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Sakurai realized he has turned Samus into a sex object?


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
I don't see how having an accurate outfit (Space jumpsuit) which was already shown multiple times in Metroid games (Zero Mission and Metroid Prime 2) and revealing that she's "zomg actually a hot chick under that armor!" really counts as "Sex objectifying" Samus.

Honestly. Sakurai can't singlehandedly change the collective thought process on Samus Aran with a game that's not even released yet. Samus has always been the badass, silent, 'get the job done' bounty hunter with a vendetta against Metroidkind, and showing her in a (For the first time playable) jumpsuit isn't going to change that.

As I said, it's not like it's the first time that we've seen the Zero Suit.

Besides: Robots can be hot too.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
Iand showing her in a (For the first time playable) jumpsuit isn't going to change that.
Second-time playable jumpsuit, actually. (third-time if you want to count the original Metroid. It's a different design of suit then, but the spirit of "armour-less Samus" is the same.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Second-time playable jumpsuit, actually. (third-time if you want to count the original Metroid. It's a different design of suit then, but the spirit of "armour-less Samus" is the same.
Sorry, I meant to say 3D.

I don't think Zero Mission really counts when you're staring and drooling.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
Zero Mission had quite detailed artwork of her in her Zero suit. Does that count? Even the whole concept of the *** shot isn't Sakurai's. The *** shot was in at least TWO artworks in Zero Mission anyways, and they were default artworks you'd see throughout the game whether you were "hardcore" or not, so long as you actually beat the thing (even if you took 20 hours with only 50% completion rate to do it!)

Although not playable, Zero Suit Samus actually shows up in 3D for the first time in Metroid Prime 2, so even the concept of a 3D Zero Suit Samus isn't new (in fact, "Zero Suit Samus" is a poor choice of names for her, because it's NOT just her "Zero Mission" suit! She's been wearing that thing in EVERY Metroid game ever since Zero Mission, not just exclusively Zero Mission itself. She has her "Zero" suit in the ending to Metroid Prime Hunters as well, for example).

All Sakurai has done is improve the graphics, which he'd better do considering this is next gen. He can't turn Samus into a sex object if Samus already was a sex object (assuming she was in the first place, which may or may not be the case depending on your opinion, but either way, Zero Suit Samus is NOT a new concept that Sakurai created AT ALL)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2005
Sex object or not, it's the "sex object" girls that are [usually] very high-tiered characters because of speed and comboability. I know in melee, I can't stand spamus cuz she's so slow. But a Sheik+ samus? If there's a way to consistently use ZSamus without playing as big slow red robot, oh hell yes. We know how good Sheik is...


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Hmm, I think that Samus' beauty could've been portrayed in a way that more reflects her, rather than shows her off. I suppose all I have to say about it now is that I'm expecting her taunt to be flirtatious, and I'm almost willing to be she has a charming move. It changed her up way too much.

I think the reason behind it was because there were a great number of those who had not played any Metroid Games before SSB (64), and mistaked her for a male. This definately cleared that up for eternity. Makes me curious how Corrosion will be.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2006
Brandon, Florida.
Wow... this thread did irrepairable damage to my immortal soul.

Samus has been a sex object for a long time. Maybe not for some of you guys, but she's one of the baddest *** girls around since gaming began. Maybe some of you prefer the creampuff, save-me-save-me, sorry-Mario-but-your-princess-is-in-another-castle, garden variety video game heroins, but I'll take the tough chick every time.

By the way, that zero suit isn't nearly as bad is it could be. I don't know if any of the rest of you remember a little game called Super Metroid, but our lady was wearing nothing more than a string bikini under her suit in that game, and there's no way you could miss it unless you beat the game from start to finish without dying once.

She very well could have been DoAX-ified in that game if Sakurai had so desired.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Although not playable, Zero Suit Samus actually shows up in 3D for the first time in Metroid Prime 2, so even the concept of a 3D Zero Suit Samus isn't new (in fact, "Zero Suit Samus" is a poor choice of names for her, because it's NOT just her "Zero Mission" suit! She's been wearing that thing in EVERY Metroid game ever since Zero Mission, not just exclusively Zero Mission itself. She has her "Zero" suit in the ending to Metroid Prime Hunters as well, for example).
Uh, you're off a bit. Chronologically, Zero Mission was released first, then Metroid Prime 2, and then Hunters.

They remembered that she's had a different outfit in every single ending for every game - Metroid, Metroid 2: Return of Samus, Super Metroid, and Metroid Prime - so they decided to go back and make a single cannon outfit. And, given the fact that they've shot for more cartoony look (Which is an aphrodisiac), I really wish they kept the Metroid 2: Return of Samus outfit.

Belly shirt + undies = hawt.

EDIT: In conclusion, hot virtual women are "sex objects" by default. Kinda the whole point.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
Uh, you're off a bit. Chronologically, Zero Mission was released first, then Metroid Prime 2, and then Hunters. .
I said Metroid Prime 2 was Zero Suit Samus's first appearance *IN 3D*. Zero Mission is a 2D game. Not a 3D one.


Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Samus has the attitude and body other Nintendo females can only dream of.

In a cross-franchise event like Brawl, I believe it's her right to proudly wear a more revealing costume. She's proving that she's Nintendo's top lady in every way with nothing to hide while Peach swims in that dress and squeals.


Jun 28, 2005
I actually don't find her sexy in Brawl. Sure, she's wearing skin-tight clothing, but I'm just not feeling it on this one.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
Well, as long as Sakurai has appealed to the majority of the people who are ever going to come into contact with Brawl, he's done well.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
Definitely not! her clothes are so tight, they leave nothing to the imagination. Heck, you can see every curve of her boobs, and that goes for her butt, too.

EDIT: Resting Fox made an exellent post. It's too bad english isn't my first language. :(
And what, you think it would work better if she wore baggy pants or my granny's sweater or something. Besides she has to be in a suit suitable (lol) for her work/missions or whatever, which happens to be a... suit like she's wearing (i don' t know what it's called :ohwell: )


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
Ok, so back to this arguement...

Well, I've been using pretty much the same arguement over and over again: it's just not Metroid. Sure, you see her armorless in a swimsuit/jumpsuit at the endings, but compared to every other popular video game heroine, Samus is pretty much the opposite of what a video game heroine is supposed to be (other than the kicking *** part). The vast majority of video game heroines overemphesize sexuality--they wear revealing costumes, have jiggly boobs, etc. In fact, almost by default, "mature" or "hardcore" or "non-kiddy" video games featuring heroines must have sexy heroines. Samus stands apart (for the most part) and Metroid is still considered a video game for the mature audience, and that's become a part of the Metroid cult. Changing this changes what the Metroid series stands for. Of course, it's not just Sakurai; Nintendo as a whole is trying to push for sex appeal for Samus, especially in Japan.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2006
Drifting along
I dont rele see wht this thread is trying to achieve, some people already find samus attractive and some dont. But her appearance is like that because that IS what she looks like underneath her armour. Shes not being demoralised in any way because she will still kick ***


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Ok, so back to this arguement...

Well, I've been using pretty much the same arguement over and over again: it's just not Metroid. Sure, you see her armorless in a swimsuit/jumpsuit at the endings, but compared to every other popular video game heroine, Samus is pretty much the opposite of what a video game heroine is supposed to be (other than the kicking *** part). The vast majority of video game heroines overemphesize sexuality--they wear revealing costumes, have jiggly boobs, etc. In fact, almost by default, "mature" or "hardcore" or "non-kiddy" video games featuring heroines must have sexy heroines. Samus stands apart (for the most part) and Metroid is still considered a video game for the mature audience, and that's become a part of the Metroid cult. Changing this changes what the Metroid series stands for. Of course, it's not just Sakurai; Nintendo as a whole is trying to push for sex appeal for Samus, especially in Japan.
Given the fact that Smash Bros and Metroid both have less sex appeal than Ronald Reagan, I can understand why we'd say that. I mean, they did it in Zero Mission and Metroid Prime 2, that's probably why they're going for this now.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2005
Texas and New Mexico
I was offended by the fact that after that part, I knew she was just going to be a sex object and no longer the powerful bounty hunter that I once knew.

Nah, I'm just kiddin, I like the new suit! =D


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2002
I think no matter how much we talk here, most consumers will see ZSS as Brawl's sex object. When a character wear a suit like that, you have to realize it is turned into a sex object by most people.

AS Juggernaut

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2006
LOL! "It covers her entire body" LOOOL! Yeah, but change that blue color to skin color and she would appear nude...get it?

And this is hardly the "smallest sexual undertone" either. She looks like Taki, exept her breasts and butt aren't as big. But it sure as hell are sex appeal to that suit, if you can't see that you're either blind or just dumb.
If anything you're being the immature one about the whole deal. In fact your the one who is imaginin her in that skin color uniform which obviously nintendo is not going to make. Wow most women do have breasts and an *** if you didn't know. When nintendo puts hero into a string bikini that clearly shows the skin of her *** and u can see her nipples through the top she is wearin, then she is a sex symbol. And would it really bother u that much, unless ur gay? IN one of the pics or trailers you can see fox's *** crack, but does that make him a sex symbol? hell no, they just happen to have a bit better graphics then they did for the gamecube and they r tryin to use them to their full potential


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2006
In fact your the one who is imaginin her in that skin color uniform which obviously nintendo is not going to make.
You never know. At the very least, traditionally for Smash Bros, Yellow and Orange color costume changes aren't out of the question...

AS Juggernaut

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2006
either way, thats not skin color. im pretty sure skin color for zamus would be peach and neither of those r peach so it still wouldnt work. i imagine they would make both the yellow and orange suits bright so u could clearly tell the difference.


Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2005
Kanata, Ontario
Captain Falcon's suit is so tight his nipples poke through the fabric, but how come no one has pointed that out?

It's the suit she wears, its the suit she was created in. That is no way making her a sex object. Had they changed her outfit into something skimpier, that had no spot in previous metroid games, that would be an attempt at making her a sex object.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
First of all:


Second, I think Locke) has hit the spot. However, since some people just can't grasp this concept, it's better for this thread to die.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2002
You don't get it all. I know you just care about the gameplay, and that the Zero suit is nothing that has been created for this game.

First off though, C. Falcon is much more of a comical character than ZSS. Ask your female friends if they think C. Falcon looks good. I think they'll say that he looks ridicolous and exaggerated.

Now, wait untill Brawl hits the shelves and listen to what casual people thinks about ZZS. Casual people who don't know Metroid like you do. They'll think ZZS was just put there for sex appeal.

I really can't understand how a character as ZSS won't be looked at as a sex object by casual people. You know the game she was created in, Zero Mission? There's a reason the Japanese commercial looks like it does, it purely sells on her new, sexy outfit. Only stubborn Nintendo fanboys who compare everything to DOAX (sex) or GTA (violence) fail to realize that.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
Sometimes I really question your fandomness.

I've been to other forums, and I've asked the same thing you asked. Is Samus considered a sex object? The answer is a glass hard NO. One person even refered to her as a stephsister. You can't think sexy of her.

And, to quote somebody there (translated in English):

If you see Samus as a sex-object you're a real sad-sack, tis only a game.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2002
Other gaming forums? Because I'm talking about casual people, people who don't visit forums at all. You know, the largest consumer base of video games.

But this is getting ridicolous. If you can't admit someone who wears a suit that shows every darn curve was made for sex appeal, then you simply refuse to realize it and there's no point in discussing it.
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