I never said the Mario content was devoid of representation from the non-platformer series, just that the platformer series content made up the majority of it. You're right in that Smash never made a distinction between Mario sub-series (except with the music), but the fact that excluding collectible stuff such as trophies and stickers (which I should've mentioned before), the vast majority of content is from the "Super Mario" series, not Mario Party, not the RPGs, not Mario Kart (though some is from Mario Kart). Look at the Mario stages in Smash: one from the "Mario Kart" sub-series, one from the Mario arcade games, one from the "Luigi's Mansion" sub-series, and eight from the "platformer" series. 2/3 of the ATs are from the "platformer" series while the other is Waluigi. 14/23 Mario songs in Brawl are from the "platformer" series while the others are divided between other sub-series, with only three not from the platformer or Mario Kart series. Again, I'm not saying there isn't any content from the other Mario sub-series (I'm not quite sure where you inferred that from), just that in Smash, the "Super Mario" series has made up, and will almost guaranteed continue to make up, the majority of the Mario content.
Ah, now I get ya. Although we did get a MK course recently, so...
So... yeah, Waluigi made it in over Daisy most likely because he is more popular and possibly because Sakurai thought either he had more to work with, or Daisy didn't have enough to work with, or because Daisy is already one of Peach's colours. As for Kamek... in Smash he'd probably be part of the Yoshi series... so those two aren't really as comparable. Again, I never said Sakurai didn't use content from non-platforming Mario series, just that the platforming content makes up the majority.
Eh, Waluigi has more personality, so Sakurai probably finds him cooler. Really, Daisy started off as a literal expy of Peach, and hasn't done anything noteworthy since her one and only appearance. Not that Waluigi is very noteworthy, of course, but his two key appearances are a bit better than that.
Yeah, Sakurai takes from any source he finds merit in, I never said anything in opposition to that, but as the Mario platformers are the most prominent and by and large the most popular aspect of the series, he primarily takes from that. I never said he didn't, or couldn't, or hasn't taken from other Mario sub-series, just that that content is the comparative minority, which it is.
Actually, just the most prominent. I wouldn't say most popular at all. I know quite a few people who only like the Kart/Party games and hate the main series.
I'd agree they have around the same level of importance, though Daisy has appeared in more of the Mario series than Waluigi has (if only due to SML), and was chosen as the Double Dash character for Mario Kart 7 over Waluigi. They also both regularly appear in most spin-offs (or I guess Mario spin-offs don't exist, because there isn't a main Mario series

). In reality, neither is too important, but Waluigi does have a great deal more popularity than Daisy. And again, you've taken me out of context. I only gave Waluigi a 1/10 based solely on his role in the storyline of the collective Mario series (all of them), which I also said was a poor way to measure importance. I never said or thought that his actual importance was 1/10. I actually agreed with the score Frostwraith gave him (I think it was a 5?), I just disagreed with Frostwraith's apparent logic behind how he scored him, and said by that logic he should've been much lower.
At most, their important appearances are about equal. Numbers of appearances doesn't spell out importance to me. I consider Ganondorf barely important to Twilight Princess at all, for instance. However, Wind Waker and OOT, he was beyond key.
Being a major villain in two games doesn't equate to a major villain in the entire series though.
Actually, considering no other villains beyond Kamek, Bowser, and Bowser Jr. span multiple games, he's up there as one of the major villains. Everybody else has one game max. He is a major villain in two games, which nobody beyond those can even brag about it. So he does have some importance.
Yeah, although I don't really support him and wouldn't really advocate for him either, unlike most westerners I don't hate Tingle, and would be fine with his inclusion in Smash. I think he merits it more than any other currently non-playable Zelda character.
I'd like to see Waluigi in, but I actually do agree with this. Toad should be in well before Waluigi, same with Dr. Mario coming back and Paper Mario. Then him(for regular Mario characters, or Mario himself) Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario(with or without the Shadow part) is hard to say. I guess he could go before Paper Mario, though.
Tingle definitely has the most merits that barely any characters not called Ganon(dorf), Link, and Zelda/Sheik can muster. He's also the first character to star in his own game that isn't Link and that is actually made by Nintendo/official sources.