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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
@Acro: did you inform Seph of your decision to play as an alt before the game started? Or did he just find out like everyone else did via your thread actions
I informed Seph of who I was the day after I put in a join request. There was an agreement put into place in which I established that winning as my alignment was my first and foremost priority and I wasn't using this account to troll or intentionally ruin his game.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
I'm not Jerkus. I wasn't sure how to handle that because I don't want people individually reading us because I'm trying to make this more coordinated. I even told Jerkus in our qt that I want to be more reserved, however I haven't given him any restrictions and he's allowed to post freely.

With regard to your second point, I don't like playing guessing games and while I'm completely aware that what Kuz could be doing is baiting a reaction, however I feel like Kuz is counting far too much on his reputation and bravado. It's scummy in that sense.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I wanted to believe that you were townie for having the mindset about Kary (hint: it's the post I liked) but instead you come rolling into this thread with a bunch of reads that aren't even substantiated. I'm not asking you for a paragraph, but if you're going to make an accusation the least you can do is back it up. I find your confidence completely fake.
So you wanted (previously) to believe I was townie but now that I have come in with such bravado you are now forced to see my slot as ______________

Take a stance. I know you're looking at other avenues around getting involved in fighting with me but that's not gonna fly for long

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
yo kuz thanks for the advice. next time I roll scum i'll consider it.

for time being i'm jus gonna sit and wonder what you're smoking


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
@Kary Do you agree with my assumption on Kuz? What do you think of him pairing us together?
what assumption. him being townie? all i'm getting from kuz is cray cray. i need to see more before i figure that.

him pairing us together? the one thing kuz told me in my first game was don't scumhunt on connections.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산

*don't scumhunt on connections

should be

don't hunt for a scumteam, look for people being scummy

(ambiguous about pre/post flip)


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
He's not posturing enough to be scum. He's fishing too much.

Original read reasoning. Terrible but not necessarily scummy.

I like the idea of us not waiting for everyone to confirm and just getting **** done.

I find your read a bit presumptuous and I feel that you're giving Swishy far too much credit. I wouldn't lynch him, but I'm certainly not ready to trust him.

@Swishy: If you're to assume that Circus is the dominant head, then am I right to assume that it has been Swiss who has posting? I don't want to read your slot individually. What am I to expect from marshy?

Specifically targeting Kary for his read and putting him under suspicion from the start. Yet also not actually saying anything in your callout. The rest of your post accomplishes nothing.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, of course you wouldn't be ready to lynch him yet. We were in pregame presented with the weakest and inconsequential reasoning in the world. You're going out of your way to appear like you're considering all options when I know your logical thought process should not be going there as town.

derp derp

wait I can't even vote yet


Response to your callout.

Thought Kary is 100% correct in saying that your post was "derp derp" he did is so dismissivly and nonchalantly I can tell he's saying that to someone he already knows is scum. You guys planned it that way to spread initial heat and then have it dissipate as the Day goes on. You did the exact same thing in hardbody with bardull and it was janky as ****, as is that above mentioned interaction. Your thoughts on "playing this game slower" are just an attempt to distance you from your performance in that very same game where you tunneled hardbody from the start and got caught overextending.



Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010

*don't scumhunt on connections

should be

don't hunt for a scumteam, look for people being scummy

(ambiguous about pre/post flip)
You're not necessarily connected. You're both individually scummy.

But you're also, coincidentally, connected.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
he did is so dismissivly and nonchalantly I can tell he's saying that to someone he already knows is scum.

GJ magical reasoning

I'm not sure what you're trying to gain by playing passive aggressive. Your unwillingness to work with me doesn't make me want to unvote you.
i'm trying to avoid answering your pointless questions.

and your desire to unvote me has nothing to do with your vote being bad.
I mean just look at your vote; clearly you disagree with kuz's thought process, so why do you agree with him in thinking i'm scummy?


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Specifically targeting Kary for his read and putting him under suspicion from the start. Yet also not actually saying anything in your callout. The rest of your post accomplishes nothing.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, of course you wouldn't be ready to lynch him yet. We were in pregame presented with the weakest and inconsequential reasoning in the world. You're going out of your way to appear like you're considering all options when I know your logical thought process should not be going there as town.
That was part of the reserved shtick I wanted to do, but it goes to show that you can't change how you like to play mafia just for the sake of a Hydra. No, you misread my intentions. All I wanted to state is that I don't town-read him, and hopefully gauge a reaction from Kary contesting his read, instead, he bluntly dismissed my comment completely and felt no need to respond to me.

Response to your callout.

Thought Kary is 100% correct in saying that your post was "derp derp" he did is so dismissivly and nonchalantly I can tell he's saying that to someone he already knows is scum. You guys planned it that way to spread initial heat and then have it dissipate as the Day goes on. You did the exact same thing in hardbody with bardull and it was janky as ****, as is that above mentioned interaction. Your thoughts on "playing this game slower" are just an attempt to distance you from your performance in that very same game where you tunneled hardbody from the start and got caught overextending.
No, you're overthinking the whole thing. I don't know why you would go to such lengths let alone have such a hair-brained theory about us based on two-three posts. I'm impressed that you went so far to prove that you did have a reasoning behind your actions, however I don't think your conclusions make sense. Your whole argument is based on meta, which you of all people would know is nothing more than a scent, not a tell. Why are you going to such great lengths about this?


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I don't really understand Kary's underlying motive in putting out a general reading list. In most cases, the people who I have the most interest in reading will be the last people I want to know that I'm reading them. Simply giving them a calling notice that they are going to be my look out people to get a good grasp of initial game flow just introduces methods which they can manipulate my reads by putting effort into early game and then prioritizing later game to advancing other scum oriented agendas.

With respect to soup, I don't why there is a need for him to consult with his head so early in the game regarding early game content. I think it was somewhere around page 2 that he mentioned not advancing any material because he wanted to discuss things over with Circus. This is not to deny that there wasn't viable content on the first page. But the content itself wouldn't be anything to really merit a 'bother' for a a hydra partner. Also there was his reaction to my slot which seemed to be overly paranoid and over analyzing on what I had to comment. I am curious what was the train of thought that soup was going into with that and if any of it had relevant game basis.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.

GJ magical reasoning

i'm trying to avoid answering your pointless questions.

and your desire to unvote me has nothing to do with your vote being bad.
I mean just look at your vote; clearly you disagree with kuz's thought process, so why do you agree with him in thinking i'm scummy?
I actually agree with him for the most part, which is odd. My dislike for Kuz comes not in his read on you and thought process, rather his behavior. Did you hit your head on a rock and forget how to play Mafia? When questions are made, you're supposed to answer them. You should have no problems with humoring me regardless if you think they're stupid. I don't care what you think of them, it's going to let me read you easier and every question I ask has a reason. Stop being stubborn.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
I don't really understand Kary's underlying motive in putting out a general reading list. In most cases, the people who I have the most interest in reading will be the last people I want to know that I'm reading them. Simply giving them a calling notice that they are going to be my look out people to get a good grasp of initial game flow just introduces methods which they can manipulate my reads by putting effort into early game and then prioritizing later game to advancing other scum oriented agendas.

With respect to soup, I don't why there is a need for him to consult with his head so early in the game regarding early game content. I think it was somewhere around page 2 that he mentioned not advancing any material because he wanted to discuss things over with Circus. This is not to deny that there wasn't viable content on the first page. But the content itself wouldn't be anything to really merit a 'bother' for a a hydra partner. Also there was his reaction to my slot which seemed to be overly paranoid and over analyzing on what I had to comment. I am curious what was the train of thought that soup was going into with that and if any of it had relevant game basis.

I actually did start formulating reads and letting Jerkus know where my head was at, as I felt there were things worth talking about. I'm also leaning on giving Circus a base so we don't get confused or our slot's behavior is completely different. That being said, I'll let jerkus handle things that are specifically asked of him.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I don't really understand Kary's underlying motive in putting out a general reading list. In most cases, the people who I have the most interest in reading will be the last people I want to know that I'm reading them. Simply giving them a calling notice that they are going to be my look out people to get a good grasp of initial game flow just introduces methods which they can manipulate my reads by putting effort into early game and then prioritizing later game to advancing other scum oriented agendas.

you're asking why i answered swishy's question?


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
???? you're asking why i answered swishy's question?
You've rather taint the chance for three good reads to honestly answer someone whose alignment you do not know and will likely amount to nothing for you in the long term except for RVS filler?


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Wait, wait. Even considering that your approach to RVS could be considered an open and responsive style. Why does there have to be a drastic shift in attitude between how you were acting in RVS with your supposedly open-RVS play to Swishy and this closed-man effect to Degausser who for all intensive purposes has an early bird fos on you. If anything, being open should be far more pro-town when reads are being launched over RVS banter.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
You've rather taint the chance for three good reads to honestly answer someone whose alignment you do not know and will likely amount to nothing for you in the long term except for RVS filler?
what is this I don't even.

there's a big difference between telling someone you think that they're scummy and telling someone you think you can read them.
i'm completely with you on not giving unnecessary info to potential scummers.
i'm completely lost on the 'mentioning someone's name in RVS is going to ruin your read on them'

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I actually agree with him for the most part, which is odd. My dislike for Kuz comes not in his read on you and thought process, rather his behavior. Did you hit your head on a rock and forget how to play Mafia? When questions are made, you're supposed to answer them. You should have no problems with humoring me regardless if you think they're stupid. I don't care what you think of them, it's going to let me read you easier and every question I ask has a reason. Stop being stubborn.
if I had anything else to tell you i would have brought it up.

your opinion on kuz is not a big factor in my reads right now.

there's a difference between being stubborn and not wanting to play 20 questions.

so you agree with kuz, or you don't agree with him. I don't follow. your vote on me is bad.


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
Why is ANYONE voting for Kary right now? Do not distract from the play.
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