I say stomp because it usually beats any response to run away, since they're not really directed upwards.
What on earth does this last line mean?
You've got me.
I don't have picture perfect memory so I'm not sure if that was the exact quote.
but the main idea that is that stomp would beat the response they had to get him when he ran away [like grab, Dash attack, whatevs]
But I suppose when he was talking about better players responses, I figure their responses are better
Such as nair
Or something.
I'm not really sure on the entire philosophy going on there, but I felt like it was worth sharing, in case it helped someone else.
Also, ftilt is super useful in certain situations.
At Pound V I had never been uthrow->ftilted in CF dittos before, so that really got me. I wonder if it works on spacies.
And of course, to get rid of illusion recoveries, as opposed to dtilt, is useful too. It's always dependent on when you feel it should be used.