i got a 5x5 finally, and i'm really slow at block building... otherwise it turns fine with some lube, except for the bottom 2 layers only on D moves... i gotta figure out how to loosen that up.
As for the 3x3 so far my pb avg of 5 is 27.20, but im still very inconsistent, and that is probably because of the lack of OLL knowledge, but sometimes my F2L can be really messy as well. Lately i've been getting mostly sub 30's with the occasional 31 or 32 here and there. Still haven't taken the time to learn any new OLLs yet or finish off my last 2 PLLs. I've been focusing on F2L really these past few weeks, and im thinking maybe i should start learning some special cases that come up often?
Would you say looking into any Petrus hybrids would be helpful, particularly for extended crosses? I'm not too worried about ZBF2L yet.
Sorry for the double post, but it was bump time.
I'm gonna try and go to the Drexel Competition on Nov. 15th, just to see what they're like.
PB avg i just did: 27.20