Gaiden is one of my borderline favorites, but not a favorite or even in the top half of games for me. Lots of great ideas and I liked the traditional RPG elements but needing grinding and unit/class imbalance hurt it a lot. I've seen people talk down to it lately and I don't get what makes it worse than FE1.
My least favorite might be FE1/11. The gap between good and bad units is way too large, I didn't find it as interesting in general as other FE games, and I always opt for FE12 instead now. I may play Shadow Dragon at some point. I really liked the reclass system and how it helped fix weaker stats or cap more stats, and the armory. I didn't like how WiFi was required for Elysian Whips on Saturdays only when my DS wasn't compatible with my WiFi while other Nintendo systems are, when I was busy at work to begin with, and the whole needing to kill many units to access gaiden chapter deals. I can Action Replay them in now, and tinker with other things, so whatevs. FE12 to me is a huge improvement to me and it fixes all of my gripes with FE1/11 besides 11's ugly battle animation assets carrying over, it brings over FE11's positive changes as a remake, it adds a lot of cool features, it's balanced better in general, and overall improves on FE3.
Captain Falcon, R.O.B, Miis, Peach, Rosalina, Bowser Jr., Ice Climbers, Game and Watch, Duck Hunt, Villager, Olimar, Wii Fit Trainer, Marth, and Pac-Man have
even less to go off of than Roy, and they aren't clones or semi-clones, featuring fully unique movesets. Roy has a sword spritesheet, critical sword spritesheet, Sword of Seals spritesheet, Sword of Seals critical spritesheet, Sword of Seals ranged spritesheet, Light Brand spritesheet, Runesword spritesheet, an Awakening cameo as a Mercenary, and a manga appearance where he's featured in several major fights. That's way more than 3 attacks, which are all completely different from the other swordsmen of Smash and their source material. Even then, there's characters with more than their counterparts (Ganon to Falcon, Lucas to Ness) who ended up clones anyways. How much a character originally had is never relevant to their final moveset besides neat tributes to their own games.
You completely ignored my point from earlier about Roy's development time, how he didn't steal any slots, how his slot was highly justified, how Lucina doesn't detract from his inclusion, etc. The game isn't made specificially for
you, you're mad about Marth, Roy, and Lucina yet you suggest multiple kongs who have even less to go off of than Roy, and I included info on how FE deserves five reps from the site. Give me info that justifies why Donkey Kong deserves more characters, and tell Donkey Kong to come back when his series has two handheld games with unique stories that surpass Pokemon's versions in unique version releases, and a third opath coming, a huge Wii U crossover title, and a TCG on the horizon. FE's history is about as rich as DK's. DK may have been more iconic in the past but Smash is here to celebrate Nintendo's history, and like it or not, without Roy, we wouldn't have Fire Emblem overseas, games past #5 meaning no Ike/Lucina/Robin, at least in Smash.
You're not forced to buy Roy, why are you complaining about his price when he was Luigified/decloned and given a slick new design, with a lot of tributes to his original game via palettes, along with much more power than in Melee? I suggest that you do buy him to see what he's like now and how you're getting worked up over nothing. I know you'll be able to
warm up to him over time. All of these features were greatly emphasized in the Direct officially revealing him and his eshop page. Roy has been showing up on plenty of random streams and tournaments in the last few years, too. Marth's tournament popularity doesn't detract from Roy in any way. Maybe some of us don't care about tournaments. Maybe some of us do but love using Roy, his playstyle, or just messing around with him.
Maybe the tournament scene is a minority of the millions of people who play Smash, even less than 1% of its total community, while casual players are the vast majority. Maybe we like the specific charm in his design, Jun Fukuyama's legendary voice, or the time we spent battling with him. Maybe some of us found him more effective for ourselves than Marth. Maybe we're looking at how good he is in Project M or other Brawl mods rather than Melee, and we have faith in him after seeing how much clones and general game balance has improved over several games. Maybe we like him for being one of the greatest heroes in the Fire Emblem series, and the greatest hero of the Elibe continent, plus his contribution to the series. Yep, his tier position in Melee totally takes away from all of that. Besides, you're stuck way too much in the past. A lot of people credit Roy now as a lot better than Marth, and Marth has been put down for his viability since the invitational. Many of us knew Roy's specific attributes would transfer well to Brawl and Smash 4, proven by Brawl mods and how he is currently. Try out Roy now and tell me what you think compared to the other swordsmen.
If you want Ridley, the kongs, Ice Climbers, etc... go onto their support threads and either join the ones they have, or make at least one if a character you support doesn't have one. Being angry about Roy's inclusion isn't going to remove him from the game or help characters you want get in, why are you wasting your time here? Also, why are you getting mad about his own attacks when some of the characters you suggested have even less to go off of?
Pretty glad your post has a warning received, btw.
We had five Fire Emblems and one in development before Melee that had a lot of its development featured and hyped, Roy was part of that. Again, refer to my point about players who go by tiers being less than a 1% minority. Roy kicks more butt with his sword and accomplishes so much more than Cranky in his own story. Stop suggesting Old Kong and go play Actual Kong. At least that Kong's in the game. @
Diddy Kong was great because his moveset was original and didn't feel like a clone. Also, at least Roy has moves of his own and his own playstyle, your precious koopaling is nothing more than an alternate costume. Maybe we like a variation on Marth's playstyle that feels nothing like him in practice and was decloned/Luigified over the years,
maybe that's why we're on the Roy boards and not the Bowser Jr. boards. Roy Koopa is nothing more than a miniboss and alt costume, Roy is a legendary hero who has accomplished much more.
At least our Roy is good enough to be a clone and not just an alt costume in the first place.
Finally, please curb your toxic/elitist attitude here on telling us who to play and let us enjoy the characters that Nintendo has brought to us. You're not forced to enjoy everyone on the roster or every included DLC character, but you have no place in acting like this. Everybody here is clearly irritated with your behavior. It would be much appreciated. It goes beyond much more than having an opinion, it's general attitude and behavior, how you treat Roy fans
on their own boards, how you refuse to listen to reasoning or the opinions of others yet get mad when people at least acknowledge your opinion, and how you are telling fans who love or enjoy a character that their character is a wasted slot or someone they should drop on their own turf.
"Freedom of speech" isn't just a card you can flash as a "get out of jail free" deal every time you screw up, and Smashboards has its own rules that you are violating which "Free Speech" does not allow you to bend when you want it to. People think you are "trolling" because of what I mentioned above, not simply your opinions. We could care less if you don't like a character as long as you don't express it in the worst ways possible, in the worst possible place, with misconceptions and lies left and right,
while not giving equal rights to our own opinions that you act entitled to on yours and yours alone.
Here's Freedom of Speech in a more intelligent perspective, to make you understand more of what it truly is:
The comic @
is also perfect and more brief, I suggest looking at both examples. The video is above, the comic is in the quoted post directly below this line.
Grab->jab/tilt->Grab from Roy is the best. Also, did you catch all this, @
I learn how to combo Roy and escape Roy's combos, how to exploit Roy's weaknesses like bad recovery with Roy's good aerials and such, good strings and paths to follow from each action on other Roys, safe things to beat options on other Roys in terms of recovery, ledge getups, etc., and mostly how to get inside my opponent's head and cover habits from there. Know what Roy wants while not letting your opponent know what Roy wants. Roy is the all-knowing and powerful one, not his playerbase.
Marth #2

Lucina is #3.
I don't consider Roy a Marth anymore, in all honesty, outside of Double-Edge Dance in a similar sense to Lucario and Mewtwo both having similar sphere projectiles but different movesets, attributes, and playstyles.