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Sakurai realized he has turned Samus into a sex object?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
Sex itself isn't overrated

this topic, and the fact that most who are objecting apparently don't know what a sex object is, is laughable.

But i digress, those who have recently hit puberty, and those who are pervs will get all hot and bothered, and look for anything to fit their needs with a fine toothed comb. The rest of us (those who will play the game) won't care.

(Plus One)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2006
Toms River, NJ
Sure she's sexy, but are you really gonna concentrate on how big her breasts while smashing link half a mile away. I mean come on, the screen will zoom out so far, her boobs will be the size of ants. And besides all the screems of Zamus are up close so far, but in actual gameplay there will be no time nor a large enough close up to actually really notice those things. I don't think many people will buy SSBB just for its camera mode (provided it has one) and take pics of Zamus in questionable positions. SSBB is all about the fighting, not some new fangled 3d porno. Sure, looking at SSBB from the outside, Zamus was definately meant to have some sex appeal, but once you pick up the game, you're no longer looking at Zamus as a sex object, but as a fighter that can **** the crud out of you.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Can we puh-leaze just let this stupid thread die already? It's redundant, mindless, and redudant. Okay, maybe if this were a normal fighting game where it's always one on one and the camera kept itself zoomed in enough to keep the fighters covering most of the screen, like Tekken or Soul Calibur, than maybe you could misconstrue some of this as intentional sex appeal. But this is Smash Bros. The characters in this game never show up very big on the screen, except for when you choose them and when you win. If you really wanted to find sex appeal anywhere, you'd have to be looking very hard for it, and at that point it'd be your problem, not the developers.

And another thing, about this whole 'subtle sex appeal' thing. That's just crap. Japanese game makers are never, ever subtle when they want to put sex appeal into a game. Look at Lulu from FFX. Look at every single female character from Tekken or Soul Calibur. Hell, look at this entire game:


Japan isn't afraid to blatantly put out there "Hey, this game has hot chicks, buy it!" They wouldn't be afraid to do that here, either. Unless of course, they weren't actually trying to put ZS Samus in for her looks.

Yes, I'll admit sex sells. Yes, I'll admit that there has been, are now, and always will be perverts who get off on this kind of stuff. But that doesn't mean that It was an intentional move on the part of Sakurai and his studio. I mean, really, people. This is Nintendo we're talking about people. One of the most family-friendly video game companies in the world. And to helm this project, they've chosen Masahiro Sakurai, the man who invented Kirby. Kirby! Does this seem like the kind of guy to go out of his way to throw sex into a game? No! It does not.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
That's a decent argument for saying that Sakurai did not put Zero Suit Samus into the game specifically just so her sex will sell the game as a primary factor, but I fail to see what that has to do with whether or not it was Sakurai that "turned Samus into a sex object", especially given that what we've seen of Zero Suit Samus in promo shots has often involved up close shots, not the far-away shots of the gameplay. Andi n the case of a sex object, it's the PROMO shots that matter since that's how things are being PROMOTED (or marketted or advertised or whatever)

Not that Sakurai has specifically marketted Samus as a sex object either though (my own opinion being that Sakurai hasn't 'turned Samus into' ANYTHING because Samus without her suit has always been like this). I'm just saying that that particular post doesn't particularly address the topic at hand so much as address a similar tangental topic.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
That's a decent argument for saying that Sakurai did not put Zero Suit Samus into the game specifically just so her sex will sell the game as a primary factor, but I fail to see what that has to do with whether or not it was Sakurai that "turned Samus into a sex object", especially given that what we've seen of Zero Suit Samus in promo shots has often involved up close shots, not the far-away shots of the gameplay. Andi n the case of a sex object, it's the PROMO shots that matter since that's how things are being PROMOTED (or marketted or advertised or whatever)

Not that Sakurai has specifically marketted Samus as a sex object either though (my own opinion being that Sakurai hasn't 'turned Samus into' ANYTHING because Samus without her suit has always been like this). I'm just saying that that particular post doesn't particularly address the topic at hand so much as address a similar tangental topic.
I actually addressed that point in an earlier post. I said that Sakurai did absolutely nothing to the non-suited Samus other than use her in his game. Take a look at most Metroid endings, and you'll see Samus, with her flowing blonde hair, waving at you while wearing a bikini. Zero Mission was the first time we actually saw suitless Sammy sporting more than high-tech undies. The fact that Sakurai chose that Samus would wear that when he removed her armor (that... didn't sound quite right...) makes it seem, at least to me, that he wanted to pull away from a sexualized image of Samus, rather than promote it.

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
Can we puh-leaze just let this stupid thread die already? It's redundant, mindless, and redudant. Okay, maybe if this were a normal fighting game where it's always one on one and the camera kept itself zoomed in enough to keep the fighters covering most of the screen, like Tekken or Soul Calibur, than maybe you could misconstrue some of this as intentional sex appeal. But this is Smash Bros. The characters in this game never show up very big on the screen, except for when you choose them and when you win. If you really wanted to find sex appeal anywhere, you'd have to be looking very hard for it, and at that point it'd be your problem, not the developers.

And another thing, about this whole 'subtle sex appeal' thing. That's just crap. Japanese game makers are never, ever subtle when they want to put sex appeal into a game. Look at Lulu from FFX. Look at every single female character from Tekken or Soul Calibur. Hell, look at this entire game:


Japan isn't afraid to blatantly put out there "Hey, this game has hot chicks, buy it!" They wouldn't be afraid to do that here, either. Unless of course, they weren't actually trying to put ZS Samus in for her looks.

Yes, I'll admit sex sells. Yes, I'll admit that there has been, are now, and always will be perverts who get off on this kind of stuff. But that doesn't mean that It was an intentional move on the part of Sakurai and his studio. I mean, really, people. This is Nintendo we're talking about people. One of the most family-friendly video game companies in the world. And to helm this project, they've chosen Masahiro Sakurai, the man who invented Kirby. Kirby! Does this seem like the kind of guy to go out of his way to throw sex into a game? No! It does not.
Thank you. It is such a big deal? Just die already!


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2006
Haha, are you guys REALLY concerned about exploitation of a video game character? C'mon. Seriously.

If anything, by making a fuss, you are perpetuating the problem. Face it-- the character has always been a slim, good-lucking babe. I can't understand how any heterosexual male could really be so upset by something as harmless as this.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
The pictures of ZSS at the end of Metroid games are worse, yet, I see them protraying a heroin relaxing after a successful mission. If you make a big fuss about it, you are politically correct. Everything is not 3D, there's isn't always some ulterior motive to everything you see. Besides, Samus was a sex object from the time we found out she was a woman. Some men like their women all suited up and hardcore anyway. As long as Samus is a woman she'll be a sex object.

Great, I bumped the thread, then again it was at the top of this forum anyway. Just let it die already.


Smash Cadet
May 1, 2007
no, i like this. i mean samus is so ****ing hot. i'd **** her so hard


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2007
I don't see whats the big **** deal about this.
Shes wearing a FULL BLUE SUIT.
NONE of her skin is showing.
Ya, its tight, is her suit suppoused to be baggy? I can't imagine samus being agile that way.

I don't even think I'm going to cover the "omfg, shes so hawt I want to **** her."
you guys can mull that subject over.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2006
N-Limburg, Netherlands
It isn't about sex appeal it's about the change of her character.

the threadstarter was aftraid this would change her more to the direction of sex bomb instead of the good old bounty hunter samus WE DONT WANT ANOTHER LARA CROFT :<

We want her to be the Samus you know from all those long hours playing from the NES to the GC as a fearsome bounty hunter who wasn't afraid to shoot some alien ***.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
It isn't about sex appeal it's about the change of her character.

the threadstarter was aftraid this would change her more to the direction of sex bomb instead of the good old bounty hunter samus WE DONT WANT ANOTHER LARA CROFT :<

We want her to be the Samus you know from all those long hours playing from the NES to the GC as a fearsome bounty hunter who wasn't afraid to shoot some alien ***.
Don't give us that crap again. *sigh* Can't believe I have to explain this again.

First of all, Zero-Suit Samus is not a 'sex bomb'. She is a 'woman in a skintight spacesuit.' Whoo. Second, this character design is not doing anything to Samus' character. The bare fact alone that it's the Zero-Suit model only adds to the 'dangerous bounty hunter' image by keeping her serious. Look.

This is Samus without her armor in Metroid.

This is Samus without her armor in Super Metroid.

This is Samus without her armor in Metroid Fusion.

And lastly, this is Samus without her armor in Super Smash Bros Brawl.

There. Final, definative proof. I defy any of you who still think that ZSS is a sex symbol, any of you who think that this design destroys her 'mysterious bounty hunter' image, to still stand behind your position when blatantly standing face to face with the facts contained within these images. Every single image of Samus without her Chozo armor before Zero Mission displayed her as a ditzy, bikini-clad, blonde bombshell with a gun. Those are the ones trying to sexualize Samus. Hell, the fusion artwork has her sporting a pair of Daisy Dukes! That's fine, but a full-body suit isn't?

Sakurai did not try to make Samus a sex symbol.
Sakurai did not destroy Samus' image.
The only thing Masahiro Sakurai is guilty of in this case is trying a unique method of giving the Metroid franchise more representation in his game.

And that's it for me. I'm done. I'm tired of arguing this point. If you pervs still wanna keep your eyes shut while screaming 'OMG secks!!1', that's your issue. I've tried to inject some logic and reason here, but if y'all still need a cause to fight, then more power to you. I'll be moving on with my life now.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2006
N-Limburg, Netherlands
I was just trying to point out what most people think that agree with the topic creator but no bashing me is the best option yes it is.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
At least we have the best possible argument right here on the table now.
The thread may now die in peace.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
At least we have the best possible argument right here on the table now.
The thread may now die in peace.

And I love the evolution. From skin to skin-tight. She actually gets to wear more in each consecutive game!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2007
You got me when you mentioned her mysterious aura.
Whenever I played melee against my noob friends, and Samus came to discussion, someone would call her a "he". Either I or one of my non-noob friends would correct them, and they'd be surprised. You never hear Samus' voice. You never saw her face. You never saw anything.
Now, in Brawl, it's almost like they're saying "Yea, it's just a hot chic under there. Cool, eh?" I don't know. I like regular mysterious Samus, but this will be fun too.

...And a little pixel porn never hurt anyone.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
Well, I'm not completely sure. To me, it's more about proving that even under all of that armor that Samus is wearing, she's still just a vulnerable female human being. It might have something to do with sex appeal, but it might also have deeper meaning. Showing a more human side of Samus benefits her as a character.

We hardly get to see Samus without the her suit on, so it's a good refresher to see what she looks like under all of it. Every little bit of information that proves her human qualities has become important. Everything from her getting infected by the X-virus in Metroid Fusion, and showing her vulnerability without the suit in Metroid Zero Mission, to giving her a noticeable voice (reaction sounds, anyway) in Metroid Prime takes her farther and farther from that "cyborg" feeling given in the first few games.

In turn, Sakurai's decision was great for all sides.

plus, sorry but

Fanservice=Yay :b


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
Wouldn't that be what she'd logically be wearing under there anyway? I dunno about you, but if I was wearing a massive armored suit, I wouldn't want to be wearing blue jeans and a hoody. A body glove would work out well. And what's she wearing? A body glove!

And only now do I realized I just bumped this totally worthless topic. Some one beat me senseless please...

Master Peach

Smash Ace
May 25, 2006
Washington D.C
Wouldn't that be what she'd logically be wearing under there anyway? I dunno about you, but if I was wearing a massive armored suit, I wouldn't want to be wearing blue jeans and a hoody. A body glove would work out well. And what's she wearing? A body glove!

And only now do I realized I just bumped this totally worthless topic. Some one beat me senseless please...

With a bat or Retarted stick. you choose lol.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2002
Once again, people fail to see the difference between tight and tight. And I'm not even going to bother to explain that again. But let your brother, mother, father, friends, whoever look at Zero Suit Samus and they'll likely think she's pretty darn suggestive. Having to wear extremely tight clothing because she normally wears a power suit is just a lame excuse from Nintendo to have some sex appeal. This all started with the Japanese commercial for Zero Mission. That commercial really shows Nintendo's true intention with Zero Suit Samus.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Sakurai realized he has turned Snake into a sex object?

This topic is to discuss weather or not Snake was a good move by Sakurai. No matter what we say here, people, gaming mags and gaming sites will refer to him as "sexy Snake" or "hot Snake". Do hardcore Snake fans want their hero to be seen as this?

Sure, he has stripped in the past games, but most people didn't even see that, as it required some skill to see. Now, with SSBB, EVERYONE will see Snake, and many will see him as another stereotype videogame male, a sex object. Thanks to his gray body paint...err...clothes.

Yeah, I know. Many people won't care about it either, as all they concentrate on is gameplay. However, I'm sure the general opinion about Snake is that Konami made him look that way for sex appeal. And heck, how can you deny that when you see his big butt in that skintight clothing? It's pretty obvious sex appeal if you ask me.

So, did Sakurai do this on purpose to give people a new image of Snake? And what will the reactions be? Remember that this game will probably sell better than any Metal Gear game has ever done, and thus be played by more people. Will Snake lose his mysterious aura with SSBB, and will that affect the future regular Metal Gear games in any way?


EDIT: I know Snake first appeared in Metal Gear, but it was still Sakurai's decision to bring that sexy clad Snake to SSBB...


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2007
Under the sky, above the Earth
A man complaining about some fan service is always odd to me. :p I don't think they've turned Samus into SSBB's sex symbol. Yeah, she has a tight suit, but it's better than showing off in a bikini like in the older games.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2007
Tight undersuit + woman = tight undersuit on a woman. It's not like she has a whole lot of room in the Power Suit for clothing and whatnot.
I could go on a rant about objectifying women, but I'm sure it's been done many times in this thread. So I'll just say that Samus has an inherent sex appeal, but she also represents a strong, independent woman whose sex appeal isn't the only thing she has going for her (unlike other female protagonists who shall remain nameless).


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2007
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
lol @ slugma's sig.

Kinda like making a "I hate apples" thread and having an apple in your sig, eh?

Ah, whatever. Even if she was a shock, the shock SHOULD have died out by now. OH, Samus is busty! Ok, so is every other women. Even Nintendo can use sex appeal in their games. That's what rating warnings are for.

Still, a surprisingly decent thread.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Seriously, Slugma, you lose all credibility with that signature.

Oh, and screencapped, because else it didn't happen.
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