Cavesonic13's Biweeklies Information
The Tournament wil begin at 11:00 am and will run until the tournament is over
I will be holding a singles tournament and a doubles tournament
Location: 7648 beth Street, Sacramento, California 95832
Time:11:00 am
Entry fee= $8
4 stock
8 Minute match
1st stage random pick
2nd Stage counter picked by loser
Main Stages: Final Destination, BattleField, Pokemon Stadium, Dream Land, Yoshi Story, (OH CRAP I FORGOT THE NAME OF THE OTHER STAGE THE KIRBY ONE ...crap I Am A NOOB.... LOL)
Stage bans if players set
Prizes: Money
50% for First place
25% for Second place
A free pass to Cavesonic13's Biweeklies (Either Singles or Doubles you choose)
Entry Fee= $10 per team
Rules almost the same as Singles
Prizes=(Must be split by the team)
50% of money for first place
25% of money for second place
This is my senior project the reason i am keeping 25% of the money is because that money will be going towards my school's marching band so please keep in mind that I am not using that money for myself but for the school thank you