Also, I'm getting so confused by DI explanations, it's driving me insane lol.
So there's two DI's, ASDI and SDI, correct?
ASDI = holding the direction BEFORE the hit. From what I understand, the C-stick can ONLY be used to ASDI, NOT SDI? Is this information correct? And if so, the C-stick can only be used to do horizontal/vertical DI, not diagonal, correct?
SDI = inputs of DI AFTER the hit has connected and you're in the move's hit stun. Generally the best way to SDI is to wiggle between two directions(AKA, if you're being wheel-of-fortune'd by Falcon, you repeatedly wiggle between down and away)?
So let's throw this knowledge(if I'm correct) of DI into an example. Oh noes, Falcon just daired me at 50% and I didn't DI. He proceeds to uair, and before he uairs, I'm stuck in hitlag so if I use the c-stick, and attack won't come out anyways, so what the heck, might as well hold away so I can ASDI. I proceed to also hold down with the control stick, and then I'm hit by the uair. I can then let go of the C-stick because it can no longer be used since the chance to ASDI is gone until the next hit, which I'll be holding the C-stick away again if I am gonna get hit with another uair or whatever. Meanwhile, I'm wiggle'ing retardedly fast between away and down to SDI the uair RIGHT as it hits. If done right, stringing uairs should be near impossible, yes?
Please correct me if I'm wrong!
Also, DI'ing Fox's uthrow. I think I've asked this before, but I'll ask again. I swear I never see this coming, and I end up never DI'ing it apparently. Even when I do DI it away, the Fox can always follow up with something because I guess I'm not able to go far enough? All I'm doing is holding a direction, typically just away from or behind Fox, no diagonals. Also, I'm DI'ing by just holding the control stick, I don't use the C-stick at all. Am I doing anything wrong here?
Ugh, I hate asking DI questions but it's such a confusing concept. Everyone tells me something different >_<