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Sakurai realized he has turned Samus into a sex object?


Smash Cadet
Jan 31, 2007
remember batman's nipples in the new batman movie? there were more jokes about it than argument. had they done that with batGIRL, there would have been hell to pay.

now imagine if samus's suit was that revealing (remembering that it isnt, and won't be). then i would say there would be something to complain about. nintendo could have made her a lot more scantily clad. With figures such as Ivy running around (and Voldo right next to her :p), Zamus seems pretty tame


I dunno... but he shouldve made samus and ZS Samus 2 seperate characters...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
Well, if you ask me, I've always prefered Samus as a silent, mystic and lonely heroine no one knows much about. That image is no more, sadly. Now she's showing off her body instead like any other stereotype vg female. Not that I'm really complaining, haha! It's just that she has changed so much. Just like Peach, who has don the butt floss and jiggle jiggle already. But hey, that was to be expected.
Samus doesn't flaunt anything. She wears a tight suit, which is the only logical choice under the Power Suit. Seriously, what else would she wear. And if I remember the correct trailer, the suit is revealed after Samus' power suit breaks apart. The've also been feeding us her history in all the recent Metroid games, so all that mysterious crap was shed before her appearance in Brawl. Samus doesn't fit the stereotype just because she wears a logically fitting tight suit. When she starts feeling up her own ****, or grinding against Snake in the next Brawl trailer, then you can make this immature topic again. It honestly seems like you see a female figure and flip out. Brawl is non-canon, and all it really does is give everyone a view of Samus, still a bucking bounty hunter BTW, out of the Chozo Suit. It's not a big deal. Will immature kids touch themselves at night b/c of this. Probably. No one with half a brain is going to spaz out about it though.

And I'd bet a **** load of money that the Metroid games following Prime will Still have the suit. It's the equivalent to Mario's hat, or Links entire outfit.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
What do you expect to fit under her suit? An italian designer dress? At least much skin isn't showing, and she's a woman. She has breasts, and curves, get over it.

EDIT: That pic isn't even arousing. People just need to learn to control their hormones.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
What do you expect to fight under her suit? An italian designer dress? At least much skin isn't showing, and she's a woman. She has breasts, and curves, get over it.

EDIT: That pic isn't even arousing. People just need to learn to control their hormones.
I didnt say it was. Though I posted it on another forum and people were drooling. Dirty fanboys.

I dont particularly find women in games hot. They can be attractive, but they arent real. People who create hentai off this are stupid. C'mon, the other day while on the internet, I saw an advert to simpsons porn. I think it's gone too far.

And anyhow, kids wont exactly make a big deal when they play the game. Kids are more interested in the cute, fluffy characters, like Kirby and Pikachu. The largest thing that will happen with kids is " Boobies. Tee hee!"

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Well I guess that's why the rating is probably going to be T again. Parents should know their kids and decide what to buy from them based on what affects them negatively. I just think they need to grow up.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Oops, I meant fit. I was going to say "at least is isn't wearing the top and shorts" but I didn't bother to put that in.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Hmm. An interesting discussion.
Sexualizing women is not really something to be taken lightly. Exactly because all games, shows and all other sorts of media do it.
Of course, the fact that Samus is beautiful doesn't really mean anything. Beautiful women *exist*, that's a good argument. But I really hope that she remains sensible.
The suit, well, it probably has certain functions. Making it skin-tight makes for perfect mobility, and it's probably made of some indestructible DBZ-type stuff or so. Anyway.

I once read somewhere that what was so revolutionary about Samus was not that she was a woman in the role of an action hero, but the fact that she was a beautiful woman, not an exaggerated butch with a knife between her teeth, in the role of a hero who acts sensibly neutral, as in, nothing about her gives away that she's female or male while she's in her suit. She acts the way a human in a spacesuit fighting for his or her life would act like. That is reflected in SSBM... without input, she just stands there, doing nothing fancy. She punches, she kicks, she shoots. Much unlike Zelda or Peach, dressed in pink doing pretty things, and unlike a superawesome fancy warrior guy like Roy going "Hiiiiiiiiyah!". Well, except for her taunt. Whatever.

So... well, I hope that the official image of her shown on the website is the only time she looks like she's posing. She does look very serious in the in-game shots...


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
It's obvious that Samus is being more and more sexualized, not just in the Brawl trailer, but in general as Nintendo's marketing strategy (just look at the [Japanese] ads for Zero Mission, especially in comparison to the ads for Return of Samus).


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2006
On the blue planet next to the sun, can't miss it!
I wasn't aware Samus made an appearance in her Zero Suit (Which sounds really perverted) until Brawl. I always kinda thought Sakurai went to a :( "Gentlemen's Club):urg: and got his inspiration for ZSS there, I could be wrong though!

To answer your question, you know the answer is yes, unless your a conspiracy hunter questioning the man's manhood. Do you think he had that in mind at all:confused:


Smash Cadet
Apr 14, 2007
Besides that, you have Peach (for her underwear) and Zelda (for her conspiracy of gender confusion) and the trophy section (come on, tell me you didnt do anything you would with a DOA volleyball camera :p) for the sexuality in melee.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2007
If it bothers you of how she looks like...then I can officially call you a pervert.


Smash Rookie
Apr 15, 2007
Slugma, it sounds like you're worriedthat ZSS will from now on become a major representation of Samus. You have nothing to worry about.

If Nintendo made a game with ZSS as the main character, there would be no originality. Metroid would just become another run-and-gun game with a female character. Nintendo would never do something like that. Now, I'm not saying that they couldn't if they WANTED to, it's just, why would they want to when they already have an awesome, original game? End of story, case closed.

Some of you are saying that having ZSS in Brawl would make her into a sex object. Well, with that reasoning, all beautiful women who wear bikinis are sex objects, just because people think that they look hot. ZSS DOES NOTHING MORE TO IMPLY SEX THAN ANY HOT GIRL IN A BIKINI. In other words, the fact that a character is hot doesn't mean that that person is a sex object; that can only be interpreted by their in-game actions, which ZSS's do not suggest. Yes, she is hot. So what?

Also, some here are saying that ZSS being in Brawl takes away her sense of mystery. Well, I hate to break it to you, but Samus wasn't really a mystery before ZSS anyway. We know basically everything important about her, including the important bits of her backstory, and our knowledge about her will only increase as more games are made about her, regardless of whether or not ZSS is a major part of them.

So, in conclusion, ZSS won't be featured as a main character in a game(if Nintendo is smart, that is), she is not a sex object, and ZSS does not make her much less mysterious.

Basically, this thread is over!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
LOL! "It covers her entire body" LOOOL! Yeah, but change that blue color to skin color and she would appear nude...get it?
I actually did that, I edited a picture of Zamus with some skin color (not nude, just some parts on the suit). The result was a bit more revealing suit, without showing any "private" parts.

Then I had the dumb idea of starting a thread, asking what would people think about that edited suit.

My god, I wish I never did that, 'cause I got flamed like hell, and the thread was immediatly closed.
I tought I was gonna get banned for that

I know how you feel, It's just that some people don't think like you.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2007
Urbana/Naperville, IL
Geez she's in the game get over it. If anything, enjoy whipping people with a hot character. If you're a pervert, well good for you, use your imagination; if you're not, then just enjoy her personality and moves. This is nothing to talk about. If you're worried about little kids, they're mind is already poisoned by the likes of lizzie mcquire and lindsey lohan not to mention MTV.This is nothing!


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Your post contains many valid points, but there is one little difference here...
I assume that you're talking about a *real* girl in a bikini. The biggest difference is that the real girl is, real. She can decide for herself whether to wear a bikini or not. She might or might not be willingly turning herself into a sex object depending on why and where she dons a bikini ( socially acceptable at the beach, not so much in town, and there are different "levels" of bikini as well... ).
ZSS is different because she was *created*, probably by a group of men. Sex sells, and it's indeed a factor that is considered in character design. You have the choice between sexual beauty, cute beauty or graceful beauty. If you make a character ugly, it automatically turns it into a social statement. Like Shrek. If Samus was a gay man, everyone would be on about how he's gay, for example. Ugliness and other such things are just things that don't occur in games, especially Nintendo games. :ohwell:
So yeah, the point is that sexual attractiveness was purposely inserted into her design, unlike a *real* beautiful girl who just happens to look good because she has good genes and the time to take care of her looks ( the latter of which I'm not sure applies to Samus.... :dizzy: ).
They easily could have made her look like an everyday, run-of-the-mill woman. Now she looks like a Dutch showmaster. Eh.
I once designed a female character. I gave her freckles and some dark spots on her skin, and she automatically turned into a still-pretty *person*. It was awesome.


oh well... but the only problem is that they shouldve been 2 seprete characters...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Kansas City, Missouri
God ZS Samus is too hot. I'm sorry, but I don't really give a **** about all that crap about her being objectified. Just because a women is wearing a sexy outfit doesn't mean she's being objectified. Also, what else would you have her wear? Tight clothing is always tactical. Look at Snake.


Smash Rookie
Apr 15, 2007
Your post contains many valid points, but there is one little difference here...
I assume that you're talking about a *real* girl in a bikini. The biggest difference is that the real girl is, real. She can decide for herself whether to wear a bikini or not. She might or might not be willingly turning herself into a sex object depending on why and where she dons a bikini ( socially acceptable at the beach, not so much in town, and there are different "levels" of bikini as well... ).
ZSS is different because she was *created*, probably by a group of men. Sex sells, and it's indeed a factor that is considered in character design. You have the choice between sexual beauty, cute beauty or graceful beauty. If you make a character ugly, it automatically turns it into a social statement. Like Shrek. If Samus was a gay man, everyone would be on about how he's gay, for example. Ugliness and other such things are just things that don't occur in games, especially Nintendo games. :ohwell:
So yeah, the point is that sexual attractiveness was purposely inserted into her design, unlike a *real* beautiful girl who just happens to look good because she has good genes and the time to take care of her looks ( the latter of which I'm not sure applies to Samus.... :dizzy: ).
They easily could have made her look like an everyday, run-of-the-mill woman. Now she looks like a Dutch showmaster. Eh.
I once designed a female character. I gave her freckles and some dark spots on her skin, and she automatically turned into a still-pretty *person*. It was awesome.
I actually explained this in my post. Yes, Samus was created by men, but her actions do nothing to suggest that she is a sex object, so she can't really be considered one, can she? If the developers had given her the same suit but had made her lick her lips and growl at Snake, for example, then I would say that she was intended as a sex object, but since she doesn't say anything and does not act suggestively we can't really say for sure that she was put in for that reason.

Was she put in for sex appeal? Well, let's face it, average-looking people don't do very well in entertainment. No one wants to play games starring Joe Average, they want to play as a rockstar(GuitarHero), or a skater(Tony Hawk games), or a supersoldier(Halo, Gears of War). It's the same principle with Samus: would you rather play as an average girl or a hot bounty hunter? I'm sure Nintendo could have made Samus look like a plain-Jane, and that would have been fine, but she wouldn't have been as popular.

What I'm trying to say is that it's okay that ZSS Samus is hot. It's even okay that she's hotter than an average woman, because, frankly, why should Nintendo settle for less? I mean, would you be thinking about her as much if she weren't so hot? Probably not. Nintendo wants memorable characters, and if that means making them smokin' hot, then that's okay!


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
I would be more angry at Sakurai if he made samus not hot... i Like playing metroid prime thinking that the samus under the suit is sintilating. This move will only make that more enjoyeable.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
It's not about whether Samus is attractive or not (which is impossible to determine since she looks different in every single game), but about her representation. Attractive =/= sex object. And yes, it is clear that Nintendo (not specifically pointing at Brawl/Sakurai, but it does appear that Zero Suit Samus follows Nintendo's overall Metroid strategy) is trying to bring out Samus as a sex object. Just look at some of the (relatively) recent (Japanese) advertisements.
No, I don't have anything against having sex symbols in video games. If this were Zelda or some other video game character, I wouldn't care (or might even approve). It's mostly that Samus's non-sexuality (or minimal-sexuality) is a big part of the core Metroid spirit and what sets Samus apart from other heroines.
I think I summed it up decently when I said:
I dread the day when the word "Samus" is spoken, the average gamer will imagine this
rather than this


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Was she put in for sex appeal? Well, let's face it, average-looking people don't do very well in entertainment. No one wants to play games starring Joe Average, they want to play as a rockstar(GuitarHero), or a skater(Tony Hawk games), or a supersoldier(Halo, Gears of War). It's the same principle with Samus: would you rather play as an average girl or a hot bounty hunter? I'm sure Nintendo could have made Samus look like a plain-Jane, and that would have been fine, but she wouldn't have been as popular.
Yeah, that's pretty much my point. As I said, sex sells. Just look at commercials these days. And because of this continuous influence on society, people's minds are affected. Girls with only a bit of fat somewhere are called fat and become bulimic or something, black girls find their own skin color ugly, people get a low self-esteem because their type of body isn't universally regarded as attractive...
Just look at some of the replies in this thread, as soon as someone said Samus shouldn't have been THAT sexy, some are like "I DON'T WANT HER TO BE UGLY", as if there wasn't a middle-way.
Of course it's a smart move by Nintendo as some conventions just aren't to be broken, and of course we can all live with it, being male ( most of us ).
I just
a) think too much and hate society's standards.
b) find that if Nintendo wanted to create some super-awesome female revolutionary bountyhunter hero, they shouldn't turn the other way somewhere in the middle.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
black girls find their own skin color ugly
Hummm. . . I would have to say that thats rarer now-a-days (theres still colorism in the "black" community about skin tone but it seems to have gone down to a lower level than it use to be). It's pretty clear that it's their hair that they have problems with.

But on topic. . . Sakurai openly stated that he tries to represent the character model by being as loyal as he can to the creator's personal image of said character. Im sure that he thought long and hard about how to best make Zero well still paying respect to her original creator's character design idea.;)

Edit- OMG!!!!I JUST noticed that Im a Smash Lord! When did that happen?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Kansas City, Missouri
Society really doesn't expect all girls to be hawt. Maybe it's just because of where I live. The midwest is pretty gentle as far as appearance and how it affects your sociality. Too bad ethnicity isn't the same way. :(


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
its impossible to be overly turned on by polygons, unless you are pretty troubled.
You are completely wrong in your statement.
As someone has said before:

You can apply this to so many different mediums that your statement ends up being dumb.

"That artwork of a naked women isn't ever sexy, it's just a bunch of ink"
"That tv chick isn't ever sexy, it's just an image being sent to us by cable"
"It doesn't matter if that wallpaper depicts a woman that would be alluring in real life, it's just a bunch of pixels"

Why stop there?

"That REAL-LIFE chick can't really look hot because all it is is light bouncing off her body and my brain receiving and interpreting these packets of energy"

As long as a medium depicts something, our brain is going to draw information from the real life to explain it. If we see 2 clouds next to each other with a larger, stringy cloud underneath, the brain recognizes a face. So it doesn't matter if it's a video game character on the screen, we're gonna see a person, and if that person was designed to be sexy, we're also going to see that.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
Paris Hilton is ugly, and yet it's obvious that she's a sex symbol. Your argument is flawed.

This isn't about whether Samus is attractive or not, it's about her portrayal--what Nintendo is trying to get the average gamer to think when he/she hears "Samus Aran." If it were my decision, it'd be "fearless bounty hunter in a power suit kicking alien ***," as opposed to, say, "blonde chick in tights. "
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