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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Are you kidding me? No, let me repeat again to make sure you're listening to me. Are you ****ing kidding me? I'm not angry at the fact you FoS me, I'm angry at the fact you think that Kuz is acting pro-town. Can you please share with the audience what pro-towniness Kuz is giving off to you besides something so incredibly vague as 'get town going and pushing stuff hard.' Then you go so far to throw the 'he's pllaying bad therefore let's just lynch him because I'm a moron and I can't do anything else besides by a horrible bleating sheep and give absolutely nothing worth of content'.

FoS: Dabuz
This post is awful.

Others did simular but you had no problems with them, you're looking for a scapegoat.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Define others. I already elaborated on you. Kevin isn't the same player as Dabuz. Stop being a ****ing idiot. I swear to god.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Both me and Jerkus town-read Swishy right now. I'm not as concrete on it. Kevin voting for the swag wagon isn't out of the ordinary. I need something more before I want to point the finger. Different people have different tells.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Define others. I already elaborated on you. Kevin isn't the same player as Dabuz. Stop being a ****ing idiot. I swear to god.
Both me and Jerkus town-read Swishy right now. I'm not as concrete on it. Kevin voting for the swag wagon isn't out of the ordinary. I need something more before I want to point the finger. Different people have different tells.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Define others. I already elaborated on you. Kevin isn't the same player as Dabuz. Stop being a ****ing idiot. I swear to god.
Huh, funny how I pretty much bandwagoned with no justification, yet I'm A-OK. Swiss endorses and hasn't gone into much detail from what I remember from last night, yet he is A-OK. Kevin said **** yeah hardbody crew! Yet you don't try and tackle him?

You tackle Dabuz, a player who doesn't play mafia around here often and when he has he is hit or miss, he has had some great games and plays and others where he kinda derped.

This is the player you have a problem with. Why? Because he endorsed what Kuz said and thinks Kuz is town. But instead you attack him for being a sheep and someone who is considered easier for people to push down, Ryker wanted him Vigged bad in Shining Force and copped him.

No you go for the aggressive attack on him and FoS him over what shouldn't be a scum tell at all.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Have you even been reading what I'm saying

You and Dabuz aren't the same. I think you're being stupid town. Why? Because as scum you're less likely to do such a move as vote me with such confidence and you're much more reserved and try to posture. Here, I don't see that. Therefore, you're not scum. Swishy? What's abnormal about him being vague about his voting? What about Kevin? Can you really tell me that you yourself would try and 'tackle' either for their current behavior? No. And don't tell me you would because there's no way in hell you would even attempt to try and step up to either slot.

This is the player you have a problem with. Why? Because he endorsed what Kuz said and thinks Kuz is town. But instead you attack him for being a sheep and someone who is considered easier for people to push down, Ryker wanted him Vigged bad in Shining Force and copped him
Look at the way he endorsed it. His town-read on Kuz is full of **** and I even specifically pointed it out. He's looking for a lynch, that's all I see.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Have you even been reading what I'm saying

You and Dabuz aren't the same. I think you're being stupid town. Why? Because as scum you're less likely to do such a move as vote me with such confidence and you're much more reserved and try to posture. Here, I don't see that. Therefore, you're not scum. Swishy? What's abnormal about him being vague about his voting? What about Kevin? Can you really tell me that you yourself would try and 'tackle' either for their current behavior? No. And don't tell me you would because there's no way in hell you would even attempt to try and step up to either slot.

Look at the way he endorsed it. His town-read on Kuz is full of **** and I even specifically pointed it out. He's looking for a lynch, that's all I see.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Have you even been reading what I'm saying

You and Dabuz aren't the same. I think you're being stupid town. Why? Because as scum you're less likely to do such a move as vote me with such confidence and you're much more reserved and try to posture. Here, I don't see that. Therefore, you're not scum. Swishy? What's abnormal about him being vague about his voting? What about Kevin? Can you really tell me that you yourself would try and 'tackle' either for their current behavior? No. And don't tell me you would because there's no way in hell you would even attempt to try and step up to either slot.
I've gone right after Swiss when I thought he was scum in previous games, I changed my read later when he made a post that pretty much singlr handedly 180'd my read on him. So don't play this card with me.

My issue is that you don't care at all that people like me Kevin, Swishy, and Kuz got you as out #1 lynch.

But then Dabuz is a huge problem when he does address his thoughts?

Look at the way he endorsed it. His town-read on Kuz is full of **** and I even specifically pointed it out. He's looking for a lynch, that's all I see.
His town read is fine.

He is looking for a lynch, on scum.

That's not an issue, my problem is your approach to his read on you and your half-ass attempt to put him on ice.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Red Ryu, you're better than this. You're better than voting me because Kuz wrote a bunch of big words and because it's Kuz it must be true. I want to hear from the horse's mouth why I'm scum, instead of going off that you liked hie point and now you too, are literally feigning a 'holier than thou' attitude where you don't feel you have to explain yourself. I feel like I'm playing a ****ing newbie right now.
What happened to this?

Oh right it's because me and others play pretty regularly and aren't easy lynches, but Dabuz is usually busy and mafias once and a while. Got it.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
First off: Rajam, I asked you a question, respond to it. Mucho importante.

Are you kidding me? No, let me repeat again to make sure you're listening to me. Are you ****ing kidding me? I'm not angry at the fact you FoS me, I'm angry at the fact you think that Kuz is acting pro-town. Can you please share with the audience what pro-towniness Kuz is giving off to you besides something so incredibly vague as 'get town going and pushing stuff hard.' Then you go so far to throw the 'he's pllaying bad therefore let's just lynch him because I'm a moron and I can't do anything else besides by a horrible bleating sheep and give absolutely nothing worth of content'.

FoS: Dabuz
Let's see, we aren't even 48 hours into Day 1 and Kuz is one of the few players willing to take the risk and push a read, actually 2, hard. He's asking relevant questions and getting answers. That's more than about half this playerlist and my issue with him is that he isn't explaining himself...hence why I am *gasp* asking him questions to get more out of him.

However, I state why i'm fine with your lynch and you act like what I would expect from a 5 year old. You shout and pout and continue to prove my point that town loses nothing if you flip town..

You clearly have skimmed or you simply can't read. I even made a post about this. People might think it's skeptical for me to be hard on only the players pushing me, but I'm going to take a moment and say that my wagon is basically asking for someone (e.g Dabuz) come in and produce absolutely nothing of worth and sheep a vote without needing to do anything else. This laziness attributes to someone who simply doesn't care and is trying to fit in with everything. His townread on Kuz is not even substantiated and I refuse to buy the bull**** he is spewing from his mouth.
Meta means nothing to me, not only do I have no frame of reference personally, but people aren't static. They are dynamic, they think, they play differently, they adapt, they are variables and raw meta by itself is not substantial.

Woah woah woah,now who's spewing BS from his mouth? Let's look at what I said about Kuz

Kuz has been doing things to get town going and pushing stuff hard. The only thing I really dislike from him is he doesn't always explain himself but he's certainly not on my lynch list if he keeps playing like he is today.

Let's see, I didn't explicitly say I have a town read on him, I actually didn't state my read. I stated he's not on my lynch list because of his play. This is pathetic on your part. Similar to your attack on Kary when the slot didn't want to work with you, you're attacking me because i'm not with you and disguising it as heavy disagreement about my view of Kuz. Absolutely terrible.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
I've gone right after Swiss when I thought he was scum in previous games, I changed my read later when he made a post that pretty much singlr handedly 180'd my read on him. So don't play this card with me.
Okay. Is it relevant here? The point is that Swiss hasn't done anything damning or worth scum-reading. He is mostly null, but we lean town on him based on gut. I believe Jerkus elaborted on it.

My issue is that you don't care at all that people like me Kevin, Swishy, and Kuz got you as out #1 lynch.
I care. I care that you're wrong. I don't care in the sense that I think you have mafia intent with your vote, along with Kevin. I think I elaborated enough on why this is.

But then Dabuz is a huge problem when he does address his thoughts?
Yeah. What thoughts could you discern as his reason to scum-read me? That's a serious question. I can't get a solid reason for him disliking me, let alone scum-reading me. Did I mention that he hasn't even voted me? You really think there's something there with him saying

None of this explains why Kary is scum, it explains why Kary is anti-town and why you formed a gut read.
this? It's completely safe and completely hollow. There is no definitive stance here, not even really a dislike. It's a bit weird he accuses me of playing like **** and literally being called out for skimming. Do you understand why I might take offense to this? He's not reading arguments, he is not bothering with the finer details, he's only looking for the most comfortable spot to sit in. Yeah, he asked a few questions. Big ****ing whoop. Scum asks questions all the time to fake content. It's possible I am misreading him which is why there's a wonderful thing in mafia called FoS.

Red Ryu, Scum don't lynch themselves. You have to pressure people and shake them a couple of times to get the information you want. If I sat here and said absolutely nothing about the fact I'm bound to L-2 at any moment, then I would ****ing be an absolute determinant to the town. What do you want me to do? Not care that a bunch of people are voting me for crappy reasons? It's not that everyone voting me is Scum. That's an awful assumption to make and I would be foolish to do so. I think some people are more genuine with their votes (albeit null see kevin) and some have more malicious intent. Finding that intent comes into reading things and how they are forming their opinions. Dabuz is one of them that I don't like.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Let's see, we aren't even 48 hours into Day 1 and Kuz is one of the few players willing to take the risk and push a read, actually 2, hard. He's asking relevant questions and getting answers. That's more than about half this playerlist and my issue with him is that he isn't explaining himself...hence why I am *gasp* asking him questions to get more out of him.

However, I state why i'm fine with your lynch and you act like what I would expect from a 5 year old. You shout and pout and continue to prove my point that town loses nothing if you flip town..
What about me? I've been pushing Kary this whole damn time. Your bias is showing. Asking what now? Really? Elaborate on it maybe?

Or you're an idiot and you can't think outside the parameters of 'someone is upset about being lynched therefore scum.' Read what I said to Red Ryu.

Meta means nothing to me, not only do I have no frame of reference personally, but people aren't static. They are dynamic, they think, they play differently, they adapt, they are variables and raw meta by itself is not substantial.

Woah woah woah,now who's spewing BS from his mouth? Let's look at what I said about Kuz

I know Nabe has said this before many times but, You don't mean this. wrt Bolded. There's no way to completely eliminate Meta in a game of Mafia because each player has specific tells and play style. These two things are essential to discerning an alignment. There's no way to tell me with a straight face that you don't have some sort of Meta on me as to why you scum-read me.

Let's see, I didn't explicitly say I have a town read on him, I actually didn't state my read. I stated he's not on my lynch list because of his play. This is pathetic on your part. Similar to your attack on Kary when the slot didn't want to work with you, you're attacking me because i'm not with you and disguising it as heavy disagreement about my view of Kuz. Absolutely terrible
Okay. That's nice. I'm proud that you don't have a definitive stance and you're proving me right. Attacking you because you're not with me and disagree about Kuz? No.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
soup why are you over-reacting to literally everything?

It's how I play. I think you would be used to this by now. Getting mad at Mafia means nothing else other than that I care. I had a huge talk with marshy about this because I felt I was getting far too aggressive and I needed to try and cool my head, but even he said players like EE get upset about things. It's completely normal.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Been up for 36 hours now, so seriously. Either I'm going to be free tomorrow or have not nearly enough time in the morning to post.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Ugh. Just figured out that I'm leaving for cleveland tonight instead of tomorrow...

V/LA from 10 pm tonight to mid-day Tuesday.

I'll try to get something up before I go when I'm not on mobile.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Nabe, I know you're usually not one to do this, but what do you think of being my doublevoter?
No one ever asked.
Call me the "third head" though.
I want Nabe to be my sword and Karebear to be my Amy Pond.
Yeah so this is happening.

why are you even voting me??? it's because kuz, or not, or what?
feeling this, ooh, it's like I'm young again
Vote: Degausser

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
No, I'm not. However, it doesn't matter here considering that I don't think Kary is town. I don't think this is just anti-town play, and I believe genuinely that Kary is scum and that he doesn't have a leg to stand on, considering he was so stubborn to answer a bunch of simple questions and even then he came out with absolutely nothing. His arrogance towards this doesn't read as a townie who has doesn't have his head screwed on tight, rather a scummy who is playing bad and falling back on it by feigning a 'holier than thou' attitude. This is backed by my other thoughts on Kary.
Feelin' like a weird defensive bus
Feel it, feel it~

Are you denying the possibility of a player doing anti-town things without being scum, or just acknowledging that you're unable to discern those from actual scum?

Neither answer is acceptable.
Not comfortable with the way this question is phrased to funnel into a binary
Red Ryu, I too would like you to take this more seriously.
Is he being stupid town or stupid scum? Did you actually roll town this game Kantrip?
If you're asking me and referring to Red Ryu, I think he's just being stupid, I won't know if it's town or scum stupid until he smartens up.
These two can go, Doctor Hardbody
Feel it, feel it~

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
It's how I play. I think you would be used to this by now. Getting mad at Mafia means nothing else other than that I care. I had a huge talk with marshy about this because I felt I was getting far too aggressive and I needed to try and cool my head, but even he said players like EE get upset about things. It's completely normal.
let me level with you.

how you play looks like it's getting you lynched.
and I don't understand what part of your play is supposed to be townie.

so from my perspective, you need to sort that out, because whether you're mad, or upset, or whatever
I'm not a fan of anything I've seen from you.

you could make a start by fixing that vote on me.
or just otherwise getting your **** together.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
If Kuz said it, it must be true!

If not he can just die tomorrow for showing me the wrong light!

Vote Degausbroser

KevinM must be scum he's setting up lynches for the next day

What happened to the Kev who was a **** and steamrolled ******* rather than putting up a face and theatrics?
Not scumreading, curious about the answer

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
So when you were saying the slot was legit, you were...kidding? Playing along?
Wishful thinking.

I mean, I think it's even less likely that Seph would insert himself into the game like that (plus, it didn't even really read like him. Even when Labatt was posting, people suspected it was you).

Turns out it was neither. And Imma be real, it's not like I really know what Seph would do. I just knew something rubbed me wrong about Cheeilee.

By the way, I guess soup doesn't like this, but this is Circus and literally all I've talked about so far is the Cheerilee **** because that jumped out at me the second I started reading. Still readin.
Maybe what I should be asking is, why not "an alt account thing" rather than referencing Hep which doesn't really tie in?


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
let me level with you.

how you play looks like it's getting you lynched.
and I don't understand what part of your play is supposed to be townie.

so from my perspective, you need to sort that out, because whether you're mad, or upset, or whatever
I'm not a fan of anything I've seen from you.

you could make a start by fixing that vote on me.
or just otherwise getting your **** together.

Don't even. Look aside my anger because there is legitimate content in my posts. Just because I'm breaking out the swear words and being aggressive doesn't mean ****.

*deep breath*


That's better.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Ad-hominem rage not helping your case Soup. I know you have the gusto to do it as scum. If you are town you should be looking at other avenues not cluttering the thread with a meaningless back and forth with Kary. He's being anti-town, we get it. He's gonna get lynched toMorrow. If you don't want to be the one to go toDay I suggest doing more then digging in your heels and making this uglier than it has to be.

Regardless of alignment what you're doing is annoying.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Ad-hominem rage not helping your case Soup. I know you have the gusto to do it as scum. If you are town you should be looking at other avenues not cluttering the thread with a meaningless back and forth with Kary. He's being anti-town, we get it. He's gonna get lynched toMorrow. If you don't want to be the one to go toDay I suggest doing more then digging in your heels and making this uglier than it has to be.

Regardless of alignment what you're doing is annoying.

Like.. the one Dabuz maybe? Do you really believe that me and Kary are still partners? Do you? Do you really? And if your answer is yes, then provide more to it. How the **** are you putting Kantrip into all this?
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