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Rusty Guillotine Mafia | Ovah


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
How have you've determined that I'm simply trying to protray others as scum?

This is not true. Again, perhaps I haven't been as active this game as I should have, I'll admit that. I haven't been actively hunting and I'm sorry. But I've been trying to do my part to help. I've been forming thoeries, asking questions, I helped lynch Smarg (yes, it could be a bus, but it still happened). There are several ways I have determined that you are scummy, which I'll post at the end of this post.
In all the time that you "helped to lynch Smarg", why didn't she have even ONE bad thing to say about you?
What proove have you provided though (that everyone else is Town)?
Are you saying that you still think that someone other than myself could be scum? If so, then by all means, elaborate. It will make my job easier if you antagonize the very people you are trying to persuade.

Is J scum? Is July? Kevin? What was the point of so "decisively" countering everything I said (in actuality, simply quoting everything then writing drivel), if you aren't certain that I am scum? Shouldn't you be certain of your feelings before digging up everything that you can throw at someone? Instead, in the VERY post that you talk giving your impressions of me, you are coming to the BELIEF that I am scum for those actions.

Surely you must have had some sort of impression of the others, or tried to form one while trying to make up for lost time, which is SURELY what your post 1955 is, and which is detailed enough that you must have reread in order to create it.

But you didn't. Because you only focused on me.
How do you suppose I go about prooving meta?
You can't. Don't use it.

Meta is something which people just know. Usually people ignore it, but in your case it's pretty damning.
I thought you just said you can't prove meta. If you can't prove it, then how is it damning?

You say that "when Cello is scum, he is quiet". I show that...this isn't true.
You say that "Cello is smart, he doesn't make mistakes like this". In Tree Stump, I was responsible for EVERY Town death. Six. In one Day.

And if you're "letting it go, since I've gotten better", then...why bring it up at all?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

I'd rather lynch Cello.

Idc about his meta.

... Is there a deadline? Lol there isn't one in the title, just noticed.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Ryker, why can't I put him back in the scum pool of lynching?

I know you found him town but really at this point it seems he is trying to be purposefully scummy just to annoy people. Why?

Yes, I know you will kill me after this game is over if he were to flip town and we wasted our last lynch on him. But-

Hey, I said maybe no need to get mad. >:[

Fine, fine! I'll stick with those two and if he pops scum then I am kicking you.

KevinM, rest your vote on Swords since you said you wanted it there.
Ranmaru, rest your vote on Cello if you want.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Swords...I got the feeling from your post that you were convincing yourself more than us that Cello is scum. Cello mentioned this in his post, but is Cello really your top suspect, or is there anyone else you are suspicious of as well?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
July makes a good point. It seems as though Swords now started to scumhunt on Cello, after Smarg's flip.

Yet, did he mention anyone else besides me or Cello as a suspect yestErday?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Cello, I see you there.

Help me here: Do you think Smarg played scummy on purpose?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I DON'T think she acted scummy. That's why you are on the Guillotine right now.

I read Day 2 for the first time last night. More than anything, it was the lack of a reason for your actions as scum that got her lynched on Day 2.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ah, I see. Why do you think she was forced to claim then?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also, who do you think could be possible connections to Smarg? Why?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Oh, ok. Thank you for clarifying.

I was just thinking of ideas about Smarg.

(I'm trying to re-evaluate my reads here)

Yes, I'd want Cello/Swords gone, but then I still want to think July/KevinM being a possibility as well.

I'll wait for Swords.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Ranmaru, toDay is the last Day of the game. There's only one more lynch.

Concerning your "connections to smarg" question, a complete LACK of a connection is just as tangible as one that is overt; as I asked Swords himself, "What can change the nature of a man? In all the time that [Swords] 'helped to lynch Smarg', why didn't she have even ONE bad thing to say about him?" How would that have reasonably been the course of action taken by a Cello/smargaret team?

Is that question WIFOM? No. Why? Because the "explanation" for it makes absolutely no ****ing sense whatsoever. smargaret claimed Voyeur, and so would have KNOWN that she was going to be counterclaimed. What is the purpose of claiming then? To out power roles. But, if that is the case, then it is clear that the scum team did NOT already KNOW or even suspect who was what power role; if they had, then the gesture would have been useless. Why? Because the scum team would be DOOMING a team member for NO reward. At absolute best, it is a 1 for 1 exchange; hardly even for 2v9.

But that is why smargaret's actions in relation to Sworddancer are important. Why would we single out Sworddancer and NOT say anything about him? Joey saying that Ryker was clear over and over is PROBABLY reason enough to suspect that he was the Reporter (I for one wouldn't have noticed it; breadcrumbing is ********, and I don't waste my time reading into material without KNOWING some anchoring fact to give it credence, such as rereading a Cop/Reporter after their flip for their investigation). Killing him was the only solution; his counterclaim would have been believed. GLG was already claimed. Voyeur was the only possibility for a fake claim.

But Ranmaru, you were NOT the only possibility. Obviously, a Cello/smargaret team would not have known the identity of the Voyeur; there was nothing even remotely suggesting that that I can see. So, why did smargaret say absolutely NOTHING to Sworddancer's attacks against her, before and after her claim? Clearly, we would need support to get the counterclaimant lynched. Why not try to convince him of her towniness? What if he had been the Voyeur? Why just ACCEPT his words? How does that help US? If it is "WIFOM", then we would have known that Swords WASN'T the Voyeur, or that YOU were. How?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yeah, I feel as though Smarg just went in here with beliefs of things that are wrong and such, and was planning to fake claim. Then, her buddy could have an easier time blending in.

I mean, she was very selfish, and wasn't helpful at all to town. She was the same as KevinM, yet less experienced.

I understand, and I'm fine that I was a possibility.

About Swords/Smarg relation, I will re-read the posts.

@Cello: What do you think of July and KevinM (Seperate please) : D

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I honestly am banging my head against the wall as to who is scum.

I wanna say Swords.

But I wanna say someone else.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
July/smargaret doesn't make any sense because July was pushing for me yesterDay. Why bother setting up a ploy with the fake claim at all if you aren't going to push for the reward? If I had been lynched yesterDay (which was a very likely prospect), then Ranmaru would have been confirmed Town.

Kevin said, "Gord, GLG, July and J can go", thought Joey "was useless", had his eye on Ryker, and was being generally antagonistic. He also had a "useless Townie" read on smargaret. Going out of his way to provoke the Town as scum while blatantly calling his partner useless Town...I don't think he did that. Especially considering smargaret's initial reason for voting for Kevin on Day 1, which was hypocrisy and inconsistency concerning lurkers. If they did that intentionally for distance, why didn't they develop it? Kevin just basically let it drop, calling smargaret "useless Town".

Something else that I noticed while rereading for this; when Gord was close to lynch around post 270ish, J suggested that the Reporter investigate July. Ryker quoted it and said, "No, Swords [should be investigated]".

In the next post that Swords makes, he asked Gordito, "What do you think about Ryker? Would you say that he has been playing a very sideline game himself?", and FOSed Ryker in the post after that saying, "Ryker is...playing the "middle man."...just pointing stuff out. That's only half of the work". Up to that point, Swords said NOTHING about Ryker being scummy; he had said that GLG, Joey, and J were sketchy/scummy, and commented on them immediately after they exhibited whatever problem he had with them. Obviously, he had no problem with making his feelings clear about the other three. His problem with Ryker was something that had been going on all game, and he SHOULD have pointed that out.

Why did he wait to FoS Ryker only AFTER Ryker suggested that he be investigated?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I re-read up to the point where I messed up my cc. :/

Anyways, Idc about Swords anymore.

Better direction is KevinM/July.

Smarg never mentioned July. Yet, Smarg did vote KevinM. Kev never refuted her allegation. On D2 he then said that she was annoying. I'll post all quotes in reference to Kevin, and July mostly.

July also was being quite wagon hoppy. I want her dead too.

Yet, remember when Smarg claimed Voyeur? She tried to lead town. Her scum picks were KevinM, J, Gboy.

Then, she said she'd rather have Cello lynched instead of KevinM, and would even want his input. (Yet she said that input from scum wouldn't be important, but he is her top scumpick)

So I would propose a lynch on KevinM... But, that leaves July.

I totally forgot she hammered gord when she has been against his lynch. She was also against KevinM going. I don't know why.

So I guess we can do July/KevinM.

But we can decide after I post all the quotes. You gonna love it.



Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
J, this was exactly why I wanted to get this out of the way earlier. So, if this is going to persist, can we ACTUALLY prove them as Town?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I freaking hate LYLO.

I'm putting this down now.

Ran is town
J is town
July is town

it is between


Cello I am leaning to put back into town.

KevinM back into scum for his HORRENDOUS play toDay. I would be willing to risk the game on lynching him. Plus something just bugs me about him.

Swords is the obvious choice to me as who should be scum. I seriously need to go through some things.

By the end of this, we must lynch Swords personally.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ack please put July back in scum pile.

More like In order from town, to null, to scum.




I'd rather lynch one of KevinM/July toDay.

But yes, I want this day to drag on. I want to get as much info as I can.

I want Swords to post. I hope he will soon.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Do you think she had a good and solid scum pick list? (Before the CC?) Also, would you lynch Kev with me then? And can I ask you to re-read july for me??


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm not waiting for him. I'm doing my case, I was just busy.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I refuse to even consider July scum at this point or lynch her or consider her dieing toDay.

Ranmaru, remember, you are following me.

We are lynching Swords or KevinM.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Why? I'm trusting you but I will challenge you every bit of the way. (I think it'd keep you accurate read wise) : ] Kev > Swords


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
KevinM never defended himself against Smarg D1. She didn't push hard for him. When she claimed, she was acting townie, and insisted on lynching Cello Before KEVINM. Isn't that odd? Why would she take Cello, over her top scumpick?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Oddly enough I agree with Cello that when a scumie ignores a person it's usually a connection. However, that said, I cannot speak for why Smarg didn't speak to me much. That knowledge is simply beyond me.

However, from what I've observed, she generally ignored a lot of people during her lynch except Ran and some of Ryker/J.

I fos Ryker cause I was suspicious of him Cello. Yes I did it after he said I should of been investigated but so? I don't think I shouldn't be allowed to cast suspicion because of that.

Cello said:
Are you saying that you still think that someone other than myself could be scum? If so, then by all means, elaborate. It will make my job easier if you antagonize the very people you are trying to persuade.

Is J scum? Is July? Kevin? What was the point of so "decisively" countering everything I said (in actuality, simply quoting everything then writing drivel), if you aren't certain that I am scum? Shouldn't you be certain of your feelings before digging up everything that you can throw at someone? Instead, in the VERY post that you talk giving your impressions of me, you are coming to the BELIEF that I am scum for those actions.

Surely you must have had some sort of impression of the others, or tried to form one while trying to make up for lost time, which is SURELY what your post 1955 is, and which is detailed enough that you must have reread in order to create it.

But you didn't. Because you only focused on me.
No, you said this:

Providing PROOF that everyone that isn't you or me isn't scum isn't WIFOM, it's cold, hard fact.
I was asking you what proove you provided though.

You are my number 1 scum pick, so that is why I went after you. Countering every point you made was just for a convince (but it took awhile, so I'm not doing it here).


You are right that I did a mini reread Cello. I just wanted to focus on you cause again you are my number 1 scumpick However, since you (and I'm sure others) do want the all the impressions I have, here they are:

J is very likely town. J, has simply been doing too much to help town for him to be scum. There's some stuff about J that kinda bothers me, like him wanting to lynch Ran yesturDay simply to "please the town," thus ending up not really sticking with the Cello lynch that prescribed to early but I can also see the townie intent in those types of things so yeah. Town.

Ran is town (duh).

July I don't think is scum either. It's null that Smarg ignored July because Smarg ignored A LOT of people this game, besides J/Ryker and Ran during the end of Day 2. Vote hopping is kinda scummy, I guess. Still though, I have seen a genuine attempts from Smarg to scumhunt, and plus if July was bussing Smarg then July was bussing smarg A LOT. Seems kind of risky for a two man scum team. I mean I'm not closed down to the option but July pretty much attacked Smarg right after Smarg took her first solid stance this game. Seems to quick for scummates to do that.

KevinM could def be scum but I would prefer a Cello lynch over his. He has stayed comfortablly null all game. His Day 1 was pretty good, but everything Day after it he has become more stagnent. Day 2 for him was just him occassionly popping in to push Joey/Smarg. Day 3 and Day 4 KevinM just settled for Ran's lynch and then my lynch respectifully. In otherwords, he has become more and more "shadowy," if you will, as time has went on.

KevinM's interactions with Smarg are indeed kinda small but are still definitly definitly there (mainly Day 2). Like Smarg's attack on KevinM felt pretty weak. Scum can be pretty afraid to interact with each other, just because they don't want **** to trace back to their partner. This is why I feel weak attacks are scummy. KevinM himself was pushing Smarg pretty much every post he made until it came down to Ran vs. Smarg where he went with the "lynch both of them." Slightly see it more town KevinM that town would do this. Only slightly because according to himself (his interview) he's pretty comfortable bussing his own newbie partners as scum so meh.

I've pretty much given my stance on Cello already.

Here's my lynch order:

Cello . . . KevinM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July . . . . . . . J

I have more to say but I'm going to dinner right now so I'll get back to you guys on it. I'll just leave this here for now.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I re-read up to the point where I messed up my cc. :/

Anyways, Idc about Swords anymore.

Better direction is KevinM/July.

Smarg never mentioned July. Yet, Smarg did vote KevinM. Kev never refuted her allegation. On D2 he then said that she was annoying. I'll post all quotes in reference to Kevin, and July mostly.

July also was being quite wagon hoppy. I want her dead too.

Yet, remember when Smarg claimed Voyeur? She tried to lead town. Her scum picks were KevinM, J, Gboy.

Then, she said she'd rather have Cello lynched instead of KevinM, and would even want his input. (Yet she said that input from scum wouldn't be important, but he is her top scumpick)

So I would propose a lynch on KevinM... But, that leaves July.

I totally forgot she hammered gord when she has been against his lynch. She was also against KevinM going. I don't know why.

So I guess we can do July/KevinM.

But we can decide after I post all the quotes. You gonna love it.

Ran, I was against the Gord lynch, but at that point you, me, and Ryker were only ones not voting, and Day 1 had to end sometime in the next 48 hours. I don't even remember my stances on KevinM because he was really null most of the game, until toDay honestly.

Was there anything in particular that made you say you dont care about Swords anymore.

I freaking hate LYLO.

I'm putting this down now.

Ran is town
J is town
July is town

it is between


Cello I am leaning to put back into town.

KevinM back into scum for his HORRENDOUS play toDay. I would be willing to risk the game on lynching him. Plus something just bugs me about him.

Swords is the obvious choice to me as who should be scum. I seriously need to go through some things.

By the end of this, we must lynch Swords personally.
I agree with almost all of this. I have really been leaning away from Cello, I'm really leaning Swords or KevinM. The problem is taking into account everything in the game, Swords had probably been more scummy while Kevin was null for a lot of it. But since the Smarg flip Kevin has been scummier imo. I'm really, really confused about who is the better choice right now. For some reason I really want to believe Swords when he says he hasn't had much fun in this game and that's part of the lack of posting, but even considering the times he has posted he has much more content than KevinM.

ToDay has to be Swords or KevinM. Need to read up on KevinM from Day 1 and Day 2 tbh, especially interactions between him and Smarg.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
"Was there anything in particular that made you say you dont care about Swords anymore."


And yes, go re-read KevinM.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Wow... I feel really bad I was about to chew Ran out for basically not being in the game, then I realize it started yesterday. Guess I can give a little Lee way but can't you do it today instead of just wasting our time.

@Gord thanks for earning my vote with your last couple really weak responses.

Vote Gordito
KevinM, why didn’t you wait until Monday like Joey said? I know you also go to tournaments, so you of all people should know that I would be very busy, yet you disregard it with selfishness.
Joey, had a very good point about tournaments usually being on Saturday (which you should already know)

I feel like I'm seeing a lot of the same players posting and a few players weighing in and then running away from the conversation.

Where you at lurkers you tryin to lose the game for town?
KevinM states this yet in his previous post he said that the game just started recently, meaning that he didn’t care if it started or not. He’d chew the people who didn’t confirm yet out. (Yet if he waited, it’d be a legit reason, but why did he really ask this if the game just started, and he even acknowledged this?)
Wow, that's a lot of pot calling the kettle black for someone with seven posts and little content. Why does Ran get a pass for lurking because the game started yesterday yet these nebulous other players don't? You're doing the same thing you're calling people suspicious for; you're trying to look town and it isn't working.

Vote: Kevin
I don’t know where Smarg got the idea of me = Lurker. I asked her, and she said she was referring to Kevin’s previous post, yet he never explicitly state that I was the one lurking. So this was just a ruse to vote KevinM early on.
Kevin, it's SATURDAY on a forum for a COMPETETIVE VIDEOGAME. :X. Start going after inactives monday.
Joey was right on this, yet KevinM never refuted this. This means KevinM was wrong, and selfish.

Gord, two things:

1. I can't really see your defense as accurate. Even assuming that you as scum wouldn't attack Kevin, we still have to take into account that you earlier admitted that the attack against KevinM was weak. So I don't see how it isn't a possibility that you, as scum, did what you did.

2. It's Day 1, you're allowed to and should hunt more than two people.

Gord, tell me what do you think of Smar's case against KevinM. Does it warrent more suspicion of KevinM?

fos Joey

Your most recent post is baseless wagon hopping. I could see you as dumb town but there's also the possibility that you're dumb scum so I take it as null. In anycase if you haven't read the game then by simply placing your vote on the most popular wagon you are being anti-town since acting without knowing what is going on is inherently dangerous.
Good post.

I don't like this Joey guy either.

Reminds me of the "Don't even have to say it" episode with KK >_>.
I don’t understand what this means. D: <
Really? Because this is a lot of the pot calling the kettle black for only having 7 posts as well. Why call people out on post count when you are in the same boat? And calling people out for lack of content when two of your posts are these:

The first post is worthless and just another shot at J at a time when that was the "cool" thing to do. The second is you skimming and missing that this was a sarcastic reaction to Sworddancer. So that only leaves 4 posts with content. You've been really aggressive but it hasn't been to the benefit of town.

Vote: Smargaret

GLG is at least working on a case against J. You, on the other hand, have been quick to jump on people but adding nothing new to the conversation, or throwing out irrelevant or hypocritical information.

Reading over this, I think the suspicions of Gordito are valid, but I'm not willing to lynch him yet. But I think his points about Joey are relevant, and I'm not completely convinced he is scum. Smarg gives me a really bad feeling, GLG seemed hella scummy now he's pretty much disappeared to work on his case against J, so my vote is off of him until then. And Joey...is acting really strange, his case against Gord isn't all that strong in my opinion, its a lot to take in and what I took away from it after reading it twice is still just "LOL that was stupid/useless, you're scum". I agree though that J seems town, and the focus earlier on J's wording of questions was really unnecessary.

J, why should I support Gord's lynch instead of Smarg or GLG?
I wonder why you would start the game with a vote, July.
July left the option of Gord open, and later on hammered him. I do not think she shall be thrown into the town pile so easily. You do not lynch possible townies.
Also note how July condemns GLG for being away while working on his case, yet she was late with her own case against J as well. She agrees that J is town yet agrees to make a case on why he isn’t town.
July: I wasn't calling Kevin out for his post count, I was calling him out for being a hypocrite and inconsistent. The second post you quoted was my reaction to the dramatic shift in J's playstyle that everyone else who has played with him in the past - including J himself - has noted. Even then, the last time I checked, 7-2 != 4. So either you're misrepping me or you're skimming yourself. Which is it?
This is smarg insulting KevinM. Even though the game started recently, calling people out to be active is a town thing, we have to insist that town post because that is bad for scum.
Ran, maybe this wasn't clear - I wasn't calling you out for lurking. I got the impression from Kevin's posts that he was going to call you out for lurking before looking at how long the game had been open. My post to Kevin had nothing whatsoever to do with you or activity levels in general - it was about hypocrisy and inconsistency, two things I consider to be scumtells.
Where did she get the impression he was going to call me out for lurking? He never said anything about me viewing. This is odd.

He never stated that I was lurking. (So my meaning is clearer)
This was my response to Smarg about KevinM.

Gord, GLG, July, and J can go currently.

Null reads on Ran

Useless Towny Read on Smarg, might change that later.

Cello you thinkin that as well or am I alone on that?
KevinM doesn’t even try to refute Smarg’s argument against him. Why?
That's fine with your read Ran but I would hope you would do something besides continue to try passive aggresive jabs trying to draw suspicion to a place it shouldn't be.

Gord, top suspicions at this point?

July, if you were a vig who would you be shooting toNight.

Joey you realize that your "Stupidity over 9000" is a weak way to argue anything correct?
He refutes ME when I say that he is useless, but doesn’t refute against Smarg.
Good cop directing guys! Keep up the scummy behavior.

Nice directing here as well. Iso is a nice little scum tactic if you are scum and want someone else to do it for you me thinks..
Deflecting towards J and Ryker. If someone directs, it doesn’t matter. It’s still up to the cop to decide.
You're clearly skimming, just because I don't make my case on someone everytime they post something scummy, me quoting it and mentioning it's scummy should be enough for you to make a note of it.

I don't have to make overextended cases that water down what I'm trying to say with useless fluff. A lot of the newbies want everything hand fed to them apparantly but you gotta look at stuff and draw conclusions because otherwise you can't make your own reads.

If I spoonfeed you not only the read, but why I think that, where I see it from, what you should think, and who you should think about... I no longer have a solid read!
KevinM defensive on his lack of contribution. He is letting us do all the work, and he thinks we want a big case from him. No, we only want to see at least a paragraph from him.
@Ranmaru, Gordito and whoever else this may apply to: KevinM is going to play the way he is going to play, just as each and every one of the rest of you will. Do you really need to know why he is doing what he is doing beyond what he has shown? Is it not enough that he does it? You seem to have already formed opinions on that; isn't that what you wanted from him? To have enough information to form an opinion of his slot? If you want more, explain why and put your vote on him until you get what you want. If you don't think it's worth going that far, then don't, and move on to something else.
Yes, I want more.
Should point out that entire first paragraph is such an empty stance.
I don’t even remember why I multi quote this. Yet I think it was because he came in to point out something which related to himself.
Conclusions: I would happily lynch Kevin, J, Gboy in that order. There are several people who are artificially inflating their post count, IGMEOthem for future days. I still don't think J and GLG are the same alignment, but I'm leaning more strongly SvT than TvS.
Smarg is ok with lynching Kev, G, and J. Never states anything about Cello.
Never mentioned July either.
But he likes me and won't vote for me for dumb reasons like other players :c
Yeah...why is that? That's why you should vote for her.

That's basically @July too.
I just understood this. Cello meant that July was voted BECAUSE of her wagoning. And I agree with it. Jeez Cello, please explain fully. Be thorough.

Actually, liking the July vote now.

Thinking about it and at least Gord has posted things to make enough connections to other players that it should be simple.

Useless and Scummy vs just Scummy is my favorite weed out

KevinM was considering whether or not to keep July because she didn’t vote him. For some odd reason she didn’t want to lynch him.
Swords is scummy, but so are the other people I'm suspicious of and Swords hasn't interacted with people enough to be a good flip - we won't learn as much from his death as we would from, say J or Gboy.

KevinM, Cello does that. He's reaction fishing.

Ryker is rolefishing and fluffposting (you can't tell me that Journey has something to do with this game). Executioner should not act.
Smarg tells Kevin that cello usually does that. So this would either mean she was thinking Cello was town or null for doing that, not scum. Remember, KevinM is her top scumpick.
Kevin, where's your vote?
She was right to ask about his vote.
Unvote Vote Ryker

Useless the entire day, my vote does not move from this spot, you singing the last four pages has sealed it
KevinM votes Ryker for singing. Didn’t seem scummy at all.
I debated with myself posting this or not. I beat myself in the debate lol.

Wait I'm not getting put on the guillotine? Alrighty.

I couldn't help but notice a bit of a connection between Joey and July, from my town POV. Of course, the only way that the following case on them can take any effect or notice, is if I flip town. Which I will, but still, some of you don't seem to think so. But take a notice here: Joey has done near nothing in this game but give a very, very, VERY long case against myself (hell, even when I FoS'd em, all he was able to do was sing along with Ryker). I gave evidence on why I found this scummy, not even from my own mouth, so it can't be a gordumb moment. Then, we have July giving a completely opposite stance on me. She says that I'm playing a town game, but that heat had gotten on me so fast that I've been made an easy target, and she's weary of the wagon on me. Now, alone, I don't find this point about July scummy at all. But look here: I don't think Joey has made any effort at all to communicate with July all game, and vice versa. July won't use the words "scummy" when referring to Joey, just "weary", and just about the big post. I feel that this can be a scum team try'na distance from each other, while at the same
See here? He says July said he was playing a town game. Why would July say this and hammer Gord? She flipped on her stances.

I would at least hope you'd have a town read on me :c
He states this even though he himself hadn’t been helpful. Cello only starts to pick up activity during mid DAY, before I was lynched.
Can we do one of these:


fine with all of that going in any order.
Ryker and Joey were town. And he also insisted on doing Inactives. Not good scumhunting there.

Kevin seems random to me. Like he shifted his attention from Smarg/GLG to Ryker/Joey without saying reasons or giving details. I don't want him lynched yet but day 2 or 3 would be fantastic.

Smarg > Gord imo.
I do want him lynched. Why did he shift from Smarg/GLG to Ryker/Joey? Neither Ryker nor Joey were scummy. GLG was dumb town.
I have to admit, J, I'm still really interested in your thoughts on me. You say this

And infer that you still want to lynch me, you just won't get support; if you think I'm so scummy though, if you think I'm worthy of a lynch, why not at least pursue it? You gave up on my lynch as quickly as you jumped on iy. You've been making jabs at me all Day like this:

But you just can't get around to building a case on me. This is the closest you've gotten:

And it's pretty damn far from accurate and you also seem quite rushed with it. The fact of the matter is that I found GLG suspicious, I still find GLG suspicious; I found Smargaret suspicious AND flying under the radar, so I voted her, and I still think she's suspicious. You seem a lot more concerned with when my scum-hunting takes place than what I actually say. I stand by those votes and those cases, but you've determined it's nothing more than "hopping" which gives me the feeling you've discredited my cases against them already.

It seems like back when you asked me if I liked your vote on GLG you've already decided I was "scummy", or I could be made to look scummy, and you are just taking your time figuring out why. And I think it's funny that you say my votes have been opportunistic because you putting your vote on me right after Cello was quite an opportunistic move on your part. So why so many little jabs but so little pressure, J? Why have you so heavily avoided making a case against me? Because I'm starting to think that you're worried that if you start the lynch on me, it's going to come back right on you when I flip town, so you've been waiting on someone else to start it.
July, how was Smarg flying under the radar? How did you know that?
July, did you know you were being pressured because you wagoned d1?
I agree. I said not right now because I wanted to think about it for a second, it had literally just happened people.

GLG should keep talking, and I would looove to look into J toMorrow, which is fair since you get to build your case against me, no?
July fixed onto J as if he was scum before his actions.

Vote: KevinM

I'm fine with this, Kevin's reaction to the Ryker/Joey singing incident displeased me. Not gonna lie, would still prefer Smarg...same amount of activity, but less content from Smarg than from Kevin imo, but it looks like either Kevin or Gord for toDay with only two days left.
She says she is fine with voting KevinM, yet she’d prefer Smarg. Why doesn’t she fight who what she believes is right? Why so lax?
Not going to claim, still thing you guys are dip****s. Gord should go, also watching Joey hop on every wagon that he can swing because its not pressure on him is hilarious to go unnoted.

If you guys are dumb enough to kill me you should probably look at Joey, Cello and Gord.

Cello because I thought he was smarter then this.

The other two because they are playing scummy mcscummerson games and getting away with it because I don't post long enough for you dips.
****er didn’t claim. Now most of the pr’s have claimed, so it’s not like he was trying to preserve his pr to investigate again or something. He was ok with Gord and Joey, both of which were town.
He never really voted Smarg, and was only ok with Smarg going after the CC happened. He had no stance on her. He lumped us together.
Because it's still against my better judgment :-/ but at this point its whatevs, lynch is inevitable


Vote Gordito
Why did she hammer Gord when she was against his lynch?
Nothing has changed my opinion of KevinM since yesterday.

Vote: KevinM

Cello, why did you change your mind about no lynch? What would you have done had Joey voted you instead of KevinM? Why didn't you just vote Joey if you wanted to wagon someone?
KevinM decides to refute Smarg on D2.
July, why is your vote not on me like you said you would be making a case on me toDay? Picking on the easy wagon? Nice.
July didn’t have to wait. She obviously was waiting for others to give opinions before she would vote J. It wasn’t at all about rudeness. Did she wait to see if Smarg was looking when she voted her?
Sorry I waiting for you to come back in the thread before I say anything about you O_O I don't really like to make a case against someone if they aren't there to respond, that's just rude.

Anyways, I will be working on it tonight but I'm also working on a presentation for tomorrow, so that comes first. Your case comes when I get to it.
July’s response to J. She says she doesn’t like making a case if someone isn’t there to respond. So what? What would happen if the case was there when they weren’t?
Kk thats fine :)


My vote rests nowhere until I make my case, but Joey is still quite scummy just fyi
She then agrees to unvote Joey because of J. She essentially tunneled J before even making the case. (She ignored Joey for J)
July, what are your thoughts on Ran? He has been a bit quiet this game besides from that case on me Day 1. That's that worry you at all?

What distancing have they really done though toDay? Joey basically just voted KevinM and that's it.

That said, I also don't really think there has been significant evidence TO link them either. So I really would not want to go down that path.
Swords didn’t mention his thoughts of July’s case or wagoning or anything. Instead he asked his thoughts on ME. Why? I smell OMGUS
Smarg you continously pushing on me with no case or reasoning is annoying.
He acknowledges that he ignored her attacks and thought they would go away without even responding to them.
Kevin, I gave reasoning Day 1. Nothing's changed re: your scumminess since then.

Cello, why are you voting Joey?
I see, I see.

So you still see nothing wrong with anyone else, you have no visible leads on any other case and are pretty good with being worthless and only coming up to vote on easy bandwagons and or when you are brought up?
Why did he ask this now, instead of before?
At the time, Joey was voting KevinM, and yes, that is distancing when both parties are scum. I don't think it's distancing any more. Swords, since things have changed since you asked that that make it no longer relevant, why bring it up?

I voted Cello to get his attention and make him answer my question. Since he did that,

Vote: KevinM
Why was Smarg so sure of KevinM? Remember this when she claims voyeur.
I think we should look at July or Smarg for stalling as long as they have.
I agree with that.
Smarg however also strikes me as odd just because off all the easy wagons she has hopped on.
Yet KevinM doesn’t mention July has done the same thing. D1.
Gord, why can't you play like this when you are, ya know, not dead? This reminds me of DGames mafia and how upset I was.

This time, not too ashamed.

Joey is town but a nuisance and won't be lynching him personally.

Smarg vs. KevinM I would like to see more of. People should let them duke it out a bit without any interference.

Cello is going if July isn't.

Swords/Ran, me no like.
I would let them duke it out but Smarg v Kev has been going on since D1 and nothing transpired. I even noted this when it happened D2.
Decisively not Smarg, or else she deff wouldn't have made that comment about one of GLG or J is scum", that was one big thing I picked up from my re-read. Most likely imo are Ran or Swords; Ran you have had very, very little interactions with and a lot of it has been advising him to stop asking certain questions that in all honesty could come across as scummy. Swords you've had some heated interactions with, but you keep pushing him back and back, always on the periphery and always a little antagonistic but never all out.

You've been on the same side as Ryker from Day 1, but Joey's recent activity, while annoying, makes me think this is just because you genuinely do like Ryker's playstyle, its easy for you to align yourself with him, and its good to have someone who is generally thought town on your side.

Interactions with Cello were really interesting, I wasn't really sure what to make of them, most decisive stand you had on him was just a few posts.
July connects me and Swords to J, yet doesn’t give the option of herself being connected as well.
Sorry about #723, I misread I guess, my bad. I deff know that the GLG situation was conflicting, my issue was not with finding him scummy, that was fine. My problem was with the way you handled him after his claim, which was to shut down a townie voice immediately upon being revealed. And that's fine, I admit that the reason its a case study is because I lacked the time to pick things apart, I had to read and write and I couldn't put as much thought into it as I wanted to. I sat down and tried to be unbiased at the start but it didn't turn out that way, which is why I decided to do a case study, but I still couldn't make it unbiased, my thoughts just leaned towards you being scum and that's my bad as well. Tbqh, I couldn't make a case in its entirety because it felt too personal, it's hard for me to make something hard-hitting when I'm just not sure if my reads are correct and then feel like a ***** if they aren't.

To me, you are scum because you have been very cautious and controlled about your interactions, you made sure to push for Gord and GLG while they seemed scummy, but with me you waited until you had the support of Cello to even put pressure on me, making me think you want to play it safe and make sure you are on scummy people while they are scummy but don't reach too far and put yourself on blast for starting a lynch and actively convincing people that they are scum. Whether or not you are scum or not, waiting for me to make my case first was smart because it means if I'm lynched it's because of my own actions and not yours; I still hope people would look into you as scum while I'm on the guillotine.

I think that KevinM vs. Smarg I think KevinM has called Smarg out on valid issues with her play, like only taking easy bandwagons. Between the two I would say Smarg is more likely to be scum than Kevin, Smarg is my second strongest scum read, but scum team=/=J and Smarg, those suspicions would are separate. I think Joey's affirmation that Ryker is town is anti-town to be throwing around soo much and without any subtlety, but I do think Ryker is town. Cello honestly confuses me, I'm null on him but I would really like to see more from him. And yes, I think Gord is town, I've thought Gord is town since middle of D1 and that hasn't changed.

I didn't want to post it with the big post and I really, really needed a break from mafia after posting that and then I needed to catch up, which I'm hopefully almost done with.

Vote J
How was J cautious. You deserved the vote, July. You wagon hopped, your motive is questionable. I don’t understand why J thinks you are town. Why do you J thinks that?
But the both of them rarely post. Smarg voted him twice and he didn't say anything.

Me noticing that KevinM ignored Smarg early on.
I will gladly hammer Smarg, that's a wagon I can stand behind.

No solid stances and as I've pointed out more interested in self-preservation = scummy.
I wonder why. Her case against you was shoddy. Why was she voting you so much?
WTF do you mean, I haven't taken strong stances? I've taken several of them. Joey and Ryker are town. KevinM is scum. Cello is likely scum. That post was only listing my strong scum/town reads; most of the rest of you are leaning scum or leaning town.

KevinM's play reeks of self-preservation, hardly a townie motivation. And swords, wtf is with that wagon jump? Opportunistic much?

Ryker, if you really need to lynch me to clear the air, then I'm fine with it SO LONG AS YOU THEN LYNCH SCUM. And like none of my scum/nullscum reads are on your hitlist. If it weren't for Joey - who has asked me not to reveal anything more about his role - I'd seriously be putting you back on the scum side of things.

Do you really want a claim? Do you remember what happened to GLG when he claimed?
Smarg never mentions July’s wagoning, or her case. Why?
Second the request vote count thing. I think lynching Cello is a better move than lynching KevM today, but I don't want to move my vote and inadvertently hammer.
Why did she think this was a better move? I’d think she was bussing KevM after claiming, but I’d also think it would be a 180 scum flip read tactic. (Flip reads so people can think you are defending your partner who really isn’t)

So that would make me want to lynch July over KevinM. I want J to elaborate on TownJuly.
Vote: Cello

Not sure what the purpose of claiming is, though, now that all the town pr's who are aware of it are out.
She is right. Why didn’t KevinM claim then?
Well, then let's see what Kevin says, and whether or not my info is good.
Why does she say she’d wait to see what KevinM would say? That would be the first time she’d want to see info from her scum pick. Weird.
Joey, I'm thinking we should not lynch Kevin toMorrow, just a hunch. First things first, we deff need see what happens toNight before we talk about who to lynch toMorrow.
Wonder why she had that hunch.
Why didn’t you want to lynch KevinM? It seems Smarg also didn’t want to lynch him, even though he was her top scumpick. 180 READ.
July, why do you think Smarg insisted lynching Cello before KevinM (cello wasn’t her scumpick) right after her claim? (Yet it was fake)

If Gord flips town I want to look at J and Smarg, if he flips scum I want to look at Swords, Joey, and maybe Ran.

Also, technically not v/la but have plans tonight and a paper due tomorrow, so I'm fine with Day ending soon.
She never mentions KevinM.
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