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Rule #2: Never listen to Fino +1


emo dabuz

hmmmmm...you know what, if we ever meet irl and you look like what you do in your avatar, i will bribe you with said items. Also, spicy sweet chili is amazing, top 5 food items of all existence

emo dabuz

Next time you post with that account I'm banning it ;P

Edit: Man four bags of Grippos would not fit in your pocket

funny sidenote, NOU is apparently a spanish word, and i get mostly pictures of soccer stadiums when i google it xD

Cargo pants can carry four bags of Grippos, heck, i can fit my entire school backpack supplies minus textbooks in one pair of cargo pants

*hugs hilt*


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Private Message: You have received an infraction at Smash World Forums
Today, 08:34 PM Hilt
Dime store keets

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Posts: 6,149

You have received an infraction at Smash World Forums
Dear emo dabuz,

You have received a 9 point infraction at Smash World Forums for Alternate Account / Impersonator Account. If you have six or more infraction points, you will no longer be able to post at Smash World Forums until some of your points expire.

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Remember that, unless specified otherwise, all infractions expire.

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the Smash World Forums staff

;_; 9 infraction points *cuts self*


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
So does anyone care? lol
are you referring to the blog? cause i care...you do realize how much this ***** olimar's pivot grab and perfectly spaced grabs, right? and at close range, we might not even be able to legitimately get off low% combos

btw, being emo is very cool PSI, you should do it with me, just makes life sooooo much clearer

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
lol Dajay <3

And yeah Dabuz that's what I was referring to. I'm looking forward to seeing how big of a problem it actually becomes for us.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
well, telling you right now, it will become big very fast, this essentially neuters two of the most hated characters in brawl (olimar ICs), and since ICs essentially loses their entire metagame with this, people will pick this up and spread the knowledge fast, give it a month, and i can see olimar moving down to bottom of B tier or even upper C tier.

edit: also, i've already seen olimar's grab escaped at 0% before olimar can throw before this information was known, now im curious to see how much % olimar has to rack to successfully do spaced grabs. Some other characters like DDD and falco might also get a little nerfed because smart players will buffer the inputs and be able to get out of CGs (at least, in theory)

Slain Avenger

Smash Ace
Dec 6, 2009
A remote place in lala land
It probably depends on the pikmin you grab with and now we'll just have to buffer the throw.

Purples suck when you grab with them at low percentages anyways, And I personally am used to executing the dthrow as fast as I can in low percentages.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2010
Allen, TX

Actual discussion:
Yo Fino, I'mma let you finish, but at least you don't have to deal with Dajayman in real life, and he acts the same exact way. If you HAVE had to deal with him, be glad that it isn't every ****ing event, or even live in the same city as him.
I think it'd be easier to deal with IRL, but that's just my high tolerance I guess

It's okay if it's brought up every once in awhile, if it's not that often. But it's repetitive. And it's annoying. Stop it. And others might like it too. But nobody but you wants to talk about it in every single post. I have a lot of things that I love. But I don't talk about these things every waking moment. Stop it.

I miss when I started playing Oli and everyone was openly talking about the char and the game and fun stuff. Now I don't even know if this character is worth it since it's metagame seems either stuck or it's just like Falco, making it's boards useless and rendering all useful info to a few elitist in the BBR.
I've been doing stuff, but what's the point in posting things when no one seems to care or contribute back.

This is why I mainly just reply to people.

in other news
Guys, I need cereal suggestions, captain crunch is getting OLD PLEASE GUYSSSS, XEY I KNOW YOU'RE HIDING THAT LIST

Thanks BSL chances are I'll eat them all tonight and need more suggestions, Have them ready for me, or I might smoke again.
Guys I like Cereal
Can someone give me some cereal suggestions? I'm Fiening for some new cereal to eat, and I cant really find much besides captain crunch, PLEASE HELP ME OUT
Squid, you messed up. You were supposed to ignore my list, then have me suggest it 3 more times while you ignore it all the same.
Do you have my list yet? I NEED MORE CEREAL :(
my troll alarm is going off, dajayman has been trolling us this whole time, well played
****ing lol

Me dumping a load in this social

Why am I the only one who likes ecchi? Why must I be so lonely? :(
Considering most people on here have given you recommendations for ecchi, I'd think it's safe to say we enjoy it (to an extent).

You guys just don't understand how much I love ecchi, and you guys don't understand that when I love something I have to talk about it a lot.
Have you read any of our posts?

I think we're pretty damn understanding of how much you love ecchi. You just don't understand how much we don't give a **** right now.

Also, that isn't love. That's called obsession/addiction - get help

Only ecchi can wash away my depression...
Good, I hope you don't have any ecchi after this next quote

I'll never understand why people hate me and ecchi so much... :(
Aight, so lemme get this straight

You come into a community of people
-who don't know who you are-
ask for some anime recommendations
we help
you demand for more anime recommendations
we help
you demand for more anime recommendations
we help
you again demand for more anime recommendations
when your demands aren't immediately fulfilled (which you blatantly state will never happen) - mostly because everyone who frequents here who knows anything about anime has already given you recommendations - you continue to spam, *****, moan, cry, and ***** some more because we haven't satisfied your demands

And after that, you have the audacity to blame us for not being able to quit smoking because we didn't meet your demands.

Keep in mind, this is in a community of people who didn't even know who you are - and to this point have done nothing productive or constructive for it.

And now you're telling me you don't know why people don't like you!?!?

I don't give a **** if either of the last two meant as a joke. I'm sick of it, I'm sick of you and your bull****. Get the **** off our forums, no one cares.
I hope you get cancer.



Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
So you just set your dpad to inputs, you point your control stick down, then you rapidly mash your cstick and dpad?

What would be the best inputs for the dpad? I'm thinking jumps.

This would help a lot with Ness' grab release nonsense, we already had a quick grab release method of circling the control stick and flicking the cstick which broke us out of grabs very fast. But this new method sounds way too good.

Slain Avenger

Smash Ace
Dec 6, 2009
A remote place in lala land
I think it's Shield and Jump on the dpad.

Yeah, just checked, that what Kprime did to his at least.

Edit, at far as complexities with Olimar, I think it may hinder our pivotgrabs but if they jump and air release, we can still tether them or something? We could always just rack up a bit of damage and stick to the dthrow -> fair combo that works on many characters. Also, if they air release, we're setting up a possible juggle and we all know how juicy those are.

Edit Edit: since I know Fino won't look her unless it's a name search, I'm gonna make it so that he can cause for some reason I wanna hear his 2cents on this.



Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Just read Fino's hate. Maaaaan, some people take me trolling too seriously... :(
That's because you come into our social and ruin it with spam that no one wants to read. I have never ignored a person and I don't want to.
i didnt know i was on the peach boards
No they just fight about who the best Peach is until Air comes in and says no one's done **** enough to claim the title

(except Armada tee hee)


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
So I just read how K Prime showed his hate for me by making it harder to pull of 0% combos now.
You forgot the howdy :)

In addition to what I said yesterday: AD EVE RAEPS. I haven't mastered the art yet but I can already tell this is gonna be sick, long as the team comp is right


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2010
Getting a banana chucked at my face. WHISTLE!!
I think it's Shield and Jump on the dpad.

Yeah, just checked, that what Kprime did to his at least.

Edit, at far as complexities with Olimar, I think it may hinder our pivotgrabs but if they jump and air release, we can still tether them or something? We could always just rack up a bit of damage and stick to the dthrow -> fair combo that works on many characters. Also, if they air release, we're setting up a possible juggle and we all know how juicy those are.
Agreed. Even though this might screw us up a bit, we can still take something from it.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
so what's the actual discussion thats going on here? whats this about shield and jump on the dpad?


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Yurp. I'm going home over the break so I'll actually be able to play Brawl again! Try to refresh all the skill that undoubtedly has eeked away over the months


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Just read Fino's hate. Maaaaan, some people take me trolling too seriously... :(
You aren't even trolling though. This is what you do. IF you really are attempting to troll, then I'm sorry to say the last several months of being ecchi obsessed and posting/talking about it non-stop in every thread and at every event, then you have sadly wasted a chunk of your life, because no one gives a ****.

Have a good night.


Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
You aren't even trolling though. This is what you do. IF you really are attempting to troll, then I'm sorry to say the last several months of being ecchi obsessed and posting/talking about it non-stop in every thread and at every event, then you have sadly wasted a chunk of your life, because no one gives a ****.

Have a good night.

I will have a great night. <3
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