That would be honestly really difficult to do though. A lot of the opinions are hard-wired in the community, and even then, it's mostly subjective how you'd take liking Roy. We can't also deny the overall impression that plenty FE-fans in West don't really like him as a character or unit compared to Japanese. Roy's design flaws play a lot on that though. Finally, I'm sure not many would listen, especially when considering all above.
Secondly, it's a lot just western SSB-humor overall, especially when you look at the rest of the memes and things the series produce. We can only hope someone out there would challenge it someday, incase it gets stagnated over the years.
I think he'd been much different than what he is now, honestly. Both series are also pretty different games too, so it's bit difficult to compare both. Roy's accomplishments are pretty on the big side though, and his positive traits are pretty rarely seen in the series.
Shortly, while haters out there keep claiming how Roy is objectively "bad", it's clearly shown that's not the case, especially when looking at Smash and his Eastern fanbase.
Nevertheless, Sakurai's inclusion on Roy and how he emphasizes on his personality and performance are something plenty wish would hear on just about any wished char they think they "deserve" to be in Smash, especially instead of Roy, should prove enough that Roy is held in high regard, most likely in same ways we feel and like about him over these years.
True, it feels that memes like "better nerf Greninja" or "Marth wields a dagger in this game" may irritate some, but I don't think they make anyone dislike or hate Greninja, Marth, etc. I might be too paranoid in Roy's case.
If there's any long-term implications from Roy's inclusion that last past it all, I plan to tackle them.
Instead of simply being envious of what Lucas has, I should aim to boost Roy to his level. I also need to learn how to win against people who claim Roy is "objectively bad", I can never seem to crack or beat them now and have done nothing but lose lately in that regard. My debate skills have really deteriorated and I've been losing patience too quickly. Either that, or Roy's hatebase is getting much more stubborn now that he's in. I need to just relax and let it build back up over time, for a time it'll truly be needed. I should really be grateful of Sakurai's words on Roy, both in his reveal and recent articles. It is insensitive and unecessary for me to be jealous of a character who isn't even in. I'm having a hard time myself accepting that Roy is actually in the game, which may be part of that with how surreal it is, but it'll catch up to me at some point.
It's not going to get worse.
Say it with me... "It's not going to get worse!"~♪
I've seen a lot more positive artwork of Roy than negative, and I've seen some nice stuff on Tumblr too. There's a whole new generation of people experiencing Roy, so he's going to get a lot of new fans.
About Lucas, well, I think it's just different views from different fanbases. Hypocrisy sucks though, and I was disappointed when I saw that Lucas' FS is practically the same as Ness'. I don't understand why some people say that Roy's FS is the same as Marth's; they're both unique in their own ways. I mean, I could make a bunch of FS similarities with other characters, so yeah, weird argument.
If I was good at drawing and making animations, I'd be making like a million Roy vids lol. I am taking an intro animation course this fall, so if anything comes from it, you know who I'll be animating after.
This might be difficult if you want to make Roy '"loved" as much as Lucas, mostly because Roy's game never made it here and the differences in the fanbases. I don't think we should compare the two characters in that sense, but just focus on making a positive impact for Roy and the community.
I would think most popular comic artists would have means to contact them, especially if they're open for feedback. Problem is, their characters probably have a set personality and archetype, something they might no be willing to change after all this time (this will have an effect on their fans too).
It would be really nice to see an artist challenge these negatives views on Roy and paint things in a more positive light, or at least create some new, witty humour. Because honestly, I don't find predictable humour funny, and a lot of things have been done over and over again. I guess I'm a bigger fan of creative & new wit.
~ Valkyrie ~
all those pics are broken for me.

OTL Oh well, I'm a big fan of pixiv, and I've seen a lot of awesome Roy fanart before, so yeah lot's of love from there.
I'm sure we'll get some Nico Nico vids and memes featuring Roy and the Smash cast as well (I <3 Nico Nico memes lol).
Yeah, I need to remember that. It could have gone much worse before his reveal, he could have been scrapped with an article explaining why or taken much longer to be announced, much less released, and now he's in, so at the very least, he's in the game and a lot of people are enjoying him.
I look forward to you taking the course and animating, and anything that may come of it.
Would it be good if Roy being as loved as Lucas was a goal or standard, or should I simply aim to spread good publicity on him every now and then?
I should find artists who could paint Roy in a better light, or ones who don't already use him as a character in their work but look forward to the idea. Though Roy being painted in a better light could be done gradually by certain artists who already use him, it would still be in-character if Roy continues to deal with those struggles in-comic for some time before finally lifting them. It's just something I should hope for rather than push onto them.
The argument that Fire Emblem has too many clones to represent it is completely stupid. As you pointed out, both the Mother and Star Fox series are completely represented by semi-clones. The argument is just another product of grasping at straws and confirmation bias.
When people have only one example of a character, they tend to assume that it will fit that image, even when it probably won't. Considering at least 70% of the top characters it really didn't make sense, but people like to fit things in existing knowledge. The reason "Fire Marth" is a joke because, well, that's pretty much what Roy was in Melee. Oh sure he had a different weight, speed, fall speed, jump height, and sweetspot placement. But to the vast majority of Melee players (aka not the competitive ones) the only thing that made Roy unique was he had t3h ph1r3. Hence "Fire Marth". Wolf and Lucas have apparent differences even to a casual observer, but at a glance, Melee Roy is almost identical to Marth. And unfortunately, PM just didn't have the influence to sway people's opinions of the character and prove that, yes, he can be more than Fire Marth.
Care to share some Lucas jokes? Considering how hard you've made me laugh before I'm sure they're great. But unfortunately, Roy is currently an easier and more acceptable target. I suspect that may change in the future though. I think I understand how Sanic mains feel now though.
Roy has always been the butt monkey it Katie's comics way before Smash 4 even existed. If people starting giving Roy some respect in those comics I'd think there was something wrong.
Roy may not be thought of as highly as other Smash Brothers characters, but just give it some time. People need to have some time to play as, have fun with, and learn about Roy. People's opinions will change, just look at me. I didn't want Roy in because I had never played Melee and didn't understand what Nintendo could do with the character to make him more interesting. But damn when I saw that leaked classic mode video I was impressed, and after the direct finished I downloaded Roy as soon as I could (read: 1 hour later, poor, poor eshop). And after that I hopped on this social and got to interact with people who had liked Roy for a long time. Now I'm a fan of the character, and I feel other people will come to love him too.
Yeah, it is true that Roy is much more of a clone than Brawl's clones. I don't really know how to combat that point or bring Roy to their standards by more than grasping at straws/bias. It's something I may learn to do over time, if Roy hate remains prevalent over the years and if he still gets widespread flak for being added over certain characters. I should be focusing much more on his current tools, design, and Luigification rather than his past, and these are issues I should save for when they actual arise from others.
Lucas does have some jokes, a whole
family of them

I do see these poked at sometimes, but not as much as Roy's design flaws. Though they're things the characters themselves both can't control. I also may be too paranoid with them, and some of the Roy jokes are hard to separate from blatant hate of the character. The Miiverse stage isn't the kindest for Roy, but after looking at Sonic, Zero Suit Samus, and Villager posts while playing with friends on the Miiverse stage, I can understand how they're more frustrating to be fans via source material. I doubt their posts make the characters any more disliked by people who choose to play as them, so it may be more paranoia kicking in on my part.
I feel Roy can improve over time or be warmed up to by Katie's cast, still going through misfortune over time but eventually defeating it or getting a bittersweet ending. However, it's not something I want to push on her and would rather push on other artists who don't already have a character for Roy but like the idea, or those who already have him in a positive light. I should see what Archdan's up to...
That is a refreshing anecdote, and I'm hoping people who still hate Roy two weeks after his reveal eventually
warm up to him.
Very well, then. I'll focus on some other things for now, and once summer picks up, things settle down, people get more used to Roy, etc. I'll have my plans ready then.
On the top of the page, it annoys me that Roy isn't red, I mean I understand
all the way but it's weird to the eye seeing a blue Roy.
Eliwood is da MVP, the GOAT, etc. **** the red unit!! The palette based on Eliwood alone redeems that palette and makes it the greatest, alongside Marcus.
Though it's changed... for now
Also I am totally digging Rainbow Kappa.