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Rusty Guillotine Mafia | Ovah

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Ranmaru isn't going to listen to me.

July and J, can you guys take turns voting for me? Starting with July, if we do that. And Kevin popping in to acknowledge his presence.
How about we pretened we already did all that and continue to figure out who is scum between you and Swords?

Sounds like a better plan imo.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I think you underestimate July, Cello. She is intelligent. I'm sure she could be patient.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm very damn patient lol.

It gets annoying but I has me pokemonz and I can go for a while.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Cello, I want you to put your energy else where. Meaning, I don't want you to try and see if someone votes someone else on impulse. We can lose a townie that way.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Kevin, Ryker's ghost is keeping me from not wanting to put you back in the scum-pool.

The only obv town one here is Ran and to myself, Me.

Why do you wanna pivot vote?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

No, I'd rather hear your thoughts on the situation. Need your help bro. If you are town, we really need it.

Please help explain what Cello was doing with that mafia claim.

Why are you guys thinking Swords? I didn't like the angle he was working from, but I'd like to know your pov's.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Kevin, Ryker's ghost is keeping me from not wanting to put you back in the scum-pool.

The only obv town one here is Ran and to myself, Me.

Why do you wanna pivot vote?
I would have liked to pivot vote if possible because I could win the game imo.


No, I'd rather hear your thoughts on the situation. Need your help bro. If you are town, we really need it.

Please help explain what Cello was doing with that mafia claim.

Why are you guys thinking Swords? I didn't like the angle he was working from, but I'd like to know your pov's.
I don't like Cello or Swords currently. I would rather lynch Swords then cello just because he has been the scummier of the two and this game is drawing to a close

Uh, hell no.

What the frick are you even trying?
I was hoping one of you would be smart enough to jump on the scummier of the two to jump on the plan. Swords or Cello that is. Gambit revealed before it gets blown out

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
J is that what you consider an ISO? (just wondering)

Cello you're scummy because you were so inactive earlier this game. This goes against you're town meta extremely, and yes, for you, that matters.

However, not only that but some of you're play just doesn't make sense. I don't get you're whole self voting nonsense. You believe that this is LYLO, correct? Then why are you trying to get yourself lynched? It seems like you're just using a whole bunch of WIFOM here.

Cello said:
I'm looking forward to seeing Sworddancer try to paint me as scum using meta, since the reason people think I am scum is my meta in the first place. After all, when I AM scum, I try to make my partner(s) look as good as possible in a glorious blaze of deathy death. The only times I've deviated from this is when I was taking advantage of another situation (L4S of Newbie 3) and when I TRIED to do that, but Town just would NOT lynch me (DGames).
You're deliberately limiting my options here. Also, Self-meta means next to nothing.

@J: KevinM still needs to be cleared to me, please and thanks! ^_^


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Swords, what do you think of Cello's Mafia claim?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I would have liked to pivot vote if possible because I could win the game imo.
What? You have done jack-**** this entire game and expect to be given such a crucial role at this time? No, just no. Also how are you cleared, you could win the game because you could be scum. Hence, why I am not trusting anyone but myself or Ranmaru with the hammer of whom we decide on.

KevinM said:
I was hoping one of you would be smart enough to jump on the scummier of the two to jump on the plan. Swords or Cello that is. Gambit revealed before it gets blown out

I'm getting annoyed a bit.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J is that what you consider an ISO? (just wondering)
Nooooope. I just wanted to show all your posts. Don't try and slip me the n00b card boy. :glare: I've been here since August thank you. Still a n00b but not like most of them.

Swords said:
Cello you're scummy because you were so inactive earlier this game. This goes against you're town meta extremely, and yes, for you, that matters.

However, not only that but some of you're play just doesn't make sense. I don't get you're whole self voting nonsense. You believe that this is LYLO, correct? Then why are you trying to get yourself lynched? It seems like you're just using a whole bunch of WIFOM here.

You're deliberately limiting my options here. Also, Self-meta means next to nothing.
Your reason for wanting Cello lynched is solely based off of meta this late in the game? Honestly?

Swords said:
@J: KevinM still needs to be cleared to me, please and thanks! ^_^
How about no?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I agree J. I do not have much of a read on KevinM myself. I don't think he should expect us to trust him with pivoting.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Not wasting broski. You say we SHOULD. But we can't, because it's a two-way street here.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
*is held back by Ryker's reminder*

*just ignores KevinM for the time being*

*everything gets better*


July, you'll be listening to me right? I have Ran with me and you like me more anywayz =3

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Swords, what do you think of Cello's Mafia claim?
By itself it's a pretty null action. However, since Cello is the scummiest person in the game, I'm going to assume scum intent behind it. Again, it seems like the deliberate creation of WIFOM (mafia would never do that.).

@J: I direct you to the second paragraph.

I want to hold back my final judgment to who I want lynched until my reread. It is pretty much looking like Cello, though. Reasons being:

1. meta
2. Play doesn't make sense a lot of the time.
3. Was inactive during Smarg lynch (iirc, I have to check this one).
4. uses wifom

to name a few.

Gonna check number 3 right now


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
You mean he became active when Smarg's lynch was near.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also you say he uses wifom but you also said he does that as a weird town cello gambit.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I just think its really important that during mid D2

Swords didn't have a vote on either player.

seems like weak scum not knowing whether to bus or defend.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
He didn't post much either. I wanted more discussion from him. He viewed the damn thread more than once. He lied about being there for the first time.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I just think its really important that during mid D2

Swords didn't have a vote on either player.

seems like weak scum not knowing whether to bus or defend.
I think it's important you go back and read his posts.

He voted for Smarg at the beginning of the day and then voted Smarg in the end.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
J, Swords said that he wouldn't vote me because he wanted to see how things panned out.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
He didn't post much either. I wanted more discussion from him. He viewed the damn thread more than once. He lied about being there for the first time.
I did not. I don't know what to say to you but I really only viewed the thread once.

J, Swords said that he wouldn't vote me because he wanted to see how things panned out.
I don't recall this at all. Show me.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
2. Cello_Marl
6. J
7. July
8. KevinM
9. Ranmaru
12. Sworddancer.

Here is who we all have left. We have 4 votes and I know just the people who I'm making my voting block with.

Ran/July/and for the deceased KevinM - You three will be voting with me when we decide on which of the two we are lynching.

I'm inclined to go to either both Cello/Swords are extremely good to go after.

I didn't mention this yesterDay but Smarg/July couldn't be a scum-team. Doesn't make sense. So she cleared me off a smarg scum-flip so I'm clearing her as well. Sounds all good and fair. If it comes down to four people, July is the final scum.

Anyone have a preference to whom we are lynching first?

I'm dieing toNight btw. I called dibs so I can go to my grave with Ryker.
Well right now Ran is obviously cleared, and J is pretty much cleared as well. With toDay's lynch determining everything, I have to say I still haven't figured out KevinM's play but he seems townie to me all in all, so we need to focus on Cello and Swords.

Cello...played horrible yesterDay, and I think I made it clear that his saying he was willing to die but then pushing it back one more Day until toDay makes me really uncomfortable. However...

Swords has been a real non-presence most of the game imo, I remember him trying to convince me Day 2 to vote Smarg because Ran being scum and ccing a pr wouldn't make sense, so I expected him not to want to play it safe Day 3, but instead he pushed for the Ran lynch throughout.

Also, @Swords: Why no comments yesterDay around J's 1733? We all saw ya online, and things were coming down to the wire for the Day, so why no input?

Kay, Kevin your town right? You are following me.

July, you are doing the same.

Ran, don't lynch me, I ain't scum.
Once we get this all sorted out, I will follow you, and I have a feeling you are leaning the way I am leaning with who is scum as well.

Unvote Vote Sworddancer

How is it LYLO?

5v1. Say we mislynch; that's 3v1 with a Town on the Guillotine. Lynching correctly puts us at 1v1 the next Day, but the Mafia wincon is to gain majority. 50% isn't majority. And DYING prevents gaining it.

Regardless, if Xiivi has lied to a Town once again, then let's just do Sworddancer.
I think this has already been answered, but you are right about your scenario, where mislynch then lynching correctly leaves us at 1 v. 1. But that means Day would end in deadlock, and Mafia still gets their night kill leaving 1 mafia still on the guillotine but the entire town dead.

July/Ran someone town, hold me back so I don't just ruin the voting process.

Both of you, I cannot wait to hear from.
Swords is looking really sketchy to me, even if he was confused about the math he should have been pushing Cello right out of the gate, he wanted his lynch after Ran's iirc and he stuck by Ran's lynch to the end.

Here are all of Sword's posts this game. Yes, every single last one of them.

July/Ran/KevinM - Read all of these posts and get back to me. Maybe you'll join me or do I have to convince ya even more then these isolated posts should? ;) DO NOT VOTE till I say. Grr angry face.

Alright so I fully intend to reread all of these (although I'm going to have to go back and read them in context) but I saw this one right away:

I'm still pretty ok with Smar going.

vote Smar

@Ryker: Hey, we got Gord, now let us lynch Smar. :bee:
And it gave me a really, really bad feeling. The part where he appeals to Ryker, the most widely considered town person at that point. The fact that he says "we got Gord" which is really scummy wording to me. We reread the rest of his posts though after I get done catching up, but wanted to throw that out there.

Ranmaru isn't going to listen to me.

July and J, can you guys take turns voting for me? Starting with July, if we do that. And Kevin popping in to acknowledge his presence.
No, I'm really not up for these plans of yours, I don't see what they will prove and they increase the risk of an accident right now which we do not need. Your thoughts on Swords are much more important than taking turns voting and such.

Also I want the votes in this order

Cello > Swords
Swords > Cello
J > Cello
July > Swords
I would have liked to pivot vote if possible because I could win the game imo.

I don't like Cello or Swords currently. I would rather lynch Swords then cello just because he has been the scummier of the two and this game is drawing to a close

I was hoping one of you would be smart enough to jump on the scummier of the two to jump on the plan. Swords or Cello that is. Gambit revealed before it gets blown out
You should all just realize I'm town and stop wasting part of the day.

July you around homie?
These posts legitimately hurt my head, although glad to see that first one was just a gambit. If we have to pick a pivot vote, I would say Ran but it really isn't my top concern.

However, agreed on the Swords/Cello situation, getting this really scummy vibe from Swords especially from reading just the quotes J posted from him from Day 1 and Day 2. (J, I shall get around to reading them all but I just skimmed those two Days for now).

Also, ya I'm here, just catching up and dealing with bad internet connection, but I think I'm almost caught up now I hope lol.

*is held back by Ryker's reminder*

*just ignores KevinM for the time being*

*everything gets better*


July, you'll be listening to me right? I have Ran with me and you like me more anywayz =3
Lol are you holding Ran hostage for my vote? :o

But yes, i will listen to you, if you will listen to Rihanna with me :3

Anyways, taking everything between Swords and Cello so far into consideration, I'm finding Swords really scummy.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

Omg guys stop talking I can't keep up. =/

J, Ryker, do you guys think does Ran is telling the truth when he saids that his "slip" was really just a mistake?
@Ryker: Smarg over Ran. Rans slip up is definitly sketchy but your right that a scum Ran has no reason to counterclaim Smarg. Scum Smarg though has all the reason in the world claim voyeur, and her claiming voyeur really doesn't mean anything since she already suspected Joey of being the reporter.

I'm also concerned that this type of move is kinda ballsy for super-safe Smarg, but that's a minor detail in the grand scheme of things right now.

I think you missed these two Day 2 post of mine (place them respectfully inbetween my 1068 and my 1178).


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I did not. I don't know what to say to you but I really only viewed the thread once.

I don't recall this at all. Show me.
I can't. I print screened it but I then copied some text... grrr. And it was twice I saw your name there. I called you out (to post)
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