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Season Beatings III Winners Finals - Inui (Meta Knight) vs AlphaZealot (Diddy Kong)

Advent Lee

Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Sunshine State
1st post. Good stuff vs Inui. This is a match up that I personally have problems with. Only watched the first vid, will watch the rest when I wake up :)


Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
That was close =/

You shouldn't rely on bananas 95 % of the time though >.< maybe you could've tried some dairs to finish him...

Good matches though. You did really well on battlefield (I hate that stage...).


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
inuis meta looked so bad =_=

luigi player, Wrong. running away, or camping bananas is more effective against meta. otherwise if he goes for the dair get shuttle looped.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Im glad he beat you. Now people wont go back to saying meta can be beaten blah blah blah....

Youre CLEARLY light years better than him, and its dissappointing to know you lost.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
Im glad he beat you. Now people wont go back to saying meta can be beaten blah blah blah....

Youre CLEARLY light years better than him, and its dissappointing to know you lost.
a. this will not be another meta ban crap thread pl0x XDDDD
b. if thats what meta is then hes definitely not ban worthy.

-play m2k, or teh spammer and see THAT. that is gay. that cant be beaten.
inuis meta is just spam, its smart spam but hes not utilizing MK to his full potential (if anything that is what should be banned XD). i have no issues w/ spam mk

c. theyre both good players but AZ ran into a bunch of stuff (no offense). its not very clear that AZ is better than inui honestly. if anything its the matches against bum and ninjalink (more relevant to the thread) that should be considered for speculation.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Inui is better than me. He was better than me in Melee, he is better than me in Brawl. Actually, had Inui used his older characters I probably would have been 2 stocked and 3-0'd. Also, this is the first time I've played in a tournament finals since like, 2005 (or maybe when I teamed with Azen once in 2007), I was nervous (you will notice a lot of rolls where I should have dribbled, or a couple times where I threw a banana the wrong direction, for example).


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
nice videos ...

i don't think that the MK is an spammer ... its just something like the diddys bananas auto pilot ... but he played very well !!

AZ played very well too, he shows that Diddy is really awesome !! =0 very nice at pivot dribling !!


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
you did very well on battlefield, I can't play with bananas on BF, i'll try to train... Good job :p

god i really don't like Inui's meta, it's like dash attack - dsmash - fair - dsmash- tornado - dsmash all the match XD He's good though, but it wouldn't work even on me if it wasn't metaknight. Cheapness. (though i'm not for banning meta... yet :p )

Hmm i've seen a vid telling not to airdodge everytime you're sent flying, but it's better to do one's fastest aerial (bair right ?) then to jump, cus it cancels both the "woot i'm being owned" state and momentum faster. Not sure if it's true but i've rethinked of it when i saw you airdodge after every single dsmash you took (=many)
I can search the vid if you ask me to :p


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2008
Based on how well Inui places and the good players he beats, I was expecting his MK to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than that.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
Inui is so good, I don't know why people underestimate him
Im just watching and judging the match at a nuetral stand point, because i dont want to sound biased because im friends with inui ;)
i dont underestimate anyone. i just think that he just isnt utilizing his characters very well in comparison to m2k or teh spammer. actually, i think i utilize metas options more than inui. Inui is just a smarter player than me (wich is all that matters!). im just pointing out mistakes on both sides

Inui is good, but like everyone else could be better.

If inui was smarter his dsmash would kill at normal percents XDDDD
that alone, let alone the million of other options he has and didnt utilize is enough.

inui himself Knows that he spams. he just does it smart, so none of that megaman XD

Inui is better than me. He was better than me in Melee, he is better than me in Brawl.

Actually, had Inui used his older characters I probably would have been 2 stocked and 3-0'd. Also, this is the first time I've played in a tournament finals since like, 2005 (or maybe when I teamed with Azen once in 2007), I was nervous (you will notice a lot of rolls where I should have dribbled, or a couple times where I threw a banana the wrong direction, for example).
its all good man. you did a great job. come to NJ so i can friendly you :p

i love how you lost on youre CPs XD


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
But that's just it, he doesn't look good but he always wins.

Edit: AZ, I didn't see a single tilt at all in the first 2 matches. You have good spacing with throwing the bananas which is good because you need to do that against a good metaknight, but you just got predictable. All you did was throw banana, fsmash, dsmash, or dash attack, aerial, or grab. That basically summarized how you played... You have to use your tilts ALOT more and mix it up, usmash is very good against metaknight to get him away so you can get to your nanerz, you barely used usmash. You used dsmash and fsmash other than KO'ing, use either one, because either fsmash or dsmash is great for KO'ing meta. You just let them decay... Utilt, utilt to usmash is good against meta at zero percent. Ftilt is good, because it has about as much range as metaknight's third ftilt hit and it gets metaknight away from you. Otherwise good stuff, but that second match you just got really pressured and focused on getting that final fsmash, that it got really predictable and you almost lost. You can use dtilts at low percents too, I wouldn't follow them up though because inui would probaby just dsmash lol


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
I have 2 suggestions. Throw in jab combos more, theyre good for hitting spot dodges and a nice mixer upper. Like you can do the first hit of the jab to downsmash a lot of the time. Or do first hit to bait a shield then grab them. Its just a nice mixup and you never really jab.

Secondly, dont use fsmash after a glide tossed banana as much because you are wearing down one of your best kill moves. I know its tempting because of the percent it racks up but as diddy you shouldnt be as worried about damage racking as KO'ing

other wise it was good matches and a good diddy,

Advent Lee

Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Sunshine State
The 3rd round with your match on Battle Field was probably your best out of the set. You came out strong and kept your composure the entire match. I guess it was your previous win that gave you confidence going into that match. Good stuff though, you almost won.



Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
A month ago he didn't know how to fight diddy and I beat his marth and pit easily. Then the week after that he came back with MK and beat me.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
I think the only tilt I use regularly is the F-tilt.

Yes, it is a problem. No, I don't think I need to use them a lot, I need them mainly to decrease the impact of stale moves on F-Smash.

I also need to mix in the D-Smash more at high percentages, I kept telling myself to do it mid match, but I was so nervous I didn't execute and just went with what is most natural.

Essentially, I have a lot of room to improve, this match up will only get better.


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
The neat thing for you is that you know your weaknesses, and despite your weaknesses you have a lot of room to improve. My only suggestion would be to follow up dash attacks to utilt..it works for me even at high percents and could have been used as a KO move a couple of times the meta knight was at really high percentages. And to sometimes do glidetoss-dtilt or glidetoss-ftilt. Great vids!!


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
I prefer doing an air after the dash attack because there is more damage given, however if I can u tilt then hit the air attack that would be ideal, but I've always found that after hitting with a Utilt when the opponent is over 50% the chances of getting the air attack are quite low.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I think the only tilt I use regularly is the F-tilt.

Yes, it is a problem. No, I don't think I need to use them a lot, I need them mainly to decrease the impact of stale moves on F-Smash.

I also need to mix in the D-Smash more at high percentages, I kept telling myself to do it mid match, but I was so nervous I didn't execute and just went with what is most natural.

Essentially, I have a lot of room to improve, this match up will only get better.
No it's not bad that you seldomly use the tilts, it's just that i think you got nervous and thought it was way to risky to use your tilts at all, that happens to me sometimes when i get nervous. And yeah, a fresh fsmash or either a dsmash kills metaknight pretty early.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Wilmington, NC
I think the only tilt I use regularly is the F-tilt.

Yes, it is a problem. No, I don't think I need to use them a lot, I need them mainly to decrease the impact of stale moves on F-Smash.

I also need to mix in the D-Smash more at high percentages, I kept telling myself to do it mid match, but I was so nervous I didn't execute and just went with what is most natural.

Essentially, I have a lot of room to improve, this match up will only get better.
That's a nice mindset dude. I use the F-smash as more of a damage builder and D-smash is my main kill move.

It's not like you don't know this but, maybe a refresher on how to pull some of the moves off?

If your close with a banana and you wanna save some of your smashes, a glide toss --> f-tilt works perfectly and is spaced pretty nicely.

I use the d-tilt some, but I haven't gotten the concept down of when it's best to use it. I suppose if they are recovering from some kind of lag you can get a couple in. I don't use it enough either.

I watched all the videos and there were times where I felt like it could of gone either way. Nice work.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
I think the only tilt I use regularly is the F-tilt.

Yes, it is a problem. No, I don't think I need to use them a lot, I need them mainly to decrease the impact of stale moves on F-Smash.
If I had to name only one glaring limitation that really constrained your offense throughout the entire set, it's the fact that you have a nearly nonexistent application of tilts. I saw the occasional F-tilt, but they would mostly come out on accident when you were walking around trying to pick up bananas. In fact, I would say that this is the only thing worth mentioning that really stuck with me during all five matches, but it seems to be a big enough of an issue to mention since it really hinders you from diversifying your ground game in the long term.

Consider this: is it worth expanding your move decay queue and, subsequently, the time it takes for you to refresh the F-smash by glide-tossing into it three or four consecutive times? - By the time you got to the third F-smash in one of those matches, it seemed like you might as well have just executed a fresh, well-spaced F-tilt for 11%, two free D-tilts for 13%, or even a glide-toss into a grab, pummel and throw. This would have been somewhat understandable if you were doing that to preserving your D-smash option for KOing, but as you already noted yourself, that never really came to pass either.

These days, I spend the majority of my matches glide-tossing and dash attacking into tilts and aerials, and I will only ever use F-smash in situations where I am positive they will kill (>100% near the edge of the stage, as a general rule of thumb). It's personally more of an efficient use of Diddy's severely limited KO capacity. All of your tilts are superior to your smashes as far as speed goes and stack on damage exceptionally well; additionally, both U- and D-tilts are also quite spammable against opponents who have lower percentages and generally lazy DI.

This is just my respectful opinion, but I think you need to heavily consider reassessing the value of Diddy's tilt game and drop the preconception that they are not necessary for the expansion of your play-style. Meta Knights that end up living anywhere between 130-190% each stock is really quite an anomaly, and denotes that a player is suffering from serious issues with move decay. Throwing in the occasional F-tilt will not be enough to offset decay, and its slightly longer cool-down frames make it almost as punishable as the F- and D-smashes.

I prefer doing an air after the dash attack because there is more damage given, however if I can u tilt then hit the air attack that would be ideal, but I've always found that after hitting with a Utilt when the opponent is over 50% the chances of getting the air attack are quite low.
The frequency of success for this particular setup is lower against Meta Knight due to his light weight, but well-spaced cartwheels can still occasionally yield a free U-tilt > aerial even at percentages over 50%.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
AZ...I wanted to kill you when you got 0 deathed on FD...but then i didnt after the come back...but then I did after you Ftilted MK twice 120 damage plus...

I think you just get predictable without bananas and that you had a hard time getting control over the stage after you lost it.

I usually Utilt from a dash attack 30-. Dash attack, Utilt, Utilt, Fair or Bair
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