Might I suggest you give us specific instructions on what you think we should add, because short of embedding livestreams (which isn't an option) we've done pretty much everything feasible to promote livesteams.
Right now, the only way we can advertise is through the livestream editor link or the tournament calendar. The editor link, when it is working, would only let us stream if we put in that we planned to stream for 6 hours or more, and of course, we had to put it in beforehand, like a streaming "schedule". The problem with that is, because we aren't usually streaming an event, sometimes we just want to do something else after a couple hours, so although we said we would stream to midnight, we ended at 8PM and then everyone missed out and expected us to still be streaming, and the streamer is now undependable. The tournament calendar works the same way, except it also clutters the tournament boards. (I did figure out that I can just keep editing one event though, so that helped slightly.) The lesson here: Except for actual tournaments, user streams do not work well with the "preplanned time" setup. What does work well is the "On-Off" switch that teamliquid.net uses. Just hit the online button once youve signed in, and there you are on the stream page. What works even BETTER is the automatic detection that shows your stream as online or offline within 10 minutes (it checks your link.) I'm not sure if that is too difficult to code, but the switch should be okay.
The suggestion that I think is the most important is that the stream section needs to be at the top of EVERYONE'S page, not just the site minority that uses Vibrant Skin. Many people don't like Vibrant at all except for the livestream support, so they either have to use a skin they don't like, or (what they usually do) just say forget it and they don't get the livestream info at all. This is the biggest thing to be fixed.
The placement on the site is great. If the top center could be dedicated to streams on all skins, that would be awesome.
Require registration and membership limits. On TL, they require that you give a description of your channel and all that, and you have to have been a member for 3 months. I think that is a good idea. Although I wanted to advertise on TL straight away, the 3 months gave me time to make a new channel and prettify it, figure out what I wanted to do, etc etc. It is a barrier to the undedicated, but not a barrier to anyone who has been trying to stream here already. Play with the numbers if you want but I think time limits before streaming are a good idea to keep quality up.
TL has "Featured streamers" who are either the most popular, highest skilled, or most active streamers within the community. I think that until we regularly have 5-10 streams online at a time, this is unneeded. But once alot of people are streaming at once, having those streamers made bold and at the top or something is a solid idea. Not something to worry about yet id say.
On TeamLiquid, your stream is listed just as your username, with your game in front in brackets. I think this can be improved upon. I think the stream should have a chosen name and an option for a short subtitle whenever streaming. So instead of showing "[Melee] PEEF!" it could possibly show "[Melee] PEEFsmash: 12 Hour Melee Marathon" with all 3 sections editable, except perhaps the stream name, which should require a mod of some sort to change because you want that to stay consistent. Builds more viewers and more dedication to the site.
And perhaps best for last, we need a "User Stream" forum. It will be a section for all streams to be listed, described relatively in detail by the streamer with VODs and all that. This is used to build fans, make followers, and especially for other users to give feedback about the stream. Instead of describing it further, here is a link to TL User Streams
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/index.php?show_part=29 and here is the link to my User Stream thread.
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/view...opic_id=250585 I have over 11k views on this stream thread, which is like 5 times as much as my stream thread on Smashboards has -__-
So that is all I have for now I think. Everyone having a version of the site that has the stream section, and a new section of the forums for User Streams are the two most important I think, and I hope you consider them along with my other suggestions.