reverse up-B when going for the edge while recovering helps a lot when youre being edgeguarded. if they know youre gonna do it then they'll just edgehog and you'll probably die. chaaaaa
I assume you mean doubling back for the ledge?
I mean this is the hardest thing about Falcon.
Besides maybe getting tech chased. Which is horrendously frustrating.
Stopping being gimped consists of Eight Main Steps:
1) Don't give up. You never know if they'll mess up, so there's absolutely no reason not to try, no matter what! Even if you won't make it back onstage, they might get cocky and try to **** on you some more, and mess up! This is first because I feel it's most important. If you stop trying, you've already lost.
MM continues to DI [really well actually] and Falcon kick to try to recover. Even though he gets intercepted, he never stopped trying.
Another example is from Scar's own IKM1. If he had stopped trying, he never would have recovered back onstage and gotten the kill.
2) Try not to put yourself in that situation. If at all possible, BE the one edgeguarding [ie controlling center stage, like Kage said]. I play a developing sheik a lot, and when he's edgeguarding me I find it difficult to come back, but when I'm edgeguarding him I'm cleaning away his stocks in no time flat. If you can get those strong edgeguarding skills, be sure to use them against him and keep him on his toes.
3) Try not to use your Double Jump unless you can sweet spot the ledge directly. I know I used to be HORRIBLE with this, using my DJ the second I got the chance to, but you have to knock that habit out of yourself. Try to always Sweetspot the ledge with your Double Jump.
See how Darkrain waits to use his Jump? If he had jumped earlier he could have gotten gimped easily. This way is much safer, and more dangerous for the other player.
4) Be sure to edgetech if you can. You have to press it early from what I hear, and at high percentages, Smash DI.
If he hadn't teched it, he would have died. It gave him another chance to come back, and so you should always try to tech the ledge if you can!
Ephoenix really isn't a great person to watch, in his sets versus M2k though. He was just kinda ****ing around.
5) Try to disrupt their Edgeguarding. I know I told you to not really pay attention to Ephoenix's set here, but this was good too.
Sometimes jumping back with a knee against Marths for example can really catch them off guard and screw them up. So try it every now and again, but not a lot! otherwise then it loses it's shock value and you're back to where you stared.
6) Get rid of your lag frames. Your lag frames on UpB are ridiculous, so go for the ledge if you can. Sometimes you can't, but it should be your priority. This becomes a problem in high level play, because they know that you're going to go for that, so you should try to do things like edge cancel your upB if you can.
Notice how he goes for the ledge rather than in front of Armada. It got rid of his lag and allowed him to do anything he could from the ledge.
Notice how he edgecanceled that upB into a DJ! I was surprised when I first saw it, and it's still really impressive! Obviously very difficult, but if you can learn it, it's totally worth it.
7) Don't forget ALL of your options. A lot of people forget Airdodge, but it's definitely a viable strategy! Airdodging, DJ, UpB, and Falcon Kick are all your main options, but even sideb could save you if you need it to! Don't forget your options and you can use things that people just won't see coming to help you survive
The airdodge really saved him there. Most people wouldn't think about it.
8) Accept that sometimes you've done all you can. Sometimes you will get out edgeguarded, and you won't be able to come back. But don't get angry, don't get frustrated, stay calm and confident in the fact that you did all you can! If you let yourself get emotional and angry, then you're more likely to make mistakes. So don't let it get to you! Do it right back to them!
Alright, hope I helped you out there! I spent a lot longer than I wanted to looking for video references, so watch them
Hey guys look what I found scrolling for "Scar's Pro Tips" or whatever that video is called
Silliness aside, this is a good reminder that everyone starts somewhere and everything is achieved by hard work.