but remember, we're both single ,'cause we're on this forum. You shouldn't take it personally, just sit back and relax like I do on Valentine's Day and shoot some hoops and enjoy time with friends.
...Now I feel lonely.
This forum isn't the reason you're single. Its your mindset that you are BECAUSE of the forum. You're making excuses rather than doing something about it.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Never be too nice, they'll suspect somethibg must be wrong. But always show respect. Respect is more important than being nice by a thousand fold


Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
I can't count how many times I've let number 4 happen. I'm actually moving past it and it's going along well. I've posted this on my Facebook because this is something more than smashers need to read.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Very nice blog, fatmanonice! And good read too! Honestly one of the better blogs out there in what I can remember from my time on SWF.

I also shared it in FB for all my friends that keep posting emo quotes and stuff. >_>


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I'm single cause I'm too bad apparently...

Having social flaws does not make you a bad person but being fully aware of them and not doing anything about them kind of does. If you fart and belch in public and have people tell you how bad it is and yet continue to do it anyways, that makes you a bad person.

Never be too nice, they'll suspect somethibg must be wrong. But always show respect. Respect is more important than being nice by a thousand fold

I'd say they should be about equal. Truly being nice comes from having respect for people. See there's a difference between a nice guy and a "nice guy." A nice guy is someone who is well mannered, respectful, and typically does good for the sake of doing good. A "nice guy" acts nice but there's usually ulterior motives. One of them is their lack of security. A "nice guy" is nice because he needs the social verification to feel good about himself. "I think I suck but maybe if I can be nice enough they will tell me how good I am and I'll finally feel okay in my own skin." It's like a dog who does tricks for treats. He wants a treat so he'll roll around like an idiot because he knows that he'll get that reward if he does. "Good dog; have a Snausage." "Thank you, human; nom, nom, nom." He doesn't do the tricks for your amusement, it's because he wants something which leads to the other reason...

The other reason is that they think of life in Quid Pro Quo terms. If a "nice guy" is nice to a girl, he expects something back. "If I'm nice enough to this girl for *insert amount of time here* maybe I'll get to ride her like a show pony." In this case, the drive is soley to get laid. The "nice guy" really isn't that interested in making her happy or forming a deep relationship, he just wants to swan dive into her pants because watching Cinemax After Dark on Saturday nights is becoming tedious. He's pretty much the same as the "scumbag frat boy" archetype except he's not overt about his intentions like they are. A douchebag will randomly grope a girlfriend from behind while a "nice guy" will only think about it. If they had the same amount of egotism that those guys had, they'd be right along with them feeling up drunk chicks.

I think most guys are perverts to some degree (whether they are gay, straight, or bi)because that's a big part of what testoterone does and I'd like to think of it as a Pundit Square. You have people who are open or covert about being a pervert and you have perverts who are confident or lack confidence.

Open-Confident: This is the guy who doesn't care who knows. He'll look at porn in children's libraries if he can get away with it. This is a guy who will act on his impulses and usually ends up starting a fight when he's drunk because he tried to make out with another guy's girlfriend. He doesn't believe that his sex drive should be controlled. I'd say most sex offenders probably fall into this category.

Covert-Confident: He has a dirty mind but he doesn't act on his impulses. This guy could freely walk around a harem of naked women and not feel like he could turn into the Incredible Hulk at any given moment. This guy is fully in control of his sex drive. To not be awkward around women or have them feel awkward around you, this is what I believe you need to be.

Open-Lack Confidence: These are people who don't hide it well and you can pretty much see him sweating bullets when a girl wearing a short skirt walks by. This guy wants to deny that he has a sex drive and treats it like a Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde scenario. I'd say this is the category that most stalkers fall into.

Covert-Lack Confidence: Despite appearing asexual in public, this is the guy who has hundreds of pictures and videos hidden away on his laptop you have to get through five folders and use a password to get to the folder labeled "Lolcats." This guy is ashamed to have a sex drive. Most "nice guys" fall into this category, in my opinion.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
I'd say they should be about equal. Truly being nice comes from having respect for people. See there's a difference between a nice guy and a "nice guy." A nice guy is someone who is well mannered, respectful, and typically does good for the sake of doing good. A "nice guy" acts nice but there's usually ulterior motives. One of them is their lack of security. A "nice guy" is nice because he needs the social verification to feel good about himself. "I think I suck but maybe if I can be nice enough they will tell me how good I am and I'll finally feel okay in my own skin." It's like a dog who does tricks for treats. He wants a treat so he'll roll around like an idiot because he knows that he'll get that reward if he does. "Good dog; have a Snausage." "Thank you, human; nom, nom, nom." He doesn't do the tricks for your amusement, it's because he wants something which leads to the other reason...
What is this "snausage" I don't even

Self-gratification, in other words. A "nice guy" goes out of his way to obtain something that will make him feel good about himself, and it could be anything, really: bragging rights, having someone in debt, fame or popularity, you know, self-gratification purposes. A real nice guy, on the other hand, doesn't complain about not receiving the treatment that he wants, he's just fine with making others smile. A relationship, a thank you, and any other reaction that comes along with it is just a bonus.

It's easy deciding whether you're a "nice guy" or one of the REAL nice guys. Insight on yourself isn't hard to do. Hindsight is also 20/20.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
This thread has just baited everyone who can't get a girl.

I wish I had the trollface emoticon right now.


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2011
Wow, that was a really good read and a big eye-opener, you hit me spot on with all 7 of those. I have only ever been in one relationship (with my girlfriend taking the assertive role on that one) and even then that one didn't go very well.
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