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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Sephiroth Mafia Day 1

Deadline is at midnight on 8/4/2013 MT

With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

[0] Swishy:
[0] th3kuzinator:
[0] KevinM:
[3] Degausser: Swishy, th3kuzinator, Red Ryu,
[2] Kary: Degausser, Cheerilee,
[0] Nabe:
[0] dabuz:
[0] BadWolf28738:
[0] -Masquerain-:
[0] Potassium:
[0] Red Ryu:
[0] Rajam:
[0] Cheerilee:

[8] Not voting: KevinM, Kary, Nabe, dabuz, BadWolf28738, -Masquerain-, Potassium, Rajam,

[collapse=Vote Log]Swishy: Votes Degausser
Degausser: Votes Kary
th3kuzinator: Votes Degausser
Cheerilee: Votes Kary
Red Ryu: Votes Degausser[/collapse]

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
So basically what Kary is saying that he bit off more than he can chew and doesn't have a read on Kuz. Why are you being so damn anti-town? Please, at least throw a vote down.
is this @ me?

you must have me confused with someone else. are votes pro-town? do I have anyone I want to vote for?

no no no no no


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Jesus christ. Kuz, he's anti-town therefore he is scummy therefore I think he is scum. Is that what you want to hear?
Are you denying the possibility of a player doing anti-town things without being scum, or just acknowledging that you're unable to discern those from actual scum?

Neither answer is acceptable.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Are you denying the possibility of a player doing anti-town things without being scum, or just acknowledging that you're unable to discern those from actual scum?

Neither answer is acceptable.
No, I'm not. However, it doesn't matter here considering that I don't think Kary is town. I don't think this is just anti-town play, and I believe genuinely that Kary is scum and that he doesn't have a leg to stand on, considering he was so stubborn to answer a bunch of simple questions and even then he came out with absolutely nothing. His arrogance towards this doesn't read as a townie who has doesn't have his head screwed on tight, rather a scummy who is playing bad and falling back on it by feigning a 'holier than thou' attitude. This is backed by my other thoughts on Kary.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.

why are you even voting me??? it's because kuz, or not, or what?

I'm voting you because I feel that your read on Swishy is fake and not thought out well enough to be genuine. I'm also voting you for your reaction towards me questioning. Everything else should be pretty damn clear.

you must have me confused with someone else. are votes pro-town? do I have anyone I want to vote for?

no no no no no
Humor me. Why don't you have anyone you want to vote for? This is an excuse if I've ever seen one.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
I'm going to elaborate on this Anti-town point a bit more by comparing players.

Badwolf is a player that plays anti-town regardless of alignment. I don't bat an eyelash to him acting this way because it's normal and he's not at the skill level Kary is. Discerning Badwolf's alignment for me comes with pressuring him enough to crack and getting him to fold. As pf now, I feel that Badwolf is playing anti-town but it's still not enough to make me want to lynch him. Why? Because it isn't a specific tell. Kary and Badwolf aren't the same, therefore I won't treat them the same.

Kary is the polar opposite and for him to be playing the way he is raises more flags than Badwolf playing the way he is. I know Kary and I know that he can do much more than what he is doing right now. His behavior bothers me greatly and he is almost deliberately playing anti-town. It is much more important compared to Badwolf where it is normal for him to be anti-town. Do you understand now? Anti-town is a loose word and I apologize for not elaborating on what I meant. I hope this makes things clearer.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Red Ryu, you're better than this. You're better than voting me because Kuz wrote a bunch of big words and because it's Kuz it must be true. I want to hear from the horse's mouth why I'm scum, instead of going off that you liked hie point and now you too, are literally feigning a 'holier than thou' attitude where you don't feel you have to explain yourself. I feel like I'm playing a ****ing newbie right now.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
If you're asking me and referring to Red Ryu, I think he's just being stupid, I won't know if it's town or scum stupid until he smartens up.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Humor me. Why don't you have anyone you want to vote for? This is an excuse if I've ever seen one.

clearly you're missing the point, then.

I take all the other players not voting are scummy because they're not voting? Or it's just me?

And i'm scummy for not voting because... why? Who even should I be voting for?

I don't think I need to vote anyone right now, and I don't see why that would be a problem.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Kary in your next post I want 0% why you're not scum or not voting anyone and 100% who you think is scummy and looking into regardless of placing your vote.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
kuz I want to be a star, but we can't all get what we want.

have some patience and you will be rewarded. Earlier I gave you an initial read and you tried to bite my hand off.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
I'm going to elaborate on this Anti-town point a bit more by comparing players.

Badwolf is a player that plays anti-town regardless of alignment. I don't bat an eyelash to him acting this way because it's normal and he's not at the skill level Kary is. Discerning Badwolf's alignment for me comes with pressuring him enough to crack and getting him to fold. As pf now, I feel that Badwolf is playing anti-town but it's still not enough to make me want to lynch him. Why? Because it isn't a specific tell. Kary and Badwolf aren't the same, therefore I won't treat them the same.
Ok wtf? How the hell was I dragged into this one again?

Why post the salt regarding this?
They asked for details. I detailed. Ask them.

Luna is best princess.
Not reading much tonight. Just got off the plane from FL and tired as ****. I'm going to bed and will wade through this tomorrow sometime. Work and life have come back.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
If Kuz said it, it must be true!

If not he can just die tomorrow for showing me the wrong light!

Vote Degausbroser

KevinM must be scum he's setting up lynches for the next day



TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
No but for real though, I'm iight with Degausser going, could vote Badwolf just because he's going to **** us over eventually.

Feel me?

Smell me?

You wit me?


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
1. Swishy (marshy/Swiss) -
2. th3kuzinator - I do hope you will play befitting someone of your station.
3. KevinM - Whaddya say to a pact right here right now. Either of us still alive start of D4 and they have to full claim. Enforcible from my word.
4. Degausser (Circus/soup) - Guessing Circus is the dominant head...?
5. Kary - 3 easiest players for you to read - who can you pin soonest?
6. Nabe - n/a
7. dabuz - What's your playstyle? Have we played before? Proudest mafia achievemet?
8. BadWolf28738 - Shut up and sheep me
9. -Masquerain- - I assume you are yet to hit mediocre.
10. Potassium - Thoughts on the Kev pact?
11. Red Ryu - Thoughts on the Kev pact?
12. Rajam - Anything to caution me about?
13. Cheerilee - I like you already. Tell me exactly what mafia experience you have and what of the game you understand. Why choose that name? Who introduced you?

Alright guys - let's do this.

Swiss + marshy....scum y'all better hope you have unlimited day vigs.

Anyone have a productive N0?
Why no question for Nabe?

Take care of kuz and Kary. Look, look:

I'm posting because it's still confirmation phase and I can!

He's new. He doesn't know what wine or wifom is.
Why didn't you explain it yourself?

are we out of rvs yet?
post ++

such a weaksauce question. I can't read someone if they don't post, and I can't make them post.

Swishy town
ok, first alarm: You don't seem pleased/confident enough with your 1st response/paragraph, so it's like you felt the need to throw something more "bold", with that "Swishy town". It's obvious also that someone will ask you about it, so you have an extra post assured, but there is no real scumhunting inbetween (and no, asseverate that Swishy is town this early can barely be considered scumhunting)

I don't think it is a simple question. I expect to get reads on Kantrip, RR, Joey. maybe badwolf. But I could get a read on Nabe just as soon as any of them if he didn't want to play coasty and coy as I expect him to.
Easy strategy of pursuing inactivity?

vote: Kary

dabuz do you agree with this, right?



Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
No? But naturally I have a decent meter for these things. And could point out my train of thought from Signups if massa would be likin'.
So when you were saying the slot was legit, you were...kidding? Playing along?

...if massa would be likin'.
poor taste

I'm curious as to why you call it "a HepAlien thing" rather than "a Le Bateleur thing". The former, to me, suggests mod complicity and potentially a role relation -- do you expect that of Seph?
I mean, I think it's even less likely that Seph would insert himself into the game like that (plus, it didn't even really read like him. Even when Labatt was posting, people suspected it was you).

Turns out it was neither. And Imma be real, it's not like I really know what Seph would do. I just knew something rubbed me wrong about Cheeilee.

By the way, I guess soup doesn't like this, but this is Circus and literally all I've talked about so far is the Cheerilee **** because that jumped out at me the second I started reading. Still readin.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
yo kuz thanks for the advice. next time I roll scum i'll consider it.
This is the second time you've brought up the idea that you didn't roll scum this game semi-unprovoked.

I mean, if you're town, just be town. Smellin' just a whiff of defensiveness here. Agree with my other head's vote right now.

Ya'll afraid of my fire, I get it I get it.

Kantrip jumping on that wagon like a good job blending bro.
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