Alright, here's that nice big super-long post I've been promising.
First of all, my willing-to-lynch list consists of Rockin and Junglefever
Here's why:
Number of posts since D3 started:
The following is a complete list of Jungle and Rockin's posts on D3.
Because Marshy is a strong player. That's the first answer taht comes to mind.
This is simply Jungle's opinion on the NK.
flavor was awesome. Thanks Ronike! <33333
I'll add a bit of something later on. Too giddy about the flavor atm
Nothing of content.
Gah, sorry for not posting for awhile.
a Tom wagon may not be too bad of an idea, but I would still like reason
I've been calculating as to who is possibly either scum or indie ever since the kill for KK showed on D2. One would think 'wait, why would they kill KK?' To me, it doesn't make much sense to me. Not trying to discredit KK or anything, but a lot of the DG players know that KK has always been a 'red herring' of sorts.
This led me to believe that Riddle, Nick, and Frozen are our possible mafias (Mainly going on Riddler).
Why night kill those in the scum list, especially if it just push you closer and closer to the spotlight? I think Frozen is too smart to do this type of stunt, so this is why the target is mainly on Riddler.
I'm not so heavily on Nick that he's mafia, but at the same time, I feel either him, Tom, and again Frozen is our independents (mainly Tom). For all we know, Tom may be trying to hint mafia who has possible power roles, and who are vanilla townies (while trying to snuggle in the Mafia in this said section). I know the part about the power roles is kinda bs, but this is my opinion, really.
So, in terms of list
Possible Mafia: Riddle, Frozenflame, Nick
Possible Independent: Tom, Nick, Frozenflame
I'm gonna re-read the thread now to see if I found anything, but for now, I feel lynching either of those three would give us some answers
sheesh, what is that suppose to mean? =_= Just either agree or disagree
At first, I thought it was cause he saw for it was pretty **** hard to save him at this point, but because this IS a recruiter...unvote: Riddle
and I meant to say Riddle, Nick OR Frozenflame, not and.
So yeah, either Nick or Frozenflame.
I have been reading along and follow. I've just made little mistakes here and there in terms of things when I post.
Again, I'm just more convinced of Nick or FF are mafia due to the kill on D1. Me, you, and several others of DG players have seen how KK plays in the Mafia games. This is Nick's, Riddle's, and FF's first time seeing KK play, so I'm just taking into consideration to who's seen KK play and who hasn't. I don't know why else KK would be Night killed.
For all I know, Tom COULD be antitown, but for what alignment I dunno. Of course, it doesn't matter to us, but still. I'm not trying to really indie hunt, but at the same time, I felt I should mention something to the table (maybe something to discuss about in the future). I'm more focused on finding our possible last mafia. If everyone wants to vote for him, fine, but I want to hear what he has to say as well as give himself a chance to defend himself.
This set of posts from Rockin makes little sense, here was my response to him.
First of all Rockin, proofread your posts. I'm having a hard time following your train of thought.
Second of all, as far as the KK kill goes, mafia might have killed him to frame me (as KK and I had been suspicious of each other), and also because, being pretty solidly on the recruiter lynch, he was semi-cleared.
Thirdly, as far as the marshy kill goes, it makes you more suspicious in my eyes, as Marshy had been pushing for your lynch early D2, until Gheb took over the spotlight.
Fourthly, why and how would you indie-hunt? The only time we should hunt for independents is when there's an SK. Since we've only had one kill a night, ignore the indies and hunt for mafia.
Finally, you aren't really making that much sense with your reasoning for your mafia and indie lists.
Personally, I think that it's completely possible that scum wasn't in the scumlist. I mean, swords was basically a dead man walking by the time of his roleclaim, so I can easily see mafia bussing him. Yes, the fact that he was the recruiter does make bussing less likely, but it's still possible, and we should keep it in mind.
Are you sure that FF hasn't seen KK play? They've both been around for a while. But at any rate, why would it matter who's seen him play, and who hasn't?
As for the second paragraph, you aren't making much sense here. It doesn't matter what alignment Tom is? Um... what? But at any rate, I am going to give him a chance to defend himself before I vote.
I dont understand what Rockin is saying
first of all, FF and KK were both in HP Mafia.
And I don't understand why you are differentiating between indy and scum, either or are/can detrimental to the town. The only difference in your list is one person anyway.
The rest I just don't understand what you're driving at.
I really want Rockin to explain what the hell he is trying to get to in his last posts
vote: rockin
I really have no idea what he was getting to.
Here, Jungle gets on Rockin (and rightfully so) for his moronic posts.
Looking back on it now, I think my last post was just really garbage and tasteless. sorry I wasted your time with that one ><;;. And I know Indie hunt is impossible, but still...I like to indie hunt sometimes, even though my main focus will always be scum.
Basically a "Forget I ever said that."
Urg, it seems like mentos is flip flopping alot on his thoughts and trying to be agreeable with eveyrone else but still stick with his claim on mentos
I'm okay with your lynch today buddy
vote: mentos
My midterms are officially over!
And unvote I have no idea what my last post was about Mentos. I have no idea where I got flip flopping from.
Going to reread tonight though, the mentos/frozen thign was sure interesting.
vote extension thingy
Here, Jungle quickly hops on the mentos bandwagon and hops off once it starts losing steam.
Eh. unsure where to put my vote in. =/
I want to believe that the sk can be seen as indie on a cop investigation, but meh...I dunno. For now, I want to believe those that FF investigated are town till about all of them have been investigated (or at least as much as we could).
Personally, I don't know whether there's another mafia or not, but I'm gonna continue scumhunting for anything anti-town regardless.
Nothing of substance here, just that Rockin promises to continue scumhunting, and that he wants to believe that the cop can out the SK.
Any reason for me besides the fact that I've been unhelpful this day? >>
How about, "Unhelpful the whole game"? Besides, Marshy built up a big case against you D2 that was abandoned when Gheb stole the spotlight. The fact the he was killed off N2 does not help your case.
Tom your post doesn't help us much.
All it says "i dont want to lynch myself, un cc'd doc, and innoed by doc, everyone else is fair game'
pretty obvious :/
*Facepalm. Our Doc is dead, Frozen claimed cop.
I'd be okay with lynching Nick right now. It seems he is only answering when called upon, not really helping the town, just defending himself.
As you said, since there is no CC against the doctor, He isn't on my scumlist.
This is really the pot calling the kettle black. Jungle has given us the least posts throughout all of today, and none of them are more than four lines long.
So, to summarize:
Fairly active and helpful D1, but then dropped off the map. I could see the SK doing this when a single N1 kill made him realize that there was only the one mafia. Also, despite having the least number of posts on D3, Jungle is okay with lynching me for "not really helping the town". Jungle's posts for the day consist of:
A one-liner of his opinion on the NK.
A pair of posts getting on rockin for his nonsense posts.
A post getting on Mentos (putting him at L-1) and then another one hopping off again once it's clear that he won't be lynched.
A "Tom, your post is unhelpful" post.
And finally one that says Jungle would be okay with lynching me.
Marshy built a case against him early D2, and got NK'd. WIFOM, but it's still a point against him. Out of his 8 posts, the second-least of anyone still alive,
1 was about the flavor
The next 4 were a bunch of nonsense that everyone debunked.
The one after that was basically "I'm sorry about my last post, let's forget it and move on".
After that we get one about how he wants to believe that the cop can detect indies.
And finally, his last post was "Any reason you want to lynch me besides being unhelpful?"
So, I'd be okay with lynching either of these two.
Seriously man, if you want to lynch me, would you at least be polite enough to provide a reason?