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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
1. Swishy (marshy/Swiss) -
2. th3kuzinator - I do hope you will play befitting someone of your station.
3. KevinM - Whaddya say to a pact right here right now. Either of us still alive start of D4 and they have to full claim. Enforcible from my word.
4. Degausser (Circus/soup) - Guessing Circus is the dominant head...?
5. Kary - 3 easiest players for you to read - who can you pin soonest?
6. Nabe - n/a
7. dabuz - What's your playstyle? Have we played before? Proudest mafia achievemet?
8. BadWolf28738 - Shut up and sheep me
9. -Masquerain- - I assume you are yet to hit mediocre.
10. Potassium - Thoughts on the Kev pact?
11. Red Ryu - Thoughts on the Kev pact?
12. Rajam - Anything to caution me about?
13. Cheerilee - I like you already. Tell me exactly what mafia experience you have and what of the game you understand. Why choose that name? Who introduced you?

Alright guys - let's do this.

Swiss + marshy....scum y'all better hope you have unlimited day vigs.

Anyone have a productive N0?
I don't really care about the pact, but I love that you formed it. Making connections to other players is always a plus, so thanks for reaching out. The agreement itself doesn't really affect me.
Meh. It's wine atm.

This is very strange to me, Badwolf. Why did you start off by posting in the thread about how sick and tired of "this" you are, and then when asked what's up you don't even want to answer? What was that about?
such a weaksauce question. I can't read someone if they don't post, and I can't make them post.

Swishy town
The first question asked to you was totally fine, why didn't you answer that? Explain the town read to me.
I don't like being town. I rolled town for the nth time and I'm not very pleased with it. I find that I play better as scum but I haven't had a game as scum since MLP.

AKA Wolfy is salty.

Badwolf answered Swishy but not Cheerilee, who he thought at the time to be new. He didn't feel threatened by Cheerilee asking him something so he brushed the question off, but Swishy asking for more detail pushed him to give it. If Badwolf and Cheerilee were scum mates, he would have answered. If Badwolf and Swishy were scummates, he would have maintained his reluctance to answer to distance (not necessarily true, but this is what I believe he would do in that situation). I can conclude that Badwolf is not on a scum team with Cheerilee nor Swishy.
but why

and yes im srs
Oh god kuzi, this isn't going to be like Awkward Moments again, is it? You know when we kept asking the same questions to the same people? That was uncanny. (I'm just not your traitor this time)
He's not posturing enough to be scum. He's fishing too much.
What, pray tell, is he fishing for?
No, but who in the list can you read most effectively?

Simple question.
I must say I do like the Swishy approach here. Kary ignores the okay question in favour of protesting about the second one. Swishy restates the first one, which still needed to be addressed. I don't buy this interaction as distancing and do not think Kary and Swishy are scum together.
I don't think it is a simple question. I expect to get reads on Kantrip, RR, Joey. maybe badwolf. But I could get a read on Nabe just as soon as any of them if he didn't want to play coasty and coy as I expect him to.
Fine answer, I'm not irked that it took Swishy asking twice to get it.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I like the idea of us not waiting for everyone to confirm and just getting **** done.

I find your read a bit presumptuous and I feel that you're giving Swishy far too much credit. I wouldn't lynch him, but I'm certainly not ready to trust him.

@Swishy: If you're to assume that Circus is the dominant head, then am I right to assume that it has been Swiss who has posting? I don't want to read your slot individually. What am I to expect from marshy?
Was this soup or Circus?
They asked for details. I detailed. Ask them.

Luna is best princess.
I think the problem lies in the original post, not the fact that you elaborated on it.

I've been bad~
This is really funny. The slip-up and immediately owning up instead of waiting to see if anyone noticed. Nice
I noticed. I meant more that we should be friends throughout this game. Our potential friendship outside of this sphere might be valuable but isn't relevant.

RR is indeed Red Ryu; Kantrip is Potassium, Joey is -Masquerain-
BW is a maybe because how he plays isn't very consistent.r
In my experience, Nabe purposefully avoids the limelight for at least a Day or two.
Kary stopped being unhelpful when Cheerilee asked stuff. This is cool. Kary and Badwolf are like opposites in this game! Badwolf doesn't cater to Cheer but caters to Swishy, and Kary doesn't cater to Swishy but caters to Cheer! It's obviously a conspiracy.
Nabe has a tumblr? I thought he didn't

or he did and it was highly erotic

I forget
Oh yeah, he's also town. Really comfortable in thread. Nothing to hide.
If you don't think so, you should call in all your favours and get me lynched, after you answer.
Nabe I'd like your read on the Swishy slot. Thanks.
2 things.

1. I agree with swishy (which makes me want to vomit)

2. Anyone else wondering why Nabe has a pokemon with breasts as an avatar?

The comment in parentheses here is noteworthy. Badwolf answering Swishy when they asked for elaboration but hating that he agrees with them is odd.

Badwolf, do you have something against that slot or just think that you wouldn't agree with them?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Degausser. Deggy. Degdeg. Gaussy...man, your name just doesn't lend itself well to a nickname. How bout you get at my last post to you, I don't understand why your latest posts are so focused on the alt shenanigans.

@mod: I request you add a voting log to the votecounts, I'd appreciate it. It's kind of a pain in the *** for mods but it's useful for analyzing vote patterns.
Swishy is requesting the mod do something that benefits his ability to track voting patterns. Surface level analysis: pro-town. I don't think he'd think to get town points by asking for this as scum though, so surface-level wins out.
but lol tho

I read the thread thus far with deggy didgeridoo as noontown but now that its circus i just dont know what to think anymore

not mates with swishy (probably) or soup distancing zzz

nabe town

Explain Nabe town for me.
Why post the salt regarding this?
I would like a reads list please, Rajam.
I wanted to believe that you were townie for having the mindset about Kary (hint: it's the post I liked) but instead you come rolling into this thread with a bunch of reads that aren't even substantiated. I'm not asking you for a paragraph, but if you're going to make an accusation the least you can do is back it up. I find your confidence completely fake.
Was this soup? Please tell me this was soup.
While I'm on this point: Why do you town-read Nabe?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm not Jerkus. I wasn't sure how to handle that because I don't want people individually reading us because I'm trying to make this more coordinated. I even told Jerkus in our qt that I want to be more reserved, however I haven't given him any restrictions and he's allowed to post freely.

With regard to your second point, I don't like playing guessing games and while I'm completely aware that what Kuz could be doing is baiting a reaction, however I feel like Kuz is counting far too much on his reputation and bravado. It's scummy in that sense.
Oh excellent, it was soup! Degausser town, Kary town, Swishy town. Well now this is looking grim! All of kuz's scumreads are wrong and his only content is generic questions and unexplained reads!

Uh-oh, kuzi's scum.

Vote: th3kuzinator


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I feel all bubbly inside. I thought we were supposed to clash heads? I'm glad we didn't though, this is much more pleasurable.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
"This is the second time you've brought up the idea that you didn't roll scum this game semi-unprovoked."

Beep we've got ourselves some serious misconstruction gonna have to hit you with a two minute minor, serve it out kid.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Ok wtf? How the hell was I dragged into this one again?

Not reading much tonight. Just got off the plane from FL and tired as ****. I'm going to bed and will wade through this tomorrow sometime. Work and life have come back.
Badwolf is adorable.

The gang war between Kary and Deg is so confusing. Kuz thinks they're both plays, while Swishy thinks one is super townie and the other is the play, but they end up on the same side. Then we have boneheads like Ruy who say "herp derp Swiss sheep me" and then start sheeping Swiss and never provide anything valuable to the game in any way ever. I really think they're both town, people need to think for themselves, and kuz is keeping his options open.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm voting you because I feel that your read on Swishy is fake and not thought out well enough to be genuine. I'm also voting you for your reaction towards me questioning. Everything else should be pretty damn clear.

Humor me. Why don't you have anyone you want to vote for? This is an excuse if I've ever seen one.

Everything else isn't pretty damn clear. Please give me some Claritin or something, I want to see what you're seeing.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Not a fan of Rajam based on that post alone.

Rajam, what are your thoughts on Kuz? Based on you quoting that random RVS (and humorous) post and implying that he isn't doing anything (which isn't true in the slightest), I assume it's somewhere between null and slight scum lean, but I'd like a confirmation.

Your points on Kary seem pretty farfetched imo.

It seems like you're saying that Kary is taking the easy route and trying to just go after inactives, but neither Red Ryu or Kantrip are inactive players (unless they've changed while I left). He also clearly states that he can read Nabe if Nabe chooses to stay active, which completely goes against your point. Kary isn't going after inactives at all. Just because they haven't posted yet doesn't mean they're automatically considered inactive (Especially considering the fact that Kary answered this question so early into the game).

I can kind of see your opposing of the way Kary showed his Swishy town read, but I don't agree with it. If anything, it seems like Kary is trying to get people involved by leaving his reads up for questioning. On the other hand, I don't like your line of logic that is connecting his post to scum play. It seems like you think that posting a lot = searching for town cred, which simply isn't true (in my opinion at least). Why do you think that it's scummy to post your reads in a way that promotes questioning during the RVS phase of the game?


Kuz, what are you suspicious of Degausser for? I see a couple things so far, one of which is very understandable (his wishy-washy logical professor statement on Kary), but the alt thing seems 100% null tell for me and I'm not sure why you're trying to use that to enhance your read at all. The connection between Degausser & Kary and Soup/Circus & Bardull in a different game being part of your reasoning kind of throws me off as well. Explain to me please ;_;.

Kary is a weird read for me. He seems defensive, yes, but in his situation, I would be defensive as well. Some of the votes on him make no sense whatsoever. Like, let's use Cheerlie for an example. Cheerlie says that Kary is suspicious because of how he answered Swishy's question, but the logic behind the accusation is all over the place. The question was basically asking "Who are the 3 people you can easily read?", and Kary answered that, but Cheerlie took that to a completely different location, saying stuff like "The people that I have the most interest in reading are the last people I would want to know that I'm reading them" when that has nothing to do with the actual question Swishy asked. Since there is no connection between the question Swishy asked and Cheerlie's logic, Kary's wtf response seems 100% dignified. I can't see his defensiveness as scummy when there are accusations like that floating around. Seriously, the scum(lean) reads on Kary are pretty crappy. Kuz reading Kary scum based on association doesn't line up with me, and Soup having a scum read on him partially for being anti-town due to not voting and not answering questions (I don't see how either is anti-town considering that the question was like "Why does my read on Kuz not influence you", which shouldn't really need an answer in the first place, and no one should HAVE to vote in order to not be anti town). I'd like actual reads and information from Kary that is serious before I actually have a read on him (aka I want him to stop trying to get votes off of him and I want him to actually start playing the game). How do you feel about Swishy now, Kary? Reads in general would be nice >_>.

Cheerlie, explain your vote on Kary please. It doesn't make much sense to me honestly, and I can't tell if you made a jump in your logic or if you really feel that him answering Swishy's question the way he did is scummy. Outside of that, what are your thoughts on things in general? :|

Degausser is eh. His reaction to Kuz was honestly pretty good imo, but his "answer my questions stop being anti-town" push on Kary is pretty (read: very) weak. I loved the reaction to Kuz where he took a step back and explained why he thought Kary's behavior was scummy compared to regular anti-town play from a player such as Badwolf, regardless of if I disagree with it or not. Seemed really revolved around meta, though. Do you have any other scum reads?

Kantrip, where did Swishy say that he read Kary as town? I read it as "Kary may be scummy, but the play is Degausser first. We can worry about Kary tomorrow", not as "Kary is town what are you all doing vote scum". Correct me if I'm wrong, Swishy. I don't like your accusation on Kuz. He obviously wasn't explaining too much prior to the game starting, but once it started, he went pretty in depth. You pushing Kuz because he has three scum reads (does he even scum read Swishy? I think it's just a "never assume Swiss is town this early" read, not an actual scum read) that you think are townie doesn't fit well with me personally. Do you have any other reasoning behind Kuz scum?

Vote: Rajam

If not Rajam, I'd like to vote Cheerlie.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
"This is the second time you've brought up the idea that you didn't roll scum this game semi-unprovoked."

Beep we've got ourselves some serious misconstruction gonna have to hit you with a two minute minor, serve it out kid.
Eep! I forgot to bring that up! How careless of me @_@. Definitely didn't like that either (since it was completely provoked first off). I'm not sure what you were going for with that statement at all, Degausser. Explain!


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
"This is the second time you've brought up the idea that you didn't roll scum this game semi-unprovoked."

Beep we've got ourselves some serious misconstruction gonna have to hit you with a two minute minor, serve it out kid.
First post:

although, there seems to be some kinda mix-up? I asked to be scum this time around?
Some posts later:
yo kuz thanks for the advice. next time I roll scum i'll consider it.

So in your opinion, this is how people naturally speak? They just talk about what they're not all the time?

I don't know if Kary's scum or not yet, but if that doesn't make your eyebrows waggle a little man I don't know.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
First post:

Some posts later:

So in your opinion, this is how people naturally speak? They just talk about what they're not all the time?

I don't know if Kary's scum or not yet, but if that doesn't make your eyebrows waggle a little man I don't know.
Second statement doesn't imply anything.

Kuz said "next time you get scum, consider the following."

Kary said "Thanks! Next time I roll scum, I'll consider it."

Neither statement includes anything about the current game, and it only talks about the next scum role Kary receives.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
The implication being that Kary is not scum this game. It's not like Kary's replying to everything; he could have just left it.

In a vacuum, I probably wouldn't even blink at it, but Kary's very first post made this head look kind of sideways at his slot, and defensive things like that, with nothing else of any substance to ride along with it, only exacerbate that gut reaction. It's not like either of us are claiming it's a silver bullet or something. I'm feeling it our. Let me do me, you know?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Oh excellent, it was soup! Degausser town, Kary town, Swishy town. Well now this is looking grim! All of kuz's scumreads are wrong and his only content is generic questions and unexplained reads!

Uh-oh, kuzi's scum.

Vote: th3kuzinator

April fools!

Oh wait this post is serious lol


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Kantrip, where did Swishy say that he read Kary as town? I read it as "Kary may be scummy, but the play is Degausser first. We can worry about Kary tomorrow", not as "Kary is town what are you all doing vote scum". Correct me if I'm wrong, Swishy. I don't like your accusation on Kuz. He obviously wasn't explaining too much prior to the game starting, but once it started, he went pretty in depth. You pushing Kuz because he has three scum reads (does he even scum read Swishy? I think it's just a "never assume Swiss is town this early" read, not an actual scum read) that you think are townie doesn't fit well with me personally. Do you have any other reasoning behind Kuz scum?
It is heavily implied, if not out-right stated on multiple occasions.

Karebear != play. I learned this in grade school.
I want Nabe to be my sword and Karebear to be my Amy Pond.
He says Kary is not a play and wants him to be his Amy Pond. Can you get any heavier implications?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
It is heavily implied, if not out-right stated on multiple occasions.

He says Kary is not a play and wants him to be his Amy Pond. Can you get any heavier implications?
...Oh. I honestly didn't know what he meant by Karebear...

...Well this is awkward. I'll shut up now.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Low activity from Swiss today as brother getting married.

Will be browsing sporadically.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Only 6 pages in one day? That's weak for Dgames :p

I don't like being town. I rolled town for the nth time and I'm not very pleased with it. I find that I play better as scum but I haven't had a game as scum since MLP.

AKA Wolfy is salty.

Badwolf, why are you trying to draw attention to yourself like this?

With the current wifom that BW introduced, do you have any inclinations towards it being an early scum gambit so he won't be lynched in the early phases of the game? As someone who has played before with him recently, do you think that he has an underlying motive in referencing his alignment. Can I depend on you to read Nabe for me? Or is it going to be more dependent on Nabe offering himself to be readable this game to you so that we can quickly narrow down the scum earlier than later.[/quote]

Is there any reason you focused on Nabe specifically when Kary brought up a few people he feels he coudl read?

real talk degausser kary scummates third lies in someone who hasn't posted yet swiss indy until proven otherwise do not cop but doc maybe a call if scum lynch d1

gg no re
At this point, why is the team Degausser/ Kary/ third who hasn't posted yet? Or better question, how do you draw Degauss/ Kary connection so easily and how did you narrow that the third isn't someone who posted at that moment?

Vote: Kary

Kuz thinks I'm bussing so it must be true. Lynch my partner please.
Did you really try to make a joke out of Kuz's accusation here?
Also, somewhere in the 120s, you try to get Kary to cooperate with you, and you immediately attack him when he doesn't want to cooperate with you. How does that lead you to anti-town and therefore scum in the situation?

No, I'm not. However, it doesn't matter here considering that I don't think Kary is town. I don't think this is just anti-town play, and I believe genuinely that Kary is scum and that he doesn't have a leg to stand on, considering he was so stubborn to answer a bunch of simple questions and even then he came out with absolutely nothing. His arrogance towards this doesn't read as a townie who has doesn't have his head screwed on tight, rather a scummy who is playing bad and falling back on it by feigning a 'holier than thou' attitude. This is backed by my other thoughts on Kary.
None of this explains why Kary is scum, it explains why Kary is anti-town and why you formed a gut read.

yo kuz thanks for the advice. next time I roll scum i'll consider it.

for time being i'm jus gonna sit and wonder what you're smoking


Kuz, what do you think of Kary completely sidestepping your suspicions?

Ok wtf? How the hell was I dragged into this one again?

Not reading much tonight. Just got off the plane from FL and tired as ****. I'm going to bed and will wade through this tomorrow sometime. Work and life have come back.
Why is it relevant to you that Degausser cited you as an example here?

Why no question for Nabe?

Take care of kuz and Kary. Look, look:

Why didn't you explain it yourself?

post ++

ok, first alarm: You don't seem pleased/confident enough with your 1st response/paragraph, so it's like you felt the need to throw something more "bold", with that "Swishy town". It's obvious also that someone will ask you about it, so you have an extra post assured, but there is no real scumhunting inbetween (and no, asseverate that Swishy is town this early can barely be considered scumhunting)

Easy strategy of pursuing inactivity?

vote: Kary

dabuz do you agree with this, right?

Why ask ME about agreeing on the whole case? I only had one post at that moment with no sort of indication about my thoughts on Kary at all.

April fools!

Oh wait this post is serious lol
>Acknowledge Masq's suspicion is real
>Treat it as a joke anyway

What about Masq's post is "lol" to you?


Why does you think Rajam is the scummiest? What separates him from Cheerlie and Kantrip? To you they all have bad cases that don't make sense.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
No worries. What do you think of kuz yourself? Also the wagons on Kary and Debausser, what are your thoughts on those? You should join a wagon (the kuz one's pretty empty, but it's comfy I promise).


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
No worries. What do you think of kuz yourself? Also the wagons on Kary and Debausser, what are your thoughts on those? You should join a wagon (the kuz one's pretty empty, but it's comfy I promise).

Kuz has been doing things to get town going and pushing stuff hard. The only thing I really dislike from him is he doesn't always explain himself but he's certainly not on my lynch list if he keeps playing like he is today.

Debauss is playing bad, period. His lynch ATM would provide the most information and if he flips town it's not a loss.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
All of Rajam's post is terrible, and it freaks me out that every little thing he has said either makes no sense, or is simply putting someone in the negative light for all of the wrong reasons.

I'd like to wait until Cheerie explains why he voted Kary before I state why I didn't vote him over Rajam.

I've liked what Kantrip has done outside of his crappy Kuz accusation.

Rushed post is rushed. I'll be back at around 6-7 EST to explain things :).


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Where else would my vote be on D1? Your analysis points out that Kary is acting defensive over a couple of votes. A fos in early-game is insubstantial because it is part of the process to develop a read, not the entirety of a read. However Kary's reaction sucks and he's stating that a vote on him is bad as if a single vote on him by Degausser is going to kill him.

If you also take into account Kary's play early this game it involve town reading Swishy. Clearly over extending. Not only was there such a lack of content to posit by the time Kary pushed that read, but also because the slot is Swiss/marshy and it isn't going to scum in early game, if not at any point in the game if it isn't forced to do so. After Kuz called out Kary on over extending, he then proceeded to have an adverse reaction to giving any reads on anybody. How much content has Kary produced on anyone after being voted? Where is the analysis on any slot or just giving people what they want? Kary has just shut down, period. And if you don't think this is meritus enough for a vote then you're being delusional and need to re-read D1 of Ryker mafia to see how I floundered when I was scumming it.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Where else would my vote be on D1? Your analysis points out that Kary is acting defensive over a couple of votes. A fos in early-game is insubstantial because it is part of the process to develop a read, not the entirety of a read. However Kary's reaction sucks and he's stating that a vote on him is bad as if a single vote on him by Degausser is going to kill him.

If you also take into account Kary's play early this game it involve town reading Swishy. Clearly over extending. Not only was there such a lack of content to posit by the time Kary pushed that read, but also because the slot is Swiss/marshy and it isn't going to scum in early game, if not at any point in the game if it isn't forced to do so. After Kuz called out Kary on over extending, he then proceeded to have an adverse reaction to giving any reads on anybody. How much content has Kary produced on anyone after being voted? Where is the analysis on any slot or just giving people what they want? Kary has just shut down, period. And if you don't think this is meritus enough for a vote then you're being delusional and need to re-read D1 of Ryker mafia to see how I floundered when I was scumming it.
lol. at least this is a better theory than what you were peddling before.

why is degausser town?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I know I haven't answered a few things but they don't look very important. if you feel differently let me know.

high suspicion level:

low suspicion level:


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Jerkus, are there any parallels in Kary's play here to Necromafia? Can you give me a brief idea of how you expect Karyscum to conduct himself on receiving a scum role PM?

Kevin, can you name two players who are town aligned?


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Kevin, can you name two players who are town aligned?
Myself, Red Ryu

Red Ryu being slightly conditional, if he doesn't flip town then I clearly never thought he was town aligned.

Debauss is playing bad, period. His lynch ATM would provide the most information and if he flips town it's not a loss.
Ewww, no no no no.


God I hate Dabuz's slot thus far.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
I'm not sure of your intention to post this. You're directly appealing to something that shouldn't even be an issue to a townie. Why would you even bother stating that you don't like being town?
Not sure if this is the right question...

derp derp
What's bothering you?

Jerkus, Swiss has indeed been posting more. Here's a short list of what you can expect from the other half:

1. Thuggin the **** out
2. Hardbodyin *****es
3. Swaggin on hos
4. Generally bein a G

Played together for a few years now; you know how I ball. Why even ask this question?

Potato, do you have any thoughts on Badwolf/Karebear?*

*i mostly just wanted to call him potato
What do you get from Circus asking that question?

With the current wifom that BW introduced, do you have any inclinations towards it being an early scum gambit so he won't be lynched in the early phases of the game? As someone who has played before with him recently, do you think that he has an underlying motive in referencing his alignment. Can I depend on you to read Nabe for me? Or is it going to be more dependent on Nabe offering himself to be readable this game to you so that we can quickly narrow down the scum earlier than later.
Gambit? Explain. Also, what's your personal take on that?

BW referencing his alignment is notable, but probably not telling one way or the other.

I can probably get a read on Nabe before it becomes an issue. But you shouldn't be relying on me to do so, anyways.

You're either asking me this stuff to get a read on me, or you're just asking for the sake of it. You don't need to worry about me, so you should probably cool it.
How's BW referencing his alignment notable if it's not telling of anything?

If you don't think so, you should call in all your favours and get me lynched, after you answer.
Fallacy (hope I'm using the term right)? With little to work with, you know Swishy can't push a lynch based only on that, so you're basically pushing him to lynch you based on "nothing", or leave you alone. Don't like. You're also avoiding that question


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Kuz has been doing things to get town going and pushing stuff hard. The only thing I really dislike from him is he doesn't always explain himself but he's certainly not on my lynch list if he keeps playing like he is today.

Debauss is playing bad, period. His lynch ATM would provide the most information and if he flips town it's not a loss.

Are you kidding me? No, let me repeat again to make sure you're listening to me. Are you ****ing kidding me? I'm not angry at the fact you FoS me, I'm angry at the fact you think that Kuz is acting pro-town. Can you please share with the audience what pro-towniness Kuz is giving off to you besides something so incredibly vague as 'get town going and pushing stuff hard.' Then you go so far to throw the 'he's pllaying bad therefore let's just lynch him because I'm a moron and I can't do anything else besides by a horrible bleating sheep and give absolutely nothing worth of content'.

FoS: Dabuz


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
None of this explains why Kary is scum, it explains why Kary is anti-town and why you formed a gut read.
You clearly have skimmed or you simply can't read. I even made a post about this. People might think it's skeptical for me to be hard on only the players pushing me, but I'm going to take a moment and say that my wagon is basically asking for someone (e.g Dabuz) come in and produce absolutely nothing of worth and sheep a vote without needing to do anything else. This laziness attributes to someone who simply doesn't care and is trying to fit in with everything. His townread on Kuz is not even substantiated and I refuse to buy the bull**** he is spewing from his mouth.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
I know I haven't answered a few things but they don't look very important. if you feel differently let me know.

high suspicion level:

low suspicion level:
Kary, what are you smoking? You suspect Me and Kuz? Is this just an individual thing or...please elaborate. I also can't wrap my head around you disliking Acrostic. RR is pretty sound but he might actually be town who's being an idiot.
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