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Sephiroth Mafia: OVER - TOWN WINS!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
If you're going through with this wagon, and I have to play as a martyr, then I want you to consider the incredibly high possibility of there being scum on this wagon. I know that's what you're banking on just in case you're wrong. It's not a wrong thought process, and I do it all the time. However, I will still fight and claw as much as I can to ensure that it doesn't come to that.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.

Once I talk to Circus I'll let you know what our plan of action is. If we're really put to L-1, we'll claim. Right now, I'm reconsidering Kary at the moment because I don't believe that my vote is doing anything and Kary is not pressued by it anyways. I was hoping Kary would at least contest my points, but instead he's taken a more passive approach and he seems to be doing his own thing. I don't really know why Kantrip town-reads Kary, but I don't believe that I'm going to get this even if I wanted it.

Actually, why do you town-read Kary anyways, Kantrip?


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
If you're going through with this wagon, and I have to play as a martyr, then I want you to consider the incredibly high possibility of there being scum on this wagon. I know that's what you're banking on just in case you're wrong. It's not a wrong thought process, and I do it all the time. However, I will still fight and claw as much as I can to ensure that it doesn't come to that.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Debauss is playing bad, period. His lynch ATM would provide the most information and if he flips town it's not a loss.
I think my other head (and others) have already pointed out most of the ick here. No one should be talking about definite lynches yet. This slot's lynch hardly nets you anything because we're only a couple of days into the game. Calm yo ****, Quickdraw.
Jerkus, are there any parallels in Kary's play here to Necromafia? Can you give me a brief idea of how you expect Karyscum to conduct himself on receiving a scum role PM?

Kevin, can you name two players who are town aligned?
I would honestly have to read Necromafia again to be sure, although I do remember noting that his one big tell in Necro was that he was too defensive. Zen had nothing on him, but he acted like he had something on him, and I feel that's what did him in. Inability to keep a cool head. I think we're seeing some defensiveness here, but not on the same scale because I think few people are really calling him out the way Zen did. At any rate, I don't expect meta that old to be bulletproof anyway. I'm just not a fan of the slot so far.

I honestly don't have a good grasp of Kary townmeta for comparison, if I'm honest.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Huh, funny how I pretty much bandwagoned with no justification, yet I'm A-OK. Swiss endorses and hasn't gone into much detail from what I remember from last night, yet he is A-OK. Kevin said **** yeah hardbody crew! Yet you don't try and tackle him?
If you think I don't think your vote on my slot is bull****, you're wrong.

Also, my other head is a bit mistaken on my view of Swishy. I'm just not worrying about that slot at all for the next few Days. It will solve itself.
Feelin' like a weird defensive bus
Feel it, feel it~
Scum goggles.

My slot points out the defensiveness in Kary's posts and it's scum distancing. Other people mention finding Kary scummy/defensive and it's nothing.

Like I said, ya'll scared of my fire.
S'not normal Circus.
Get to a point or this means nothing. I haven't played mafia in months, and I'm hydra-ing for the second time in my life. Go ahead and meta me and see if that works for you.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Degausser, don't take Karebear's and Kuz's implications that improving your play will change anything; you will be dying today. I say this not to be condescending but so you can accept it now and tone down the aggression. Also, I did say that plenty of players do get angry but don't forget I said taking time to cool off and retype posts to lower the aggression shown after the kneejerk annoyance is beneficial for the whole game. That said, I would love to hear Jerkus' thoughts on players' alignments right now and if he has a team to offer.
I'm sensing this, which I think is why I'm calmer about it than soup is (plus I've been in this situation on D1 before and managed to pull the plane out of the nosedive anyway, so I guess we'll see).

If you want some reads, here are some: Kantrip is town as **** and I don't get what Kuz's problem is with him.

Also, trusting Nabe at any time is playing with fire, plain and simple. Please shake your soft endorsement of him before you die.

Joey's wall gave me town vibes even though I didn't read it. Joey lurks hard even as town, so idk. A post about anything seems super townie to me.

Degausser, are you a vengeful townie?
Ask me this again when I'm at L-1.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm overjoyed that you find me so townie. Talk to me about kuz jumping on me and also the points I have made against him. Am I barking up the wrong tree here or is there something there?


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Regarding Kuz (because I feel this has to be addressed):

I'm not certain if he's sincere about what he's spouting; he's wrong, which immediately feels weird for a "good" town player. But I hope it's at least obvious to everyone that his Kary-me connection is junk and is no way for anybody to be scumhunting on Day 1. I enjoy connection theories, but they're only mildly appropriate to pose once you have at least one scum flip already. Trying to clump me and Kary together before any flips occur at all is patently stupid.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
And you also evidently think he's wrong on me. Even if you think Kary is scum, don't you find his very strong pushes for 2/3 town slots kind of bad? And his reasoning for all of these reads in question are bad, even his Kary reasoning. I was waiting to say my kuz suspicion for some sort of "okay that connection theory was just for reads on everyone else" that never came.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
So I guess the short answer is yeah, I think Kuz is worth keeping an eye on? Certainly he's not who anybody should be following, as will be obvious if we get lynched toDay.

His insistence on a connection between my slot and Kary—specifically the notion that I must be distancing myself from him—feels off considering kuz shouldn't feel confident parsing the difference between distancing and actual scumhunting this early in the game without more information. Either he knows more than he should or he is high on his own reputation. Both of these scenarios seem equally plausible to me right now.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
so kuz are you going to continue to rely on your magical powers to find scum this game? or are you going to switch to something that works?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I actually agree with this, and thanks for the Swishy read.

Fine with Nabe for now.

Acro is off to me but I'm not sure if it's the persona from the alt account speaking or actual problems. I'm going to keep my eye on him.

Someone help me read dabuz and Rajam. I'm at a loss.
Your radar is broken, as evidenced by your scum reads being absolute ****.

You think that Deg and Kary are on the same team. I've already said this, but look at their interactions on page 5. Hell, look at their interactions all game and tell me you honestly think they could be scum partners.
That #324 isn't very good, actually. I may have to look at Deg again.... Don't do this to me soup
Wait... Circus? Is that you in there?

Circus why are you getting defensive?

Yes yes a thousand times yes (not Kantrip so much but don't tell him)
nd times yes (not Kantrip so much but don't tell him)
yes (not Kantrip so much but don't tell him)
yes (not Kantrip so much but don't tell him)


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
What happened to the Kev who was a **** and steamrolled *****es rather than putting up a face and theatrics?
Not scumreading, curious about the answer
I got lynched too many times for being mean instead of being scummy.

Besides I don't plan on sticking out for long, I'm just comfortable with reading this interaction.

Degausser selling me information for the low low price of emotion.

Don't you worry Nabe baby, I will put you on my back as soon as it is necessary and we'll ride this town into the prosperous age of KevinM "Emperor Swagenstein"


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
"Ask me this again when I'm at L-1."

Omg so edge and scary.

So Degausser flips scum, i'm circumventing your chain Kuz btw

Degaus > Potassium > Rajam

If be some miracle he flips town we go

Rajam > Potassium > **** if I care

Seems simple enough imo.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I am semi sheeping Kuz's reasoning, since I agree. But how you handled Dabuz made it even worse.

I may be not 100% super serial but I am being myself here and not being a moron about this. I think you are scum and I haven't seen anything to hint at otherwise.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I'm basically waiting to see more from some people. some questions answered would be great.

not sure why degauss asking for L-1 before claim... chance of self-hammer to think about.

anyways, we can squeeze a bit more out of the Day. I'm pretty sure deadline's like a week


Watch me go against everything you believe.
Jun 29, 2013
So both halves have talked it over and agree on the following.

Doc on us. Less importantly, vig hits kuz on a Degausser townflip. If he flips scum, hit Rajam.

Kary, tomorrow kuz will start off the dayphase coming for your jugular if the vig is too much of a ****ing moron to do his job and kill him. So if he's still alive marshy has a hard enough town read on you and Potato to pull the rug out from underneath kuz tomorrow and unleash the hardbody. Potato, I will need your help on this due to SWF Town's general incompetence at lynching scummy people without a ****ing essay handed to them on a silver platter and Kary's nigh unrivaled propensity of getting himself killed.

Nabe, as my sword I'm going to need to talk over Kary with you because we are obviously of different opinions regarding his alignment when I want us to be in sync. Does kuz not disgust the utter **** out of you especially on a Degausser townflip? Feel free to withhold your response until tomorrow.

Degausser, you are a complete ****ing moron for not killing who we would have ordered if your latest shenanigans are legit.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
By the way, that's not a killing action. I'm trying to get you people to get off your ego high and start thinking logically. I'm really tempted to say '**** you' to every last one of you because the current mindset is going to have us lose this game. We both have presented sound arguments and you refuse to even recognize our efforts. You are not only wrong about us, but you're also ********.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
I am semi sheeping Kuz's reasoning, since I agree. But how you handled Dabuz made it even worse.

I may be not 100% super serial but I am being myself here and not being a moron about this. I think you are scum and I haven't seen anything to hint at otherwise.

Really now. Tell the audience as to why that is. Wait, no. Nevermind. The audience isn't listening. They're all too busy standing in a circle jerking each other off profusely to the sound of their inflated egos.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Well now what,

We still have plenty of time.

Kary is basically confirmed scum but I feel she doesn't give me nearly as good a read as Degausser does for Kuz.

Deguasser still seems scum, reading through his emotional BS is tiresome but he flip-flops his opinions on both Kuz's stance and Kary throughout most of early D1 and he's using his more aggresive tactics on weaker town. Idk just seems odd since when I'm in a jam and I'm town I tend to just smash my head against the person loudest in the group.

Going after RR and the like is just meh.

If Badwolf or Joey don't start giving me more substance I'mma be hella mad. Either replace out, start posting or get lynched.

Uhh I guess that's it for now I'mma go play some basketball.


Jul 6, 2013
up in the attic, to the left.
Less importantly, vig hits kuz on a Degausser townflip.
I can live with this.

Or, actually, I guess I can't. But you know what I mean. Was telling soup yesterday that kuz has shown himself to be a liability this game. If he's town, he's a dangerous combination of stubborn, conceited and attractive. If he's scum, then he's scum, nice shot.
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