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Rusty Guillotine Mafia | Ovah

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Kay, Kevin your town right? You are following me.

July, you are doing the same.

Ran, don't lynch me, I ain't scum.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Unvote Vote Sworddancer

How is it LYLO?

5v1. Say we mislynch; that's 3v1 with a Town on the Guillotine. Lynching correctly puts us at 1v1 the next Day, but the Mafia wincon is to gain majority. 50% isn't majority. And DYING prevents gaining it.

Regardless, if Xiivi has lied to a Town once again, then let's just do Sworddancer.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I really REALLY wanna just go Swords but I gotta think alot cuz we are not rushing this day.

Plus Ryker would be mad if we didn't lynch Cello and he does flip town. ;_;

It's a 50/50 bet.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
(3:54:18 PM) kevinmorrissey12: Are you there?!
(3:54:28 PM) Xiivi: yo
(3:54:52 PM) kevinmorrissey12: Is it LYLO?
(3:54:58 PM) kevinmorrissey12: in Rusty
(3:55:28 PM) Xiivi: if the scum member is not already on the guillotine or is not put on today, then town loses, so I'd say so

Mod allowed post.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
The only way this will backfire is if Ranmaru is somehow Town and J isn't scum. But if Ranmaru IS Town, then that means that J is 100% scum, if I don't get quicklynched.

So actually, I'm hoping that you really ARE Town, Ranmaru. Funny.
How do you feel about this line still Cello?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Wait, toDay is not LYLO, that can't be right.

Cello was right.
Smarg was scum and is now dead.
We have 5 townies and one scum left.
Even if we mislynch toDay, Ran dies and another townie dies during the Night.
Then it becomes 3 townies and one scum. At this point it's LYLO.

I think Xiivi did his math wrong.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Still bad, especially if it really is LYLO.

Btw can you run the math by me? I'm still not getting this.

Keep in mind players on the guillotine still count towards the vote count.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Advice dogging? =o That last line is pretty obv at this point.

Swords, why are you not voting Cello? It should be obvious to you at this point.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
You misused the term. I wasn't giving advice to anyone. If you're referring to the fact that I'm concerned about the math, then all I have to say to that is that that is a legitimate concern.

I'm not voting Cello because I forgot to.

vote Cello

Btw, I'm still thinking about stuff though. Like, J, why is it that KevinM is not scum? Not placing KevinM over Cello at this point but I still feel like I'm left out on the loop on this.

I'm going to reread.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
July/Ran someone town, hold me back so I don't just ruin the voting process.

Both of you, I cannot wait to hear from.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
You misused the term. I wasn't giving advice to anyone. If you're referring to the fact that I'm concerned about the math, then all I have to say to that is that that is a legitimate concern.

I'm not voting Cello because I forgot to.

vote Cello

Btw, I'm still thinking about stuff though. Like, J, why is it that KevinM is not scum? Not placing KevinM over Cello at this point but I still feel like I'm left out on the loop on this.

I'm going to reread.
Nope, I used the term correctly. (Lol what are you even talking about we are both in the same game that phrase was born from in which it means to offer meaningless/obvious advice that does not pertain to anything besides trying to seem townie.) I don't like the response to me calling you an advice dog.


Why is KevinM scum? You are playing middle-man here. Why are you out of the loop?

Re-read? It should be OBVIOUS who the last scum-member is.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

Nope, I used the term correctly. (Lol what are you even talking about we are both in the same game that phrase was born from in which it means to offer meaningless/obvious advice that does not pertain to anything besides trying to seem townie.) I don't like the response to me calling you an advice dog.


Why is KevinM scum? You are playing middle-man here. Why are you out of the loop?

Re-read? It should be OBVIOUS who the last scum-member is.
1. k
2. Yes, I "forgot." It wasn't in my mind to vote at the time.
3. Is your first question rhetorical? If so, then you're saying that there's nothing scummy about him though, correct? Then does that means he's just null to you? If so, then isn't that still a pretty scummy position to be in?
I feel out of the loop because it seems like you have reasoning as to why KevinM is town that wasn't revealed to me.
4. It's really not though. I'm pretty certain Cello is scum, but I want to be safe.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
2. Yes, I "forgot." It wasn't in my mind to vote at the time.

Swords said:
3. Is your first question rhetorical? If so, then you're saying that there's nothing scummy about him though, correct? Then does that means he's just null to you? If so, then isn't that still a pretty scummy position to be in?
I feel out of the loop because it seems like you have reasoning as to why KevinM is town that wasn't revealed to me.
No it was not rhetorical. Explain to me why KevinM is scum. You might convince me (I gotta stop giving false hope :urg: ) What if I told you I am treating KevinM as town as Ranmaru is? KevinM isn't null, i've actually stated what I've thought of him on multiple occasions. What? The position your trying to push him in? You are trying but it really isn't going anywhere ^_^

Swords said:
4. It's really not though. I'm pretty certain Cello is scum, but I want to be safe.
Safe? What?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl


why what?
No it was not rhetorical. Explain to me why KevinM is scum. You might convince me (I gotta stop giving false hope :urg: ) What if I told you I am treating KevinM as town as Ranmaru is? KevinM isn't null, i've actually stated what I've thought of him on multiple occasions. What? The position your trying to push him in? You are trying but it really isn't going anywhere ^_^
I didn't say KevinM is scum. However, I believe it's still an possibility. There's nothing that KevinM has done this game that screams town to me. He has been posting only now and then this game (yes, I know you could say that about me, but it doesn't make it any less true). It's a way to keep options open. That's why I'm not convinced in his towniness. That's also why I want you to tell me what makes him a townie.

Me thinking that your read on him was null was based off of the assumption that you're first question to me stating "why is KevinM scum" was rhetorical.

If you said that KevinM was as townie as Ran I'll be all like "why?"

Since when was I'm trying to push a position on him? No, I just want the reason for the town read on him that you have.

Safe? What?
Safe so that I didn't overlook anything.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Unvote Vote Cello

Ranmaru, vote for me. Since this is LYLO, it'll without doubt limit the possible suspects to me or Sworddancer and get past a lot of stupid flack.

I'm looking forward to seeing Sworddancer try to paint me as scum using meta, since the reason people think I am scum is my meta in the first place. After all, when I AM scum, I try to make my partner(s) look as good as possible in a glorious blaze of deathy death. The only times I've deviated from this is when I was taking advantage of another situation (L4S of Newbie 3) and when I TRIED to do that, but Town just would NOT lynch me (DGames).

J knows that, Kevin knows that, and Ryker SHOULD have known that.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
And 2 mislynches in an effectively 11 player game with delayed knowledge is ****ing ********. Xiivi games should be boycotted, because there is always going to be some sort of stupid as **** lie/twist bull**** that ****s town.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
If you want to do it instead, J, feel free. It'll be interesting if Sworddancer tries to frame you instead.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
July/Ran someone town, hold me back so I don't just ruin the voting process.

Both of you, I cannot wait to hear from.

Don't vote. Discuss more please. I will try to hold you back.

I want cello dead, but I don't know what he is trying to accomplish.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Here are all of Sword's posts this game. Yes, every single last one of them.

[Collapse=Day 1]
Vote Gord

For giving KevinM the mvp over me. Even I still remember that.
Now the bloodshed begins :/

J, was your vote rvs?
Lol @ Ran confirming
J, you have to admit, that post did not seem very rvs like at all. Plus, it's kind of ironic that after Gord accussed you of OMGUS that you voted him right back.

Take a chill pill dude, you need to calm down.

vote J


Btw Ran is irl bf of July? I did not know this.
J I voted you because I think you're already scummy. I'm not trying to help you.

J, what do you make of Cello right now?
I think Cello is acting townish. Cello has a personality unlike anyone here, so for him to be acting like his usual self is an indicator of towniness.

J just a moment I'll get right back to you.
Sorry, I was forced to do the dishes. =/

I believe you're the most scummy atp, yes. Nothing definite though, if that's what you're asking.

The specifics of it is that I think you overreacted. You're rvs post does not seem like a rvs post to me in the sense that it delved into pretty much every detail of Cello's post and I thought that it was just over lenghy for something that's suppose to be 'random.' Gord's vote getting you to vote him also seemed like an unwarrented strong reaction. You're saying that Gboy calling you out so early is scummy, correct? Is that really scummy though? If so, why? Is it all just personnal meta you have on him?

Town's suppose to scumhunt. I don't understand your point about town helping people. Can you expend on that please?

Also about Cello, it depends on your definition of clear.
Whoops, posted my last post without finishing it. Here's the last part of it:

Also about Cello, it depends on your definition of clear. If by "clear" you mean a town read, then yes, I have a town read on him based off of meta. However, if you mean that I have cleared him totally by meta, then no, I have not.
1. I'm not clearing Cello, I just have a town read on him.
2. Yes, I'm biased towards meta, especially Cello's. Don't see how that makes me a hypocrite, though. You see, I'm not using meta towards you, since I don't really have any. I was just using a general tell.
3. Your 16, your 27, and your general little argument with Cello that lasted about ten posts. I think I've already stated this. I thought it was scummy because it was an overeaction. I've alreay explained this.

Bolded section: Well, I've always HAVE seen people talk about it, also you cannot honestly just assume my intent there. J, if everyone talks about person X and saids that person X also does thing y as town, then wouldn't you at least lean towards thinking person X was town if you saw them do thing y?
@July: Okay, but why now? If you've seen someone do something a hundred times, why would they change it the 101est time? This is pretty much the point I'm trying to make.

@J: Your 61, I just realized that you never actually gave a stance on Cello. What is your stance on Cello right now?
@J and Ryker: I have expended upon what I meant. When I said "Cello is cello" I was saying that I had a town read on him. I admit that I shouldn't of assumed that you would get it, but what's done is done, and I have clarified it.

Now Cello stance please (either, town, null, or scum).

@Ryker: You could say that about half the players in this game at this point. So what is my stance count is low? Does that disquailfiy people from asking questions like that?

Also I do agree that I think GLG is really sketchy. His not providing reasoning for his stances is just plain determantial. Would go him or J as of now.
@Kevin: Any specific people you want to call out?

@Gord: What makes you think that J is an "easy target?" What's your definition of that?

Also you saying that you wouldn't go after someone as scum is pretty WIFOMish.
Gord, two things:

1. I can't really see your defense as accurate. Even assuming that you as scum wouldn't attack Kevin, we still have to take into account that you earlier admitted that the attack against KevinM was weak. So I don't see how it isn't a possibility that you, as scum, did what you did.

2. It's Day 1, you're allowed to and should hunt more than two people.

Gord, tell me what do you think of Smar's case against KevinM. Does it warrent more suspicion of KevinM?

fos Joey

Your most recent post is baseless wagon hopping. I could see you as dumb town but there's also the possibility that you're dumb scum so I take it as null. In anycase if you haven't read the game then by simply placing your vote on the most popular wagon you are being anti-town since acting without knowing what is going on is inherently dangerous.
I like how Ran makes his posts with the visual thinker in mind.

Ran I'll get back to you after class.

Joey typically you're suppose to make cases like that before you vote people. :rolleyes:
Ehh, I don't like anyone at L_1.

Someone unvote please?
Um, so I had a big post but it got deleted.

Luckily I had a lot of it saved in notepad (lol) so it should be up shortly.

First though, two questions:

@Ran: You said you thought KevinM was "useless town" but now you think he's anti-town? Am I reading that right? What changed your mind?

@Gord: What do you think about Ryker? Would you say that he has been playing a very sideline game himself?
Sorry I'm just now responding. I was bumraped by homework yesturday and got mad lazy about mafia so yeah.

Only responding to the parts addressed to me (obviously).

I was not "just" pressuring him, I've actually made a case against him and thus laid my vote on him because I thought he was scummy at the time (see bottom of post). Why do you think I was "just" pressuring him? What do you mean he was vulnerable? Are you referring to the fact that he already had two votes on him? If so, then so what? People have been being voted by multiple people in a short period of time frequantly. What makes my vote stand out?

Again, I did NOT clear Cello, I merely held a town read on him based off of meta. Don't assume that I won't be evaluating his play or anyone elses only on meta.

Okay, I explained this to July already. Why now? When you've seen it happen a lot, then it gets to the point that anything different surprises you.

Also, again, I've only used meta to start off. I'm not just using that.

Cello isn't automatically town from your observation of his preferences. That doesn't change his intent. J isn't scummy for 'over-reacting'. He was being pressured and you felt it was ok to "help" cello to pressure him with just a "over-reaction". For this, you must DIE.

First the first part, see above.

For the second part, I will say that he had two votes on him and after the first vote made one very large post (taking in the context of the situation) rebutting it. It definitely seemed like an "over-reaction" to me.

What are you referring to when you say "one easy stance, on wrong stance?" How do you know that the stance (whatever you are referring to) is wrong?

Ran, a lot of your case against me lacks evidence. You've just threw out a bunch of accustions and didn't back them up with reasoning. Do that and then we're talk.


About Gord. I think him to be moderatly scummy. Main points against him is that is:

-Vote is on GLG, an inactive, and thus is not useful.
-The "knowing" too much information part.
-Backing off from J only after a day is also a bit sketchy. His explanation seems beliveable enough, but put togather that he jumped right on the other most popluar wagon right after still raises my eyebrow.

@GBoy: Justify your vote on GLG. If he's inactive, why vote for him? How is that usful?

Also, respond to the "knowing too much part" if you'll please.

So yeah, I wouldn't mind him gone toDay, but I want to focus on a couple of others.

First Smag. Gord's mention of you as town makes me feel a bit better about you by defualt. However, besides from that, you have been acting pretty scummy. I do not like the very "under the radar" game you have been playing. You seem very reluctant to get dirt on your hands and that, ironically, makes you pretty scummy. You're not being helpful and you're not doing anything to progress your reads. Disguarding Gords comments, you're looking pretty bad.

Ryker is also someone I'm not liking too much. The same way Gord said KevinM was playing on the sidelines, I also believe Ryker is doing. For lack of a better term, he's playing the "middle man." I can not recall this guy asking questions, just pointing stuff out. That's only half of the work.

KevinM is KevinM

KevinM is indeed pretty much acting like Ryker. I know KevinM is known for doing this but I've seen better from him.

Joey is worrisome. I want to see Gord's flip before I accuse him of anything but he has been tunneling Gord a lot. Like, that's practically the only person he has talked about. Plus the vote on him before reading was scummy.

GLG is still sketchy, plus I've looked at his profile and he was on yesturday, but he didn't post anything. Huh.

Also J . . .


I still don't like his early play, but there's nothing about his play now that's scummy so I don't think he deserves my vote anymore.

@J: Why the July hate?

vote Smag

Whay haven't you been useful, at all? Why do you fail at actually trying to contribute an effort?

fos Ryker
fos J
(for earlier)
I suppose you could define it like that. Usually when I think anti-town I think of someone working against the town.

Are you talking about the part in the case, or are you referring to something else?

Btw there is no way I would retype all of that. :c

Come on, try shaking things up Ryker. Why so deliberately dodgey?

Not executioner.

Gord over KevinM if we're going that path. Gord has been in the spotlight too long, not lyching him would make toDay feel like just a waste.

I think GLG should probably drop toDay now that he has outed himself.

@Ran: A while ago you asked me to expend upon the point of Gord "know too much." J pointed this out in his 248. Basically, Gord was already calling Smag town when there was no way for a townie to know this. Only scum would know this. It's a scum slip.

vote Gord
What is this? I thought you were okay with either Gord or KevinM? Why so stubborn now with the KevinM vote?

Gord lynch over KevinM please.
v/la today because I'm going to a tournament.

Guillotine: Gord
Nightkilled: GLG

[Collapse=Day 2]
I'm still pretty ok with Smar going.

vote Smar

@Ryker: Hey, we got Gord, now let us lynch Smar. :bee:
Also I don't think cases are scummy.

Joey wth? Stop being so annoying please?

Also I'm feeling really dumb right now but

someone spoonfeed me what Gord and J were getting at? ;_;
Hey Smar, you haven't answered my question in my lucky #700. Please do so.

pretty OMGUSish right here
Yep, pretty much.


Ran, why are you in love with July?
Ahahahaha I was just joshing with you tbh. Idk what Ryker wants but I was just kidding around.

Things changed? I looked back, and no where did I see you change your stances. Even if you did, it wouldn't of mattered. You still ignored my question and it was most unappreciated.

Smarg I haven't read your case yet, going to do that now.

fix in bold. Smag was on my mind at the time. >.<
hmmm okay. Yeah July that case was kinda of tunnelly. A lot of time you were stated things like "this could be J with scummy intentions," but anyone could also swing that to be something along the lines of "this could be J with townie intentions." So which is it? How do you know for sure?


@KevinM: You refferring to me?

@July: Yeah, Ran pretty much got it. Earlier Gord was like "cases arn't scummy, but- July I want to see your case." After which J responded saying that is seemed someone got where he was coming from. I asked Gord to "spoonfeed" me what he was getting at, and he told me to basically just wait until your case was done and tha I'll get it then. So yeah, that's basically just what I want to "confirm" right now.
L_2 is fine.

The thing about Cello is not only is he not showing interest in the game (omg meta) but a general quietness shows that he's either careful, unable to think of something to say, or simply doesn't care.

Aslo, on a slightly unrelated note, I would definitly take Cello over July. I'm not really convinced in the case against July tbh (would still take Smarg over both of them).

@KevinM: You ignored me, jerk. =(
Declaring Limited access today since I'm super behind on all of my homework. Will try to post something but no guarantees.
A couple things:

J you actually pointed out in thread that Joey breadcrumbed (retorical question)? =/ Ugh why would you do that?


Pretty much the same thing to Smarg but I'm already voting her, so yeah.

Ryker Ran is not a girl.

Pretty much nailled it on the head with Smarg.

Ryker why shouldn't we lynch KevinM though? That guy has been an extremly laid back "sidelines" kind of guy. There is absolutly nothing from him which suggests to me that he's a townie so I want to see your reasoning for this.

Again, I didn't "clear" Cello off of meta, I just started out with a town read on him from it.

Also, I already addressed this for J. Him being extremly quiet sides on the lines of his scum meta. Plus even from a non meta PoV his play is still scummy because it shows either a tendacy of being careful and/or having a hard time thinking of something to say (kind of goes hand and hand with being "careful").

So yeah, lets lynch Smarg toDay. It really isn't saying much when the most ballsy move you make is voting KevinM early Day 1. Super safe game, keeping options open and refusing to get hands dirty.

@Ran: Why are you voting Smarg again (not disagreeing with it, just don't know your reasoning)?

Lol @ Gord being in an a capella group.

Smarg > Cello > KevinM > Ran
Haven't jumped from your wagon once toDay, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

claim please
I say we just lynch both of them since one of them has to be scum. Sure we lose the voyeur but we already would of got half the scum team.

Either of you didn't happen to leave any breadcrumbs, did you?
Ryker I think three mislynches causes town to lose so I kind of think we have to lynch Ran toMarrow in case both Cello and Smarg are town.
July please vote Smarg toDay. Think about it. Why would scum risk half of their team counter-claiming a pr? That . . . just doesn't make sense. I'll admit that I skimmed a bit so I might of missed any new arguments that came up but I think the reason above is really enough by itself.

Vote Smarg

Ok KevinM can hammer.

J how am I sloppy?

Lol don't want that to happen yet.
Was refferring to KevinM hammering.
I'm actually confident that KevinM wouldn't hammer by himself, I just didn't want him to think that I was telling him to hammer immediatly.

Right now I would just say Cello by default, since I really don't understand the case against July, but the case against Cello I can get behind. July changing her mind about Smarg last minute might be a bus but the Ran/Smarg wagon was pretty tied so I don't see the need for a July scummate to do this.
I really think that Ran should be lynched toMarrow, and even if he wasn't then I still wouldn't like it (duh).
I still think previous plan is pretty solid and I deeply endorse.

I wouldn't like it because I would be mislynched. Safest to have the least amount of mislynches.

Also getting removed from the game sucks (even if it's a Day later).

Lynched: Gord
Guillotine: Smarg
Night Killed: Joey

[Collapse=Day 3]
I really don't want to risk this game on a Cello lynch, so Ran toDay.

Not going to vote him now though. Since I want him to be dead by the end of toDay already, placing my vote on him now would be pointless.

Because it's a guerenteed scum down. I don't think it's a matter of playing it safe, but rather a matter of just making sure we don't lose.

Also, J, since you're so sure that Smarg will flip scum, I have to ask you rather or not you see any connections between a scum Smarg and Cello.

1 & 2: No, I did not. I thought Gord's answer was good enough.

3: I did not really consider J to be trying to shut down options. I thought J was accusing July of doing something scummy, or at least planning on doing something scummy. Kind of on the same note that if someone said they were going to do "action x," which someone else thought was scummy, they would point it out to them, if you catch my drift.

I suppose J might have trying to discourage July, but I doubt it.

4 & 5: Wait, which part did you ask him it? 1&2 or 3?

Yeah, sorry, before I posted I went to breakfest with my family and then lunch afterwards.

however this is my first time viewing the thread today though.
Okay, Cello's claim is a bunch of WIFOM. There's no way we can know rather or not it's true, or why he would do it. Town Cello would want to do this as some sort of weird Cello gambit, scum Cello would do it to create WIFOM.

I'm just going to go on and say that this is scum Cello. He's already in the negative zone and this is null to me so it doesn't really drag him any other way.

ToDay should end in a Ran lynch. Not willing to risk this game on Cello lynch. Cello can go toMarrow.

Ran, from a third person pov, would you be gunning for your lynch toDay or Cello's? Be honest.
I don't think you understood my question. Say you weren't voyeur. Now say that smarg claimed voyeur and someone else counter claimed her yesturDay. Now fast forward to toDay, where Smarg is currently on the guillotine. You're given the choice between the counterclaimed person and Cello to lynch toDay, who do you choose?
Again, it's WIFOM, so there's no point in trying to force an answer to this right now.

Unless you have you're own opinion to share?

Guillotine: Ranmaru
Lynched: Smarg
Night Killed: Ryker

[Collapse=Day 4]
Wait, toDay is not LYLO, that can't be right.

Cello was right.
Smarg was scum and is now dead.
We have 5 townies and one scum left.
Even if we mislynch toDay, Ran dies and another townie dies during the Night.
Then it becomes 3 townies and one scum. At this point it's LYLO.

I think Xiivi did his math wrong.
Still bad, especially if it really is LYLO.

Btw can you run the math by me? I'm still not getting this.

Keep in mind players on the guillotine still count towards the vote count.
You misused the term. I wasn't giving advice to anyone. If you're referring to the fact that I'm concerned about the math, then all I have to say to that is that that is a legitimate concern.

I'm not voting Cello because I forgot to.

vote Cello

Btw, I'm still thinking about stuff though. Like, J, why is it that KevinM is not scum? Not placing KevinM over Cello at this point but I still feel like I'm left out on the loop on this.

I'm going to reread.
1. k
2. Yes, I "forgot." It wasn't in my mind to vote at the time.
3. Is your first question rhetorical? If so, then you're saying that there's nothing scummy about him though, correct? Then does that means he's just null to you? If so, then isn't that still a pretty scummy position to be in?
I feel out of the loop because it seems like you have reasoning as to why KevinM is town that wasn't revealed to me.
4. It's really not though. I'm pretty certain Cello is scum, but I want to be safe.
why what?

I didn't say KevinM is scum. However, I believe it's still an possibility. There's nothing that KevinM has done this game that screams town to me. He has been posting only now and then this game (yes, I know you could say that about me, but it doesn't make it any less true). It's a way to keep options open. That's why I'm not convinced in his towniness. That's also why I want you to tell me what makes him a townie.

Me thinking that your read on him was null was based off of the assumption that you're first question to me stating "why is KevinM scum" was rhetorical.

If you said that KevinM was as townie as Ran I'll be all like "why?"

Since when was I'm trying to push a position on him? No, I just want the reason for the town read on him that you have.

Safe so that I didn't overlook anything.
Uh, why did that post come out girly purple? :glare:

Lynched: Ranmaru
Night Kill: J

Guillotine: Swords
Vote: Sworddancer.

July/Ran/KevinM - Read all of these posts and get back to me. Maybe you'll join me or do I have to convince ya even more then these isolated posts should? ;) DO NOT VOTE till I say. Grr angry face.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Ranmaru, did you ever realize that it was the fact that you were saying stupid **** that turned me against you? Like wanting to lynch yourself rather than me (when I took what the Mod told us (that we had 3 mislynches)...

Actually I'm going to interrupt this to quote that.

Mod said:
Note that town if town mislynches thrice they will lose upon the next lynch.
Thrice. THRICE. That's THREE.

Anyway, like you wanting to lynch yourself when we could HAVE CONFIRMED YOUR ALIGNMENT. But no. Spew.

Now put your damned vote on me.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Cello, put your vote back on Swords.

I don't mind lynching you to let the dead Ryker be happy and have the game end on your lynch because honestly you've played scummy with meta put aside hence why you are in the position you are in.

Now, you gonna play nice or are you gonna be troublesome?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Cello, put your vote back on Swords.

I don't mind lynching you to let the dead Ryker be happy and have the game end on your lynch because honestly you've played scummy with meta put aside hence why you are in the position you are in.

Now, you gonna play nice or are you gonna be troublesome?
Shut up and be proven Town first.

I'm going to be surly because I'm pissed off at being constantly lied to by the Mod.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
scumhunting is priority to confirming my alignment.


I could agree with Swords. I'd like to see his defense of that.

J what did you think was the scummiest from Sword's posts?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Lol no.

If anything, I am going to be the one being the pivot vote so the loss of town will rest on me if J/Ryker have gotten this wrong.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
We're all here now, Ranmaru. If you vote for me, then if Kevin, July or J were scum, then they could just vote to win. When they don't, we'll know that it is just me or Sworddancer and we can focus our energy constructively.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Ranmaru isn't going to listen to me.

July and J, can you guys take turns voting for me? Starting with July, if we do that. And Kevin popping in to acknowledge his presence.
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